Chapter 104 Successfully Advanced! Exploded barrage!!

Water elves are twice as weak as grass.

The Flying Leaf Storm greatly increased the Monarch Serpent’s special attack.

Plus the level gap between the two elves.

The Water Elf was directly killed by the Monarch Snake!

【Ding! The Monarch Snake defeats the Water Elves and gains 6,000 experience points! 】

The referee’s voice also sounded again.

“The water elves fall to the ground, the winner!” Monarch snake! ”


As the referee’s voice sounded, the applause like a tidal wave resounded again, and the cheers rose higher than the waves!

Shi Gulan, who was sitting in the first row, nodded.

“Gu Yu has won!”

“Sometimes knowing that your opponent has too much information is not necessarily a good thing.”

“If you don’t want Gu Yu to launch the Flying Leaf Storm, you can only choose melee combat, but there are not many elves in melee who are opponents of the Monarch Snake.”

Ye Mengyao nodded.

Too far away will give the monarch snake the opportunity to unleash a storm of flying leaves.

Too close, the slightest carelessness will be like a water elf, entangled by the monarch snake.

Meng Lingling took back the monarch snake and replaced it with her second elf.

A flash of red light, a height of nearly two meters, surrounded by black and white, with three crown-like sharp horns on his head.

It is Emperor Nabo!

【Emperor Napo (water) (steel)】



[Features: Riptide (when the HP is reduced, the power of the water attribute will increase)]

【Personality Talent: Gentle (+ Special Defense, – Attack)]

[Individual Qualifications: HP(31), Attack (31), Defense (25), Special Attack (27), Special Defense (26), Speed (31)]

[Skills: Impact, Water Gun, Water Jet, Sword Dance, Scream, Water Cannon, Salt Water, Metal Claw, Random Strike, Foam Ray, Frozen Beam, Water Wave, Stand-in, Steel Wing, Asking for Rain, Hail, Chopping Tiles]

【Carrying: None】

【Potential: Dojo】

“Emperor Nabo! Dive into the water and perform a sword dance! Then cast the ice mold! ”

[Sword Dance: Dance the battle dance fiercely to increase momentum and greatly improve your attack.] 】

[Hail: Rains hail for a certain period of time, giving damage to all elves except the elves with ice attributes.] 】


Emperor Napo shouted and then dived directly into the water.

“Monarch snake! Flying Leaf Storm! ”


The monarch snake shouted.

Immediately, a sharp blade-like blade flew out of his body, turning into a tornado and rushing to the surface of the water of the arena.

When Meng Lingling saw this scene, her face instantly became very solemn.

She knew that as long as Gu Yu let the Monarch Snake cast another Flying Leaf Storm again, this game would be completely over!

At this moment, Emperor Nabo’s hail skill was also completed.

The arena was instantly cloudy, and then egg-sized hailstones kept falling.


Hit by the Hail skill, the monarch snake cried out in pain.

“Emperor Nabo! Face the copper pillar and strike it! ”

[Impact: Attack with your entire body crashing into your opponent.] 】


With a loud sound coming from underwater, the bronze pillar on which the monarch snake stood instantly began to tilt.

The monarch snake subconsciously jumped up and wanted to fly to another copper pillar.

“It’s now! Emperor Nabo! Rush up! Cast the tiles! ”

Meng Lingling’s voice just dropped.

With a roar, Emperor Napo rushed out of the water, his right arm covered with white light, and went straight to the Monarch Snake in mid-air.

“Monarch snake! Shadow Twin! ”

As soon as Gu Yu’s voice fell, more than ten monarch snakes appeared in the sky in an instant.


Emperor Napo struck a doppelganger and found that it was just an illusion.


Looking at the more than ten monarch snakes around him, Emperor Napo was obviously flustered.

“Monarch snake! Flying Leaf Storm! ”

“Emperor Nabo! Hurry up and avoid! ”

Meng Lingling was very anxious but could not fly, how could Emperor Nabo, who was still falling in mid-air, avoid it?


The Flying Leaf Storm turned into a tornado that sucked Emperor Napo directly into it.

Even if this time to cast the Flying Leaf Storm, the Monarch Snake has already cast three Flying Leaf Storms.

Three greatly improved special attacks!

Although Emperor Napo is not twice as weak as the water elves because of the water system and steel system.

But it is also twice as weak grass system, coupled with the increase brought about by the contrarian tone and the gap in rank…


When the flying leaf storm dissipated, Emperor Napo smashed heavily on the surface of the water, directly unconscious.

【Ding! The Monarch Snake defeats Emperor Nabo and gains 8,000 experience points! 】

The referee then announces the result of the match.

“Emperor Napole loses his fighting power! Winner! Gu Yu player! ”

“Congratulations to Gu Yu for advancing to the quarterfinals!”

The temple arena once again erupted into a burst of warm applause, and the mountain roared like a tsunami!

Xia Pengyu, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, also applauded Gu Yu at this time.

“Gu Yu’s on-the-spot command ability is indeed excellent, in the case of some information being mastered by the opponent.”

“Take advantage of your opponent’s jealousy and successfully make your opponent fall into a trap you have laid out!”

On the field.

