Chapter 115 First Victory! Gu Yu surrounded by spotlights!!


It’s so fast!

Emperor Napo did not have time to react at all, and was directly hit by the wind speed dog.

With a thud, he fell heavily to the ground.

“Wind speed dog! Big print explosion! ”

The golden flames in the mouth of the wind speed dog began to condense.

A large character shaped flame erupted from the mouth of the wind speed dog and went straight to the Emperor Nabo, who had just gotten up.


The big character explosion hit Emperor Nabo head-on, instantly splashing countless smoke and dust, enveloping Emperor Na ~ Bo.


Then the screams of Emperor Napole were heard.

Shi Guangrong heard the voice of Emperor Nabo and looked at the center of the explosion with a worried face.

“Emperor Nabo…”

By the time the smoke cleared, the pitch-black Emperor Napole was unconscious!

【Ding! Wind Speed Dog defeats Emperor Napole and gains 6000 experience points! 】

“Emperor Nabbo fell to the ground! Winner! Gu Yu! ”

As the referee’s voice fell, everyone knew.

Ningda’s ‘Crazy April’ tour is over!

The Blazing Monkey and Emperor Napole didn’t do the slightest damage to the Wind Speed Dog at all.

Shi Guangrong still had one elf left.

Can he do it one through three?

Obviously, Shi Guangrong did not have such strength.

But Shi Guangrong still took out his last elf.

A level 37 Thunder Elf.

But facing Gu Yu and the wind speed dog

【Thunder Spirit (Reib) (Electricity)】



[Features: Charge up (when attacked by a move of the electric attribute, it does not take damage, but will reply)]

【Character Talent: Brave (+ Attack, —Speed)】

[(Individual Qualifications: HP(28), Attack (26), Defense (26), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (30)]:

[Skills: Electric Shock, Impact, Slam, Sacrifice Collision, Tail Shake, Bite, Scream, Electric Shock, High Speed Star, Lightning Flash, Electromagnetic Wave, Lightning Tooth, Flying Bullet Needle, Discharge, 100,000 Volts, Hole Digging, Iron Tail, Shadow Ball]

【Carrying: None】

【Potential: Dojo】

“Thunder Elves! A flash of electricity! Rush over and cast electromagnetic waves! ”

[Electromagnetic waves: Launch a weak electric shock at the opponent, thus paralyzing the opponent. 】


The Thunder Elf let out a loud cry and turned into a stream of light and headed straight for the Wind Speed Dog.

In the blink of an eye, he came to the wind speed dog.

“Wind speed dog! Stare! Then cast your speed! ”

The Wind Speed Dog’s gaze narrowed, and in an instant, the Thunder Elf stopped attacking because of fear, and froze in place.

In the next instant, the Wind Speed Dog appeared in front of the Thunder Elf and knocked the Thunder Elf away.

“Wind speed dog! Big print explosion! ”

The golden flames began to condense in the mouth of the wind speed dog.

The moment the Thunder Elf fell to the ground, a large character shaped flame erupted from the mouth of the wind speed dog and went straight to the Thunder Elf.


The Thunder Elf who had just gotten up, looking at the big characters that were close at hand, could not do anything other than scream in horror.


When the smoke of the explosion cleared, the blackened Thunder Elf collapsed unconscious in the center of the explosion.

【Ding! Wind Speed Dog defeats Thunder Elves and gains 6000 experience points! 】

The on-site commentary saw this scene and shouted with excitement!

“Oh my God! Is this true?! ”

“Gu Yu! The future successor of the Heavenly King! Directly completed one through three! ”

The referee’s voice sounded again

“Thunder elves fall to the ground! Winner! Gu Yu! ”

“Zhejiang University won two victories in the team competition and the singles competition! Successfully qualify! ”

Inside the Aoyama Gymnasium, there was a dead silence at this time!

Countless spectators opened their mouths wide open, looking at the center of the arena with a look of incredulity, the majestic wind speed dog!

Although many of them had thought when the Wind Speed Dog defeated Emperor Nabo, Gu Yu might be able to wear three in one go.

But when this scene really came.

The huge impact brought by the on-site viewing still makes many people can’t help but be shocked!

As the referee’s voice fell, the audience seemed to wake up like a dream!

Applause and cheers sounded like a volcanic eruption!

“Oh my God! I can’t believe it! Gu Yu actually completed one wear three! ”

“Gu Yu! Awesome! Take Zhejiang Da out of crazy April! ”

“Sleeper! Is this the successor of the Heavenly King?! The first year directly beat Ning Da’s trump card through three! ”

On the field.

After defeating his opponent, the wind speed dog shouted, ran to Gu Yu’s body, and began to rub Gu Yu with his big furry head.


At this time, Ibu also jumped off Gu Yu’s shoulder and came to the wind speed dog, shouting happily.

Shi Guangrong silently withdrew the Thunder Spirit, and then glanced at Gu Yu, who was receiving cheers from everyone.

A bitter smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then he silently turned away.

After the game, Gu Yu returned to the lounge with Xia Pengyu.

