Chapter 126 Quasi-Heavenly King-level Divine Beast! Hot search first!!

【Terra Aura (Electric)】



[Features: Charge up (when attacked by a move of the electric attribute, it does not take damage, but will reply)]

【Character Talent: Cheerful (+ Speed, – Special Attack)】

[Individual Qualifications: HP(31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)]

[Skills: Grab, electric flash, electric light, high-five, loud roar, enhanced punch, random grab, volt replacement, charging, lightning fist, high-speed movement, 100,000 volts, electromagnetic waves, thunder, plasma lightning punch, bodybuilding, iron tail, resurrection, sleep, fight, dream words, hold on, retaliation, split, grind claws, electric balls, power grids, crazy volts]

【Carrying: None】

【Potential: God】

Quasi-Heavenly King-level Divine Beast!

Looking at the Gela Aura in front of him, the corners of Gu Yu’s mouth smiled.

After working so hard for so long, Gera Ola has finally reached the quasi-king level!

National Collegiate Elf League, it is not too much to say that Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is not exaggerated.

Tyrants, Dragon Messengers, and others are all quasi-gods with the ultimate evolved type in hand.

Although Gu Yu had a 60% chance of beating them to win the championship.

But there is no 100% certainty.

And as long as it’s not 100 percent.

In such a game that is certain to win or lose, there is a risk of overturning.

Therefore, during this time, Gu Yu would frantically take Terra Ola to practice.

Gera Ola was only a juvenile Divine Beast.

However, after entering the quasi-heavenly king, the strength is not comparable to that of the ordinary quasi-heavenly king-level elves!

For the Divine Beast, the challenge of crossing the level is simply commonplace.

When Gera Aura is only 1 level or more, he can kill dozens of elves of the same level without injury.

Now he is a quasi-king-level elf.

It is no exaggeration to say that Terra Aura is invincible at this level!

Unless the opponent also has a quasi-king-level divine beast.

And since the establishment of the Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance.

Except for Fang Jianming, the champion of the Dragon Kingdom, only Gu Yu himself had a divine beast.

The probability of a third divine beast appearing is lower than buying a lottery ticket!


After upgrading to the quasi-king level, Terra Ola was also very happy.

After hugging Gu Yu, the hairy head began to rub on Gu Yu’s body.

After returning to the villa with Terra Ola, Gu Yu immediately began to prepare his clothes.

Today is April 30th.

Tomorrow is the day to leave for the magic capital.

The draw for the round of 16 will begin on May 2, officially open on May 3, and end on May 4.

May 6 Quarterfinals.

May 8 Final Four.

May 10 Finals.

There is a day of rest in the middle of each round.

After packing his bags, Gu Yu saw that there was still an afternoon to go.

Remembering that Cosmogu had not yet gone to the Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance for certification.

Ride on the wind speed dog, wrap the sleeping Cosmogu on your back, and then go straight to the headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance in Zhejiang Province.

Gu Yu originally had little interest in certifying Cosmogo.

But as he is now more and more popular, and more and more attention is received from Cosmogo, the sticky treasure may be exposed.

Sticky treasure is good to say, after all, there is a quasi-god in the juvenile stage and not only Gu Yu alone.

But Cosmogu is truly the only one in the world.

It is inevitable that some malicious people will target Cosmogu.

And before the evolution of Cosmogou, it just belonged to the elves who fought very garbage…

Therefore, Gu Yu was ready to take Cosmogu to certify.

Tell everyone that Cosmogu has little strength, thus dispelling some potential hidden dangers.

Zhejiang Province Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance Headquarters.

The hall was very crowded.

When Gu Yu arrived, it caused a huge commotion in an instant.

“Gu Yu! It’s Gu Yu! The future successor of the Heavenly King! ”

“Isn’t he supposed to be ready to go to the Round of Sixteen?” Now what are you doing at the Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance headquarters?! ”

“Gu Yu! I’m a fan of yours! I like your wind speed dog the most! Can I take a picture with you and the Wind Speed Dog? ”

The staff saw that the situation could not be controlled, and had no choice but to call directly for support.

When powerful elves were released, the scene returned to calm.

At this time, a female staff member also found Gu Yu and asked Gu Yu about his intentions

“Mr. Gu Yu, do you have anything to do with your visit to the Alliance Headquarters today?”

“That’s right, I found an undiscovered elf and wanted to certify it.”

Gu Yu’s voice was very calm, but it sounded like thunder in the ears of the staff!

Undiscovered elves!

“Mr. Gu Yu, are you sure it’s an undiscovered elf?”

“I’m sure!”

Gu Yu replied.

The female staff suddenly shrank their pupils, and the shock on their faces could not be concealed.

“Wait a minute! I’m going to call the minister! ”

After speaking, the female staff trotted away.

A moment later, a bald man came to Gu Yu under the leadership of the staff.

The bald-headed strong man looked up and down at Gu Yu.