After Meng Lingling withdrew the Emperor Nabo, she looked at Gu Yu, who was cheered by the audience, and walked off the field without a word.

What made her uncomfortable was not that she lost to Gu Yu, but that apart from Emperor Nabo’s hail skill, it did not hurt the Monarch Snake at all.

This is not only the gap between the elves, but also between the trainers.

She was completely toyed with by Gu Yu!

After successfully advancing to the quarterfinals, Gu Yu first helped the monarch snake to heal the injuries caused by the hail skill.

Then head back to the lounge and wait for the game to come out.

Finally, at 12:00 a.m., the round of sixteen was all over.

After a simple meal with Ye Mengyao and Shi Gulan at noon.

1 p.m.

The quarterfinals begins.

And Gu Yu’s first opponent was Wang Shunfeng!

With the sound of the referee’s voice, the game also officially begins!

Gu Yu still sent the Monarch Snake.

Wang Shunfeng sent out an elf who was nearly two meters tall and looked like a dragon.

There is a tail of burning flames.

The tip of the claw has sharp nails.

The long neck and the two horns protruding from the back of the head.

It’s the fire-breathing dragon!

【Fire-breathing dragon (fire) (flight)】



[Feature: Fire (when the HP is reduced, the power of the fire attribute’s move increases)]

【Character Talent: Timid (+ Speed, – Special Attack)】

[Individual Qualifications: HP(25), Attack (29), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (25)]

【Skills: Catch, Scream, Spark, Smoke Screen, Hot Air, Dragon Claw, Flame Tooth, Split, Spray Flame, Flame Vortex, Purgatory, Earthquake, Destruction of Death Light, Sunny Day, Iron Tail, Flame Fist, Thunder Fist】

【Carrying: None】

【Potential: Dojo】

Wang Shunfeng saw that Gu Yu was still sending out the Monarch Snake.

Holding up his mobile phone, he shouted at the audience in the live broadcast room.

“Families! I said before that Gu Yu would send the Monarch Snake! ”

“Look at my wave, how to use attribute restraint to defeat the monarch snake!”

“Fire-breathing dragons! Fly! Shine a sunny day! ”

[Sunny days: The sunlight will become strong for a certain period of time, which will increase the power of the fire attribute move, and the power of the water attribute will decrease.] 】


With the roar of the fire-breathing dragon, the sunlight of the entire arena instantly became very dazzling.

“Monarch snake! Grow! ”


The body of the monarch snake began to grow.

“Fire-breathing dragons! Cast a spray of flame at the monarch snake! ”

Hearing Wang Shunfeng’s command, the fire energy in the mouth of the fire-breathing dragon began to gather.

In the next instant, red flames erupted from the mouth of the fire-breathing dragon, turning into a curtain of fire, enveloping the monarch snake.

“Monarch snake! Hold on! ”


A huge white circular shield rose from the monarch’s serpent body, blocking the fire-breathing dragon’s jet of flames.

“Fire-breathing dragons! Dragon’s Claw! ”

[Dragon Claw: Attack with a sharp giant claw that splits the opponent. 】


Above the fire-breathing dragon’s right claw, five sharp claws composed of dragon energy instantly protruded.

With a wave of his wings, he went straight to the monarch snake.


Like the sound of swords colliding, the dragon’s claws hit the white shield.


A crack appeared above the shield, and then the crack gradually increased.

“Well done! Fire-breathing dragons! Another slap in the dragon’s claw! ”

As Wang Shunfeng’s voice fell, the bullet screen in the live broadcast room also exploded again.

“Brother Downwind! Defeat the Heavenly King’s successor in one fell swoop! ”

“After the guardian skill is broken, even if the monarch snake uses its eyes and tightening the beam, the fire-breathing dragon will swirl with flames, because of the restraint of the attributes, the monarch snake will be pinched by the fire-breathing dragon to death!”

“The grass skill can only deal a quarter of the damage to the fire-breathing dragon, what does the monarch snake do to win the fire-breathing dragon?”

“Win is set! Just see if Brother Shunfeng can come to a one-and-two! ”

In the audience.

Xia Pengyu’s eyes showed a hint of curiosity.

“Property restraint! The opponent can fly again, and the holding skill is about to be broken, what do you do? ”

On the field.


With the fire-breathing dragon’s dragon claws casting again, the white shield formed by the holding skill shattered directly.

“Monarch snake! Stare! ”

The monarch snake’s gaze narrowed.

In the next instant, the fire-breathing dragon stopped attacking because of fear, and froze in place

“Fire-breathing dragons! Hurry up and break free from the effects of the glare! Cast the Flame Vortex! ”

“Monarch snake! Throw a wrestling blow and throw the fire-breathing dragon into the water! ”

[Wrestling: Attack with a long tail or vine or other wrestling opponents. 】

Hearing Gu Yu’s voice, Wang Shunfeng was first stunned, and then the smile on his face instantly disappeared without a trace.

Shout at the fire-breathing dragon in the arena: “Fire-breathing dragon! Hurry up and get out of the way! ”


It’s too late!


The monarch snake threw the fire-breathing dragon directly into the water.

“Monarch snake! Flying Leaf Storm! ”

Gu Yu’s cold voice sounded again.

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