Chapter 159


some company.

Employee Zhang Kai browsed the news while eating lunch, and then habitually swiped the Weibo of Lin Jun to see if there was any new news.


There is actually a Weibo that has just been posted within a minute or less!

——”For the first time in human history: the civilized races of the underground world will establish diplomatic relations with Long Guozheng-style on April 1st!”

——The Nawi, our friend, is a tribal people with thousands of years of civilization. The Omadikaya tribe has officially reached a friendly relationship with our Dragon Kingdom. It has a population of more than 50,000. It is planned to be on March 25. Visit the earth, meet humans-meet.

——Navi people picture·jpg, heavy armored horse picture·jpg, jungle·jpg, homeland·jpg


Seeing this Weibo, Zhang Kai jumped up suddenly.

The innermost food spurts out directly.

“Hey, Zhang Kai, what are you doing? Surprised.”

“Yes, it scared me awake.”

Colleagues dissatisfied.

Zhang Kai quickly explained: “No, it’s Lin Jun who posted on Weibo again, this time it’s big news again!”

The others were taken aback.

“What? Lin Jun has posted a new Weibo again?”

Everyone quickly took out their phones and found Lin Jun’s Weibo. Every time Lin Jun posts a message on Weibo, it is a big news that sensationalizes the whole country and the world, so they will look forward to it every time.

Soon, the entire conference room burst into exclamation.

“Isn’t it?”

“My goodness!”

“Civilized races in the underground world? Want to establish diplomatic relations with Dragon Kingdom?”

Then another employee hurriedly shouted in the company group: “Go to Lin Jun’s Weibo, another big thing has happened!”

Soon, the news spread throughout the company.

The company went up and down the stairs, left and right offices, and there was a burst of “fuck” sounds, and the lunch break was interrupted.

A certain city.

the mall.

Wang Feng was shopping with his girlfriend, he swiped his phone boredly, and then saw Lin Jun’s Weibo.

“Fuck, Lin Jun sent a Weibo, something big happened!”

His exclamation drew the attention of everyone around him.

Lin Jun tweeted?

Must be strong onlookers!

One after another opened the Weibo of Lin Jun on his mobile phone.


“Oh my god.”

“There are civilized races in the underground world?”

“This is the first time for mankind? Another civilized race has established diplomatic relations with mankind!”

“It’s strange, this kind of clan seems to be very backward.”

Countless people exclaimed, almost everyone in the entire mall took out their mobile phones.

There are also many people who have never played Weibo and are curious.

“What’s the matter? What happened?”

When I learned about the situation from other people, I couldn’t help but exclaim.

The same thing happened all over the country.

The establishment of diplomatic relations between the new civilized race and the Dragon Kingdom caused a huge sensation throughout the country.

For the first time!

Enough to be included in one of the three major events in history!

On Lin Jun’s Weibo, comments have exceeded several million in just a few hours, and even hundreds of millions of likes have been liked.

The major media have also reported.

“Shock! There are civilized races in the underground world! 》

“First Disclosure! Information on Civilized Races in the Underground World”

“Historical Events: The first establishment of diplomatic relations between the underground world civilization and mankind!” 》

The news spread abroad also caused a huge sensation.

“What? There are civilized races in the underground world?”


“Could it be fake?”

“Did you watch the time? April 1, April Fool’s Day, this news should be fake!”

“Long Country doesn’t seem to be April Fool’s Day.”

“Is this true? It’s incredible!”

“Strongly request the Dragon Kingdom to open the underground world channel!”

“Our lighthouse country must contact these underground people and learn about underground passages.”

Lighthouse country.

Intelligence department.(Read more @

Intelligence officer Coleson is frowning and analyzing these two pieces of information: “Encyclopedia of the Underworld” and “The Dragon Kingdom captured a spaceship from the Underworld.”

“Although Mr. President denied these two pieces of information, my intuition is that there is a problem with this piece of information.”

“The first piece of information, the “Underground World Encyclopedia” said that the underground passage is in places such as the Black Palace and the Platinum Palace. This is obviously unreasonable. It can be concluded that the information is forged.”

“The second piece of information, as a spy, it is impossible to return worthless things. Is it forged? What if it is true?”

He fixed his gaze on the four words “spaceship”, and suddenly his mind flashed.

Thought of a possibility!

The Dragon Kingdom has always created an image: that is the underground world…

But is it possible that it is not an underground world, but an alien planet? The so-called underground passage may be an impulse to an alien planet?

Only in this way can the spacecraft be explained!

At the same time, the Dragon Kingdom has been working hard to shape the ‘underground world’ in order to cover up the ‘impulse’ and the ‘external planet’!


Everything suddenly became clear!

Coleson felt a surge of excitement!

“Yes, it must be so!”

He found the intelligence director excitedly, and then told the intelligence director of his guess.

After listening to his guess, the intelligence director frowned.

“All your guesses are based on the intelligence basis of “Spaceship,” right? ”


“Then take a look at this latest news from the Dragon Kingdom.”

The intelligence director threw a copy of the information about the establishment of diplomatic relations between the underground races and the Long Kingdom to Coulson.

“Pay attention to the three pictures…”

When Coulson saw the content of the information, he was shocked, then looked at the three pictures and analyzed it with his professional experience.

