Chapter 117 Strong Dialogue! Rush Showdown!!

Just out of the contestant passage, everyone in Zhejiang saw the terrible popularity of the Battle Princess Ning Qiyun!

Along the big screen, the figure of Ning Qiyun appeared.

The whole fire-breathing dragon stadium boiled up in an instant!

After a moment of hustle and bustle, everyone instantly united their slogans!

“Your Royal Highness the Princess! Win! ”

“Your Royal Highness the Princess! Win! ”

“Your Royal Highness the Princess! Win! ”

Listening to the loud noise coming from the ears, I felt the fiery atmosphere in the Fire-Spitting Dragon Gymnasium, and looked at Su Chen and the others with solemn faces.

Gu Yu secretly said in his heart, “This home field advantage is really terrifying!” ”

Trainers are also people.

They will be nervous, they will make mistakes, and they will make wrong judgments.

In the fear of away from home, some trainers with relatively average psychological qualities.

It is easy to be affected and thus play out of order.

And for this team, cheers and applause are the source of their motivation!

Once it is confirmed that both sides are ready, the game is about to begin.

“Both sides of the game are already in place! Draw the playing field immediately! ”

As the referee’s voice fell, the draw began on the big screen of the scene.

Desert Grounds!

As a result, the floor of the Fire-Spitting Dragon Arena cracked instantly.

Then a playing field of about 500 square meters, covered with yellow sand, slowly rises.

“The venue is ready! Now there are players from both sides to enter! ”

Xia Pengyu continued to send Ye Mengyao to take the lead.

Hangdian sent a female player named Mu Qingqing with a ponytail.

Mu Qingqing looked at Ye Mengyao’s beautiful face and began to think about the next elf choice.

“Ye Mengyao has two ace elves, the Blazing Roaring Tiger who appeared in the previous 2 appearances and the Quasi-God Sharptooth Land Shark.”

“The ice system can only deal half damage to the Blazing Roaring Tiger, I don’t have the Dragon System and the Goblin Spirit on my hands, and the Water System is the most suitable choice for me at the moment.”

The referee’s voice rang out: “Both players are already in place!” The race starts now! ”

Ye Mengyao and Mu Qingqing each sent their own elves.

Ye Mengyao sent out the fanged land shark.

Compared with what Gu Yu had seen before, the Fangtooth Land Shark was upgraded from level 37 to level 39, and the skills learned more than four skills: Iron Head, Hold Up, Spray Flame, and Shadow Claw.

Mu Qingqing sent out an elf with a body length of nearly 2 meters, yellow sharp horns on its head, and a blue body.

It is Mizuse’s ultimate evolutionary type of sword ghost!

【Big Sword Ghost (Water)】



[Features: Riptide (when the HP is reduced, the power of the water attribute will increase)]

【Personality Talent: Naughty (+ Attack, – Special Defense)】

【Individual Qualifications: HP(29), Attack (30), Defense (22), Special Attack (27), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)]

【Skills: Impact, Water Gun, Split, Super Angle Strike, Playing Water, Gathering Gas, Shell Blade, Continuous Slash, Water Wave, Water Flow Tail, Water Cannon, Sword Dance, Poison, Shadow Double, Asking for Rain, Cross Scissors】

【Carrying: None】

【Potential: Dojo】

The moment Ye Mengyao saw the Great Sword Ghost, he understood Mu Qingqing’s plan.

The Water Elf is able to deal twice as much damage to the Fanged Land Shark, and the Blazing Roaring Tiger twice as much weak water.

Using water to deal with Ye Mengyao is indeed a good choice.


“The desert is the home of the fangs land shark!”

While thinking, Ye Mengyao directly issued an order to the fanged land shark.

“Toothless land shark! Sandstorm! ”

[Sandstorm: Raise a sandstorm for a certain period of time, and elves other than rock, ground, and steel attributes will take damage. The special defense of rock properties will also increase. 】


The fanged land shark roared, and the yellow sand of the desert field began to shake rapidly!

In the next instant, the yellow sand of the desert field flew up, completely enveloping the entire venue in yellow sand!

Mu Qingqing looked at the field shrouded in yellow sand, and the flowers lost their color in an instant.

Through the yellow of the sky, only the vague figure of the Great Sword Ghost could be seen.

“Great Sword Ghost! Rain! ”

Mu Qingqing tried to use rain to contain the sandstorm.

Ye Mengyao’s cold voice sounded almost at the same time.

“Toothless land shark! Dragon Waves! ”

Dragon energy converges in the mouth of the fanged land shark.

In the next instant, a purple shock wave erupted from the mouth of the fanged land shark and went straight to the Great Sword Ghost.


The Great Sword Ghost that was casting the rain was directly shot away by the Dragon’s Wave.

“Toothless land shark! Earthquake! ”


The fanged land shark roared, jumped straight up, and then stomped hard!


The desert field produced a violent shaking.

After the fallen sword ghost was hit by the earthquake, the color of pain involuntarily appeared on his face.

After a scream, there was no sound.

By the time the sandstorm skill dissipated, the unconscious Great Sword Ghost was about to be completely submerged by the yellow sand.

“The Great Sword Ghost fell to the ground! Winner! Ye Mengyao! ”

The referee’s voice just fell, and in the fire-breathing dragon gymnasium, there was no imaginary cheering, but a loud boo!


