Chapter 137 The Judgment of Terror! Tanabata Blue Bird!!

The Nine Tails, who broke through the earth, jumped up high and headed straight for Menas in mid-air.

At the same time, an invisible force rushed towards Menas.

“Menas! Climb the waterfall! ”

[Climbing: Pounce on your opponent with amazing momentum.] Sometimes it makes the opponent cringe. 】


Countless rays of water appeared around Menas.

Under the gaze of nearly 100,000 spectators in the Heavenly King Arena, Menas flew towards the Nine Tails.


Menas’s screams rang out.


With the sound of landing on the ground, Menas smashed the nine tails on the arena, directly smashing the arena out of a big pit.

With a roar, countless splashes of water splashed from Menas.

Wait for Menas’s body to resurface, revealing the nine tails, who are already unconscious.

Nine Tails was already twice as weak as the fire, and after eating two water system skills, there was naturally no possibility of being spared.

“Nine Tails fell to the ground! Winner! Gu Yu! ”

“Congratulations to Zhejiang University for winning the team competition!”

“The third team race is about to take place! Please prepare both players! ”

As the referee’s voice fell.

The applause and cheers of the Heavenly King Arena sounded like a tidal wave!

“Gu Yu! Awesome! ”

“Menas is so strong! Zhejiang University come on! ”

“Zhejiang University rush! Beat Yenching University!! ”

Zhu Xinyan, the leading teacher of Yenching University, has a serious expression and a solemn look in her eyes.

Still, she was well aware.

Yenching University has not been forced into a desperate situation.

“Zhejiang is still a doubles combination of Gu Yu and Ye Mengyao, the biggest problem with this combination is that the cooperation is not tacit enough, we still have a chance!”

While thinking, Zhu Xinyan sent the final doubles combination.

On the field.

Yan Siyu clenched his fists,… His eyes were fixed on Gu Yu, who was receiving cheers from the scene, and his face was full of unwillingness.

After a moment, he sighed helplessly and took out the elven ball to put away the fallen Nine Tails.

Then he smiled bitterly and turned and walked off the field.


So what?

To lose is to lose.

Unless she can defeat Gu Yu in public, she is not as good as Gu Yu in the eyes of everyone!

The other side.

Xia Pengyu was also just like Zhu Xinyan, as expected, and sent Ye Mengyao.

“Ye Mengyao, let’s play!”

Ye Mengyao nodded, and then walked towards the arena.

The contestants sent by Yenching University are also a man and a woman, and the man is a tall thin man named Jiang Cheng.

The woman wears glasses and a ponytail, named Xu Qiuhe.

After the referee determines that both sides are in place.

“The doubles tournament is about to start! Start sampling the playing field now! ”

Live on the big screen and start the draw for the venue of the singles match!

Green grass field!


After the results came out, the floor of the Heavenly King Arena cracked in an instant.

Then a playing field of about 1,500 square meters, covered with grass, slowly rises.

“The playing field is already in place! The race starts now! ”

As the referee’s voice fell, both sides sent their own elves.

Wind speed dog!

Blazing roaring tiger!

Level 38 Giant Pliers Mantis!

Tanabata Blue Bird!

The Tanabata Blue Bird has a sky-blue body and fluffy wings that resemble cotton

【Tanabata Blue Bird (Dragon) (Flight)】



【Features: Irrelevant weather (any weather effects will disappear)】

【Character Talent: Rakuten (+ Defense, – Special Attack)】

[Individual Qualifications: HP(28), Attack (31), Defense (24), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (21), Speed (31)]

【Skills: Dragon Waves, Call, Peck, Charm Sound, Random Strike, Wheel Singing, Mysterious Guardian, Dragon’s Breath, Cotton Defense, Slam, Tarzan Peak, Jet Flame, Frozen Beam, Destruction of Dead Light, Earthquake, High Speed Star, Steel Wing, Dragon Dance, High Speed Movement, Iron Tail, Earthquake]

【Carrying: None】

【Potential: Quasi-Heavenly King】

Tanabata Blue Bird continues the fine tradition of the Dragon Clan being able to learn multi-lineage skills.

Goblin system, ground system, fire system, steel system, general system, ice system…

In a one-on-one situation, this Tanabata Blue Bird can handle most of the elves.

And the cooperation between the two seems to be full of tacit understanding at the beginning.

“Flying Mantis! Fly! Make the air chop! ”

[Air Slash: Attack with an air blade that can split even the sky.] Sometimes it makes the opponent cringe. 】

“Tanabata Blue Bird! Fly! Dance the Dragon! ”

One elf uses offensive cover and one elf starts adding BUFF.


The body of the Tanabata Blue Bird swung rapidly and danced with great intensity.

Unknown runes around the body began to light up.

As the more runes lit up, the momentum on the Tanabata Blue Bird began to rise continuously.

The giant praying mantis waved the giant claw in its hand.

A one-meter-long blade of air went straight to the blazing roaring tiger.

“Wind speed dog! Hold on! ”

“Blazing roaring tiger! Bodybuilding! ”

Gu Yu’s voice had just fallen, and the next second, the wind speed dog appeared directly in front of the blazing roaring tiger.

Then a huge white shield rose from the wind dog.


It sounded like the sound of swords colliding, and the air was slashed under the crotch of the white shield.


The blazing roaring tiger roared, and in an instant the muscles tensed, and the attack and defense increased at the same time.

