Chapter 118 The Unbelievable Audience! Dangerous Hangdian!!

“Flame Chicken! Move at high speed! Strike a lightning punch at the Wind Speed Dog! ”

Ning Qiyun’s voice had not yet fallen.

The Flame Rooster turned into a phantom and flew straight away from the wind dog.


The yellow lightning bolt wrapped around the right paw of the Flame Chicken, which swung its claws directly at the Wind Speed Dog.

“Wind speed dog! Move at high speed! Dodge! ”


Hearing Gu Yu’s order, the wind speed dog screamed, and his body also turned into an illusion.


The Flame Chicken punched the air, directly smashing the ground out of a large pit.

“Wind speed dog! Quickly! ”

“Flame Chicken! Lightning flash! ”

Gu Yu and Ning Qiyun gave orders almost at the same time.

The two elves disappeared from the eyes of the audience at the scene almost at the same time.


In the next instant, the bodies of the two elves collided in mid-air.

The tremendous force coming from each other caused the two elves to fly backwards.

Then the two turned into two phantoms and collided continuously in the grassy field!

Touch! Touch! Touch!

The on-site commentary saw this scene and also roared with excitement.

“This is the showdown of speed! The two elves, Wind Speed Dog and Flame Chicken, show everyone the ultimate speed duel! I don’t know who can laugh to the end? ”

The audience at the Fire-Spitting Dragon Stadium, the audience did not feel good at this time.

After all, the speed of the two elves was too fast, and the human eye could only see the phantom, and could not keep up with the movement speed of the two elves.

Even Su Ying on the sidelines was confused at this time.

“When will such a duel be divided?”

“And Gu Yu and Ning Qiyun, why don’t you use skills?”

Xia Pengyu opened his mouth at this time and answered Su Ying’s doubts.

“Soon there will be a winner and loser! Gu Yu and Ning Qiyun were both looking for each other’s flaws! ”

“That’s why a battle with a Rush Elf only needs one flaw to decide the outcome of a battle!”

“As for why not use skills? Because there is no suitable opportunity now! ”

The two skills of Divine Speed and Electric Light Flash had already been cast just now, but they couldn’t help each other.

When the skill of high-speed star is displayed, it takes a moment to accumulate strength.

This time is easy to be caught by the other party.

Once caught by the opponent, the game is likely to end!

Both sides are looking for the flaws of the other elf, and this time it is the Wind Speed Dog that reveals the flaws first!


The two elves collided in mid-air and flew backwards against each other.

When it landed, the wind speed dog stood a little unsteadily, and almost lost his balance at once.

Golden opportunity!

Ning Qiyun’s eyes flashed a fine light, and he immediately gave the order.

“Flame Chicken! Move at high speed! Perform two consecutive kicks! ”

[Two consecutive kicks: Kick your opponent with two kicks to attack, dealing damage to your opponent twice in a row.] 】


The Flame Chicken let out a roar, and its body turned into a phantom and flew towards the wind speed dog.

“Wind speed dog! Hold on! ”


Hearing Gu Yu’s order, the wind speed dog shouted and cast the guard skill.

A huge white shield emerged from the front of the wind-speed dog.

Boom! Boom!

The second kick did not break through the huge white shield formed by the defending skill.

“Flame Chicken! Chop tiles! ”

At Ning Qiyun’s command, the right claw of the Flame Chicken was covered with white light and split towards the white giant shield formed by the guard.

“Wind speed dog! Flame Vortex! ”


The moment the Flame Chicken split the white giant shield, a vortex composed of flames soared into the sky.

Cover the two elves of the Flame Chicken and the Wind Speed Dog.

The temperature around them rose rapidly, and the grass began to wither and then ignite.

“Not good!”

Ning Qiyun realized that it was not good, and hurriedly shouted, “Flame Chicken! Rush out of the Flame Vortex! ”

Although the Flame Chicken is a Fire Spirit, its characteristics are not Fire Initiation, so it is not immune to the damage of Fire skills.

Although the Fire Skill can only deal half the damage to the Flame Chicken, the Flame Chicken is not a high-defense, high-health elf.

“It’s late! Wind speed dog man melee combat! ”

[Melee: Give up your guard and assault into your opponent’s arms, your own defense and special defense will be reduced.] 】

Hearing the three words of melee combat, Qi Yun realized that it was not good, and the next second he directly made a choice.

“Flame Chicken! Brute force! ”

[Brute Force: Use amazing power to attack your opponent.] Your own attack and defense will be reduced. 】



With the roar of the two elves, in the next instant, two figures flew out of the flame vortex.


The wind speed dog was full of golden flames, and although it withstood the brute force of the flame chicken, it could still land smoothly.


The flame chicken was obviously more seriously injured, and the legs of the landing were involuntarily bent down.

Obviously, just now in the flame vortex, the flame chicken was the side that suffered the loss.

“Wind speed dog! Stare! Quickly! ”

The wind speed dog’s gaze narrowed, and in an instant, the flame chicken stopped attacking because of fear, and froze in place.

“Flame Chicken! Back! ”

[Revived: Attack with all your might.] The less HP you have, the more powerful your moves will be. 】

Ning Qiyun’s reaction was fast, but the wind speed dog was faster!

