The more the enemy fought, the more he fought.

Adding to the impact of the water cannon, Shakiras's physical strength is almost gone.

If he continues to fight like this, Shakiras will definitely be eliminated.

He is now in the most dangerous moment, just when Jiang Li is about to start the backhand and let Shakiras flip the table directly.

A dazzling white light appeared on the field!

The fascinating light emanating from Shakiras' body is the light of evolution!

It turned out that Shakiras successfully broke his cocoon through the stimulation of the water turtle.

So he can make the ultimate leap, complete the transformation, and evolve into a real quasi-god elf Bangiras!

Under the shining of this light, he grew slender limbs again.

The body becomes taller, and Shakiras is just a little brother in front of Blastoise.

But if the body of Banjiras, which has successfully evolved, is compared with Blastoise!

Then Blastoise is just like a little brother in size.


Banjiras, who has successfully evolved, immediately roared to the sky, expressing his joy of finally completing the transformation.

"I see, I see!"

"Player Jiang Li's Shakiras is about to evolve!"

"That's why he sent Shakiras to play, just for him to complete the ultimate transformation!"

The host explained on the stage.

Now the atmosphere on the field has also reached a climax because of the appearance of Shakiras.

People are vying to shout Banjiras, Banjiras!

Because this is a rare quasi-god elf Banjiras!

In this session of the Pokémon Cup Challenge, there is only one player who has the final evolved quasi-god elf.

And now another one finally appeared, that is Jiang Li's Bangilas.

The appearance of this quasi-god elf now made the audience present think that he was sure to win.

They were all looking forward to the ultimate showdown with another quasi-god elf in the next game.

Jiang Li looked at Bangilas who was full of joy and used the Eye of Detection on him.

[Race: Bangiras (Flash Elf)]

[Gender: Female]

[Strength: Level 28 (High-level Normal)]

[Attributes: Rock + Evil]

[Features: Raising Sand]

[Talent: Quasi-King Level]

[Skills: Earth Escape - Earth Array Wall, Earth Escape - Heart Decapitation Technique, Earth Escape - Super Light and Heavy Rock Technique, Earth Escape - Earth Flow City, Wall Bloodline Limit - Explosion Escape, Impact, Stare, Tooth for Tooth, Bite, Ghost Face, Rock Slide, Stomp, Destruction Death Light...]

Bangiras, who successfully completed the evolution, also successfully improved his strength by one level, reaching level 28, which is the strength of the high-level Normal level.

At this time, Lin Wu on the battle stage did not look very good.

Because the audience at the scene believed that she would definitely lose when facing a real Quasi-God Elf.

This also aroused her confrontational psychology, and she wanted to defeat this Bangiras in front of the audience.

Let's slap the audience in the face!

"Bluse, use the water cannon again!"

Facing the evolved Banguilas, Lin Wu asked her Blastoise to use the water cannon to attack again.

After all, Banguilas has become a rock and evil type after evolution.

The water type is no longer four times restrained against him.

But the water type's attack is still double restrained, and the weather at this time is still rainy.

So it is still worthwhile to use the water cannon to attack!

Bluse immediately lay down, and raised the double-barreled turret behind it.

It sprayed out a high-pressure water cannon like the turbulent waves of a river, and instantly rushed to Banguilas.

"Banguilas! Use Earth Escape-Earth Flow Wall!"

When this water flow attack like a high-pressure water gun hit.

A high earth wall immediately rose in front of Banguilas.

The earth wall became very hard under the blessing of the rock energy.

The water cannon, like the impact of the water flow, hit this strong water wall.

It directly broke half of it. After all, the power of the water cannon will increase in the rainy environment.

But the earth wall was still held!

Jiang Li just let Bangilas use the earth flow wall to delay time!

His real purpose was to prepare to compete with the Blastoise for the weather.

"Now, Bangilas!"

Bangilas immediately roared and used his characteristics to raise sand.


Under the blessing of this characteristic of raising sand, the dark clouds above the venue began to slowly decrease.

The rain formed by the surrounding rainy environment also slowly dried up!

Suddenly, a wisp of yellow sand began to spread from the ground, covering half of the entire venue.

If it weren't for the energy of praying for rain, the entire venue would be covered by yellow sand.

But even so, the sandstorm controlled by Bangilas has already covered most of the venue.

The rainy environment of the Blastoise was forced to shrink to a corner.

It is worthy of being the tyrant in the desert. Under the blessing of the characteristic of raising sand.

The battle for the weather is to completely defeat the Blastoise on the opposite side.

"Damn it!"

Seeing that the environment on the field is very unfavorable to him, Lin Wu couldn't help but burst out with swear words.

After all, as a water spirit, he suddenly ran into a sandstorm environment.

Just the scraping of the layers of sandstorms can consume a lot of his physical strength.

Lin Wu had to let Blastoise speed up the attack and could not continue to waste time.

Otherwise, his Blastoise would surely lose, because his Blastoise had already fallen into a slump in the battle for weather.

If this continued, the entire venue would turn into a sandstorm environment.

"Blostoke, use Water Wave!"

After receiving the trainer's order, Blastoise immediately mobilized the water energy in his body.

These energies gathered on his body and suddenly began to explode towards the entire venue.

A blue light wave like the AT position instantly rushed towards Banguilas.

"Banguilas, use Guard!"

Jiang Li quickly asked his Banguilas to use Guard, which formed a transparent light shield.

It immediately blocked the attack of Water Wave!

"Blostoke uses Sacrifice Charge to hit it, and then use Water Tail!"

"Banguilas, we also use Sacrifice Charge!"

Blostoke immediately pulsed his thick legs and immediately hit Banguilas.

After receiving Jiang Li's order, Bangilas also lowered his body.

He instantly rushed towards the charging Blastoise!

There was a loud bang, and the two giant elves confronted each other head-on on the ground.

The tonnage of both sides directly caused the surrounding ground to collapse.

But this time, Bangilas was obviously in the upper hand.

His extremely strong body directly knocked the Blastoise to the ground and made it unable to stand.

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