Chapter 107 Blessed by the Sea God! Mysterious water droplets!!

In the audience.

Xia Pengyu looked at the victorious Gu Yu, and his eyes were full of appreciation.

“Battle Command! Spot strain! At this age, no, it should be said that under the Heavenly King-level trainer, it is already the top level! ”

Ye Mengyao saw Gu Yu win the championship, and he was also excited to applaud!

A trace of shock also flashed in Shi Gulan’s eyes on the side.

“It may not be an exaggeration for the Yuanhan Sea Heavenly King to say that Gu Yu can become his successor!”

“At least at this age, even if they are Heavenly King-level or even champion-level trainers, there are very few who can compete with Gu Yu!”

The competition of the Poseidon Festival, because it is an irregular event.

The award ceremony is different from ordinary competitions.

In a typical competition, after being accepted on the field, a podium will be simply set up.

The award is then presented by the guests.

But the Poseidon Festival is different.

After Gu Yu finished the battle, he had to leave the Temple Arena and go to the Lokia Temple above the Arena.

On Temple Square, in front of the statue of Lokia ten meters, the high priest himself presented the prize.

Led by the staff of the Lokia Temple, Gu Yu came to the front of the Temple Square.

The high priest holding a golden scepter and wearing a blue sacrificial suit also stepped out of the temple.

At this time, the temple square, which was enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people, had been surrounded by people.

When the high priest came to Gu Yu’s body, the staff also came holding a red tray.

Above the tray is the champion trophy of this Poseidon Festival.

The Poseidon Championship Trophy is silver throughout, twenty centimeters high.

At the top is a small silver statue of Lokia.

Therefore, the Champion 2 Army trophy of the Poseidon Festival is also known as the Little Lokia Trophy.

When the high priest handed Gu Yu the small Lokia trophy, which symbolized the champion of the Sea God Festival.

The whole temple square was once again filled with cheers!

When the cheers stopped, it was time for the second item.

“Congratulations to Gu Yu for winning the Poseidon Festival!”

“May my god Lokia!” Bless Gu Yu! ”

This ritual was originally called the blessing of the sea god.

In the beginning, Lokia would indeed be blessed.

But over time, Lokia has received little blessing.

The last time Lokia blessed was twenty-two years ago.

At that time, Gu Yu had not yet been born.

You can imagine how much time has passed.

Therefore, the blessing of the sea god today is a ceremony that symbolizes more than it actually does.

Just as the high priest was preparing for the last item of the award ceremony.


With a slight noise, the ten-meter-high statue of Lokia above the Temple Square suddenly erupted into a dazzling white light!

In an instant, the entire temple square is directly frying pan!

“Sleeper! The god of the sea really appeared! ”

“No, I’m going to record it!” The last time Lokia appeared was twenty-two years ago! ”

“I don’t know! What props will the sea god bless Gu Yu? ”

Gu Yu also looked at the statue emitting dazzling white light at this time.

【Statue of Lokia】

[Note: When the statue was built, Lokia injected her own power into the statue while leaving some props.] 】

[Note: Whenever a good trainer appears, the statue will give away the props left by Lokia based on the trainer’s potential.] 】

“Lokia, is this the god of the sea or the god of wealth?”

“But if that’s the case, it will explain why it took twenty-two years for me to be blessed.”

“The low-level or worthless props are almost sent, after all, the statue is a dead thing, there is nothing to send, naturally it will not appear.”

After Gu Yu understood everything,… I also began to look forward to what props I could get.

In the next instant, under the gaze of tens of thousands of people in Temple Square.

A drop of dark blue, crystal clear water dripped from the mouth of the statue in Lokia.

The magic is that the water droplets are behind and floating in mid-air.

Gu Yu’s eyes also appeared in front of the information of water droplets.

[Mysterious Water Droplets: After absorption, the water attribute energy in the elf’s body will be permanently increased. 】

The effect of mysterious water droplets in the elven game is the same as that of the water system secret treasure sea tide incense.

But in this world, there is change.

Seeing the mysterious water droplets appear, the high priest’s eyes flashed a trace of shock.

“It turned out to be a mysterious water droplet.”

The moment Xia Pengyu saw the mysterious water droplet appear, his pupils suddenly shrank.

“If I remember correctly, the last trainer who won the mysterious water droplet was the Dragon Kingdom Champion sixty years ago!”

Shi Gulan’s eyes were full of emotion, and his voice was also filled with shock: “Gu Yu! ”

“It can be given mysterious water droplets!”

“After Terraora, and Lokia, Gu Yu this guy is really liked by the Divine Beast!”

Ye Mengyao secretly sighed in his heart, and his gaze at Gu Yu also carried a hint of admiration.

At this time, there was also a lot of discussion in the temple square.

“What is this?” I remember that twenty-two years ago, it was a jewel of life! ”

“Stupid! This is a mysterious water droplet! Much more precious than the Orb of Life! The last time a mysterious water drop appeared, it was sixty years ago! ”

“It is said that the god of the sea will give prizes to the champion of the sea god festival according to his liking! Gu Yu should be very popular with the sea god! ”

“That’s not right! Obviously the blessing is over! Why is the Poseidon statue still glowing?! ”

Then, in the shocked eyes of the crowd.

