Chapter 109 First Level God! Cosmogu was born!!

January 21.

Suzhou City.

Shanshui Community.

In the morning, the golden sun illuminates the whole neighborhood.

Gu Yu was still asleep at this time.

To the left of the pillow is a shrunken Ibrahimovic.

To the right of the pillow is a sticky treasure that snorts and sleeps.

Gera Ola and Pokkigu slept with Gu Yu on their left and right.

Vacant room, resting place in Menas and monarch snakes.

Two snakes, one white and one blue, huddled together.

From the living room to the hallway of the room, the Kirby Beast slept, drooling.

Wind speed dogs lie on the couch to rest.

Everything looks so peaceful and peaceful!

Touch! Touch! Touch!

Suddenly, a slight crashing sound shattered the silence inside the house.

Gu Yu’s room.

In the incubator on the table, Cosmogo’s elf eggs began to shake constantly.

This is a sign that Kosmogu is about to be born!

The first to be woken up by Kosmogu was Ibrahimovic.

Watching the incubator on the table shake constantly, Ibrahimovic realized what was about to happen.

Then he turned to look at Gu Yu and began to shout.

“Boo! Boo! Boo! ”

Ibrahimovic’s cry woke Gu Yu from his sleep.

When Gu Yu woke up, he heard the sound of the incubator shaking and immediately realized what was about to happen.

After having experience delivering babies for Ibrahimovic, Sticky Baby and Larula.

Gu Yu got up unhurriedly and began to prepare everything for the delivery.

Ten minutes later.


In the incubator, the first crack appears in the Kosmogu elf egg.

The crack is very fine.

Only the thickness of a hair.

So fine that Gu Yu didn’t look closely, he couldn’t even see it.

Taking advantage of the gap between Kosmogu’s birth, Gu Yu began to prepare food for the soon-to-be-born Cosmogu.

The special juvenile elf milk ordered from the Ibu House was taken out of the refrigerator by Gu Yu and began to heat it.

Fifteen minutes later.

Gu Yu poured the specially heated baby elf milk into the bottle.


A second crack appeared on Cosmogo’s elven egg.

The original first rift began to grow.

From a hair-like crack to a thumb-wide crack in the blink of an eye.

This thumb-wide crack almost separated Kosmogu’s elf egg from top to bottom.

Through this thumb-wide crack, a purple figure could be clearly seen in the elven egg.

“Mogu! Mogu! ”

A slightly anxious voice from Cosmogu came out of the elven egg.


Cosmogu is trying to break out of the shell!

Click! Click! Click!

There are more and more cracks in the eggshell.

After a few moments, Kosmogu’s eggshell finally cracked completely.

It is the size of a palm, covered with mucus, and resembles a nebula.

The elf with pale yellow eyes and round blue cheeks appeared in front of Gu Yu’s eyes.

Open the glass lid of the incubator and gently hold out the mucus-stained Cosmogo.

In Gu Yu’s arms, Cosmogu slowly opened his pale yellow eyes.

“Welcome to this world! Cosmogo! ”


Cosmogu seemed to understand Gu Yu’s words and responded to Gu Yu softly.

The elves in the house, because of the birth of Cosmogo, have long been awakened.

Seeing the newborn Cosmogo, the elves greeted Cosmogu and welcomed Cosmogu into the world.






Kosmogu also shouted, responding to Gu Yu’s elves.

At this time, Gu Yu’s voice sounded again.

“Cosmogo! Let’s eat something first! ”

As he spoke, Gu Yu hugged Cosmogu while delivering the bottle containing the fresh milk of the special juvenile elves to Cosmogo’s mouth.


Sniffing lightly, it seemed that the taste of special juvenile elf milk made Cosmogu like, and Cosmogu cried out happily.

Then began to drink the special baby elf milk.

Gu Yu also began to check on the information of Cosmogu.

【Cosmogu (Superpower)】



[Features: Pure (can ignore changes in the opponent’s ability and attack)]

【Character Talent: Cheerful (+ Speed, – Special Attack)】

[Individual Qualifications: HP(31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)]

【Skills: Teleport, Jump】

【Carrying: None】

【Potential: God】

Just born level 15!

It’s 5 levels higher than the Sticky Treasure of the Quasi-God!

“It is truly worthy of being a first-class god!”

Gu Yu looked at the Kosmogu in his arms and sighed.

The level of Kosmogu is indeed very high, but if you look at the skill, it is difficult to imagine that this is a first-level god in the infancy.

But Gu Yu knew very well that Kosmogu was such an elf.

Before he evolved into the ‘sun god’ Solgareo, or the ‘moon god Lunayala.

Whether it is Kosmogu or the evolved Kosmoh, the combat power is not very good.

At the same level, it can’t even beat the big needle bee.

In the game, this is how Cosmogu is introduced.

