I've never seen it played like this.

Where did it come from? Tell me.

I set up today's meeting to ask you to prepare benefits for me, but in the end, you paid five million for a meal.

Isn't this a display of power?

Isn't this meant to scare people?

Mo Wenxiu really took advantage of this key move. Now he began to guess what kind of price he would pay if he disobeyed Bai Ziyi.

A person who dares to invest up to five million in one meal must have extraordinary courage and a super high status background.

I peed in the toilet and washed my face several times in the sink before calming down.

Finally returned to the private room.

At this moment, Bai Ziyi had opened the wine, and each person had a glass filled with wine.

When he saw him coming back, he immediately handed the wine to him.

With a smile on his face, he said,"Come here, Director Mo, let me toast you."

Mo Wenxiu put his hands on his thighs, not knowing whether to answer his words or not for a long time.

I thought to myself, could it be that Bai Ziyi just had a meal to kill himself today?

Accepting this glass of wine is equivalent to agreeing to do something for him.

But if you eat a few glasses of wine with a meal, you won’t get any other benefits!

Seeing Mo Wenxiu's reaction, Bai Ziyi knew that the time was ripe.

He winked at Remus at the door.

Ramos was also a human spirit, so he nodded and understood.

He immediately walked in from outside the door, holding the five million bank card Bai Ziyi gave him.

As soon as he entered the door, he approached Mok Wenxiu accurately. He held his bank card in both hands and presented it respectfully:"Sir, you just left a card in the bathroom. Please keep it."

Mok Wenxiu, who was still brainstorming, turned his head. When I saw this red ICBC card, I was confused.

He touched his whole body reflexively:"Stuck?"

He paused and said,"I didn't bring anything with me when I went out today................"

How could Bai Ziyi let him say what he said next?

Can you still keep the money I gave you?

Quickly stood up, took the card from Remus' hand and stuffed it into the pocket of Mo Wenxiu's Armani clothes, and performed a set of operations smoothly.

"Director Mo, you are so careless that you can lose your card even when you go to the bathroom. From now on, I will guard the door of the bathroom, waiting for careless people like you to drop the card. Maybe I can make a fortune with this trick!"

Mo Wenxiu is stupid?

How can a fool sneak into the position of Penguin Video Division Director?

He can't understand this worldly way of people.

Seeing Bai Ziyi's eagerness, even a fool can know that it was Bai Ziyi's gift.

Mok Wenxiu's heart suddenly became clear. When I woke up, my mood suddenly rose ten levels.

Whoever tastes this feeling knows it!

At first, I was still thinking about whether Bai Ziyi would send him away after a meal, but when I turned around, it was a bank card..

And it's not forced, I asked the hotel people to send it in.

My card fell off.

It's interesting. It seems that this Bai Ziyi really put a lot of thought into today's matter. He is thoughtful, has many tricks, is thoughtful, and does not leak anything from top to bottom.


Mo Wenxiu admired Bai Ziyi from the bottom of his heart.

Young people who are capable, measured and generous at the same time, he is most willing to contact such people.

Mo Wenxiu immediately took it with a haha. He slapped his forehead fiercely, He also showed an actor-level performance:"Look at me, I am really careless. I am old and my memory is not good. Thank you."

He turned to Remus and said.

Remus was also a human being. He nodded and smiled, as if he was doing his job:"This is our duty."

After that, he left.

The atmosphere at the scene changed drastically because of this scene.

Mok Wenxiu took the wine glass and laughed cheerfully.

The expression was completely different from the expression when he just walked in.

"Director Mo."Bai Ziyi continued to pick up the wine glass,"I still wish you this glass of wine. You need to worry more about Xiao Nuo and Xiao Nian in our company."

Being entertained with good wine and good food, a meal worth millions, and a bank card silently, what Bai Ziyi did made Mo Wenxiu extremely happy!

Our Director Mo is now very grand, and with a big wave of his hand , pour a glass of 1969 Lafite directly into your mouth, this feeling is like a fairy.

"no big deal. Mo Wenxiu said loudly,"Mr. Bai, since you and I are so close to each other, I naturally decided to help you with this.""

Sonorous and powerful, with the demeanor of a big boss, one word can determine the outcome.

What is the difficulty?

What kind of radio and television interference?

That does not exist.

After ensuring this, Mo Wenxiu went to praise Ye Yinuo and Jin Nian:"I have the performance video of you two. I've watched them all, they're all pretty good, and they have the potential to debut. Let's do this. After dinner, you two will come with me, and I'll take you to meet the other people in charge of the program team, and you'll feel acquainted with them."

"Miss Ran Ran." Mo Wenxiu said to Bai Ranran again,"As the mentor of the program, you can also go to the program team with me today. You can also meet with the other leaders of the program team and learn about the two new artists of your company. Helps. Finally , it was to Bai Ziyi:"Mr. Bai, the first recording of the show is scheduled for three days. You can also come to the scene to observe it at that time. It will also be beneficial to your artists.""

Eating people is short-tongued and soft-handed.

The words of the ancients always contain infinite truth.

At first, Mo Wenxiu was still trying to shirk what was difficult to do, but now he has planned everything, from the initial operation to the program. The operations of the company are all clearly arranged.

How much money to take and how much work to do. Mo Wenxiu is a standard businessman and a standard social person.

Bai Ziyi looks up to such people, but such people are not suitable for deep friendship.

However, the entry into the camp was basically announced as completed.

The next focus is on the various operations during the broadcast of the program.

The main purpose of the banquet is completed in the first twenty minutes after the banquet starts, and everyone will have no pressure in the rest of the time. It was fun to eat and chat with each other.

The food was indeed delicious, and everyone was in a good mood.

As the chief producer of the show, Mok Wenxiu, from his perspective, taught Bai Ziyi a lot about the entertainment industry, especially the talent show industry.

He benefited a lot. Qian.

The meal almost ended here.

After the meal, Mo Wenxiu, Bai Ranran, Ye Yinuo and Jin Nian drove away together.

Bai Ziyi and Tian Yu went to the cashier area to settle the bill.

At the same time, Rui Mo Si screamed aside and rewarded him with a personal reward of 200,000 yuan.

Ramos was happy with what he got, and Bai Ziyi was also happy with the reward.

Everyone got what they needed, and things went smoothly at noon today.

When the two of them left together Haoting, when we drove on the road, it was already past two o'clock in the afternoon.

This time Tian Yu took the initiative to chat with Bai Ziyi for the first time on the road.

"You did a great job at lunch today." She said.

Bai Ziyi drove the car and said with a cheerful smile:"Hey, Miss Tian expressed her appreciation. I am flattered. But

Tian Yu still looked confident and arrogant:"I'm just telling the truth. Even if I were to do this, I wouldn't necessarily do it better than you."".......................

PS: Third update! Please subscribe! Please customize! Please order in full!!!

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