In the face of the sudden change, the family is still in a state of panic.

Cao Yining is the deputy planning director of a medium-sized enterprise in Ningnan City, and can be regarded as a senior white-collar worker.

In this position, she often stays up late to work overtime, so most of the time she does not get enough sleep and rest, and her skin is naturally not very good.

As a senior white-collar worker, her income can be regarded as a high-income group in Ningnan City, a second-tier city.

Similarly, as a woman, Cao Yining also pays more attention to taking care of her appearance on weekdays.

After all, every woman has a love of beauty.

For this reason, she has spent a lot of money on beauty products.

She has used a lot of beauty and skin care products from major internationally renowned brands.

But the reality makes her a little distressed.

Because she used many brands of beauty products, or some special beauty drugs, but her skin didn't get better.

It just stayed at a decent level, without any qualitative improvement in her skin condition.

But there was no other way, she still had to keep using these products to maintain her skin. Even if it didn't make her skin better, it couldn't get worse.

Because of this, she was familiar with many beauty salons and cosmetics counters in major shopping malls.

Generally, as long as there were new products with good effects on the market, as long as she went shopping, these counters would recommend them to her.

That day, Cao Yining just walked into a cosmetics store in a shopping mall.

One of the salesmen who was familiar with her hurried over to greet her.

"Ms. Cao, you are here. Welcome, welcome."

The salesman greeted her very enthusiastically.

Cao Yining smiled at her: "There is not much to do today, so I have time to come and have a look. Are there any good new products on the market recently?

"You came at the right time, Miss Cao. These days, two new brands of beauty essences, beauty pills and other products have been launched in our mall. Both are made of pure Chinese medicine, and the effects are good. "The salesperson said immediately.

Hearing this, Cao Yining's face moved slightly.

"Oh! Let me see. Can you introduce it to me?"

"Okay, wait a moment!"

The salesperson quickly took her to a display stand and pointed to two bottles of beautifully decorated and brightly colored beauty creams on the display stand.

"You see, these two are products of the 'Xuanhuang' series, including beauty water and beauty cream.

These two products are new products developed by the Baili family, a traditional Chinese medicine family.

This beauty water is the same as the skin care water we usually use. Just apply it directly on the face, but the effect is much stronger.

As for this beauty cream, it is swallowed after soaking in water. It has the effect of moisturizing the skin, eliminating fatigue, and improving the skin. "

After listening, Cao Yining's eyes lit up and asked: "How many bottles of this Xuanhuang series beauty serum are there? How about the price? ”

The salesperson replied: "These two products in the 'Xuanhuang' series are sold together. Now there is a promotion, and the total price is 1999 yuan."

"1999 yuan?"

Cao Yining was also shocked when she heard the price.

This price is more expensive than many internationally renowned brands.

However, although the price is expensive, the effect of this thing is very attractive.

Especially products like beauty water and beauty cream are simply an invincible temptation for women!

Once you have these things, your beauty will definitely add a touch of charm!

"Well, give me a set of these two bottles of beauty water and beauty cream to try."

Cao Yining was quite interested in these two sets of products and was ready to buy them to try.

But just when she was about to pay, the salesperson stopped her and said.

"Miss Cao, although this 'Xuanhuang' series is very good, I recommend you buy this other one. "

The salesperson said, taking out two exquisite small porcelain bottles.

"The effect of this beauty pill is many times better than the beauty cream of the 'Xuanhuang' series. Just take one bottle, and girls can instantly regain their youth and ensure that their skin is as smooth as a baby's! And it also has a certain beauty effect!"

Cao Yining frowned when she heard her words.

This thing is actually better than "Xuanhuang"?

It's impossible! This thing is not a panacea, and it has such a miraculous effect?

Seeing that Cao Yining seemed to have some doubts, the salesperson continued to persuade: "Miss Cao, don't underestimate this beauty pill. Several repeat customers have bought this product in the past two days, and it is said that the effect is very good.

You don't know, after they finish a bottle, the one

I was almost stunned by her appearance. She looked ten years younger! .

I even bought a bottle myself. Look at me. Am I any different today? "

The salesperson pointed at her own face and said.

Cao Yining glanced at it and frowned.

"It seems that there is nothing different."

"Miss Cao, please look carefully. I am not wearing any makeup today!"

"No makeup?" Cao Yining looked carefully again after hearing this.

I saw that her cheeks were smooth, pink and rosy, without any trace of makeup at all.

"This...what's going on?"

Cao Yining was shocked.

"I have only taken it for two days, and it is like this. Miss Cao, just think about how magical this beauty pill is! "

After that, she handed one of the small porcelain bottles in her hand to Cao Yining.

Hearing this, Cao Yining reached out to take the small porcelain bottle she handed over.

She put the small porcelain bottle to her nose and sniffed it, and immediately smelled a faint fragrance coming from it.

Then, she opened the lid of the small porcelain bottle and put it to her nostrils. Suddenly, a strange fragrance came to her nose, and she couldn't help but take a deep breath.

This smell is so magical! It seems to penetrate the heart and spleen, and every pore of the body exudes a sense of comfort!

Cao Yining opened her eyes and looked at the small porcelain bottle in her hand.

Then she looked at the other small porcelain bottle in the salesperson's hand.

"What about the other bottle? What is it?"

"This is its beauty serum, called 'Moon God Fairy Dew'.

After taking the beauty and nourishing pill, use this, and your skin will become crystal clear, white and smooth.

Moreover, this ‘Moon God Fairy Dew’ has more functions. It can not only make the skin smoother and more like jade, but also has a strong effect in removing scars and acne marks.

Do you remember that my hand was pinched before, leaving a shallow scar, but it disappeared completely after taking this ‘Moon God Fairy Dew’! "

As she said that, she raised her hand and rolled up her sleeves to let Cao Yining check her arm.

Looking at the white and delicate skin exposed on her arm, Cao Yining nodded. There was indeed a shallow scar here before.

"How much do these two bottles of beauty pills and this Moon God Fairy Dew cost?" Cao Yining asked.

"This beauty pill is 1888 yuan per bottle, and there are seven pills in one bottle. Just take one pill a day.

This ‘Moon God Fairy Dew’ is 888 yuan per bottle, with 7 ml, and can also be used for seven days.

If you buy both together, you can get a 20% discount of 2498 yuan. "

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