Chapter 106 Poseidon Festival Champion! Rewards of the Temple!!

“Dumb hippopotamus! Rain! ”


With Yan Siyu’s order, the Dumb Hippopotamus cast a begging for rain.

In an instant, the training ground was cloudy.

After a few moments, the rain kept falling.

“Monarch snake! Grow! ”

Gu Yu’s voice had just fallen, and Yan Siyu’s voice sounded again.

“Dumb hippopotamus! Surf! ”

When the body of the monarch snake became larger, the dumb hippopotamus set off a large wave more than ten meters high and the dumb hippopotamus stood on top of the big wave and shot at the monarch snake.

“Oh my God! Dumb hippos use their surfing skills to make big waves as soon as they come up! ”

“If the monarch snake falls into the water, it is really dangerous!” I don’t know how Gu Yu’s players will respond? ”

The on-site commentary also pinched a sweat for Gu Yu.

“Monarch snake! Hold on! ”


With Gu Yu’s order, a huge white shield appeared in front of the monarch snake.


The big wave was struck, and by holding the giant shield, the monarch snake was safe and sound!

“Dumb hippopotamus! Charming! ”

“Monarch snake! Mysterious Guardian! ”

The two opened their mouths almost at the same time.

[Mysterious Guardian: Protected by magical powers for a certain period of time, so as not to fall into an abnormal state. 】

Dumb hippos emitted countless pink glows all over their bodies.

A mysterious power covers the surface of the monarch snake’s body, and the charm skill does not affect the monarch snake.

After seeing the information of the dumb hippopotamus, Gu Yu had long been guarding against the hand of the dumb hippopotamus.

Yan Siyu’s eyes showed a hint of surprise, but he did not stop attacking because of this!

“Dumb hippopotamus! Mentally strong! ”

[Mental Strength: Sends powerful thoughts to the opponent to attack, sometimes lowering the opponent’s special defense.] 】


Under the strong spirit of the Dumb Hippopotamus, the white giant shield formed by the defensive skill was directly torn apart.

“Monarch snake! Flying Leaf Storm! ”

As soon as Gu Yu’s voice fell, the Monarch Snake’s body flew out of a sharp blade-like blade that turned into a tornado and went straight to the stupid hippopotamus in the water.

Seeing the flying leaf storm appear, Yan Siyu smiled at the corner of his mouth.

“Dumb hippopotamus! Fixation! ”

[Fixation method: Obstructs the opponent’s action, and the previous moves cannot be used for a certain period of time. 】

The Mysterious Guardian can only ensure that the Monarch Snake does not enter the chaotic and paralyzing these abnormal states, but it cannot stop the Fixation Law.

Although Gu Yu had long known that the Dumb Hippopotamus would be able to fix his body, knowing and being able to defend were two concepts.

With a burst of mysterious light appeared on the surface of the monarch’s snake.

Growth, mysterious guardianship, keeping, flying leaf storm four skills, directly sealed by the dumb hippopotamus.

As a cost, the Dumb Hippopotamus was also directly hit by the Flying Leaf Storm!

The Dumb Hippopotamus is already twice as weak grass, and the Flying Leaf Storm is still affected by the increase in the anti-tune characteristics.


The dumb hippopotamus swept away by the storm of flying leaves screamed in mid-air.

“Monarch snake! Energy Balls! ”


The cyan ball of energy spat out from the mouth of the monarch snake and headed straight for the dumb hippopotamus in mid-air.


The dumb hippopotamus was hit by the energy ball and slammed into the water with a bang.

Moments later, the unconscious hippopotamus floated to the surface.

【Ding! Monarch Snake defeats the Dumb Hippopotamus and gains 25,000 experience points! 】

The referee’s voice rang out: “Dumb hippopotamus loses its fighting power!” Winner! Monarch snake! ”

In the temple arena, there was a loud cheer again!

But the expressions on the faces of Ye Mengyao, Shi Gulan and others were still very solemn!

The Dumb Hippopotamus was not so vulnerable.

The reason why he was easily defeated by Gu Yu was only because of Yan Siyu’s tactics.

In other words, Yan Siyu was confident that his next elf would complete one through two!

On the field.

After Yan Siyu reclaimed the Dumb Hippopotamus, he then sent out his second elf.

An elf more than 1 meter tall with three eyes that resembles a flying saucer.

It’s the self-detonating magnetic monster!

Seeing the self-detonating magnetic monster appear, Xia Pengyu’s brow on the sidelines frowned slightly.

“Self-detonating magneto! Can’t go wrong! This Yan Siyu really comes from the Yan family! ”

“Gu Yu is going to be in danger!”

【Self-detonating magnetic monster (electric) (steel)】

【Gender: No gender】


【Characteristics: Analysis (if the last move is used, the power of the move will increase,)]

【Character Talent: Arrogance (+ Special Defense, – Speed)】

[(Individual Qualifications: HP(31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)]

[Skills: Impact, Ultrasound, Electric Shock, Electromagnetic Wave, Triple Attack, Electrical Field, Electric Ball, Harsh Sound, Electromagnetic Floating, Cannon Light Cannon, Locking, 100,000 Volts, Destruction of Dead Light, Iron Wall, Heavy Impact, Light Wall, Hold, Gyro Ball]

【Carrying: None】

【Potential: Champion】

In addition to Gu Yu himself and Ye Mengyao and Xia Pengyu’s elves, this Gu Yu saw the 6V’ champion elf for the first time in the hands of other trainers!

