It's coming, it's coming.

First increase the difficulty for you, and then pretend it's hard to do it.

Then raise the price at the same place and make money directly.

It gives the impression that I do things for you and get some money from you, which is what I should do.

Let people leave through the back door with peace of mind.

Just this psychological method, old psychological master.

But people who understand will naturally understand, and Bai Ziyi doesn't intend to expose it.

Then follow his words and continue the conversation:"That's why I asked Director Mo for help. With your seniority and status in Penguin Company, Director Mo, I think you must be able to find a way.""

"this..............."The old fox hesitated to speak, thinking about how to express into words the feeling that he wanted money but didn't know how to express it.

A simple backdoor scene looks like a splice in a spy movie.

So why make it so complicated?

Bai Ziyi didn't want to waste his time, and he was too lazy to make things so troublesome.

Direct offer!

Seeing that Mo Wenxiu couldn't say a word for a long time, Bai Ziyi grabbed his hand and said,"It's okay, there's no rush in this matter, let's talk while eating."

Holding down his desire to speak, Bai Ziyi immediately ordered outside The waiter began to serve the dishes.

So today's performance project begins.

I don’t know whether it was Remus’ deliberate arrangement, or whether this service was already available in Haoting.

The person who serves the food is not the hotel waiter, but the chef of each dish.

The first dish, Buddha Jumps Over the Wall, is a famous dish in Fujian cuisine. It takes three days to cook slowly over a warm fire.

It is famous for its good taste, mild taste buds and rich nutrition.

Of course, none of this matters, what matters is the person who serves the food.

Ge An, a senior Fujian cuisine chef, has participated in many CCTV food program competitions and won gold medals.

One of the authentic successors of Fujian cuisine.

Wearing a chef's hat, he is about half a meter tall, and his image is extremely intimidating.

A delicate little casserole comes in with dishes, and just the aroma coming out of the crack in the lid is enough to make people fascinated.

In fact, in southern Fujian, Buddha Jumps Over the Wall is not a big deal, and even a small restaurant can prepare a pot of Buddha Jumps Over the Wall for you.

But there is always the difference between authentic and unauthentic dishes.

These things can be seen in everything from the ingredients, workmanship, and the color and aroma of the dishes.

Just putting it on the table can make people drool, and no one will be convinced if you say it's not done well.

Upon seeing this, Mo Wenxiu's heart skipped a beat.


That five-star Hokkien chef who has been posted in the promotional video of the Grand Hotel?

Mo Wenxiu is not just an ordinary person.

Although his net worth is not high, it can be seen that he has a wide range of knowledge.

Especially the Haoting Hotel, he came here too many times.

He knew that each cuisine department in the Haoting Hotel had a five-star chef, who was the authentic successor of the respective cuisine.

And these chefs are not low-priced, and each dish they make costs just 10,000 yuan.

This Bai Ziyi really spent a lot of money at noon today!

Swallowing his saliva and looking at the dishes in the casserole, Mo Wenxiu was full of appetite.

This young man is very smart!

Especially on the road!

Immediately afterwards, more chefs lined up and walked in with their own dishes.

They are all great people in their respective cuisines.

Jiangsu cuisine five-star chef, Dongfangquan, braised lion head.

Shandong cuisine five-star chef, Xu Rongsheng, sweet and sour carp.

Sichuan five-star chef, Yan Bin, Kung Pao Chicken.

Five-star Hunan cuisine chef, Tang Jian, chopped pepper fish head...................

Various chefs appeared, whether they were from the eight major cuisines or not, whether they were familiar famous dishes or not, they were all corresponding five-star chefs.

A total of sixteen dishes were placed on the table, which made Mo Wenxiu dumbfounded.

The most amazing meal he had ever had at a luxury restaurant was made by a five-star chef.

The cost at that time was 160,000, which was considered luxurious.

But today, Bai Ziyi's battle started with more than a dozen top chefs joining the battle.

How much does it cost?

Bai Ziyi must be too willing to give up!

Not only Mo Wenxiu, but everyone else was also shocked by the food.

Soon they each picked up their chopsticks and started eating.

Well, comfortable!

All are top quality.

Even the other girls who knew that today's purpose was mainly to entertain Mo Wenxiu couldn't resist the temptation of these talents.

Can’t wait to take it into my own bowl

"tasty!"Ye Yinuo said excitedly,"This is so delicious. Why didn't I think Kung Pao Chicken was so delicious before?"

Bai Ranran ate in silence, and just gave Bai Ziyi a thumbs up to express that he did a good job.

As for Tian Yu, he had not eaten enough in the morning, and now he was eating silently, not wanting to say a word.

Seeing the atmosphere The creation was almost complete, Bai Ziyi immediately waved his hand to inform Ramos of the next step.

"Serve the wine!"

We have all the dishes, but how can we do it without wine?

Things have been arranged a long time ago, and the 1969 Lafite and Centennial Gujing tribute wine have been ready outside.

With this order, a beauty with a height of 1.7 meters and a model figure will appear immediately. The waiter brought two bottles of wine to the private room.

One red and one white, they were two completely different types of wine.

The packaging was also different.

But without exception, they all looked very contemporary.

Taking the wine to the table and putting it down, Bai Ziyi He smiled and said to Mo Wenxiu:"I don't know what kind of wine Director Mo likes, so I asked the hotel to prepare two kinds. You can see which one you like to drink."

Dundun twice.

Bai Ziyi directly poured two bottles of wine in front of Mok Wenxiu.

One bottle on each side.

In an instant, Mok Wenxiu's eyes widened.

He is not an ignorant person, and neither is Lafite. He has never tasted it.

Counting from 1990 onwards, he has tasted every wine produced in that year. Even the famous 1982 Lafite, Mok Wenxiu drank it more than once.

However, in 1969, the auction price reported on the Internet This is the first time he has seen a red wine artifact worth 230,000 yuan.

230,000 yuan, how many Chinese coins does it cost? More than one million yuan for a bottle of wine?

People are stupid.

Look at the bottle on the right again, even more Incredible!

The packaging is rough and the bottle is old, like an antique dug out of the ground.

Gujing tribute wine, four traditional Chinese characters are engraved on the bottle. I picked up the bottle and looked at the bottom of the bottle. It was the Year of the Gengzi!

Produced in 1900 ?

Centenary Gujing Tribute Liquor. Isn’t this also the most luxurious and famous Chinese wine?

The guaranteed price is more than one million!

Damn it!

Mo Wenxiu exploded in his heart, this Bai Ziyi is too wealthy, like this If you eat a few meals, you can eat him up and go bankrupt.

Good guy, this seemingly ordinary young man may be really hard to mess with.

But, who cares!

The ultimate famous wine is in front of you. Can you still drink it?

"Mr. Bai is attentive."He said,"I'm going to the bathroom first."

Then he got up and went out, and went straight to the hotel bathroom.

Damn it.

Before he could get out, Mo Wenxiu felt his hands shaking.

This urge to urinate was not something he thought about, but came out of fear!.......................

PS: Second update! Please subscribe! Please customize! Please order in full!!!

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