Chapter 180

Wormhole base.

When Lin Jun dragged a strange monster corpse back to the base, the whole base was a sensation.

“My God, what monster is that?”

“It looks terrifying!”

“Look, is that blood dripping on the ground? It is corroding the steel plate of the sewer…Blood is a strong acid?”

“Is the reason for martial law because of it?”

“Didn’t you notice the mecha on Professor Lin? It’s super cool, OK!”

“When is Professor Lin not cool?”


Lin Jun handed the corpse to the biologists at the base for anatomy and research.

Ten minutes later, a “Monster Preliminary Anatomy Report” was placed in front of Lin Jun. The report analyzed the habits and genes of the monster and determined that the monster was not a Pandora monster or a wormhole monster. The genes are very similar to humans. , But it’s not.

Lin Jun actually does not need this report, but in order to cover up his ‘prophet’, he needs this report.

Soon, Lin Jun wrote a document.

“Alien · Parasitic Alien Monster Analysis Report”

main content:

——1: Growth process: eggs (pictures), worms (pictures) to parasites, mucus (pictures), bursting out of the chest (pictures), and growing into aliens (pictures)…

——2: Guess: Parasitic evolution, can parasitize any creature, and obtain the gene of that creature…

——3: Guess: Alien Queen (guessed body shape, habits)

——4: How to prevent face-holding bugs (strong acid, strong), how to save oneself after being parasitized, and what to do when encountering aliens…

Finish writing.


——Content: At present, an alien monster has appeared around the “Underground World Base” in Choiyun Province. I named it Alien. It is extremely dangerous and will die if I encounter it. It may have spread to surrounding villages and towns. If you want to meet and find alien trails, don’t report a fluke. It is best to report to the police as quickly as possible and wait for the mecha division and the army to deal with it!

——Picture: “Analysis Report on Alien · Parasitic Alien Monsters” · jpg



Lin Jun’s Weibo has 600 million followers, 200 million of whom are foreigners.

Weibo came out.

After adding rounds of servers, this time it was almost paralyzed.

“Fuck, Caiyunsheng really has an accident!”

“I knew something was wrong. A dozen new mechas appeared all at once, and they all went to Caiyun Province. This definitely went wrong.”

“This kind of monster looks terrifying.”

“Hug face bug, it looks so disgusting.”

“It’s really disgusting!”

“Hey, it’s crooked, we should pay attention to these monsters, hello…”

And abroad, it has also caused an uproar.

“This monster is so scary!”

“Those huge monsters are so big and upright, I don’t think they are terrible; but this kind of monster looks very disgusting and terrifying.”

Seven monster invasions have made the whole world a little frightened.(Read more @

“If it is parasitic in those huge monsters, wouldn’t it…the world is destroyed?”

“Thinking about it, I feel scary!”

Countries around the world are paying attention, some gloating, some worrying, and so on.

at the same time.

The Wormhole Base is 40 kilometers away.

Three off-road vehicles, all the way along the rugged mountain road.

In the car, there are 13 handsome men and beautiful women, playing melodious music, blowing the mountain breeze, and enjoying nature.

“Here, here, Liuli Lake has finally arrived…”

“Wow, it’s here~~~”

A loud cheer sounded in the car.

Soon, they came to a beautiful lake, sparkling, breeze blowing, and lush trees in the distant mountains.

Fairyland! !

“So pretty~~”

“The way I lead, definitely can’t be wrong…”

These people quickly set up coal, barbecue grills, tables, fruits and vegetables, and meat, and a picnic began.

After 2 hours, the happy picnic ended.

After eating and drinking, everyone started thinking about finding a place to play.

“I know, when I went to Xiaojie just now, I saw an abandoned mine not far away… How about we go exploring?”

“good idea!”


Just like many horror and thriller young men who died, they embarked on an adventure to explore the mine…

13 people came to the entrance of the mine enthusiastically.

“This mine should have been abandoned a few years ago, right?”

“I haven’t seen the mine yet, let’s go and take a look.”

“Really go in? Don’t do it? It’s dangerous.”

“Haha, Xiaoyu, don’t you be so timid, where is the danger?”

A group of spiritual guys, men and women together, walked into the mine.

“It’s a bit dark, turn on a light.”

The lights of the 13 mobile phones were all turned on, and the abandoned mine became brighter.

“By the way, a mine that is so big has been mining for a few years, right? I don’t know if there have been accidents and people have died… You said, will there be ghosts?”

One person said suddenly.

Everyone: “………………”

Suddenly, the surroundings felt chilly, and the original playful heart began to become frightened.

“Ah, there is a ghost~~~”

Suddenly, a person yelled.

Others were scared and ran around, crying for father and mother.

“Haha~~~ You are so stupid, I scared you.”

He ridiculed for a while, and it aroused the anger of everyone.

“You bastard, why don’t you die!”

“beat him!”

There was chaos.

However, I was scared once in 3.5. Everyone was a little scared, so they didn’t dare to explore any more and left the mine.

Walked tens of meters,

“Everyone, wait a minute, I’ll go to the toilet…”

Zhang Qiang clutched his stomach and rushed into a bush.

One minute……

three minutes……

five minutes……

Everyone was getting a little impatient.

“Zhang Qiang, why isn’t it over? Are you constipated?”

“Zhang Qiang?”

“Zhang Qiang?”

Everyone yelled and shouted, feeling something was wrong.

“Zhang Qiang, come out quickly, don’t make jokes.”

Shouted several times, but still didn’t hear the slightest response.

Everyone looked at each other.

A sense of badness… spread in everyone’s minds.

. .

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