Chapter 103 The Poseidon Festival has officially begun! The same kind of repulsive Terra Ola and Fire Spot Meow!!

December 16.

Haikou City.

Golden sunlight shines into the villa.

At this time, Gu Yu was still sleeping.

To the left of the pillow was Ye Mengyao’s fire-spotted meow.

Fire Spot Meow has always been very sticky to Gu Yu, and after coming to the villa, she directly slept next to Gu Yu’s pillow.

To the right of the pillow is Pokkekigu.

Terra Aura was on Gu Yu’s right.

Everything seemed so peaceful and beautiful.

Jingle Bells!

The phone rings, breaking the peace.

Gu Yu woke up from his sleep.

Today was the second day he attended the Poseidon Festival.

He was going to leave early to compete at the Poseidon Festival.

When Gu Yu woke up, several elves also woke up.

“Everyone! Good morning! ”




The elves responded to Gu Yu one after another.

And then…

The atmosphere instantly became subtle.



The two meows of Firespot Meowth and Terra Ola looked at each other unfavorably, and it wasn’t a day or two.

Gu Yu was also helpless.

He also couldn’t understand why the two elves looked at each other unfavorably.

Is it really the same kind of repulsion?

“Terra Ola and Fire Spot Meow, calm down.”

Gu Yu wanted to dissuade the two elves.


Obviously this is ineffective.



The two elves shouted and pounced directly together.



The two elves then engaged in a great battle.

Ten minutes later.

Gu Yu looked at the dismantled bedroom, and the corridor where even the steps were pierced.

With a helpless face, he handed the Fire Spot Meow to Ye Mengyao.

“Sorry, Mengyao, I didn’t expect this to happen!” I’ll pay for the repairs. ”

“It’s all right, Gu Yu, you don’t need to pay for it, the wisdom of elves is not weaker than that of humans, and it is normal to make small conflicts.”

“I’ll just let someone fix it later, when my father’s elf got angry, the villas were demolished one after another.”

Hearing Ye Mengyao’s words, Gu Yu once again felt the danger of the trainer!

This is the time when his elves will tear down the villa in the future, and Gu Yu happens to be in the villa…

After a simple breakfast, Ye Mengyao drove a Ferrari with Gu Yu to the scene of the Sea God Festival.

After getting off the bus, Gu Yu came to the players’ lounge under the leadership of the staff.

At this time, in the players’ lounge, there were already ten players.

Gu Yu was the eleventh to arrive.

When Gu Yu entered the door, he directly became the focus of the whole house.

A series of scrutiny, or curious, or jealous eyes converged on Gu Yu, one of them held up a mobile phone, obviously a trainer of a platform anchor.

The moment he saw Gu Yu come in, he directly pointed his mobile phone at Gu Yu and shouted excitedly.

“The family in the live room! See who’s coming? ”

“It is our Heavenly King’s successor!” Gu Yu! ”

The barrage in the live broadcast room exploded in an instant!

“Sleeper! It’s really Gu Yu himself! ”

“Male God! I feel that I am much more handsome than the photos! ”

“Anchor, I want to see Flash Ibu, let Gu Yu show it!”

Successor of the King!

This is the name given to Gu Yu by the majority of netizens.

After all, Yuan Hanhai had said it himself, and Gu Yu could succeed him.

Although for the title of Heavenly King’s successor, Gu Yu refused.

After all, his goal is to become the champion of the Dragon Kingdom!

But for the majority of netizens, this is already a very great title.

Inside the lounge.

For such a situation, Gu Yu had already anticipated it.

Gu Gu found a corner to sit down, and Gu Yu was ready to wait for the battle.

Gu Yu planned this way, but someone obviously didn’t want Gu Yu to wait quietly for the game.

The male trainer with the mobile phone in his hand sat down next to Gu Yu.

“Gu Yu! Hello! I am the anchor of the Fighting Shark Platform Longlun Rock will have a premonition, and my real name is Wang Shunfeng. ”

“My family members in the live broadcast room want me to interview you with a few questions, can you easily answer them?”

“The game is about to start, I want to prepare for the game quietly, I hope you understand!”

“Gu Yu directly refused Wang Shunfeng’s interview.”

Wang Shunfeng nodded, then continued, “Then Gu Yu, after the game, is it convenient for you to accept my interview?” ”

“Let’s wait until the game is over!”

While the two were talking, the remaining five participating trainers also arrived.

At this time, the sound of the radio also came.

“The round of sixteen will start in fifteen minutes, please prepare for Gu Yu and Meng Lingling!”

Gu Yu heard his name and immediately ended his conversation with Wang Shunfeng.

Step out of the players’ lounge.

Leaving with Gu Yu was his opponent Meng Lingling this time.

Meng Lingling is wearing a Jenny turtle T-shirt and looks very cute.

Looking at Gu Yu’s gaze, he couldn’t help but feel a little flustered.

She was the one who had seen the video of Gu Yu and Shi Gulan fighting.

It was precisely because of this that she knew the terrible strength of Gu Yu!

Gu Yu had already walked out of the Players’ Passage at this time and came to the arena located below the Temple of Lokia.