Magnetos can fly, and they also have the ability to defend this defense.

Although the electric system can only deal half the damage to the monarch snake, it restrains the water system.

This is also why Yan Siyu chose to seal the three skills of the Green Vine Snake with the Dumb Hippopotamus!

“Self-detonating magneto! Fly! Cast a lock! Then cast the Cannon Light Cannon! ”

[Lock: Aim closely at your opponent and your next attack will definitely hit.] 】

“Monarch snake! Parasitic seeds! ”


The monarch snake spat out a thumb-sized seed and headed straight for the self-detonating magnetic monster in mid-air.

In the next instant, a metallic light in mid-air came straight to the Monarch Snake.


A huge explosion sounded, and the monarch snake carried the blow and cried out in pain.


The attack of the monarch snake also successfully hit the self-detonating magnetic monster.

The parasitic seed comes into contact with the self-detonating magneto.

Immediately began to take root and sprout, and the roots had to grow wildly on the self-detonating magneto.

“Self-detonating magneto! Make a harsh sound! Then hit it with a heavy pound! ”

[Heavy impact: Attack with a heavy body against the opponent, the heavier you are than your opponent, the more powerful you are. 】


A loud piercing sound came from the mouth of the self-detonating magnetic monster.


The monarch snake had a pained expression on his face and kept shouting.

In the next instant, the self-detonating magnetic monster rushed from mid-air.

“Monarch snake! Stare! ”

The monarch snake’s gaze narrowed.

In the next instant, the self-detonating magnetic monster began to slow down because of fear, but its body was still flying towards the monarch snake because of inertia.

“Monarch snake! The Power of Nature! ”

[Force of Nature: Attack with the power of nature, and the moves will vary depending on the place used.] 】

In front of the monarch snake, a ball of energy emitting an aqua blue glow appeared.

In the next instant, go straight to the self-detonating magnetic monster.


With the sound of explosions, the body of the self-detonating magnetic monster shook in mid-air!

“It’s now! Monarch Snake Throws Blows! Throw the self-detonating Magneto into the water! ”

The standard weight of the self-detonating magnetic monster is 180 kg.

Under normal circumstances, it is really difficult to throw a self-detonating magneto into the water.

But now the self-detonating magnetic monster was first hit by the glare, and then ate the natural power of the monarch snake.


The monarch snake vine whip stretched out and wrapped around the self-detonating magnetic monster in mid-air, and directly threw the self-detonating magnetic monster into the water with one force.


The self-detonating magneto’s body was flooded by the sea.

“Oh my God! The monarch snake directly threw the self-detonating magnetic monster into the water! ”

The live commentary yelled.

Yan Siyu realized that it was not good, and hurriedly shouted: “Self-detonating magnetic monster, fly out quickly!” ”

Gu Yu quickly withdrew the Monarch Snake at this time, and then sent out Menas.

“Menas! Tornado! ”


Menas shouted, and in the next instant a tornado formed a rumbling!

The self-detonating magneto, which had just surfaced, was directly swept into the tornado.

“Menas! The Sound of Enchantment! ”

[Charm Sound: Emitting a seductive cry gives the opponent mental damage, and the attack will definitely hit.] 】


Gu Yu’s voice had just fallen, and an incomparably seductive voice came out of Menas’s mouth

“Water cannon!”

The tornado was about to disappear, and Gu Yu’s voice sounded again.

The countless water energy energies in Menas’s mouth began to converge.

Yan Siyu shouted eagerly, “Self-detonating magnetic monster! Cast to keep! ”

However, the self-detonating magnetic monster was hit by a tornado and a seductive sound, and the hit was a bit confused at this time.

Hearing Huo Siyu’s voice, the reaction slowed down for a moment.

It was this moment!

A three-meter-high column of water sprayed directly at the self-detonating magnetic monster.


The self-detonating magnetic monster was directly hit by the water cannon and flew away, smashing into the water.

He has eaten six skills of parasitic seeds, force of nature, wrestling, tornado, the sound of seduction and water cannons.

Even if it is as strong as a self-detonating magnetic monster, it is impossible to resist.

Moments later, the unconscious self-detonating magneto floated above the water.

【Ding! The Monarch Snake defeats the Magneto and gains 20,000 XP! 】

【Ding! Monarch Snake upgraded to level 43! 】

【Ding! Menas defeats the Magnetic Monster and gains 20,000 XP! 】

“The self-detonating magneto fell to the ground! Winner! Gu Yu! ”

“Let’s congratulate Gu Yu! Win the championship of this Poseidon Festival! ”

As the referee’s voice fell, in an instant the entire temple arena was filled with cheers!


The applause sounded like a tide, and countless spectators began to shout Gu Yu’s name!

“Gu Yu!!!”

“Gu Yu!!!”

“Gu Yu!!!”

Menas on the field also swam to Gu Yu’s side.


While shouting happily, he rubbed his head against Gu Yu’s chest.

“Beautiful! Menas! ”

While praising Menas, Gu Yu also waved to the audience cheering for him!

At this time, Yan Siyu came over.

“Gu Yu, this time I lost, but next time I won’t lose to you again!”

“I’m looking forward to playing against you in the National Collegiate Elf League!”

“Your strength is very strong, and I look forward to playing with you next time!”

Gu Yu replied.

“Then say well, Gu Yu, don’t fall down until you meet me next year!”

“Now go and enjoy the joy of victory and accept the reward of the temple!”

After speaking, Yan Siyu turned and left.

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