The first point: The civilized race in the picture is 2.4 times taller than humans, with thick fingers and well-developed muscles. Obviously, they have extremely high physical fitness. The bows, arrows and short knives on the back are a fighting weapon at a glance.

The second point: Warhorse, this is the type of unit that ground troops can have.

The third point: In the jungle picture, there is a dark night background. There are many plants in the entire jungle that emit fluorescence. This is a phenomenon that can only occur in many underground caves and deep seas.

Combining these three points, this kind of civilization is most likely to be the civilization of the underground world, not the civilization of the alien planet.

This kind of civilization with a backward bow and sword cannot have any spacecraft at all.

Intelligence Director: “Understood?”

Coulson nodded: “Understood.”

These three photos can already prove that the Dragon Kingdom is indeed the subterranean world, not an alien planet.

Coleson couldn’t help being amazed by the intelligence director’s wisdom!

I am still too young and too inexperienced!

The intelligence director felt Coleson’s adoration and raised his chest slightly.


Me, wise, awesome! !

The wise me, I can see through the tricks of the Dragon Kingdom at a glance!

(Lin Jun: Well, you really are wise… both wise and brave!)

10 minutes later,

Emperor Ao summoned the intelligence director.

“Long Kingdom wants to establish diplomatic relations with the underground people, you should know about it.”

“Yes, Mr. President.”

Ao the Great is vicious: “These underground people, after they come to the outside world, should not be able to help playing everywhere. You must find the opportunity to assassinate these underground people or create chaos. One purpose: absolutely not let them go smoothly. Establish diplomatic relations!”

···········Find Flowers 0 ·················································································································

The intelligence director was embarrassed: “But… we are in the imperial capital, and there are no intelligence personnel anymore.”

Emperor Austrian: “No one?”

Intelligence Director: “Yes, yes…”

Emperor Austrian: “Then send it out.”

The intelligence director hesitated: “But, they will be exposed like this.”

Ao the Great slapped the table: “The exposure is exposed. This time the matter is very important. Think about it, once the underground people fall out with the Dragon Kingdom, then the opportunity for us to contact these underground people has come?!”

The Great Emperor had a sinister smile.

“Huh…!” The intelligence director’s eyes lit up.

Yes, whether the assassination is successful or unsuccessful, it is considered to be a provocation. As long as there is distrust between the Dragon Kingdom and the underground people, that is the opportunity for the lighthouse country to enter the underground world!

“Mr. President, I know how to do it.”

The intelligence director said excitedly.

He turned and left the Black Palace, and after returning to the intelligence department, he began to make arrangements.

After making calls one by one, the old ghosts who had been hiding in Longguo for more than ten years and decades were all awakened one by one.

Mission: Assassinate Lin Jun, the underground people!

Not only the lighthouse country, but other countries in Victoria, Canada, and Napoleon, have also sent killers and agents to assassinate Lin Jun and the underground people.

……. ….. …

The neighboring countries Xiong Country and Neon Country are worrying about the rise of the Dragon Country recently, and they can’t help but send special agents and killers.

March 25.

Today is the day when the Nawi arrived in the Dragon Kingdom.

The emperor of the Long Kingdom was filled with a festive atmosphere everywhere.

“Welcome to the Neville Civilization”

“The friendship between the Dragon Kingdom and the Neville will last forever”

Slogans and banners are hung on all the streets and alleys of the city.

The visit of the underground civilization is a testimony to the rise of the Dragon Kingdom, just like the dynasties from the Han and Tang Dynasties.

At that time, it was only visits from other countries.

Today, it is the visit of another ethnic civilization.

The meaning is self-evident.

Imperial Capital Airport,

Lin Jun, diplomatic leaders, etc. are here, as well as children wearing red scarves and holding bouquets, ready to give Neville friends a warm welcome.

The TV station has set up equipment and started to broadcast live to the whole country and the world.

“Dear viewers in front of the TV, good morning everyone… It’s 19:30 in the imperial capital, and there are 5 minutes left. Our Nawi friends are about to arrive at the airport…”

“Look at the sky, the plane has already shown a rough outline…”

“They are here!!”

The lens points to the sky.

Sure enough, a large passenger plane was coming in at a fast speed, and it kept landing. A dozen fighter jets escorted around the large passenger plane.

At this moment, audiences all over the country were refreshed.

The live broadcast barrage has already begun to gush out.

“The people of Guangdong Province sent a congratulatory message!”

“The people of Magic Capital sent a congratulatory message!”

“The people of Western Sichuan sent a congratulatory message!”

The enthusiasm of the people is extremely high.

On the plane.

The chieftain of the Omadikaya tribe, Etukan, and the princess Netini, as well as the tribe’s most powerful warrior, Sutai, and 300 brave Nawei warriors…

They are sitting on the plane,

Overlooking the huge city below!

On the way, they were too shocked.

It was the first time to fly by plane, the kind of infinite high altitude flight, which made them worry and fear.

When they saw the earth and the sun, they felt very strange.

But now, they came to the imperial capital, looking at the huge city below, they couldn’t help but shock the prosperity of mankind!



Technological civilization,

Long Country…

The alien planet beyond imagination gives them unparalleled soul shock!

. . Eight.

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