The audience of the Fire-Spitting Dragon Gymnasium told everyone in Zhejiang University with practical actions whose home is here!

Listening to the boos in the sky, it was as if a huge hammer struck the chest of Su Chen and the others, making the faces of the people even more ugly.

Ye Mengyao looked at the arena calmly.


Ibrahimovic seemed a little frightened in the face of this long boo.

Gu Yu touched Ibu on his shoulder and said to Ibu, “Don’t be afraid of Ibu! The real strong will not be affected by this battle! ”

Just as Gu Yu comforted Ibrahimovic, the game on the field began again.

The second player on the Hangdian faction sent a 37-level water arrow turtle to ask for rain as soon as he came up.

Although it is a world of elves, it also has to obey some laws of nature.

The rain-watered sand is obviously unable to be lifted by the fanged land shark.

The Sandstorm skill is sealed.

But quasi-gods are, after all, quasi-gods.

The fanged land shark paid the price of minor injuries and defeated the water arrow turtle.

Xia Pengyu also chose to be replaced, and Su Chen, the captain of the Zhejiang University school team, was replaced.

Although Su Chen’s strength is in the singles match, it is indeed at the middle level.

But singles matches represent the strongest players of a participating team.

The singles tournament is only at a moderate level, which is enough to easily suppress most of the players participating in the team competition.

Rely on the level 39 Myo Frog Flower to complete one through two.

The balance of victory has tilted to the side of Zhejiang University.

When ‘Battle Princess’ Ning Qiyun saw this scene, she immediately couldn’t sit still and wanted to appear in advance.

“Teacher, change me to the scene!”

Lu Yuanliang shook his head: “You are the captain, but you are not invincible, you are now on the field, if you want to turn the tide of battle, you must play your trump card.” ”

“You dare to say that you can wear three at a time, but can you wear four at a time?” And it is entirely possible for Zhejiang University to send Gu Yu. ”

“The team competition will be given to Zhejiang University, and then we will go all out to win the singles and doubles matches!”

Hearing Lu Yuanliang’s words, Ning Qiyun’s eyes flashed a trace of reluctance, but he still nodded.

Ning Qiyun did not play, and the rest of the people did not have a difference in strength with Zhejiang University.

In the end, relying on the strong play of Ye Mengyao and Su Chen, Zhejiang University successfully won the team competition.

“Gotha duck fell to the ground!”

“Let’s congratulate Zhejiang University on winning the team competition!”

“Hangdian, who is sitting at home, has been won by Zhejiang University in the team battle, and if you lose another game, Hangdian’s crazy April trip will end!”

The on-site solution also began to worry about Hangdian.

The referee determines that both sides are ready.

“The singles tournament is about to start! Start sampling the playing field now! ”

On the big screen of the scene, start to draw the venue for the singles match.

Green grass field!

As a result, the floor of the Fire-Spitting Dragon Arena cracked instantly.

Then a playing field of about 500 square meters, covered with grass, rises slowly.

After the venue was in place, Gu Yu also got up from his seat and walked towards the arena.

When Gu Yu and Ning Qiyun arrived at the arena, the fire-breathing dragon stadium was once again filled with shouts!

“Your Royal Highness the Princess! Win! ”

“Your Royal Highness the Princess! Win! ”

“Your Royal Highness the Princess! Win! ”


On the field.

Gu Yu and Ning Qiyun looked at each other, and they both saw the war intention in each other’s eyes!

“Both players are already in place! The race starts now! ”

As the referee’s voice fell, Gu Yu and Ning Qiyun also sent their own elves.

Wind speed dog!

Flame Chicken!

The flame chicken is nearly 2 meters tall, has a V-shaped crown on its forehead, and its claws are sharp and sharp.

【Flame Chicken (Fire) (Fighting)】



【Features: Acceleration (speed becomes faster every once in a while)】

【Character Talent: Innocence (+ Speed, – Special Defense)】

【Individual Qualifications: HP(31), Attack (31), Defense (27), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)]

[Skills: Flame Fist, Scratch, Two Kicks, Sparks, Jet Flame, Lightning Flash, Bodybuilding, Bouncing, Flame Kick, Charge Flame Attack, Kick Down, Flame Vortex, High Speed Movement, Sunny Day, Split Tile, Brute Force, Revenge, Lightning Fist, Tarzan Pressure Top, High Speed Star, Splash Sand, Resurrection of the Dead, Big Character Explosion]

【Carrying: None】

【Potential: Heavenly King】

The effect of acceleration is different from that in the game.

The effect of speeding up in the game is to get faster with each turn.

But elven games are not the same as boxing, sanda and there are no clear requirements for the time of the round.

Therefore, the skill of acceleration and sunny day has been changed to a certain period of time.

On the field.

Gu Yu looked at the message of the Flame Chicken and said in his heart, “Just like I thought, it is indeed a type of dog with wind speed!” ”

The difference between this flame chicken and the wind speed dog is that.

Under Gu Yu’s cultivation, the Wind Speed Dog was more like a long-range turret.

Long-range attack is the mainstay, and melee is auxiliary.

The Flame Chicken can also be seen from the skill.

Melee combat is the mainstay, with ranged offense as an auxiliary.

Ning Qiyun took the lead in attacking.

“Flame Chicken! Move at high speed! Strike a lightning punch at the Wind Speed Dog! ”

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