The game was officially launched.

"Let me introduce the contestants to you now!"

"The one on our left is Lin Wu from Magic City Elf University!"

"Oh oh oh!"

The audience cheered enthusiastically.

"And the one on our right is Jiang Li from Jinling, who is known as the dark horse of this Elf Cup!"

Amid everyone's cheers, the game officially began.

"It's decided to be you, come out, Blastoise!"

"Come out, my Shakiras!"

At the referee's command, both sides sent out their elves.

But as soon as Jiang Li's Shakiras came on stage, some of the audience booed.

Because they never thought that in this official game.

Jiang Li actually sent out Shakiras, even though he was the second stage of the quasi-god elf Bangiras.

But even if he was a quasi-god elf, Shakiras was a rock-type and ground-type elf.

It was four times restrained by the opposing Blastoise!

Was Jiang Li confused, or was he really stupid!

Some viewers even shouted, there is a conspiracy, there is a conspiracy!

"Jiang Li, right? I don't know why you didn't send your Charizard!"

"But since you dare to look down on me, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

"I will make you regret making this decision, and I will make your Shakiras pay a heavy price!"

Because Jiang Li sent out Shakiras, Lin Wu, as his opponent, was also very annoyed.

Because she felt that Jiang Li looked down on him and dared to send out an elf that was four times restrained by his Blastoise.

So she was already angry and decided to teach Jiang Li a lesson later.

But Jiang Li sent out Shakiras not because of any shady plot.

But because his Shakiras was about to evolve!

He touched the shell of Shakiras before, and it felt like it was about to shed its skin.

Now all he needed was some pressure, and Shakiras could successfully complete the transformation and evolve into a true quasi-god spirit, Banjiras.

And speaking of pressure, what could be greater than the pressure of Blastoise that restrained him four times?

Then again, even if his Shakiras failed to evolve successfully.

But he always had a backup plan, after all, Shakiras now had the bloodline limit of Explosion.

In addition, this time the competition was on a rocky field, and there were rocks everywhere.

If Shakiras was really defeated, I would let him use Explosion.

Let him detonate all the rocks on the surrounding field, and then Lin Wu's Blastoise would be cleared out no matter how strong it was.

After all, Jiang Li was determined to win the championship, because it was related to his Charizard's Mega Evolution Stone.

Jiang Li used the Eye of Detection on the Blastoise in front of him!

[Race: Blastoise]

[Gender: Male]

[Strength: Level 30 (Normal Peak)]

[Attribute: Water]

[Feature: Rain Plate (Hidden Feature)]

[Talent: Gym Level]

[Skills: Destruction of Death Ray, Self-Sacrifice Charge, Water Gun, Water Cannon, Retract into Shell, Pray for Rain, Mind Pursuit, Million Ton Punch, Million Ton Kick, Water Wave, Water Tail, Bite, Hold, Cannon Beam Cannon...]

Looking at the attribute panel of the Blastoise on the opposite side, Jiang Li also had a bottom line in his heart.

"Bluse, use Pray for Rain!"

At the beginning of the game, Lin Wu on the opposite side immediately ordered his Blastoise to use Pray for Rain to grab the weather.

Blastoise mobilized the water energy of its whole body and fired a blue water wave towards the sky.

The water wave suddenly exploded in the sky, and suddenly dark clouds appeared above the ring.

Suddenly, lightning and thunder began to flash, and a torrential rain fell from the sky.

The entire competition venue was turned into a rainy environment.

In this rainy environment, it was very unfavorable for Shakiras.

After all, the rain contained a trace of water energy from Blastoise, and these water energies kept trying to invade Shakiras' body.

Although it was very weak, it was a continuous output. If it lasted for a long time, it would definitely cause big problems.

"Shakiras, use digging!"

Jiang Li quickly let his Shakiras use the digging skill to escape underground.

"Bluse, be alert!"

The atmosphere on the field suddenly became quiet, and Blastoise was trying its best to feel the position of Shakiras underground.

"Right now,

Blastoise uses the Million Ton Kick! "

After receiving his training and instructions, Blastoise immediately injected all the energy in his body into his legs.

Because Lin Wu had guessed that Shakiras was under Blastoise's feet.

The Blastoise kicked Shakiras out from the ground with a million-ton kick.

"Right now, Blastoise uses the Million Ton Punch!"

Lin Wu took advantage of Shakiras' inability to relay in the air and instantly let his Blastoise take advantage of the victory.

"Shakiras, use Earth Escape-Heart Decapitation Technique!"

However, the elf did not fail to consider such a scene, and immediately let his Shakiras use the Earth Escape Heart Decapitation Technique.

After using the Earth Escape, Shakiras immediately escaped into the ground again.

Then he suddenly appeared beside Blastoise and pulled Blastoise into the ground directly.

He was firmly trapped on the ground, leaving only a huge forehead on it.

"Right now, Shakiras uses rock attack! ”

Just when Shakiras trapped Blastoise underground and was trying to expand his victory again.

“Bluse, use the rocket head cone!”

Bluse immediately retracted its forehead into its shell, and then rushed out from underground in an instant.

It used its hard forehead to directly hit Shakiras with the rocket head cone!

It directly knocked Shakiras out and fell heavily on the rocky rockery beside it.

It smashed a huge hole in the rockery, and Shakiras fell dizzy in the hole.

Although the rocket head cone just now did not cause much damage due to the hard shell.

But because the impact was too fast, she could not tell the directions.

“Let’s solve it like this! Blastoise use water cannon! "

While Shakiras was disoriented in the cave, Lin Wu quickly asked her Blastoise to kill him.

Blostoise immediately crouched down, revealing two huge gun barrels on his back.

The gun barrels were facing the center of Shakiras, and two huge water cannons gushed out like rivers.

It instantly hit Shakiras, who was lying at the cave entrance, and the impact of the water cannons came in waves.

It instantly pushed Shakiras and pierced through the rockery.

The water energy attack, with the blessing of four times the damage, instantly destroyed everything in his body.

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