Chapter 160

The plane quickly landed at the Imperial Capital Airport.

Glide slowly all the way to the reception team.

The cabin door opened.

The live camera is aligned.

At this moment across the country, everyone is watching live footage.

“Are you coming out?”

“Although I have seen the Na’vi in ​​the photo, it is not as exciting as the live broadcast.”


“Is this an ‘alien’ in a sense today?”

“That’s it.”

“Hold your breath and don’t blink!”

“It’s coming out soon!”

“Look, it’s coming out!”

I saw,

A ‘person’ ‘drilled’ out of the plane door from the inside of the plane.

Blue skin,

Tall, slender figure, long face, pointed ears, cat-like eyes, and long tail.

At this time an “old” Na’wei was wearing a colorful crown and a necklace of beast teeth.

At this time, the host has already introduced the audience.

“The Neville friend in front of you is the chief of the Omadikaya tribe, the supreme ruler of the tribe!”

Afterwards, Princess Nettini walked out.

Carrying long bows, arrows, and short knives, it is full of explosive wildness.

At this time, the host’s voice sounded: “This is the princess of the Omadikaya tribe, Netini!”

The live broadcast room is horrified…

“Oh, it turned out to be a princess, it looks like it should be the beauty of the Nabi.”

“Do you feel the wild atmosphere of the jungle tribe?”


“Wild and unrestrained!”

“It’s wild!”

Then came 300 tribal warriors, all equipped with short swords, bows and arrows, and one by one came down.

I watched the live broadcast room with gusto.

“One by one looks very strong…”

“Hehe, how good is it? Can our rocket cannon be good?”

“Yes, the strength of these tribes is just like that.”

All the Na’vi people got off the plane one after another and came to Lin Jun and the diplomatic leader.

“Professor Lin, may God be with you…”

The chief, the princess, and the other Na’vi people all bowed to Lin Jun with respect and awe.

(During the live broadcast, simultaneous interpretation…)

Lin Jun smiled and shook hands: “Welcome to the Omadikeya tribe…”

Then Lin Jun introduced the diplomat Lin Youqi to the chief.(Read more @

In the live broadcast room, many sensitive people were stunned.

“Have you noticed that people from these tribes seem to be very respectful to Lin Jun.”

“And awe!”

“I feel that those soldiers are very…submissive to Lin Jun one by one, yes, submissive!”

“Yes, their attitude towards the diplomatic leadership seems very plain, can only be said to be polite. But they are very respectful to Lin Jun, bowing down a lot in salute.”

“Who knows why this is?”

The audience was a little confused.

Then there was a welcome ceremony. The children with red scarves sent flowers and played music.

Beacon State Intelligence Service.

Coleson saw the appearance of the Nawei through the global live broadcast of the Dragon Kingdom and thoroughly confirmed that his original speculation was wrong.

This Nawei is definitely a subterranean, not an alien in outer space.

The black palace.

Ao Dadi looked at the live broadcast, Lin Jun’s disgusting face, his expression gloomy.

“Have you arranged for the assassination?”

“It’s already arranged.”

The intelligence director replied.

“Then act as soon as possible…”

Victoria, Canada, Napoleon, Bear, Neon… all moved.

Organic methyl land.

A photonic computer is running at full power.

One photo, hundreds of big screens continue to jump.

Artificial intelligence Jarvis is constantly scanning the portraits taken by all the cameras of the entire Imperial Capital, and then comparing them…

The staff are also busy.

“Dididi…find a suspicious individual!”

“Name: Zhou Xiaoyi, Identity: White-collar Turtle Elite, current location: Fangyuan International Group, after get off work, ready to take the bus home…”

Everyone was refreshed.

The tenth one!

After a few seconds, it rang again,

“Dididi…find a suspicious individual!”

“Name: Thomson, identity: tourist, current location: Nuwa Hotel, there is a gun…”

Soon, the two groups of ground crew members set off quickly.

Thirty minutes later, a gunfight broke out on a bus with no casualties. A spy was arrested.

40 minutes later, a gun battle broke out in a room in the Nuwa Hotel, killing a spy.

In the next few hours,

There were many mysterious gun battles in the imperial capital, which started and ended very quickly, and everything seemed clean and tidy.

There was also a special agent with good strength and special tools, and he escaped unexpectedly.

But the imperial capital was full of surveillance, and it was impossible for him to escape.

Every time he hid in a new place, the secret service personnel would rush to him and hunt him down like a dog.


Lighthouse country,

Intelligence department.

“Crazy, Long Country is crazy!”

“This is the eighth agent we sacrificed in 5 hours!”

“Why can Longguo find our agent’s trace so quickly!”

The intelligence director paced back and forth, his face gloomy.

He panicked!

The speed of Longguo’s suppression of spy agents is a bit too fast!

This is absolutely unreasonable!

You must know that every spy agent is carefully trained, and hiding and protecting yourself is the most important point.

And now, these well-trained spy agents were quickly found, killed, and captured.


. .

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