Xia Pengyu said, “Gu Yu, next you and I will go to the post-match press conference.” ”

A broadcast car means a rating.

With ratings, it is natural that the media is indispensable.

Not to mention that the National Collegiate Elf League is a highly rated event.

After the competition, the contestants naturally have to accept interviews with the media.

Therefore, every time the competition is over, a special press conference is held.

Hearing Xia Pengyu’s words, the surrounding school team members all threw envious glances at Gu Yu.

In this era of the Internet, who doesn’t want to be famous?

Traffic has been equated with money to some extent.

Xia Pengyu’s move will undoubtedly make Gu Yu’s reputation go to a higher level.

But the crowd was also envious, after all, they didn’t have the strength of Gu Yu to wear three!

On the way to the press conference, Xia Pengyu also kept teaching Gu Yu some tricks to deal with reporters.

“In order to attract eyeballs and sales, journalists often ask some more difficult questions to answer, and if you are not convenient to answer, say the next question.”

“Let you evaluate your opponent, you praise the opponent in all kinds of ways, the stronger the opponent, the more you can highlight your strength.” 」

“If some reporters keep asking questions, you don’t answer your personal privacy, just say the next question.”

Gu Yu nodded, indicating understanding.

In his past life and this life, this is the time he is about to stand in the spotlight of the media.

But Gu Yu also knew.

In this elven age, as his strength continues to increase, his fame will certainly continue to increase.

Being surrounded by the spotlight of the media is inevitable!

He needs to adapt to such a situation.

The press conference site is not large, only about 80 flats.

After all, the Qingshan Stadium is not a professional conference center, and it is impossible to prepare hundreds of square meters, or even thousands of square meters of venues for press conferences.

However, the 80-square-meter press conference scene was already the moment when Gu Yu and Xia Pengyu walked into the press conference scene at this time.

I don’t know who shouted Gu Yu came.

The sound of the camera shutter on the scene is connected one after another.




In an instant, Gu Yu was almost shaken so hard that he couldn’t open his eyes!

When ordinary people take pictures, a camera can shake ordinary people so that they can’t open their eyes.

Twenty or thirty cameras at the scene, taking pictures of Gu Yu at the same time, you can imagine how uncomfortable Gu Yu was shaken!

But in order to deal with reporters, Gu Yu still pretended not to care on the surface.

My heart has begun to greet these reporters.

Xia Pengyu had already seen countless strong winds and waves, and after sitting down, he first signaled the reporters to be quiet.

“In today’s interview, everyone can ask me or Gu Yu a question, so please start asking questions in turn.”

The first to ask a question was a female journalist with short hair.

“Teacher Xia, as the leading teacher of Zhejiang University this time, how do you think about the latest ranking of UST and the fact that Zhejiang University ranks 20th in this participating team?” is a website dedicated to predicting the ranking and champions of the National Collegiate Elf League every year…

The English of a college student is a universitystudent.

The trainer’s English is trainer.

Take three initials, which is the origin of the UST website name.

“UST does some weird rankings every year, but how many years have you really predicted the winners? I’m not interested in it. ”

The second reporter to ask the question was a female reporter wearing glasses, and the object of the question was replaced by Gu Yu.

“Gu Yu, first of all, congratulations on your first victory in Crazy April.”

“This is your first time participating in the National Collegiate Elf League, do you have a goal for yourself or Zhejiang University?”

“If you ask me the goal, I will definitely answer the championship!”

Gu Yu’s voice was full of confidence.

Hearing Gu Yu’s answer, the female reporter flashed a glint in her eyes and sat down with a smile.

For journalists, all they want is traffic.

As for the matter itself, it is not important.

Gu Yu’s own fame is not small, and now that he aims to win the championship, he can completely stir up a wave of heat!

This was followed by a question from a male journalist.

“Gu Yu, your performance today is outstanding, can you evaluate your opponent Shi Guangrong?”

Praise your opponents!

Recalling Xia Pengyu’s words, Gu Yu also began to answer.

“Shi Guangrong is a very strong opponent, his elves are very strong, and his command ability is also very strong, and it is a big gain to fight him.”


The reporter at the scene looked at Gu Yu with a confused face.

Although it was clear that Gu Yu was dealing with them, but…

That’s perfunctory!

Elves are strong?

Be worn by you for three!

Strong command ability?

Even the injury did not hurt the wind speed dog!

It took another half an hour to deal with the reporters’ questions.

Xia Pengyu took Gu Yu back to the lounge and arranged a training plan for the next two days.

Gu Yucai dragged his somewhat tired body back to the villa with Ye Mengyao.

With a creak and pushing open the door, Gu Yu saw Shen Yuezhu playing with his mobile phone and Cosmogu sleeping on the sofa.


Cosmogu heard the opening of the door and saw that it was Gu Yu shouting and drifting towards Gu Yu.

When Shen Yuezhu saw Gu Yu return, he pointed to his mobile phone and said, “Gu Yu, you have been on fire again for a long time today!” ”

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