Chapter 182

“This person is parasitized by the alien. Take him back for surgery, but you have to be careful not to let him run away.”

Lin Jun pointed to Zhang Qiang who was lying on the ground, and said to a helicopter soldier.

Soldier salutes: “Yes!”

Soon several soldiers carried Zhang Qiang into the helicopter, and then hurried to the base.

On the base side, Lin Jun has made arrangements, and the operating room and the detention room are all ready.

“Be parasitized by a monster?”

The picnic tourist group was trembling with fright at this moment, and his face turned pale.

They finally realized the seriousness of the problem.

A girl panicked: “Professor Lin, I’m so scared, I want to go back…”

Lin Jun glared at them: “Nonsense, you must go back, otherwise you are waiting to die here!”

Then Lin Jun arranged a helicopter to send them away.

At this moment, there was a shout from a distance, and then a chaotic sound…

Lin Jun frowned: “What happened?”

Mechanic Zhang Zhihao’s headset connection: “Professor Lin, found an alien… caught it!!”

Soon, a “War Armor Generation” flew over and landed in front of Lin Jun.

Zhang Zhihao was holding a 1.5-meter-high alien.

Alien was caught by the tail, carried it, and was struggling desperately, but War Armor One’s hands were as firm as a mountain and could not break free at all. The Alien’s four claws kept grabbing the “War Armor Generation”, and the result was that War Armor 1’s steel The intensity is extremely strong, its invincible claws scraped past, only making a harsh and unpleasant sound, but it did not damage the appearance of the first generation of War Armor.

It tried to fight out with its inner tongue, but it broke its tongue directly. The armor remained motionless, and it was also anti-corrosive. Its strong acid blood could not cause damage to the armor at all.

“Be honest! 々〃!”

Zhang Zihao kicked it over, then stepped on its back.

At this moment, the alien was directly pressed on the ground by the foot of the battle armor, struggling desperately and unable to move.

Alien is powerful, and in front of the War Armor generation, it is a scum!

Twelve people on the picnic, seeing the alien and hideous, the hair is terrifying, seeing that the armor is like a baby abuser, and it feels very cool, very cool!

A young young man secretly picked up his mobile phone and took a video, and silently posted it to the Moments of Friends, which caused a moment of ‘fuck, fuck, fuck! ! ! ’

At this time, the helicopter came, and Lin Jun caught them on the plane.

Lin Jun looked disgusted: “Get out of here, you guys who get in the way.”

“Lin Jun, don’t be so fierce~~ (fat)”



The helicopter flew away, and the person who got in the way was finally sent away.(Read more @

At this time, a ding sound…

MSI: “Master, the map of the mine has been passed over. I got it from the previous mine boss.”

Lin Jun: “Projected out.”

Soon, a map was projected in front of Lin Jun, with many winding tunnel branches.

MSI gave a bunch of data.

——Total length: 13 kilometers.

——Exports: 23.

——Maximum depth: 35 meters.

Lin Jun: “……………………”

It’s really troublesome, this mine was dug too hard.

Lin Jun immediately marked all the exits of the map with red dots and sent them to the first special brigade.

“Hold these 23 exits, place explosives, and don’t let the aliens come out.”

Special brigade commander: “Yes!”

It’s best not to escape a single alien, otherwise it will be very troublesome.

It does not mean that by killing the alien queen, you can curb the number of aliens. Because after the death of the Alien Queen, the ordinary Alien will evolve to become the Alien Queen and begin to lay eggs.

Therefore, it is best to kill them all at once.

Six hours later…

In the afternoon, 15:55.

The sun is slanting west.

The base used 25,000 soldiers with a radius of 5 kilometers to directly create a long isolation belt with a width of 1 kilometers.

The barrier was burned and left bare.

If there is an alien rushing out of the encirclement, it will definitely be discovered the first time.

The helicopters were all dispatched, hovering above the isolation belt, and the most powerful artillery supply was aimed at the surrounding jungle mountains.

As for the 23 holes, a large area of ​​open space was quickly opened up around colleagues who planted mines and bombs.


Seeing nothing.

As long as there are alien shapes emerging from the mine, they can be discovered immediately.

And Lin Jun, when all the staff were preparing, also made another plan.


Broadcast to the world!

At the request of Lin Jun, Longguo held a press conference an hour ago to inform the world that it will do a global live broadcast of the encirclement and suppression of aliens.

Live broadcast start time: 16:00

Lin Jun is not sure, this time he can really fix the alien, after all, he hasn’t discovered where the predator spaceship is hidden.

The ghost knows what the predator will have.

Therefore, Lin Jun needs to show the world: the power and abnormality of aliens.

Fear comes from the unknown.

Only when everyone knows about the Alien and knows the Alien, can we prevent the Alien from breaking out.

Everything, ready words!


Lin Jun: “¨” MSI, let’s start…”

MSI: “Yes!”

With the control of MSI, the global live broadcast officially begins!

Dragon country, lighthouse country, bear country, Europe, Southeast Asia…

Nearly 3 billion people from all over the world have turned on their televisions, ready to watch the live broadcast of the aliens surrounding the Dragon Kingdom.

. .

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