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Just when Yu Wenyue was thinking about how to use this bead, a message came into her mind.

As long as she concentrates and communicates with the Golden Crow Spirit Bead with her mind, she can practice like she did just now.

Yu Wenyue's mind moved, and she immediately followed the message.

Sure enough, this Golden Crow Spirit Bead immediately turned into a huge Golden Crow phantom in her mind.

Yuwen Yue was also startled, and hurriedly picked a Tianxin grass and put it in his mouth.

To avoid being possessed too quickly and not being able to swallow it in time.

Soon, Yuwen Yue experienced the same scene again, his whole body was filled with violent energy, and the spiritual energy in his dantian was even more surging.

Then the Golden Crow changed again, and the killing intent began to overflow.

However, this time he was prepared, and when the Golden Crow began to change, he hurriedly chewed and swallowed the Tianxin grass in his mouth, using the special effects of the Tianxin grass to remove the violent power.

Although all this happened in an instant, it still made Yuwen Yue extremely painful, and veins on his forehead burst.

After this time, Yuwen Yue's cultivation level increased again.

In this way, Yuwen Yue's strength was steadily improving as the cycle repeated over and over again.

Until the medicinal power of the last Tianxin grass disappeared, Yuwen Yue's cultivation level finally reached the peak of the middle stage of foundation building.

Only one step away from being promoted to the late stage.

However, Yuwen Yue was a little uneasy. She didn't know whether the power was too violent or she had developed resistance to Tianxin Grass. She felt that Tianxin Grass could not suppress the evil nature.

If she continued to practice with the Golden Crow Spirit Pearl, she might really become possessed by the devil in the end.

Yuwen Yue slowly stood up and exhaled a breath of turbid air in her chest.

She was surprised to find that the surrounding stone walls suddenly disappeared.

She returned to the cave where she came in, but all the runes disappeared, leaving nothing.


Just then, a bird's cry sounded from the depths of the cave, and a black shadow flew in front of Yuwen Yue.

It was the bird that brought her here.


Yuwen Yue drew out her long sword, pointed at the bird, and said vigilantly: "What is your purpose in bringing me here?"

She clearly remembered that if the bird hadn't hit her in the end.

She would never have touched the Golden Crow Spirit Pearl, nor would she have fallen into that predicament.

And now the bird had led him here again, it must have another purpose.

The bird tilted its head, as if thinking about how to explain to Yuwen Yue.

Then another chirping sound came from the bird's mouth.

But Yuwen Yue didn't understand a word.

Seeing the bird trying to explain, and not being hurt, and his cultivation level improved.

Yuwen Yue didn't care too much and put away his sword.

"Forget it this time, but don't bring me to such a dangerous place next time, do you hear me?" Yuwen Yue stared at the bird and said viciously.

After hearing this, the bird immediately flew up and down, as if nodding.

Yuwen Yue chuckled, and didn't care whether the bird could really understand, and walked straight outside.

Soon, he returned to the small building where he lived.

Although he had disappeared for more than a month, fortunately, he had no friends in Xianxia Sect except Lin Jingjing.

So no one noticed, after all, everyone's mind was on cultivation.

Moreover, in such a place, it is normal to stay in seclusion for a month.

After returning and settling the bird, Yu Wenyue flew towards the Xianxia Sect's library. She was now eager to find out what this Golden Crow Spirit Pearl was.


Yanhuang Country, southwest border.

The junction of the three southeast countries.

A giant castle stood there. This was the only giant city in the southwest border that could accommodate hundreds of thousands of people at the same time.

This place did not belong to any of the three surrounding countries.

It was a no-man's land.

Killings, crimes, robberies and other bad events emerged in an endless stream.

Sometimes, there would even be some extremists who were guilty of crimes in some countries.

They are fleeing here after committing a heinous crime.

Because no one is in charge here, they can be free and rampant.

In the center of the giant city, there stands a magnificent building with a strange appearance.

This magnificent building covers a large area of ​​more than a thousand square meters and is divided into nine floors.

The overall color is dark red.

A pattern is carved on the surface of the building. A crow totem with wings spread is lifelike.

Moreover, I don’t know what material this building uses, it seems to be able to absorb the surrounding light, so that when the sunlight penetrates, it is only projected on the wall. But it never illuminates the entire building, but gives people a dim and gloomy feeling.

"Click! Click!"

Suddenly, the sound of the mechanism turning came from the top of the building.

Then the whole heavy door slowly opened, revealing the deep space inside.

Then a group of warriors dressed in black entered the hall one after another.

There was a long table in the middle of the hall. The warriors did not sit down immediately after arriving at their seats, but stood on both sides of the table.

At the head of the table sat an old man, with wrinkles all over his face, gray hair, narrowed eyes, and a dragon-headed cane in his hand. He exuded a powerful majesty that made people stay away.

"Meet the leader!"

"Meet the leader!"

"Meet the leader!"

All the warriors bowed respectfully to the old man.

"No need to be polite!"

The old man spoke lightly, his tone full of majesty and domineering of a superior.

"Thank you, leader!"

All the warriors said in unison, and then sat down one after another

"Today, I called everyone back because there is actually a very important matter to discuss." The old man said slowly after pondering for a while.

"Qianye Die, who ranked tenth in our Dark Night, died in the southeastern province of Yanhuang.

This is because the employer provided us with wrong information.

According to the rules of our Dark Night, this employer will also become the target of our assassination. Who is willing to complete this task?" The old man looked around at the warriors and said.

"Leader, I am willing to carry out this task and avenge Qianye Die!"

Just then, a rough-looking man stood up and shouted loudly.

"Well!" The old man nodded and continued: "Then you go and prepare, and set off in three days to the southeastern province of Yanhuang."

"Yes, leader!" The rough man promised, and then retreated to prepare.

"Okay, now let's talk about the second thing. According to the information we have investigated, the target of Qianye Die's assassination is the leader of the local force in the southeastern province of Yanhuang.

Should we continue to assassinate him?"

The old man asked slowly.

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