Chapter 108 Gu Yu’s Gift! The soon-to-be-born Cosmogo!!

In Ye Mengyao’s eyes full of expectation.

A moment later, Gu Yu walked to Ye Mengyao with a gray half-meter-high box.

“What’s in there?”

Ye Mengyao asked curiously.

“Open it and see!”

With that, Gu Yu handed over the dusty box in his hand.

After Ye Mengyao took it, he opened the box with expectation.

A half-meter-long feather shining with colorful brilliance lay quietly in a dusty box.

Ye Mengyao took this shining feather out of the box.

Feel a hint of warmth coming from the feathers.

Ye Mengyao’s eyes were full of joy at the same time, but also with a hint of curiosity.

“What a beautiful feather! Gu Yu, what kind of feathers are this elf? I’ve never seen it before! ”

“Phoenix King.”

Gu Yu replied.

Ye Mengyao was stunned at first, and then turned his head to look at Gu Yu, his eyes were full of surprise, and he confirmed with Gu Yu again.

“Gu Yu! Did I hear you correctly?! You just said the Phoenix King?! ”

“That’s right.”

Gu Yu affirmed that Ye Mengyao had not heard correctly.

The Phoenix King’s Feathers!!!

Ye Mengyao looked at the shining colorful feathers in his hand, his eyes were full of shock, and his face was full of incredulity!

At this time, Gu Yu’s voice sounded again.

“This rainbow feather contains the power of the Phoenix King’s rainbow light, and the Fire and Flying Elves can improve their qualifications after absorbing it.”

“For specific usage, you can move the rainbow feather close to the fire system or the flying elf.”

Hearing Gu Yu’s explanation, Ye Mengyao put the rainbow feather into the box.

“Gu Yu, this rainbow feather is too precious for me to receive!”

Gu Yu shook his head, “Take it!” Mengyao, compared to what you gave me, this rainbow feather is nothing! ”

The Rainbow Feather is for elves with average qualifications.

It’s like feeding a treasure.

According to the current state of the rainbow feather, it can be used twice at most, and may even be used only one time.

In this case, the value of the rainbow feather is at most equivalent to two fire or flight secret treasures.

The total value is between 50 million and 100 million.

Is Ye Tianwang’s notes and materials for cultivating elves worth 100 million?

Ye Mengyao did not speak, and the two fell into silence for a short time.




Fireworks are still on fire.

Ye Mengyao’s face did not know when two red flowers would appear.

“Gu Yu, did you like me for giving me such a precious gift?”

After speaking, Ye Mengyao seemed to be shy and directly lowered his head.

Looking at the shy Ye Mengyao, Gu Yu’s face was full of smiles.

“If I said yes, what would you do?” Promise to be my girlfriend directly? ”

As soon as the words fell, Ye Mengyao suddenly raised his head.

The beautiful face, it seems to be because of shyness, the red is like an apple.

“Who would promise to be your girlfriend, me”

Ye Mengyao squeaked and could not speak.

“That Mengyao, what should I do before you agree to be my girlfriend?”

With that, Gu Yu took a step forward and came directly to Ye Mengyao’s body.

The two men looked at each other, less than a fist apart.

Ye Mengyao faced Gu Yu and didn’t know how to open his mouth at this time.




The sound of fireworks is constantly ringing.

The Kirby Beast, who was sleeping in the courtyard of the villa, was also awakened by the sound of fireworks.

“Kirby! One into one”

Screamed angrily, then continued to lie down and began to sleep.

On the balcony.

Ye Mengyao, who didn’t know how to open his mouth, heard the voice of the Kirby Beast.

Kirby Beast!


That’s right!

Ye Mengyao’s voice sounded again: “Gu Yu, aren’t you going to participate in the National Collegiate Elf League?” If you can lead Zhejiang University to the championship, I will agree to your request? ”

National Collegiate Elf League!


Hearing Ye Mengyao’s words, Gu Yu showed a confident smile at the corner of his mouth.

“Good! Then we made an appointment! At that time, Mengyao is not allowed to regret it! ”

“Who will regret it?! Let’s think about how to win the championship first! ”

As he spoke, Ye Mengyao stomped his feet: “Forget it! Ignore you! I’m going back to the house to rest! ”

After speaking, Ye Mengyao picked up the box containing the rainbow-colored feathers and quickly left the balcony.

Looking at Ye Mengyao’s departing back.

Gu Yu said to himself, “In this case, I have one more reason not to lose in the National Collegiate Elf League!” ”

January 1.

As a traditional festival of the Dragon Kingdom, New Year’s Day.

It was also the last day that Gu Yu and Ye Mengyao spent in Hai Province.

The next day, the two boarded a plane back to Zhejiang University.

January 3.


Liu Baode, as a perennial taxi driver, left early today and came to the airport to wait for passengers who had just disembarked.

This time, the passengers he received were a man and a woman who went to Zhejiang University, and after seeing the appearance of the two, Liu Baode was also very emotional.

“Boy! You and your girlfriend! It’s really a pair made in heaven! ”

“A long handsome! A long pretty! ”

“I think so too!”