The arena, called the Temple Arena, was built by the Temple of Lokia and is located just below the cliff where the temple is located.

The Temple Arena was built 100 years ago as an open-air arena made of granite.

From top to bottom, the temple arena looks like a ring.

In the middle is a huge circular pool.

In the middle of the pool there are three thick round yellow copper pillars.

This is the venue used for Gu Yu and others to compete today!


At the moment when Gu Yu appeared, the applause and cheers in the arena surged like a tide!

“Gu Yu! I actually saw me! ”

“Is this the successor of the king?” Long really handsome! ”

“So handsome! It’s like a movie star! ”

After walking out of the contestant passage, Gu Yu looked at it and saw Ye Mengyao, Shi Gulan, and Xia Pengyu sitting in the first row of the arena.

The referee saw that Gu Yu and Meng Lingling had entered the stadium and immediately began to announce the rules of the game.

“The two sides of this Poseidon Festival competition are two against two, and the two elves on either side take the lead and fall to the ground, even if it is a failure.”

“Elves on both sides are not allowed to carry props.”

“After the elves appear, within 2 minutes, unless they fall to the ground, they cannot exchange elves.”

“The playing field is irreplaceable, and there is no restriction on the use of elven races, no restrictions on strength, and no restrictions on attributes.”

“If there is no doubt, the two players can start preparing for the game!”

Gu Yu and Meng Lingling both nodded their heads in understanding.

The referee saw the situation and directly announced the start of the game.

Gu Yu and Meng Lingling each sent their own elves.

Monarch snake!

Water Elves!

The Water Elf is an evolved form of Ibrahimovic, with a light blue body and a fish’s tail.

【Water Spirit (Water Ibu) (Water)】



[Features: Storing water (when attacked by a move of the water attribute, it does not take damage, but will regenerate)]

【Personality Talent: Naughty (+ Attack, – Special Defense)】

【Individual Qualifications: HP(27), Attack (31), Defense (26), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (29), Speed (30)]

[Skills: Impact, Tail Shaker, Water Gun, Water Cannon, Digging Holes, Asking for Rain, Foam Light, Sacrifice Collision, Frozen Beam, Water Wave, Water Flow Ring, Water Cannon, Tarzan Topping, High Speed Star, Iron Tail]

【Carrying: None】

【Potential: Dojo】

Seeing Gu Yu send out the monarch snake, Meng Lingling frowned.

“Water Elves! Blend into the water first! ”


The water elf shouted, and then instantly disappeared into the eyes of the audience.

Water spirits’ cells are very close to water molecules and also have special abilities to make changes in cells to integrate their bodies into water.

The monarch snake stood on top of a huge brass column, its head constantly turning, and began to look for traces of the enemy.

“Monarch snake! Throw a storm of flying leaves against the water! ”


In an instant, from the monarch snake’s body, a sharp blade-like blade flew out and turned into a tornado and slammed into the water of the arena.

The explanation at the scene also said: “Gu Yu players cast a flying leaf storm!” This is obviously forcing Meng Lingling’s players to make a choice. ”

“Once Gu Yu let the Monarch Snake cast three Flying Leaf Storms, and then took over the baton to release Menas, Meng Lingling’s players would have no chance of winning!”

Meng Lingling obviously knew this too.

At the moment when the flying leaf storm dissipated, let the water elves attack directly.

“Water Elves! Frozen beams! ”


The water spirit jumped up from the surface of the water, and the endless cold air gathered in its mouth.

In the next instant, a blue beam of light went straight to the monarch snake.

“Monarch snake! Hold on! ”

As soon as Gu Yu’s voice fell, the Monarch Snake directly cast the Guardian Skill.

A huge white circular shield rose from the monarch’s serpent body, blocking the frozen beam of light.

“Water Elves! High Speed Star! ”

[High-Speed Star: Shoots star-shaped light to attack the opponent, and the attack is bound to hit.] 】

Dozens of star-shaped rays of light went straight to the shield that had been formed.


After eating the two skills of the Water Elf successively, the giant shield formed by the skill was guarded, and a crack appeared.

“Water Elves! Iron Tail! ”


The water elf’s tail appeared a metallic color, and it was directly drawn towards the white giant shield bell!

It was like the sound of swords colliding, and the white giant shield turned into fragments and shattered directly.

“Water Elves! Nice job! Fight with your life! ”

“Monarch snake! Stare! ”

Hearing Gu Yu’s order, the Monarch Snake’s gaze narrowed.

In the next instant, the water elves, frightened, stopped attacking and froze in place

“Monarch snake! Tight bundles! Then cast the Energy Orb! ”


While the water elves were stunned in place, the thick and long snake body of the green vine snake was directly wrapped around the water elves.


The water elves let out screams of pain.

“Hurry up and break free!” Water Elves! ”

Meng Lingling’s anxious voice sounded, but it was too late.

The cyan ball of energy, spat out of the mouth of the monarch snake, directly hit the water elf.


With the sound of an explosion, the water elves are hit by energy balls!

The audience at the scene, seeing this scene, instantly boiled double!

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