Chapter 127 Go to the Magic Capital! Beauty snake in disguise!!

The video starts playing.

A purple-blue sprite appears in the video.

As the staff starts testing one by one.

The majority of netizens have a preliminary understanding of Cosmogu.

“Mastering Skills: Teleportation.”

“Other skills: None.”

“Similar to the elf Casey.”

When hearing the skill test results and similar sprites.

Netizens began to leave messages in the comment area.

“I thought it was a top elf, it turned out to be a little Cayce!”

“Scatter! I thought it was another dragon quasi-god! ”

“Not interesting! This is a remake of Casey! In addition to Kathy’s own instantaneous movement, I feel that I am really not strong in the super energy department! ”

“In addition to the cute appearance and will attract girls to like, this Cosmogu is really average at present.”

Back at home, Gu Yu, looking at the netizens’ messages, the corners of his mouth showed a smile The more garbage Cosmogu is, the more Gu Yu is not worried about Cosmogu being targeted!

After a simple dinner, Gu Yu fell asleep.

May 1.

In the early morning, the golden sun illuminates the campus of Zhejiang University.

Villa area, Villa 23.

Gu Yu was still asleep at this time.

To the left of the pillow is a shrunken Ibrahimovic.

On the right is Cosmogou.

Terra Ola still likes to sleep with Gu Yu.

In the courtyard in front of the villa, the Kirby Beast and the Green Vine Snake were still sleeping.

In the pool behind the villa, Menas and Sticky Treasure are still resting in the water.

Pockies on the sofa on the first floor was still enjoying the coolness of the air conditioning.

Jingle Bells!

The alarm of the mobile phone breaks the tranquility of everything.

The first thing Gu Yu did when he got up was naturally to prepare breakfast for the elves.

Looking at the elves who were eating a lot of food, Gu Yu simply ate some breakfast.

Then take the elf and Ye Mengyao to the bus to the airport.


As the host city of this national collegiate elf league.

The magic capital can be seen everywhere, and tourists come from afar.

On the high floor on the street, there were originally advertising spaces for major businesses and brands.

Now they have all become huge posters for the contestants.

As well as playing the contestants, the wonderful performances in the crazy April.

Although Mordor University is the organizer of this time, the venue of the competition is not in Mordor University.

Instead, it is held in the Celestial King Arena on the outskirts of the Magic Capital!

The creation of the Celestial King Arena dates back to the founding of the Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance.

In order to select the first generation of four kings, a competition was held in the Heavenly King Arena.

Because of this, the original name was changed and became the Arena of the Kings.

After many renovations and many repairs.

Today, the Celestial King Arena is the premier playing venue in Dragon Country.

It can accommodate 96,000 spectators at the same time.

Various large-scale elven tournaments and kings challenge have been held many times.

Now Gu Yu and the others are sitting on the bus to the hotel.

Looking at Gu Yu’s huge poster on the street, Su Ying, who was sitting in the front row of Gu Yu, enviously said: “It’s really mighty!” If only I could have a poster like this! ”

Xia Pengyu heard Su Ying’s words and looked at Su Ying.

“If you have one-third of your grandfather’s strength, not to mention the huge poster, even the captain of Zhejiang University is yours.”

Su Ying and Su Chen were brothers and sisters, and because of this, she would want to pull Gu Yu into the school team at that time.

The grandfather of the two is the owner of the Aoki Daoist Hall of the Grass Department Daoguan, named Su Tianhe.

Due to the current champion and king of the Dragon Kingdom, the main elves have almost no grass lineage.

Therefore, Su Tianhe was also known as the strongest grass trainer in the Dragon Kingdom!

The resistance of the grass system is indeed poor, twice as weak as the flying system, the poison system, the insect system, the fire system, and the ice system.

Moreover, in actual combat, the grass system has always been highly complained about.

The sun beam is also a sunlight flame, and the setting that requires power in the game is also extended to reality.

[Daylight Beam: Collect full daylight in Turn 1 and fire a beam to attack in Turn 2.] 】

In reality, due to the strength of the elves, the length of collection time will also be different.

But it always takes time.

At this time, if you don’t get it right, you can tell the difference between winning and losing.

Not to mention the Flying Leaf Storm, which dropped the special attack by a large margin.

In addition to good feeding, the cost of cultivation is low.

The grass elves can be said to be a bunch of slots.

But even so, Su Tianhe, who could bear the strongest name, felt that he was one of the top trainers in the Dragon Kingdom!

When it comes to Grandpa Su Tianhe, the expression on Su Ying’s face is also full of helplessness.

Su Chen saw the situation and explained.

“Su Ying and I are not the heirs of the Taoist Pavilion, our eldest sister is the heir of the Daoist Hall recognized by my grandfather.”

“The resources and elves we get from home are not as good as our eldest sister, even if the training is only when the eldest sister is not there, Grandpa will help us train.”

After listening to Gu Yu on the side, he understood why this pair of brothers and sisters was not strong.

The true heir of the Taoist Hall is just like Ning Qiyun.

There are a large number of elves with the qualifications of the Heavenly King, and the main force is the quasi-Heavenly King level.

Although Su Ying and Su Chen were from the Taoist Temple, they were not the first heirs of the Daoist Hall.