Another mysterious drop of water, dripping from the mouth of the statue of Lokia.

When the high priest saw this scene, he was momentarily stunned, and there was surprise, confusion, and shock in Gu Yu’s eyes!

“It is recorded in the temple that the highest reward given by the sea god is the mysterious water droplet, but it is never recorded that the sea god will give two mysterious water droplets!”

Look at the two mysterious droplets of water suspended in mid-air.

Above the temple square, it instantly fell into a dead silence!

The mouths of the people were wide open, and their faces were full of incredulity!

This lasted for five seconds, and then a loud roar of discussion began!

“Oh my God! I read that right! The sea god gave Gu Yu two mysterious droplets?! ”

“You read that right! Because I also saw it for the first time! ”

“Never since the establishment of the Temple of Lokia, such a thing has ever happened!”

The high priest then said a word to the staff next to him, and then the staff walked quickly into the temple.

Then he took out two glass bottles the size of fists and sent them to Gu Yu’s body.

“The mysterious water droplet can be taken directly to the elves, but it is only effective for the water elves, and the effect is only once, and the second time is invalid.”

Hearing the high priest’s reminder, Gu Yu nodded his head in understanding.

Then two drops of mysterious water are filled in two glass bottles.

Gu Yu was about to make the last item.

Champion group photo!

Gu Yu released Menas and Qingteng Snake and posed according to the photographer’s requirements.


As the flash sounded, the photo was completely frozen.

In the center of the photo is Gu Yu holding a small Lokia trophy and smiling.

On the left is the monarch snake, and on the right is Menas.

Gu Yu was sandwiched between two big snakes, one white and one green!

At this point, for Gu Yu.

His Poseidon Festival is over!

After the end of the battle, the Poseidon Festival will also have various performances and various activities that will continue until the end of the month.

But these activities, for Gu Yu, no longer have any meaning.

Xia Pengyu left the day after Gu Yu won the championship.

In his words.

Gu Yu’s performance was perfect, there was no training that Gu Yu needed to complete before the New Year!

Zhejiang University is closed on January 7.

The day of Kosmogu’s birth is January 21st.

Chinese New Year’s Eve is January 31st.

Gu Yu next only needs to return to school to complete the final test, and the first half of the freshman year will be completely over.

Considering that I was blown up during this time, and the situation that I might be watched as a national treasure after I returned.

Gu Yu decided to stay with Ye Mengyao for a while in Hai Province.

December 17.

Ye Mengyao officially started a half-month special training with Shi Gulan.

After Shi Gulan knew that Gu Yu had not left, he specially invited Gu Yu to train with him.

Gu Yu gladly accepted.

After half a month of special training with Shi Gulan and Ye Mengyao.

Gu Yu also had to say that the Canghai Daoist Hall is worthy of being a water system Daoist Hall that has been passed down for many years.

In the cultivation of water elves, there is indeed a unique place.

It is not only reflected in the training of skills, but also in the cultivation of elves.

Level, skill and body.

True top elves are indispensable to all three.

The first two Gu Yu has always been trained.

Physically, because the effect is not fast, Gu Yu has very little training at present.

In the special training, Shi Gulan showed some methods of the Canghai Daoist Hall for the physical training of water elves.

Let Gu Yu benefit a lot!

December 31.

Today is the last day of special training for Shi Gulan, Ye Mengyao and Gu Yu.

After finishing the morning’s training, Shi Gulan took the lead in leaving.

“Tonight is the cross-Chinese New Year’s Eve, tomorrow is New Year’s Day, it is also the new year, I want to go home for the holiday, the afternoon training will be canceled!”

“Happy New Year to you in advance!”

After speaking, Shi Gulan waved his hand, and then turned away in a dashing manner.

Ye Mengyao and Gu Yu also had no relatives or friends in Hai Province.

After returning to the villa, after a simple dinner, they began to reply to some text messages and various blessing messages.

When night falls, fireworks begin to set off at the closing ceremony of the Poseidon Festival.




The dark night sky is illuminated by fireworks.

Gu Yu and Ye Mengyao came to the balcony of the villa to enjoy the fireworks.

When the fireworks are halfway admired.

Ye Mengyao took out a palm-sized gift box from his pocket and was very beautifully packaged.

When handed to Gu Yu, Ye Mengyao’s face seemed to be shy, and a trace of redness appeared.

“Gu Yu, this is my New Year’s gift for you!”

“I know you like to train elves, so I made a copy of my father’s notes and materials for training elves and put them on a plate and gave them to you.”

Notes and materials of Ye Tianwang’s cultivation of elves!

If this information is passed out, it will definitely cause an uproar!

Even, for many trainers, this is a priceless treasure!

“Mengyao, wait a minute, I’ll go and get the New Year’s gift I prepared for you now, I thought I’d give it to you at 12 o’clock!”

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