If the Flame Chicken can really perform the resurrection of the dead, the Wind Speed Dog will not pass out, and it will definitely be seriously injured.

But the flame chicken was simply too late to cast it.

As soon as Ning Qiyun’s voice fell, the figure of the Wind Speed Dog appeared in front of the Flame Chicken


With a scream, the flame chicken was directly hit by the wind speed dog.

With a thud, he fell heavily to the ground and passed out.

After enduring the Flame Vortex and melee two skills, the Flame Chicken that casts brute force to reduce the defense cannot withstand the speed of the Wind Speed Dog.

【Ding! Wind Speed Dog defeats the Flame Chicken and gains 30,000 experience points! 】

“The Flame Chicken fell to the ground! Winner! Gu Yu! ”

As the referee’s voice sounded, the scene instantly fell into a dead silence.

The spectators in the Fire-Spitting Dragon Arena all had long mouths and looked at the center of the stadium in disbelief!

These viewers couldn’t believe it!

Ning Qiyun’s ace elf flame chicken actually lost like this?!!

Lu Yuanliang, the leading teacher of Hangdian, saw this scene, and his face directly darkened.

He knew exactly what this scene represented.

Ning Qiyun or Hangdian is in danger!

“Perhaps, this time I chose the wrong choice…”

The on-site commentary did not seem to think of such an ending, his face was full of surprise, and his voice could not hide his surprise.

“Unbelievable! Facing the battle princess’s ace flame chicken Ning Qiyun, Gu Yu took the lead in winning a victory! ”

“Although Hangzhou Electric has a higher ranking competition on the UST website, Zhejiang University has now been forced into a trap by Zhejiang University!”

“I don’t know, can our battle princess turn defeat into victory next?!”

The audience at the scene also seemed to realize that the current situation of Hangdian was not good, and began to cheer for Ning Qiyun.

“Your Royal Highness the Princess! Come on! ”

“Your Royal Highness the Princess! Come on! ”

“Your Royal Highness the Princess! Come on! ”

On the field.

After Ning Qiyun withdrew the Flame Chicken, he took a deep breath.


Huge pressure!

This is the first time that Ning Qiyun, in the National Collegiate Elf League, has felt such tremendous pressure!

Next, she only needed to lose to Gu Yu.

Hangzhou Electric will be eliminated.

This year, the efforts of everyone on the Hangzhou Electric School Team will be in vain!

“I can’t lose!”

After cheering himself up in his heart, Ning Qiyun’s gaze was full of determination.

He then sent his second elf.

One is about 1.5 meters tall and brown throughout. An elf wearing skirt-like samurai armor and boxing gloves.


【Abbey Lang (Fast Fist) (Fighting)】



[Feature: Tekken (the power of boxing moves will increase)]

【Personality Talent: Naughty (+ Attack, – Special Defense)】

[Individual Qualifications: HP(27), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (25), Speed (31)]

[Skills: Suction Punch, Impact, Gathering Gas, Help, Vacuum Wave, Bullet Punch, Sonic Punch, Revenge, Flame Punch, Frozen Punch, Lightning Punch, High Speed Movement, Kick Down, Earthquake, Bodybuilding, High Speed Star, Split Tile, Million Tons Heavy Punch]

【Carrying: None】

【Potential: Quasi-Heavenly King】

It is not difficult to see from the skills that this Abbey and the Flame Chicken are of the same type.

They are all high-speed and high-attack fighting elves.

“Abbey! Move at high speed! Throw a bullet punch at the wind dog! ”

[Bullet Punch: Unleash a bullet-fast and hard fist at your opponent. It must be possible to preemptively attack. 】

Abbey Lang appeared in front of the Wind Speed Dog as a phantom, his fists wrapped in white light, and hit the Wind Speed Dog.

“Wind speed dog! Hold on! ”


The wind dog barked, and a huge white shield emerged from the wind speed dog’s body.

Touch! Touch! Touch!

A stormy fist, bombarding the white shield.


At this moment, a crack appeared in the white giant shield.

[Hold: Completely resist the opponent’s attack.] Continuous use is easy to fail. 】

Obviously, after the Wind Speed Dog continuously cast the Hold skill, it led to the situation behind it.

With a bang, the giant white shield was shattered by Abbey.

Seeing this scene, Ning Qiyun’s eyes flashed a trace of joy.

“Great opportunity! Abbey! Lightning Fist! ”


Abbey Lang let out a loud cry, his right fist covered with yellow lightning, and he punched the wind dog directly.

The Wind Speed Dog itself lowered its defense due to the use of melee combat, coupled with the blessing of Abberi’s characteristics.

If the lightning fist really hits the wind speed dog, the wind speed dog is not directly knocked unconscious, and it is definitely a serious injury.

“Wind speed dog! Burn out! ”

Gu Yu’s cold voice sounded.

[Burn out: Burn your whole body into flames and inflict great damage on your opponent.] Your fire attribute will disappear temporarily. 】


The wind dog barked.

In the next instant, the wind speed dog’s body was swept up by countless golden flames.

The Wind Speed Dog directly transformed into a ten-meter-high golden flame pillar.

Then, under the eyes of all, it is.

Wind Dog and Abbey’s attacks hit each other at the same time!

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