There are not many resources allocated, and it is normal to be weak.

While we were chatting, the bus had stopped.

This time, the Magic Road University is directly arranged for the participating teams at the Sky Hotel in the Magic Road.

Sky Hotel is a 5-star property located in the heart of the hotel.

The hotel is located in the Sky Tower, which has a total of 32 floors.

Stepping on the soft carpet, everyone walked into the golden hall to start check-in.

When Gu Yu and the others came, there were already participating teams arriving early.

One of the women is the most eye-catching.

Tall posture, long jet-black hair scattered over the shoulders.

Her appearance is similar to Su Ying’s, but her appearance is even more beautiful!

After the woman saw Su Ying and Su Chen, she smiled and walked over.

“Xiao Chen, Xiao Ying, I haven’t seen you for a long time!” Ever miss a sister? ”


“Sister Qingjun! Long time no see! ”

The woman is Su Qingjun, the heir of the Aoki Dojo.

This time, as the captain of Sun Yat-sen University, he led Sun Yat-sen University to the top 16.

After saying hello to his younger siblings.

Su Qingyun looked at Gu Yu again.

“I have long heard that the first year of Zhejiang University has produced a very handsome and perverted freshman!”

“It’s really handsome now!”

“Get to know Su Qingjun, captain of Sun Yat-sen University, give me your contact information if it’s convenient, little handsome guy!”

“Gu Yu.”

Then Gu Yu took out his mobile phone and exchanged contact information with Su Qingjun.

As the heir of the future Aoki Dojo, Gu Yu felt that it would be okay to get to know him.

After adding Gu Yu’s friends, Su Qingjun faced Gu Yu and Su Ying, and Su Chen waved his hand.

“I went first! My room is in 22016, Xiao Chen, Xiao Ying, you can come to play with your sister. ”

“Of course, if it is Gu Yu’s little handsome man, I am also very welcome!”


Gu Yu suddenly felt a killing qi lock on to him.

Turning his head to look, he found Ye Mengyao with a pair of beautiful eyes, staring directly at himself.

At the same time, there is a murderous look in his eyes!

“Isn’t Mengyao jealous?”

Gu Yu secretly said in his heart.

While thinking, Gu Yu explained, “Su Qingjun and I just get to know each other briefly. ”

“It’s your freedom to know who you want to know, you don’t have to ask me for instructions.”

Although Ye Mengyao’s voice was calm, the murderous qi in his eyes was even more terrifying!

Fortunately, at this time, Su Ying came out to break the siege.

“My eldest sister is a dangerous person!”

“If it’s not necessary, it’s better not to touch my eldest sister!”

“Gu Yu, don’t be fooled by appearances, my eldest sister and her elves all have a layer of disguise.”

“If my eldest sister hadn’t been born in the Grass Sect Dojo, maybe she would have become a top poison trainer!”

Toxic system…

Looks harmless to humans and animals, but is it actually a poisonous snake?


Gu Yu was immediately interested.

“Is this what is called the more beautiful something the more dangerous it is?”

“I’m starting to look forward to playing with Su Qingjun!”

When several people talked, Xia Pengyu had already helped several people check in.


This is Gu Yu’s room, Room 18 on the twenty-fourth floor.

Ye Mengyao’s room was in Room 17 next to Gu Yu.

At this time, Ye Mengyao’s anger was almost gone, and before entering the room, he said to Gu Yu: “Less contact with that woman Su Qingjun!” ”

When he was done, he slammed the door shut.

“Woman! No matter how strong it is, sometimes it is inevitable that there will be some small nature. ”

Immediately Gu Yu stopped opening the door.

Mahogany floors, crystal chandeliers, leather sofas…

All the instructions are the luxury of the Horizon Hotel.

After a night of rest.

May 2.

Xia Pengyu participated in the lottery ceremony on behalf of Zhejiang University.

At 10:00 a.m., the match of the round of sixteen was officially released.

May 3rd game.

Yenching University vs. Nankai University.

Zhejiang University vs. Sun Yat-sen University.

Modu University vs. Xiamen University.

Harbin University vs. Nanjing University.

The game on May 4.

Mizuki University vs. Jilin University.

Sichuan University vs. Dragon Kingdom Elf Ecology University.

Yanbian Genie Ecological University vs. Qinghai University.

Wuhan University vs. Guangzhou University.

When the game came out, Gu Yu was somewhat surprised.

He did not expect that he would be against Su Qingjun in the first game.

“Interesting! Since that’s the case, let me see how strong this beautiful snake is! ”

While talking to himself, Gu Yu began to search for videos of Su Qingjun’s game.

The other side.

Sun Yat-sen University learned that the opponent was Zhejiang University.

In the afternoon, under the leadership of Qiao Wei, the leading teacher, he began to study how to deal with Zhejiang University.

The game has been played so far, most of the players’ elf information is relatively transparent, after all, the game has a video, a little look at the video, statistics.

An elf knows all the characteristics and skills it can have.

“The most dangerous person in Zhejiang University is Gu Yu!”

“Don’t think he’s just a freshman and look down on him!”

“Ning Qiyun, Du Jingyao, these powerful trainers, this time all fell into his hands, if we want to defeat Zhejiang University, we must defeat Gu Yu!”

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