Chapter 181

The picnic team panicked at this moment.

“Where did Zhang Qiang go?”

“Let me see… who is with me?”

“Let me go.”

The three of them followed together and came to the bush where Zhang Qiang had just defecated.

A diarrhea smell came.

It is indeed here to defecate, but the strange thing is that the person is gone.

“It’s really gone.”

“It’s strange, why are people missing?”

“Zhang Qiang… Zhang Qiang…”

One by one shouted loudly.

The voice echoed around the forest.

But there was no response.

Logically speaking, this mountain forest is very quiet, a slightly louder sound is enough to spread throughout the jungle, let alone a group of people shouting together, there is no reason to hear it.

“No, or we search separately, 12 people, divided into two groups, one group is on the left side and the right side. Don’t go far to see if there is any trace.

After watching it for a long time, no trace was found28.

Aliens are assassin-type killers, and they can hide themselves very well. They are not professionals and it is normal for them to find no traces.

“What the hell is going on? Where did Zhang Qiang go?”

“I think it might have run into the mine. You said it wouldn’t be Zhang Qiang who found some treasure in the mine, and he ran back to get it? I read a piece of news before, and someone abandoned the mine I dug up a pile of gold bars, real people and real things…”

“Yes, just said that there is a ghost, isn’t it Zhang Qiang?”

Everyone suddenly realized.

Zhang Qiang is greedy for petty and cheap, and cunning, it is really possible to do such a thing.

“Go, go to the mine.”

A group of people can’t wait to go to the mine to see what treasure Zhang Qiang is going to dig.

Entering the mine, it was dark all the way, and he moved forward with the electric tube.

“Wait, do you hear any sound?” a person suddenly nervous.




Although the sound is small, it can be heard in a quiet mine.

“It’s really sound!”

Everyone looked left and right…Finally, they found a sound of liquid falling from the sky and on the ground a few meters away.

This liquid…slimy…not water!

Everyone looked up, and then saw a black monster staring at them on the iron shelf (the pillar used to mine the mine) on the roof of the cave, and then suddenly disappeared into the darkness…

“Ah, monster!!”

“I’m going, what the hell!”

A group of people ran around in fright, some of them even lost their mobile phones.

A guy named Huang Feng was even scared and ran directly into the cave.(Read more @

Suddenly he staggered, and he mentioned a chubby object and hit the wall.

But when I touched the wall, it was slippery, slimy, and disgusting.

The wasp hurriedly searched for it with his mobile phone and found that the wall was actually covered by a layer of white paste-like gelatinous substance nearby, which looked extremely disgusting.

And what he just kicked was a slippery meat ball, and the light was shining over. There were a lot of meat balls around, about seven or eight.

“Huh, Zhang Qiang!”

The wasp suddenly saw a pupa tied up by a white jelly on the opposite wall, revealing a face, it turned out to be Zhang Qiang!

And under Zhang Qiang’s feet, there was a worm with a face that was dead.

Huang Feng was surprised.

However, Zhang Qiang was a good friend of his, and Huang Feng naturally wanted to save him, so he hurriedly tore up the disgusting jelly and rescued Zhang Qiang.

Then carrying Zhang Qiang on his back, he ran away quickly.

After exiting the mine cave, Huang Feng found that those partners were gone, and quickly returned to the camp with Zhang Qiang on his back.

“Huh, Huang Feng, you are back.”

“Zhang Qiang, fuck, where did you find him?”

Six people happily gathered around.

Huang Feng recounted his experience under the curiosity of everyone.

“Oh my God? Is that a monster lair? We have to call the police as soon as possible!”

“I have already called the police, and 110 said that a helicopter will come soon!”

“By the way, what about the other 5 people?”

“Go away.”

“It’s over, they may not be optimistic!”

Just when they were talking about it,

Suddenly, a terrifying sound rushed, deafening.


Like a bolt of lightning, it fell from the sky and landed in front of everyone.

A golden-red miniature mecha landed at three o’clock and appeared in front of everyone handsomely.

“So cool!!”

“It’s a mechanic!”

Everyone was excited.

At this time, the mecha mask opened, revealing Lin Jun’s face.

“Fuck, it’s Lin Jun!”

“Oh my god, Lin Jun came here in person?”

Everyone was shocked.

Then there is excitement and excitement!


My goodness!

Now I can see Lin Jun up close!

Lin Jun came to the crowd with a serious face: “It was the police you reported just now. You met a monster?”

Everyone nodded: “Yes, yes.”

“Is that so? 753” Lin Jun projected the alien in front of everyone.

“Yes, that’s it!”

Lin Jun frowned: “Is there anything else?”

Zhang Feng stood up and said what he had just encountered in the cave.

Lin Jun was startled, and then a beam of light swept towards Zhang Qiang’s chest.


Always a small alien, curled up on Zhang Qiang’s chest!

Lin Jun immediately connected everyone.

“Attention all mecha divisions, and quickly arrived where I was.”

“The first special brigade of the base followed the order and immediately followed the first plan, with my location as the center point, a radius of 5 kilometers, all under martial law, closed mountains, artillery, helicopters, all ready!”

“MSI, send all drones here and search for me inch by inch!”

Lin Jun issued a series of orders quickly.

Soon, there were bursts of sound, and small mechas fell behind Lin Jun…

Then a heavily armed gunship arrived…

In the end, more than 2,000 drones, like a swarm of drones, flew over…

And Huang Feng and others, the eye! stare! dog! stay!

who am I?

where am I?

what happened? !

. .

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