The male passenger smiled at the corner of his mouth.

Two red flowers appeared on the beautiful face of the female passenger, and she seemed to be a little shy.

“Boy, have we seen it before?”

“Really? But I was not impressed. ”

When Liu Baode and the male passengers were chatting, the taxi had already arrived in front of the gate of Zhejiang University.

After the male passenger has paid, get off the bus with the female passenger.

Looking at the back of the two leaving, Liu Baode said to himself: “It always feels like I have seen it somewhere, but I can’t remember it!” ”

At this time, the front of Zhejiang University also caused a commotion because of the appearance of two.

“Oh my God! Gu Yu is back! ”

“Where is Gu Yu?!” I want to meet the successor of the Heavenly King! ”

“What a handsome man! More handsome than on the video! ”

Hearing the chatter around him, Liu Baode remembered where he had seen the other party.

“I said how to look familiar! It turned out to be the successor of the Yuanhan Sea Heavenly King! ”

“Unfortunately, I was not able to get an autograph, but it is also a happy thing to be able to pull the future king.”

“In the evening, go home and let your wife fry two good dishes to celebrate!”

Liu Baode came, but Gu Yu had a headache.

As he thought, he is now being watched as a national treasure.

From the front door, there was an endless stream of students asking for contact information.

Some students also took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

It really made Gu Yu enjoy the same treatment as a star.

Before Gu Yu went home, he passed by the school’s store and wanted to buy a picture frame.

Almost got stuck in the store and didn’t come out.

Finally, from the school gate to the villa area, a short period of road, Gu Yu took 1 and a half hours to complete.

After returning home, Shen Yuezhu had been waiting for a long time.



After Yi Bu and Sticky Bao saw Gu Yu, they were very excited and directly threw themselves into Gu Yu’s arms.

“Long time no see! Ibrahimovic! Sticky Treasure! ”

As he spoke, Gu Yu released his elves.





Wind speed dogs, Kirby beasts and other elves are also very happy to return to the familiar villa.

The Kirby Beast went back to sleep in the courtyard in front of the villa, and Menas went to rest in the pool behind the villa.

Pokkigu begins to chase and fight with Sticky Treasure and Bu Jiao.

The elves were all active, and Gu Yu also took out the small Lokia trophy from his bag, and put the winning photo into the newly purchased photo frame to the table where the Hippopotamus King trophy was placed.

The little Lokia trophy and the photo were placed on the table together, and then the sea badge was taken out of the backpack.

Two photos of the winners, the Little Lokia Trophy, the Hippopotamus King Trophy, and the Mini Dragon Medal and the Badge of the Sea symbolizing the official trainer.

This is all the harvest of Gu Yu’s first half of freshman year!

The first half of the semester of Zhejiang University has entered the end.

The final exams of elven schools naturally cannot be the same as those of ordinary schools.

The so-called examination of the school focuses on the cultivation of the elves by students this semester.

According to the time of admission, each student, different elves are evaluated.

At the end of the semester, a comprehensive evaluation is conducted based on the level of the elves, skills, and the quality of cultivation.

Examining the cultivation level of the elves, Gu Yu naturally could not be unqualified.

After easily passing the school exam.

January 6, night.

After having a parting meal with Ye Mengyao and Shen Yuezhu.

The next day, Gu Yu took Shen Yuezhu on the high-speed train back home.

1 p.m.

Gu Yu returned to the familiar city of Suzhou again.

Out of the high-speed rail station, the two took a taxi and went to the Shanshui community.

Shanshui Community, Building 4, Unit 3 401.

Looking at the familiar house number, Gu Yu rang the doorbell.

Ding dong!

A moment after the doorbell rang, a rush of eager footsteps came.

With a creak the door was opened, revealing a familiar face.

It was Gu Yu’s mother, Qin Zihan.

The moment he saw Gu Yu, a smile appeared on Qin Zihan’s face.

“… Son! Hurry up and come in! Come back and don’t know how good it is to make a phone call, and I’ll let your dad drive to pick you up! ”

While saying that, he snatched the luggage in Gu Yu’s hand, and then turned his head to Gu Wenguang and raised his voice.

“Our son is back!” You’re still sitting on the couch watching TV! ”

“Hurry up and go to the supermarket to buy some delicious food for your son!”

After a burst of chicken flying dog jumps, Gu Yu also returned to his familiar room.

After returning home, Gu Yugang wanted to release the elf.

And then…

He suddenly noticed something.

My own home seems to be a little smaller.

Gu Yu’s home is a three-bedroom and a living room, with a total area of about 120 square meters.

For the average family of three, it is definitely not less.

But consider the Kirby Beasts, Wind Speed Dogs, Menas and these big-bodied elves.

This area is somewhat insufficient.

In the end, Gu Yu could only release the relatively small elves of Gera Ola, Pokkekigu, and Ibu first.

Day by day, Gu Yu also had a rare time to enjoy the holiday break.

In the blink of an eye, it is January 21st.

The day of Kosmogu’s birth!

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