Chapter 114 resounded with cheers from the audience! Singles Tournament Starts!!

After being worn by Ye Mengyao, the faces of Ning Zhong’s teachers and students were obviously ugly.

In the National College Student Elf Alliance, Ning Da’s strength belongs to the most embarrassing grade.

Not the bottom team destined to fall in ‘Crazy April’.

But it is not a strong team that can rush out of the ‘crazy April’.

Zhejiang University’s original strength is not weak, although last year did not rush out of the crazy April, but the previous year reached the final sixteen matches.

Originally, Ning Da was not easy to fight, and suddenly a Ye Mengyao appeared, and Gu Yu who had suddenly emerged.

The leading teacher of Ningda University finally decided to send a player named Lei Bin.

And the elves sent by Lei Bin are self-detonating magnetic monsters!

Gu Yu habitually glanced at the information of the self-detonating magnetic monster and sighed in his heart.

“Ning Da’s gang of guys is really fierce enough!”

The race started quickly.

“Blazing roaring tiger! Ghost Face! Then cast the Flame Vortex! ”

“Self-detonating magneto! Fly! ”

Ye Mengyao knew very well that once the self-detonating magnetic monster flew up, the game would become difficult to play.

Directly start first is strong!

Hearing Ye Mengyao’s command, the Blazing Roaring Tiger used its terrifying grimace to stare at the self-detonating magnetic monster.

A sense of fear gushed out from the bottom of his heart, and the self-detonating magnetic monster instantly froze in place.

The moment the self-detonating magnetic monster was affected by the Grimace skill, the Blazing Roaring Tiger had successfully unleashed the Flame Vortex.


A vortex of flames soared into the sky, causing the temperature around them to rise rapidly.

The grass of the grass field withers at a speed visible to the naked eye and then burns rapidly.

The self-detonating magneto was one step too late and was trapped directly in the vortex of flames.

“Blazing roaring tiger! Flame Fist! ”

The red flames appeared on the fist of the blazing roaring tiger, and a punch directly hit the self-detonating magnetic monster.

The self-detonating magnetic monster was twice as weak as the fire, originally attacked by the flame vortex, and then hit by the flame fist.

The self-detonating magnetic monster is basically explained here.

Lei Bin no longer hesitated when he thought of this, and directly issued an order.

“Self-detonating magneto! Self-destruct! ”

[Self-detonation: Trigger an explosion, attack all the elves around you, and fall into a near-death death after use.] 】


A huge explosion sounded, and the flame vortex was directly dispersed by the explosion.

The grass field continued to crack, and the black smoke instantly enveloped the self-detonating magnetic monster and the blazing roaring tiger.

The entire Aoyama Gymnasium fell into a dead silence!

Everyone’s eyes are on the middle of the arena.

When the smoke cleared, a five-meter-deep pit appeared in the middle of the arena, and the self-detonating magneto lay motionless at the bottom of the deep pit.

At the edge of the pit was a roaring tiger on one knee, covered in pitch black.

“Self-detonating magnetic monster to the ground! Winner! Ye Mengyao! ”

As the referee announced the result, Ye Mengyao’s beautiful honor appeared on the big screen of the scene.

The cheers of the scene were once again like a tidal wave!

“Oh my God! One wears three! It’s so beautiful and strong! ”

“I heard that this Ye Mengyao is also a freshman!” How did I not know that there were such strong students in my freshman year? ”

“I can only say that Gu Yu is too dazzling!”

On the field.

Ye Mengyao was also replaced by Xia Pengyu, and the team competition was the only competition in the National Collegiate Elf League that could be substituted.

When the opponent’s elf is defeated, we can choose to substitute.

After Ye Mengyao completed one through three, there was actually no suspense in the game.

Originally, Su Chen, the ace of Zhejiang University, was directly sent by Xia Pengyu.

A level 39 Frog Flower, after defeating Ningda’s Gotha Duck and Dumb Hippopotamus in a row.

Although defeated by Ningda’s fire-breathing dragon, relying on wheel warfare, Zhejiang University quickly defeated the fire-breathing dragon and won the team competition.

The audience in the Qingshan Stadium began to shout about the victory of Zhejiang University to cheer for the next players!

“Zhejiang University! Win! ”

“Zhejiang University! Win! ”

“Zhejiang University! Win! ”

“The fire-breathing dragon fell to the ground!”

“Let’s congratulate Zhejiang University on winning the team competition!”

“Next, as long as Zhejiang University wins the singles match, Ningda will be eliminated!”

“Therefore, in the next singles match, Ning Da will definitely send his trump card, and I don’t know who will be sent by Zhejiang Dada?”

As soon as the voice of the on-site interpreter fell, the referee’s voice sounded.

“Both sides are ready! The singles tournament is about to start! Start sampling the playing field now! ”

As the referee’s voice dropped, the draw now began on the big screen.

Geotechnical venues!

After the results were baked, the steel floor on the site cracked instantly.

The grass field descends, followed by a competition field of about 500 square meters, which is composed of soil mouth rocks, slowly rising.

“Gu Yu plays!” Bring back the victory! ”

Hearing Xia Pengyu’s voice, Gu Yu got up from his chair, his eyes full of confidence.

“I will!”

While speaking, Gu Yu took the Ibrahimovic on his shoulder and walked to the top of the arena.

The on-site commentary saw Gu Yu on the field, and it was also a burst of excitement.

“Oh my God! Zhejiang University sent Gu Yu players! ”

“We can clearly see the glitter of Ibu on Gu Yu’s shoulder!”

“Ning Da sent their captain Shi Guangrong!”