“Nice! Not bad! Sure enough, it is a table of talents! ”

“I am Cui Jingsheng, the minister of the headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance in Zhejiang Province.”

“My men say you have an undiscovered elf to certify, it’s not convenient here, come with me!”

After Cui Jingsheng finished speaking, he turned around and motioned for Gu Yu to follow.

At this time, the hall was dead silent!

Everyone looked at the back of Cui Jingsheng and Gu Yu leaving, their eyes were full of surprise, and their faces were full of disbelief!

After the figures of the two people disappeared completely, the headquarters hall instantly fried pan!

“I heard you right! An undiscovered elf?! ”

“You heard it right! I also heard that Gu Yu wanted to certify an undiscovered elf! ”

“Oh my God! From today on, will there be one more kind of elf in this world?! ”

“What kind of elf?” I want to know which line of elves is left! ”

Follow Cui Jingsheng to the sixteenth floor.

As far as the eye can see, the sixteenth floor is full of busy figures and advanced machines.

“This layer is specialized in scientific research, and the new elf needs to be identified at this layer.”

After a brief explanation, Cui Jingsheng immediately ordered his men to start preparing for the test.

Half an hour later.

Everything is ready.

Cosmogu was also taken out of his backpack by Gu Yu.


Cosmogu, who had just woken up, floated into the air and looked around with a puzzled face.

“Cosmogou, with a simple combination, let them test you.”


Hearing Gu Yu’s explanation, Cosmogu nodded, indicating understanding.

The staff began to conduct the test.

“The elf found Gu Yu.”

“Name Gu Yu.”


“Super Powers Elf.”

“Weight 0.1KG.”

“Height 0.2 meters.”

“The body is made up of unknown gases.”

Cosmogo’s body is very light, and the wind can blow away that kind, but if you evolve into Cosmoum, your weight will directly soar to a ton, which is 1000KG!

After the initial physical condition of Cosmosom, the skill test is followed.

“Mastering Skills: Teleportation.”

“Other skills: None.”

“Similar to the elf Casey.”

Kathy and Cosmogu are indeed very similar.

Both elves can only master one skill of teleportation before they evolve, and they have no combat power.

After a simple test, Cosmogoo floated back into the arms of the feather.


Gu Yu touched the head of Cosmogu in his arms.

At this time, Cui Jingsheng asked, “Gu Yu, this elf, no, it should be said that where did you capture Kosmogu?” ”

“Cosmogo’s elf egg was the prize I won at the Zhejiang University Freshman Competition, and I randomly selected an elf egg at that time, and the result was that Cosmogu hatched.”

Gu Yu briefly explained the origin of Kosmogu.

Random choice…

The corners of Cui Jingsheng’s mouth twitched slightly.

He just couldn’t figure it out.

Are today’s young people so casual in choosing elves?

“I see.”

Then Cui Jingsheng took two things from the staff and handed them to Gu Yu.

One is a clear blue gemstone.

One is a gold medal the size of a palm.

Carved above the coin is the Phantom Elf Dream!

Because of the ability to use all moves, many scholars believe that dreams are the ancestors of elves.

According to speculation, Dream has the genetic genes of all elves.

“This dream medal is an honor given by the Alliance, thanks to the trainer who discovered the new elf!”

“This is a Stone of Lower Water, a reward given by the Alliance based on the potential of newly discovered elves.”

“Your Cosmogu has no more potential than Casey from the current test, so you can only get the next product.”

“If you’re willing to leave Cosmogu here for a detailed test, you may be rewarded even more!”

Cui Jingsheng briefly explained to Gu Yu.

Gu Yu wanted such an effect.

After receiving the Dream Medal and the Stone of Water, he left directly.

Looking at Gu Yu’s departing back, Cui Jingsheng sighed.

“Pity! Such a good 19 show of young people is now just big. ”

“If he graduates in his senior year, he may be robbed by major forces immediately!”

“That’s it! With today’s good fortune, three years later, there is an extra chance to compete for Gu Yu. ”

Then Cui Jingsheng ordered him to continue.

If Gu Yu came to the headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance in Zhejiang Province next time, he must tell him.

At this time, on the Internet, Gu Yu has become the first hot search!

Gu Yu’s undiscovered elves!

Countless netizens began a heated discussion!

“Really fake?! Gu Yu has an elf that has never been found before?! ”

“The director of the Zhejiang Longguo Alliance personally received, are you really fake?!”

“I really want to know what kind of elves it is!” Could it be a dragon elf? ”

“If Gu Yu really found a dragon quasi-god again, it would really be explosive news!”

“The official video number of the headquarters of the Zhejiang Longguo Alliance has released the video, hurry up and watch!”

With the release of the test video of Cosmogou, a stone stirred up a thousand waves in an instant!

In an instant, countless netizens poured into the video number in an instant.

Online viewers of the video are climbing like crazy!



1 million.

Soon the number of simultaneous online viewers climbed to 5 million!

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