The two sides faced each other for ten minutes.

Bai Ziyi couldn't say a word during the whole process.

Bai Ye said that it would be more difficult to pass this level than to put a group in front of me and let me pass through.

The cold sweat on my head was not from cold, but from fear.

Second Grandpa, I want to become a monk. You can find someone else to carry on the family line. My grandson can’t stand this thing!

The yellow hair on one side gave a thumbs up.


Swear without using curse words, and every word is heart-breaking.

Compared with these girls, the rubbish talk like"I'm going to fuck you uncle" is simply far behind.

Just by watching, Huang Mao could imagine how miserable Bai Ziyi's situation was at this time.

Dare to speak without being an old man? I just asked you if you dare to speak?

Are you touched that so many girls are quarreling over you?

Young Master Bai: Don’t dare to move, don’t dare to move!

After chatting in such a"friendly" manner for more than ten minutes, Bai Ziyi finally couldn't hold it any longer.

He said humbly:"Everyone, why don't we take a rest first? I'm thirsty just looking at it."

Swish, swish, swish!

Four stern looks came over him, making Mr. Bai shudder!

Tian Yu:"Go to hell!"

Yang Wei:"Go to hell!"

Gulirena:"Go to death!"

Bai Ziyi hesitated for a second and stretched out his hand to signal:"Sisters, please continue."

And finally, at this time, a savior appeared Come suddenly.

At this time, Yu Qiushui suddenly walked in from outside the lobby and said to Bai Ziyi as he walked:"Xiao Bai, come here and do me a favor. I saw a grill in the yard. Let's tidy it up a little and give it to you in the afternoon. Make something to eat and have afternoon tea!"


Bai Ziyi jumped up to a height of more than ten feet. No matter how high his voice was, it was close to the sound of a dolphin. The tears flowed down.

Brother Qiushui, you are my savior. You are the cutest person in the world.

From now on, you can chase the tail of that car as you please.

If you chase me, I will pay you 200,000 yuan. If you chase me, I will pay you 200,000 yuan. I will make you a multimillionaire.

Looking at Yu Qiushui at this moment, Bai Ziyi felt that he had a shiny bald head. It's like bringing the light of the Buddha with you.

You are the Tathagata Buddha, who saves all sentient beings!

No longer staying at the scene, Bai Ziyi walked out quickly, adding special effects under his feet to create the effect of a somersault cloud.


Bai Ziyi took Yu Qiushui's hand and separated you and me, just like today when you pressed me on the bed and I recognized it.

He ran away and immediately disappeared from the woman's sight.

Do whatever you want, I don’t care!

I am responsible for flirting and not for dealing with sex.

You guys can fight against each other, which is the best.

Let’s have a contest of points.

The biggest wife in a fight is the eldest wife, and the worst one is the little wife. Damn you!

Bai Ziyi left the Shura field with ease. He grabbed Yu Qiushui and said gratefully:"Brother, thank you."

Yu Qiushui is not stupid, and said with a smile:"I mainly think that you are too uncomfortable. It's a headache for me to deal with my wife as a woman. Look at my hair.

He patted his bald head and said,"Do you know how it fell off?" I lost all my money in a battle of wits and courage with that dead woman. Before I got married, I was just a little girl with thick hair. Women are really harmful to people. Confucius is really right. Only women and villains are difficult to raise. It’s too weird. Damn that’s brilliant!"

Yu Qiushui said, and quickly turned around to see if his wife was there.

When he found no one, he patted his chest. It seemed that he had been injured a lot over the years.

Seeing this, Bai Ziyi said in his heart: Mom, I Don't want to get married

"But you are also awesome."Yu Qiushui said,"They are all beautiful girls. If I were twenty years younger, I wouldn't be able to stand up to any of these girls."

"Brother, you are telling the truth. Bai Ziyi explained in an old-fashioned way,"The more beautiful the women, the harder it is to deal with them. I really regret it now. I shouldn't have provoked them.""

Think about it, Tang Tian's appearance is 85, and she is easy to get in touch with the soft and cute ones.

Going up further, Yang Wei and Gu Lirena are more difficult to deal with.

Tian Yu, who has a score of 98, is a match of wits with him. Douyong has never stopped.

The 100-year-old Liu Yangfei and Bai Shao almost died in her hands.

Thinking about it now, well, maybe it would be good to find a Ruhua who is about 30 in the future and get married.

Bai Ziyi Suddenly I remembered that the second uncle has not liked women but only liked men all his life. Could it be that he has had enough of these Shura fields?

Well, it seems that the case has been solved.

The discussion between the two has almost turned into a record of the persecution of male compatriots.

Let’s chat for a while longer , can write a book about the psychology of women of all ages plus strategies for dealing with them.

Bai Ziyi: It’s too difficult for me.

But fortunately, Yu Qiushui said that the whole barbecue was not all about helping Bai Ziyi out.

After coming out, Bai Ziyi did see some barbecue tools in the yard.

Barbecue grills, charcoal stoves, fire sticks, etc.

Moreover, the kitchen in the B&B also prepared a variety of raw materials and condiments. The BBQ started right after the wave started.

Because Yu Qiushui was a chef, he did this very smoothly.

After the preparations were done, including racking, lighting the fire, and checking the temperature, the barbecue officially started.

Holding the skewer, he continued Apply oil and sprinkle ingredients on top.

Turn over, the oil and water fall into the charcoal stove, making a sizzling sound. The movements are skillful and look like a master.

The color and aroma of the baked things are also very good, and they look very appetizing. Bai

Ziyi first took a bunch of beef and ate it. The beef entered his mouth and his taste buds exploded. He suddenly extended his thumb:"Brother Shui, it's okay. This tastes really good!""

When we had a picnic at the outdoor club before, Bai Ziyi ate Jiang Chao's grilled skewers. The taste was okay, but not great. But the things baked by Yu Qiushui were particularly delicious. The color and aroma can first arouse appetite. As soon as you eat it, the softness and hardness of the beef and the appropriateness of the various seasonings are all perfect.

As expected, an expert can tell when something is done.

Professionals and amateurs are still two different things.

Yu Qiushui accepted the compliment, but instead He felt a little embarrassed.

He smiled and said:"This is the only thing I can use. I actually won the championship in Jiangcheng Food Competition.""

"Is it?"This surprised Bai Ziyi.

"right."Yu Qiushui nodded,"The name of my barbecue restaurant is Yiyang BBQ. I wonder if you have heard of it."

"oh! Bai Ziyi suddenly realized,"There are already many chain stores in Jiangcheng, right?""

"Eleven families."Yu Qiushui said

"No wonder. Bai Ziyi still had endless aftertaste while holding this kebab,"It's not bad, it's really good. It's the best kebab I've ever eaten.""

When he saw another work station on the grill, Bai Ziyi suddenly became interested.

Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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