"Ah? Isn't this more expensive than the 'Xuanhuang' series?" Cao Yining exclaimed. She originally thought the "Xuanhuang" series was outrageous, but she didn't expect this one to be even more outrageous. Obviously, it was not the first time that the salesperson heard the customer say that these two products were expensive, so she immediately explained:

"Ms. Cao, as the saying goes, you get what you pay for.

They must be confident to set such a high price, otherwise consumers would not spend so much money to buy them a second time.

You see, we are almost out of stock here, and many of them are repeat customers. If you come two days later, it is estimated that they will be out of stock.

Although it is more expensive than the 'Xuanhuang' series, its effect is much better than 'Xuanhuang'.

I have inquired about it. Although they are a new brand, the company behind them is Qianrou Cosmetics Co., Ltd.

You may not know this Qianrou, Miss Cao, but you will know it when I tell you the brand it used to represent.

It used to represent the products of the Meizi Group.

After the Meizi Group went bankrupt, Qianrou did it on its own.

And most importantly, I heard that Ye Xiyao will be the spokesperson for these two products of Qianrou!"

"Ye Xiyao?!"

Cao Yining exclaimed in surprise.

After all, Ye Xiyao is a hot star in the entire Yanhuang country. If she is the spokesperson, the quality of the product will definitely not be bad.

What's more, the salesperson has used it herself and can see the obvious effect.

The salesperson saw Cao Yining's reaction and knew that she was moved. So he said while the iron was hot.

"Miss Cao, I have tried this "Beauty Pill" and "Moon God Fairy Dew". It's really good. If you like it, take it quickly, otherwise it will be gone later."

"Okay. Please pack it for me, thank you."

Cao Yining finally decided to buy it and try it, because she also wanted these things, and she also wanted to become beautiful.

"Okay, wait a moment."

After saying that, the salesperson happily went to swipe the card.

The reason why she recommended Qianrou's two products so hard was not only because the effect was indeed better, but also because Qianrou gave a higher commission.

For the two products in the "Xuanhuang" series, there is only a 2% commission for each set sold.

But Qianrou's two products have a full 5%, and its price is also higher.

She is naturally more willing to promote Qianrou.

In fact, this is the commission ratio that Yuwen Qian decided after careful consideration.

As an agency company, she naturally knows the importance of front-line sales staff.

So she deliberately increased the sales commission of the front line to promote their enthusiasm for promoting their products.

And she set up an additional reward system. As long as the recommended product reaches the first sales in the surrounding area, she can add an additional 5% commission. This treatment is very tempting.

Therefore, almost all the staff at the cosmetics counters are scrambling to promote Qianrou's products.

And the "Xuanhuang" series is almost used as a stepping stone.

Every store basically praises "Xuanhuang" first, and then changes the subject to introduce Qianrou's products that are better than it in all aspects.

In this way, the "Xuanhuang" series has become a foil, and Qianrou has become more dazzling.

As a result, the entire cosmetics market in Southeast Province has been monopolized by Qianrou in the past few days.

After seeing the sales data of the first day, Yuwen Qian

smiled so hard that her mouth curved.

40 million!!!

Yuwen Qian was so happy!

Although she had expected this effect before, she didn't expect it to be so popular.

No, the sales volume is too low. She must expand the scale.

Thinking of this, Yuwen Qian immediately arranged for people to purchase more raw materials and speed up production.

She returned to Baiyun Villa.

The early work was done, and now she was just waiting to count the money. She could make the next plan after a while.

Now she could come and start practicing with An Ziping.

When Yuwen Qian returned to Baiyun Villa, she saw An Ziping holding An Yueke, who had just woken up and looked confused, and sitting in the yard to tease her.

It can be seen that An Ziping really likes Coco. His eyes looked at An Yueke warmly, full of pampering and love.


The little girl fluttered over to Yu Wenqian as soon as she saw her.

Seeing this, Yu Wenqian quickly reached out to catch her, and then pinched An Yueke's nose.

"Keke, how can you jump around like this? You might fall down..."

Yu Wenqian originally wanted to say what to do if she got hurt, but she said halfway through her words

I can't go down.

Now Keke is the legendary innate grandmaster, and he can fly, so how could he fall and get hurt.

He smiled helplessly, then walked to An Ziping, took a deep breath and said:

"Brother-in-law, I'm ready, let's start practicing now."

An Ziping nodded, and then took Yu Wen Yue to the lawn in front of the villa and asked her to sit cross-legged.

An Ziping had checked Yu Wenqian's bones, and it was pretty good.

It was the fire root, one of the five elements of spiritual roots, which was considered a common spiritual root. Although it was not a top attribute, it was pretty good.

However, An Ziping was not satisfied with this, and he planned to help Yu Wenqian transform.

Transform her into a dual spiritual root of water and fire, so that she can practice faster in the future.

And if there is a chance later, she can transform into a five-element spiritual root or evolve into a yin-yang spiritual root.

Although the yin-yang spiritual root is far inferior to the little girl's innate yin-yang holy body, it is much stronger than ordinary spiritual roots.

Adding a new spiritual root is not an easy task. At least you need to find a natural treasure with the corresponding attribute.

For example, if Yuwen Qian wants to add a water spiritual root, she needs a water-attributed natural treasure, such as ice crystal lotus, water spiritual ginseng, ice marrow jade liquid, etc.

And this kind of natural treasure is very rare. Generally, it grows in the depths of cold ponds or on steep cliffs. It is very difficult to find such things.

What's more, those are things on the Tianyuan Continent, and An Ziping is not sure whether they exist on Earth.

But now that there is the innate Yin-Yang Saint Body of Little Loli, it is much easier.

In the final analysis, the water spiritual root is actually a branch of the Yin-attributed spiritual root.

As long as Little Loli separates a trace of the innate Yin spiritual energy and refines it, it can be transformed into a pure water-attributed spiritual root.

When Yuwen Qian sat cross-legged, An Ziping asked Little Loli to release a trace of the innate Yin-Yang energy in her body.

Under An Ziping's guidance, the little girl released a ray of black and white from her fingertips, emitting a bright and cold breath.

This breath suddenly surged as soon as it left the little girl's fingertips.

In the blink of an eye, a yin-yang fish the size of a baby's fist appeared in everyone's sight.

An Ziping gently separated the yin-yang fish, pulled out the black part, and then injected it into Yu Wenqian's body.

"Ah--" Yu Wenqian felt as if she was stabbed by needles all over her body.

However, she endured the severe pain and did not show it, still sitting cross-legged with her eyes closed.

Under An Ziping's operation, the black spiritual energy slowly attached to Yu Wenqian's red meridians.

And the black gradually turned into light blue.

Soon, An Ziping completed the transformation.

Yu Wenqian's originally red meridians also turned half red and half blue.

Without stopping, after the transformation was completed, An Ziping pointed a finger at Yu Wenqian's head and injected a special practice for the water and fire spiritual roots, "Ice and Fire Two Principles", into Yu Wenqian's mind.

Let her practice according to it.

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