Shi Guangrong was wearing a black sportswear, and a face full of Chinese characters was written with determination.

Looking at Gu Yu’s figure, he immediately began to calculate the elves to be sent next.

“Gu Yu’s monarch snake is a very tricky elf, and if I want to win Gu Yu, I must first defeat the monarch snake, so…”

“Both players are already in place! The race starts now! ”

As the referee’s voice fell, Gu Yu and Shi Guangrong also sent their own elves.

Wind speed dog!

The stone glorious elf, more than 1 meter tall, looks like a monkey in appearance, but there is a flame burning on his head.

It is the Blazing Monkey, one of the three royal families!

【Blazing Monkey (Fire) (Fighting)】



[Feature: Fire (when the HP is reduced, the power of the fire attribute’s move increases)]

【Character Talent: Innocence (+ Speed, – Special Defense)】

[Individual Qualifications: HP(27), Attack (31), Defense (25), Special Attack (30), Special Defense (27), Speed (31)]

[Skills: Scratch, Glare, Spark, Dig a Hole, Iron Tail, Jet Flame, Flame Wheel, Flame Vortex, Scramble Grab, Provocation, Sonic Fist, Sword Dance, Shadow Twin, Sunny Day, Ghost Fire, Split Tile]

【Potential: Dojo】

Seeing that Gu Yu was not sending a monarch snake, Shi Guangrong’s brow frowned slightly.

Compared to the informative monarch snake and Menas.

Wind speed dogs are obviously more difficult to deal with!

“Wind speed dog! Move at high speed! Then apply the big print explosion! ”


The wind dog barked, and his body instantly turned into an illusion.

In the blink of an eye, come to the left side of the Blazing Monkey.

The golden flames in the mouth of the wind speed dog began to condense.

“Not bad! Blazing Monkey! Watch out for dodging! ”

Shi Guangrong hurriedly ordered.

The Blazing Monkey does not have a fire induction trait, so it is not fully immune to fire skills.

As soon as Shi Guangrong’s voice fell, a large character-shaped flame erupted from the mouth of the wind speed dog and headed towards the Flame Monkey.


A huge explosion sounded, and the Blazing Monkey barely escaped the wind speed dog’s big character explosion.


Gu Yu’s cold voice sounded again.

In the next instant, the wind speed dog appeared in front of the Flaming Monkey and knocked the Flaming Monkey away.

With a thud, he fell heavily to the ground.

“Lightning Teeth!”

As soon as the blazing monkey that fell to the ground got up, the attack of the wind speed dog arrived.


Yellow lightning covered the Flaming Monkey’s body, and the Flaming Monkey began to scream in pain.

The Flaming Monkey itself is also a high-speed high-speed and high-attack blood-thin assassin stream elf.

Hit by Divine Speed and Lightning Teeth continuously, the Flame Monkey’s blood volume had bottomed out.

The Fire Feature has been triggered!

The flames on the head of the flaming monkey are burning more and more vigorously!

“Blazing Monkey! Sonic Fist! ”

[Sonic Fist: Punching with lightning speed that cannot cover your ears will definitely be able to attack first.] 】

“Wind speed dog! Hold on! ”

The Blazing Monkey’s hands were covered with white light, and he directly swung his fist at the Wind Speed Dog!


With the sound of the wind speed dog’s bark, a huge white shield appeared in front of him! Touch! Touch!

Raindrop-like fists fell towards the white shield.

By the time the Blazing Monkey had cast the Sonic Fist, the White Shield was still intact!


In the next instant, the Flaming Monkey was directly hit by the wind speed dog, and with a bang, fell to the ground and directly passed out.

【Ding! Wind Speed Dog defeats Blazing Monkey and gains 7000 experience points! 】

“The Blazing Monkey fell to the ground! Winner! Gu Yu! ”

The referee’s voice just dropped, and the cheers on the scene sounded again!

“Oh my God! This wind speed dog is too strong! Completely pressed against the Blazing Monkey Ah”

“So strong! It felt stronger than Ye Mengyao’s blazing roaring tiger just now! ”

“In addition to Menas and the Monarch Snake, Gu Yu actually has such a strong elf!” Is this really a freshman?! ”

The commentary at the scene was also surprised: “The Flaming Monkey fell to the ground!” Facing Gu Yu’s wind speed dog, Shi Guangrong’s flame monkey had no power to fight back! Is Ningda’s madness coming to an end in April? ”

On the field.

Shi Guangrong retrieved the Blazing Monkey and sent out his second elf.

A level 36 Emperor Nabo!

“Emperor Nabo! Tide whirlpool! ”

Ye Mengyao heard Shi Guangrong’s voice, touched Lalu Lasi in his arms, and said to himself, “Gu Yu has won!” ”

Although Emperor Napo is a water elf, he is also a steel elf.

Therefore, the normal Fire skill is to deal double the damage to Emperor Nabo.

The speed can’t keep up with the wind dog, or the wind speed dog can’t be controlled for a short time with a skill like charming.

The game is basically over!

Shi Guangrong’s idea was right, the tide swirl could indeed trap the wind speed dog for a short time.


Now it is not a river site, and it is necessary for Emperor Napo to create water flows out of thin air.

And it takes time to create a flow of water!

Even if it’s only a second or two, it’s enough for a dog with a fast wind speed!

“Wind speed dog! Quickly! ”

In the arena, Gu Yu’s voice fell.

The Wind Speed Dog instantly disappeared from the Tide Vortex Skill that had just gathered several streams of water.

In the blink of an eye, the Wind Speed Dog appeared in front of Emperor Nabo.

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