Bai Ziyi also suddenly became interested.

When I just ate the skewers made by Yu Qiushui, the taste was extremely comfortable. I was not in a good mood, but suddenly I forgot all these things.

In the past, Bai Ziyi thought it was nonsense when he heard the stories on the Internet about how grief and anger turn into appetite after a broken love, and that good food can heal all moods.

It turns out that I didn’t eat really delicious food.

Don't tell me, after Young Master Bai ate that skewer of beef just now, his mentality became stable and he even wanted to go back and dish out those girls.

The whole person was ecstatic and extremely swollen.

Is the power of food so powerful?

And because I had acquired god-level cooking skills before, it's just that these days, I haven't had the chance to display them.

I just happened to be bored here today, and a few girls were playing their own things inside, so why not try it yourself and make some skewers?

Just do it, Bai Ziyi rolled up his sleeves and immediately went to the other side of the grill.

He said to Yu Qiushui:"Brother Shui, let me grill a few skewers."

After hearing this, Yu Qiushui was shocked and asked strangely:"Can you do it?"

"Give it a try."Bai Ziyi can only say this.

Because he has never played with these things by himself. He can only say that he hopes that after holding these kitchen utensils, he will be able to use them all like god-level driving skills.

Nothing else. , mainly out of interest.

If the baked goods still pass the test, isn’t that another skill gained?

"Okay, you try it."Yu Qiushui began to guide,"You have to pay attention to the fire first, and then the oil must be poured in evenly, otherwise the heat will be different."

"Come on, these are potatoes and lotus root slices, which are the least difficult to bake. You can practice your skills with these two things first."

Bai Ziyi did not refuse. He took two bunches of potato slices, spread them out on the grill and started roasting them immediately.

As expected, when Bai Ziyi got started, all the relevant cooking knowledge immediately came to his mind. Just one skewer is easy, it's soez!



Add chili!

Add cumin!

Bai Ziyi holds the seasoning brush with great ease, the skewers are turned over in his hands, making a squeaking sound.

The aroma is also very fast Floated out.

The main thing was the operation, which was so smooth that Yu Qiushui was dumbfounded.

"Xiaobai, you can do it."Yu Qiushui said sincerely,"You have practiced it, right? This operation is almost better than that of a master who has been in my shop for more than ten years."

"without! Bai Ziyi said pretentiously,"This is my first time playing. I have never done this before.""

"Don't talk nonsense."Yu Qiushui didn't believe it.

Even without looking at the final taste, Ziyi's actions showed that he must be a veteran. He thought to himself, before you got rich, you must have set up a roadside stall. It's too good. Bai Ziyi is so good.

Very excited, he said:"Brother Shui, how about we have a competition?"

"oh? Yu Qiushui also became interested,"Comparing to what?""

"Just like something baked."Bai Ziyi said,"Let's bake together, and the dishes will be the same. Aren't there six women in the room, including your daughter, that's seven. After we finish baking, let's ask them to come out and taste it, and each one will choose one. Whichever they feel likes, the one with more people wins."

After understanding the rules, Yu Qiushui was particularly confident.

He smiled and said:"Xiaobai, it's not that I look down on you. The rules of the food competition are probably similar to yours, but I was the champion of last year's food festival."

It is understandable that Yu Qiushui has such confidence. After all, what he has been doing for twenty years is his original business.

If he loses to Bai Ziyi in this business, he will basically lose face.

There is no way he will lose.

Hearing this, Bai Ziyi smiled and said,"It's just for fun. You can also think of me as your helper.""

"Yes, but we have to make some bets."Yu Qiushui nodded and said,"What about the people who won, and what about the people who lost. Bai

Ziyi thought for a while and said:"Just having fun, there is no need for a big bet. Let's do this. The loser will be responsible for all the expenses of both parties here in the past few days. That's okay, right?""


Yu Qiushui is not a poor man. This thing is quite interesting. It's all for entertainment, so he agreed.

With such a bet, both of them became very motivated.

First, divide the ingredients into two equal parts, and each person Responsible for half of it.

Everyone was on their own countertops, and the baking officially started with a bang.

Both parties moved very smoothly, mainly because they were very focused. When they got serious, they didn't even care to talk.

The only sound in the whole yard was babble. The sound of pouring oil.

Needless to say, Yu Qiushui's skill level, and Bai Ziyi played well because of his cooking skills.

The aroma of the barbecue suddenly spread throughout the yard, even to the cracks in the door of the yard. I got in.

Soon, everyone in the B&B was brought out by the aroma.

On the balcony upstairs, many people came out of the room and talked while walking.

"It smells so good. What is this?"

"Look at them grilling barbecue!"

"Is it a B&B service?"

"Obviously not, people bake and eat it themselves"

"Damn, this is so delicious. Can you go up and ask for a bunch or two to eat back?"

Not only them, but also several girls who were in the lobby just now, six wives plus Yu Jiao and Yu Qiushui also came out one after another.

After a glance, Bai Ziyi was shocked.

The trio in the dormitory and Bai Ziyi who had just been at war with each other also came out. The trio of sisters were actually very harmonious at the moment.

They greeted each other, smiled, and even complimented each other politely. The whole style took a 180-degree turn.

Tian Yu even held Yang Wei's hand and said,"No I'm sorry, what I just said was a bit harsh, sister, don't be angry. Yang

Wei also responded:"It's okay, sister, we were too impulsive, and we said a lot of things we shouldn't have said.""

What's going on?

There's something wrong with the style of painting.

It's only been an hour, and you've turned from an enemy into a friend.

They say it's hard to guess a woman's thoughts, but this has all flown into outer space. How did you do it?

Which crown is it? The world's best mediator was able to mediate these women.

Huang Mao was among them. Bai Ziyi was very surprised. He pulled him aside and asked:"What's going on? How come these women are all well?" ?"

"Hi."Huang Mao was speechless,"Don't mention it, I was stunned. After you ran away, the sisters-in-law continued to talk to each other, from the debate on the universe explosion to what cosmetics are good for which skin, from the Copernican heliocentric debate to our country Reform and opening up finally came to a conclusion"

"What?"Bai Ziyi asked

"Men don’t have a good thing"

"……"Bai Ziyi:"What does this have to do with reform and opening up?"

"how could I know!"Huang Mao's expression was also horrifying,"So they united the front and scolded you together for half an hour, thus establishing a deep comradeship."_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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