Bai Ziyi:"……"

Does this even work?

What a magical species women are.

They began to argue with each other, with swords and swords flashing, and they just wanted to curse each other to death. Now they started discussing bags and cosmetics.

So I am actually the key to their harmonious coexistence.

Can we curse each other together to create friendship?

But that's okay, as long as they don't noisy and can get along with each other peacefully as friends, Bai Ziyi will be thankful.

That's not the point, the point is what comes next.

After understanding the situation, Bai Ziyi returned to his place and continued baking.

The girls came out in groups, watching and marveling at the scene.

"Oh, senior, I didn’t expect you, a scumbag, to have such skills. Kebab, why don’t you go to battle in person on my birthday? Bai

Ziyi was speechless:"Can you not add a prefix to me?""

"hehe!"Yang Wei didn't care about him and continued,"You are already a scumbag, but you are allowed to be a scumbag and we are not allowed to talk about it?"

"have to. Bai Ziyi spread his hands and said,"You can call me whatever you want. I, the God of Cooking, Bai will not care about you today.""

"God of Cooking? Yang Wei continued,"Can you do it? Last time you told me that your most familiar dish is boiled instant noodles, and now you dare to call yourself the God of Cooking?""

"Yang Wei, do you know what genius is?"Bai Ziyi opened the installation online,"Genius means that no matter what you do, it can be formed as quickly as possible and reach a certain height. I am that genius."

"Blow, just blow hard. Yang Wei continued,"If the baked goods don't taste good, I'll see how you round them out. You're not a chef, you're a mouth god.""

"Stop talking."

Bai Ziyi pointed to the stone table in front, which had two dishes that had been baked:"The left and right plates were baked by Brother Shui and I respectively. Brother Shui and I made a bet, let you choose after you finish eating. , the loser will be responsible for all expenses for these two days"

"Needless to say?"Tian Yu also joined in the fight. As soon as Bai Ziyi finished speaking, he followed,"You must have lost. Master Renyu is a professional chef. How can you compete with him?""

"Give it a try."Bai Ziyi said

"Which of these two plates did you bake?"Tian Yu asked again

"I can't tell you."Bai Ziyi said,"For the sake of fairness, only Brother Shui and I know the left and right, but you have to choose one after eating, so that we can have peace of mind."

"Qi, mysterious. Tian Yu said disdainfully, but eating is the most important thing. He ignored Bai Ziyi, picked up a bunch of beef and started eating."The one on the left was grilled by Yu Qiushui, and the one on the right was grilled by Bai Ziyi."

Tian Yu took the one on the left.

After taking a bite, Tian Yu's expression was very rich.

His eyes widened, his eyebrows raised, and his pupils contracted, exactly the same as when Bai Ziyi first ate Yu Qiushui's skewers.

Good guy, I’ve become an immortal

"I go, I go, I go! She said exaggeratedly,"This is so delicious!""

I bit the whole bunch of beef into my mouth, even if the corners of my mouth were filled with oil, I didn't care.

After the second bite, my taste buds still exploded, and I couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

"Delicious, really delicious. She came right away,"This must be baked by Master Yu, he's so professional!""

Bai Ziyi and Yu Qiushui both had serious expressions at the moment, so as not to let them see


Several other girls also noticed this and rushed forward in a swarm to carve up all the dishes on the left plate. After one bite

, they were full of energy.

After two bites, they were full of praise.

After three bites, they were in high spirits..Everyone ate Yu Qiushui's kebabs, and they all gave 100% positive reviews.

Even Yu Jiao, who often ate her father's food, smiled particularly brightly.

This is the power of food.

Of course, they had this reaction Bai Ziyi He can also understand that when he eats Yu Qiushui's food, he behaves the same way as them.

It's just that what he is paying attention to now is how these girls will react when they are late for the food he baked.

Just wait.

"You're done, Master Bai! Tian Yu said,"How can you surpass this level?""

She has already determined that the one on the left belongs to Yu Qiushui.

Other girls also agreed:"There is really no need to compare. This is the best barbecue I have ever eaten, bar none."

"I use my twenty-two years of good reputation to guarantee that the one who baked this is the God of Cooking."

"No need to play, it’s the same for everyone"

"You're done!"

Many girls have said this, and they are almost sure that they don't need to try the second set.

"Let me ask you guys, can you finish your food before you comment? You haven’t even eaten the second plate, so you’ve already made up your mind?"Bai Ziyi said.

In fact, this sentence has already exposed the truth.

If the first plate is Bai Ziyi's roast, he should be more happy than stressing about the second plate.

You are not important, and it will not affect the girls' suppression of Bai Zi at all. Yi's passion

"Fine. Tian Yu said,"Looking at your hard work, I will give this thing of yours a try.""

After saying that, he picked up a bunch of Bai Ziyi's dishes and started to eat. After taking a bite, he looked stunned.

Everyone's eyes were focused on her, including Bai Ziyi.

As the first person to try it, she had to give this One plate set the tone.

Bai Ziyi saw that her expression was not particularly good, and thought to herself, it probably won't work.

"Isn’t it very delicious?"

"He's a genius, I don't believe it anyway"

"Sister Xiaoyu, if it tastes bad, just spit it out. Don’t hold it too much."

Unexpectedly, Tian Yu said:"Are you sure this was baked by two people?"

Actually, this is already a compliment.

Because she can't tell the difference.

"Of course, why did we lie to you?"Bai Ziyi said


Tian Yu breathed, and no longer knew how to evaluate it.

After eating the first plate, she felt that the first plate was very good, and must have been baked by Yu Qiushui.

But after eating the second plate, she was not so sure again.Why

, because the second plate is also delicious.

The taste is different, but it also stimulates the taste.

It feels like the same chef made two dishes according to different standards.

Although the taste is different, the level is still the same. There.

Now, Tian Yu didn’t know which one was Bai Ziyi’s fault.

"Can a scumbag like Bai Ziyi cook so deliciously?"Tian Yu said silently,"If this is the case, it is not impossible to be a scumbag."

The other girls were very curious by Tian Yu's reaction.

Is it really so delicious?

So everyone picked up the second plate of dishes and started eating.

The reaction was much more intuitive now.


Everyone nodded with enjoyment.

You can be a scumbag, but the food is still really delicious.

As Tian Yu said, if someone has such cooking skills, it doesn't matter even if he is a bit scumbag.

Bai Jingjing is excited online , grabbed Bai Ziyi and said excitedly:"Onii-chan, please tell me which one you made, they are all delicious!"

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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