“Blazing roaring tiger! Sunny! ”

[Sunny day: The sunlight becomes strong for a certain period of time, thereby increasing the power of the fire attribute move, and the water attribute move power is reduced.] 】

“Wind speed dog! Quickly! Spray flames! ”

In the blink of an eye, the sunlight inside the Tenno-san Arena becomes intense and glaring, and the temperature begins to rise!


The wind dog barked and disappeared in an instant.

In the next instant, it appeared in front of the flying mantis.

In the mouth of the blood basin, the fire energy began to gather.

The four hooves exert force and jump directly high.

At the moment of jumping, golden flames erupted from the mouth of the wind speed dog, turning into a sea of flames and heading straight for the giant clamp mantis and the Tanabata Blue Bird in mid-air.

The giant pincer mantis was already four times weaker than the fire, and if it was hit by the spray flames, it would definitely suffer great damage.

Jiang Cheng directly chose to dodge.

“Giant prickly praying mantis! Move at high speed to dodge! ”


The giant pincer mantis turns into a phantom and dodges the attack of the wind speed dog.

“Tanabata Blue Bird! Cast high-speed movement to dodge! ”


The Tanabata Blue Bird roared, and it also turned into a phantom, dodging the jet flames of the wind speed dog.

Then Xu Qiuhe and Jiang Cheng immediately began to counterattack.

“Tanabata Blue Bird! Aim at the wind speed dog to make the dragon’s waves! ”

“Giant prickly praying mantis! Aim at the wind speed dog to make an air chop! ”

Purple shock waves erupted from the mouth of the Tanabata Blue Bird.

The giant clamp mantis wielded the giant claw, and a one-meter-long air blade appeared.

The two attacks went straight to the wind speed dog.

“Wind speed dog! Dig! ”


The wind dog barked and burrowed directly into the ground.


A loud explosion sounded, and smoke and dust splashed.

On the grassy field, a large pit four meters deep appeared, but the figure of the wind speed dog was not seen in the deep pit.

“The Wind Speed Dog successfully dodged the attack with its burrowing skill!”

“But the unfavorable situation on the field is still not improving, and Yenching University still has the initiative by taking advantage of flight!”

The voice of the on-site commentary just fell, and the attack of Yenching University came again.

“Tanabata Blue Bird! Target Blazing Roaring Tiger! Dragon Waves! ”

“Giant prickly praying mantis! A flash of electricity! ”

The Tanabata Blue Bird spat out a purple shock wave from its mouth and went straight to the blazing roaring tiger.

“Blazing roaring tiger! Hold on! ”


The blazing roaring tiger roared, and a huge white shield appeared in front of him.


The Dragon’s Wave was blocked, and in the next instant, a red figure appeared in front of the Blazing Roaring Tiger.

The giant red pincer slammed down on the white shield.


It sounded like a sword colliding, and a crack appeared on the white shield.

Just as the giant praying mantis swung its giant tongs again, Ye Mengyao and Gu Yu’s voices sounded almost at the same time.

“Blazing roaring tiger! Ghost Face! ”

“Wind speed dog! Quickly! Flame Teeth! ”

On the face of the blazing roaring tiger, a terrifying grimace appeared, staring fiercely at the giant prickly praying mantis.

In an instant, a feeling of fear gushed out from the bottom of the giant praying mantis, and its body was constantly trembling in place.


The wind-speed dog broke through the ground and disappeared directly in the next instant.

When it reappeared, it had already come to the giant praying mantis.

In the mouth of the blood basin, the fire energy was constantly gathering.

Jiang Cheng realized that it was not good, and hurriedly shouted, “Giant Pliers Mantis!” Move at high speed to dodge! ”


As soon as Jiang Cheng’s voice fell, the scream of the giant praying mantis came.

The wind speed dog bites directly on the shoulder of the giant pincer mantis.

The golden flame instantly covered half of the body of the giant prickly praying mantis.

“Blazing roaring tiger! Spray flames! ”

Red flames erupted from the mouth of the blazing roaring tiger, instantly covering the giant pincer mantis and the wind speed dog.

Kong Hui, who was sitting in the guest seat, also nodded when he saw this scene.

“Nice! Face the unfavorable situation, use your teammates as traps and kill your opponent’s elves with one hit! ”

Jia Yuecheng also praised: “Whether it is the degree of tacit understanding or the degree of advantage, Yenching University is better, but what really determines the victory or defeat is often only a moment, and Gu Yu has caught it!” Such judgment is truly worthy of being the future successor of the Heavenly King! ”

Zhu Xinyan on the sidelines, after seeing the flame tooth hit the giant praying mantis.

Above the serious expression, there was a hint of panic.

Even if Yan Siyu was defeated, she thought that there was still the power of a battle.

But when the giant mantis fell.

For the first time, she felt that Yanjing would lose!

On the field.

Seeing the flames erupting over the giant pincer praying mantis, Xu Qiuhe immediately gave the order.

“Tanabata Blue Bird! Aim at the Blazing Roaring Tiger! Dragon’s Breath! ”


The Tanabata Blue Bird shouted, and the purple shock wave went straight to the blazing roaring tiger that was casting the flames.

“Blazing roaring tiger! Dodge! ”

Hearing Ye Mengyao’s order, the Blazing Roaring Tiger immediately stopped spraying flames.

Jump hard with both legs.


Then a huge explosion sounded, and a purple shock wave exploded into a large crater, next to which was a giant prickly praying mantis covered in black.

【Ding! Wind Speed Dog defeats the Giant Pliers Mantis and gains 7000 XP! 】

“Tanabata Blue Bird! Continue to cast the Dragon’s Breath! ”

“Blazing roaring tiger! Destroy the Dead Light! ”

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