Whether they are the elves of this world is a mystery. In times of crisis, you will use space jumping to stealth to go to a safe place.

In danger, Kosmogu basically ran.

And when Cosmogu evolved to its final form, the combat power would change drastically in an instant!

Cosmogu, who was well fed, did not go straight to sleep like Ibrahimovic and Laluras.

The newborn Cosmogu seemed very energetic.

And soon mingle with Ibu, Pokkigu and Sticky Treasure.

The four elves used Gu Yu’s house as a playground and began to jump up and down continuously.

Suddenly, Ibrahimovic did not pay attention, rolled off the couch and smashed into the TV cabinet.


Ibrahimovic cried out in pain.




Sticky Treasure, Moscow, Pokkigu came to Ibu to see if there was anything wrong with Ibrahimovic.

After making sure Ibrahimovic was all right, the four elves continued to fight.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Gu Yu’s mouth also showed a smile.

Happy things to share!

I took a picture of Cosmogou.

Gu Yu sent it to a three-person chat group.

Also with text.

“New elves are born!”

Shen Yuezhu: Shocked jpg. What kind of elf is this?! How I hadn’t seen it before! ”

“Ye Mengyao: I haven’t seen this elf either!” This should be a newly discovered genie species! ”

“Ye Mengyao: @Gu Yu, what is this elf and what skills will it have?”

“The super energy system, at present, will move in an instant.”

Jumping up this skill, there is actually no difference, Gu Yu directly ignored.

[Jump up: No attack just a limp jump, nothing will happen…]

“Ye Mengyao: It’s very similar to Cayce in her infancy!” Nothing but teleportation, it feels like you’ve got a nice sprite again! ”

Shen Yuezhu: Envy jpg. Why is Gu Yu’s luck so good?! Elves are rarer than one! ”

“Ye Mengyao: Gu Yu’s luck is indeed a bit outrageous!”

Shen Yuezhu: Gu Yu,… Your newly discovered elf, if you have no name, if you don’t have a name, give me the opportunity to take a name! ”

“Now that the name has been taken, this elf has been calling Mogumogu, so I will name him Kosmogu.”

Gu Yu explained simply.

And the problem of the gender of Cosmogu is also the difference from Gu Yu’s previous life game.

Kosmogu and Lokia, these first-level gods, are genderless elves in the game.

But in this world, these elves all have their own genders.

“Shen Yuezhu: Disappointment jpg.”

“Ye Mengyao: Cosmogu, this name is quite good.”

When chatting with the second daughter, Gu Yu found that the Dragon Chat APP had a chat record to open a look, and sure enough, it was the Dragon Shrine Group Chat.

And the person who spoke was the number three who had captured the divine beast Tera Ola.

“Number Three: In the future, everyone will go out and meet the guys of the God Organization, be careful, and the technology of these guys has broken through again!”

“Number Five: Number Three elaborates.”

“Number Three: Didn’t I go after Terra Ola with my friends?” We thought that Gera Aura had escaped and began to search for Gera Aura, but we did not expect that the God Organization had come after a move of the Yellow Sparrow. ”

“Number Three: I don’t know how the God Organization broke through the technology, but it was able to make the Elven Ball temporarily subdue Terraora!”

“Number Six: Are you sure?! That’s a big deal! Half of the reason why the God Organization had failed to subdue the Divine Beast three times was because of the Elven Ball. ”

“Number Six: Didn’t the Divine Beast shatter the Divine Beast that had specially made the Spirit Ball before?” How are they breaking through the technology now? ”

“Number Three: I don’t know at all, but according to my informant, although the Divine Beast can also shatter the latest elven ball of the God Organization, it will take time.”

“Number Three: Cooperate with the Super Energical Elves to put Terraora into a deep sleep, not to mention the control of the elves, the God Organization can imprison an elf in a short period of time!”

Divine beasts are not something that any elven ball can catch.

Terra Ola voluntarily left with Gu Yu, and was still a juvenile divine beast.

In the game Arzeus that Gu Yu played, in order to capture the god of time, Di Ya Luca.

It takes an Elven Orb made from Origin Ore to complete the capture of Diya Luca.

In the game setting, the origin ore has the power of the creator god Mail Alzeus!

“Number One: This is indeed a big deal, the breakthrough of the God Organization’s technology, allowing humans to capture the Divine Beast provides the possibility!”

“Number Three: Good! The God Organization has already taken a breakthrough step, although it is only a small step, but everyone must also be careful, because no one knows whether they can really subdue the real Divine Beast! ”

Whether it was Gu Yu’s Gela Aura or Dragon Kingdom Champion Fang Jianming’s Frozen Bird that did not exceed the hundred levels, it was not a real divine beast.

The ability of the God Organization to control a true Divine Beast in a short period of time is already an extremely remarkable achievement!

Gu Yu looked at the chat content of the people in the Dragon Shrine and began to think.

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