Chapter 138 Advancing to the Final Four! The King of Heaven has arrived!!

The voices of Xu Qiuhe and Xu Qiuhe sounded successively.

The moment Jiang Cheng pulled out the elven ball, Gu Yu’s cold voice sounded.

“Wind speed dog! Stare! ”


The wind speed dog’s eyes narrowed.

In mid-air, the Tanabata Blue Bird stopped attacking in an instant because of fear, and was stunned in the air.

At this moment, the blazing flames roared in the tiger’s mouth, and the golden energy had already gathered.

In the next instant, under the gaze of nearly 100,000 spectators in the Heavenly King Arena.

A golden pillar of light erupted from the mouth of the blazing roaring tiger and shot straight into the Tanabata Blue Bird in mid-air.

When Xu Qiuhe saw this scene, his face was full of panic.

“Tanabata Blue Bird! Hurry up and get out of the way! ”


Xu Qiuhe’s voice had not yet fallen, and the Destruction Death Light had already hit the Qixi Blue Bird


With a scream, the Tanabata Blue Bird slammed and fell from mid-air.

“Wind speed dog! Quickly! ”

When Gu Yu gave the order to the wind speed dog.

Jiang Cheng also released his second elf.

A cyan winged creature nearly 1 meter tall, with a red upper body and a white lower body.

Wrestling Eagle Man!

【Wrestling Eagle Man (Battle Birds) (Fighting) (Flying)】



【Characteristics: Soft (because the body is soft, it will not become paralyzed)]

【Character Talent: Rakuten (+ Defense, – Special Attack)】

【Individual Qualifications: HP(31), Attack (28), Defense (24), Special Attack (39), Special Defense (27), Speed (31)]

[Skills: Strike, Grind Claw, Wing Attack, See Through It, Swallow Back, Do It Again, Hell Roll, Sword Dance, Flying Body Weight, Flying Knee Kick, Flame Fist, Lightning Fist, High Speed Movement, Steel Wing, Brute Force, Split Tile, Revenge, Poison Strike, Cross Scissors]

【Carrying: None】

【Potential: Dojo】

“Wrestling Eagle Man! Move at high speed! Don’t let the wind speed dog hit the Tanabata Blue Bird! ”

Hearing Jiang Cheng’s order, the wrestling eagle turned into a phantom and went straight to the Qixi Blue Bird.

Wrestling eagle man because he is closer to the Tanabata Blue Bird.

Although the speed is faster in terms of wind speed dogs, the two elves arrive almost at the same time.

Chop tiles!

The wrestling eagle man’s right paw is covered with white light, and he is about to split towards the wind speed dog.

“Wind speed dog! Flame Vortex! ”


The wind speed dog barked, under the increase of the skill on a sunny day.

Countless golden flames appeared out of thin air.


In the blink of an eye, a vortex of golden flames soared into the sky.

Cover the wind speed dogs, wrestling eagles and Tanabata blue birds.


Wrestling Eagle Man’s chopping tiles hit the wind speed dog though.

But this time is too late!

Outside the flame vortex, the anxious voices of Jiang Cheng and Xu Qiuhe sounded.

“Tanabata Blue Bird! Cast a spell to rush out of the Flame Vortex! ”

“Wrestling Eagle Man! Hurry up and rush out! ”

But it’s still a step too late!

In the vortex of flames, the fire energy in the mouth of the wind speed dog was gathered.


In the terrified cry of the Tanabata Blue Bird.

A large flame, in the shape of a large character, erupted from the mouth of the wind-speed dog, heading straight for the other two elves in the flames.


A huge explosion sounded, and the flame vortex was directly exploded.

Countless golden flames exploded directly around the grassy field, and at the same time, countless dust splashed.

The audience at the scene also saw the situation in the vortex of flames at this time.

On the scorched black ground, the dark Tanabata Blue Bird fell to the ground and passed out.

Tanabata Blue Bird was first hit by the Eye Gaze Skill to lower his defenses, and then ate a blow to destroy the Death Light.

After the Wind Speed Dog is hit by the Blazing Roaring Tiger Spray Flame, the Characteristic Fire has been triggered.

Even if the Fire skill can only deal half the damage to the Tanabata Blue Bird, the Flame Vortex combined with the Big Character Explosion is enough to defeat the Tanabata Blue Bird.

The half-body of the pitch-black wrestling eagle man just wanted to struggle to get up from the ground.


The wind speed dog struck an iron tail and directly pumped the wrestling eagle man away.

With a thud, the wrestling eagle man fell to the ground and never stood up again.

【Ding! Wind Speed Dog defeats Tanabata Blue Bird and gains 24,000 experience points! 】

【Ding! Wind Speed Dogs defeat Wrestling Hawks and gain 7500 experience points! 】

“Oh my God! Wind Speed Dog directly defeated Tanabata Blue Bird and Wrestling Eagle Man! ”

“Yenching University has lost three elves!” There is no suspense in the game! ”

“Let’s congratulate you in advance! Zhejiang University to advance! ”

The on-site commentary directly pronounced the death sentence of Zhejiang University.

Gu Yu and Ye Mengyao still had four elves left, while Yenching University had only one elf left in Xu Qiuhe.

As for saying one through four.

And it’s a one-and-four in doubles matches.

Even the movie does not dare to shoot like this!

In the Heavenly King Arena, the cheers at this time are like a tide!!

On the field.

Xu Qiuhe and Jiang Cheng’s faces were very ugly, and their eyes were even more full of frustration!


Both knew very well that they couldn’t win!

After the two of them retrieved the elves individually, Xu Qiuhe sent his last elf and a level 35 thunderbolt.

A moment later, with the blazing roaring tiger punching a flame fist, the game was also completely over!

“Ray Hill fell to the ground! Winner! Gu Yu! Ye Mengyao! ”

“Zhejiang University won two victories in singles and doubles! Successfully advanced to the Final Four! ”

As the referee’s voice fell.

The applause and cheers of the entire Heavenly King Arena sounded like a volcanic eruption!

“Gu Yu! Awesome! ”

“Final Four! Next is Gu Yu vs. Lin Xuan! ”

“The wind speed dog is so strong! Looking forward to the next big battle with Lin Xuan! ”

Zhu Xinyan, who was on the sidelines, listened to the cheers of the audience and her face was full of frustration.

Looking at the two students walking down from the arena, their faces full of helplessness and frustration.

Zhu Xinyan opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end it turned into a helpless sigh!


This is the cruelty of the National Collegiate Elf League.

Just lose once and a year’s effort is in vain!

If you want revenge, you can only wait until next year.

Yan Siyu looked at Gu Yu on the field, his fists clenched, and his eyes were full of unwillingness.

Finally, he slowly got up and walked towards Gu Yu.

Kong Hui, who was sitting in the guest seat, opened his mouth while applauding the match between Gu Yu and Ye Mengyao.

“Gu Yu and the Ye family are really good little girls, each of them is a dragon and phoenix among people, but they are still too young!”

“The top four is their limit, facing the Modu University led by Lin Xuan, now they don’t have any chance!”

Kong Hui’s mouth was full of trust in Lin Xuan’s strength.

Jia Yuecheng nodded, and a trace of pity flashed in his eyes.

“I heard that the little girl of the Ye family has a sharp-toothed land shark in her hand, if it can evolve into a fierce biting land shark.”

“This showdown is going to be a wonderful showdown, and now it’s a bit of a shame!”

“If there are powerful elves of the goblin system or ice system in Zhejiang University, there may be a chance, but they have not appeared until now, and the probability is that there is no more.”

“It can be said that there is no suspense in the final four!”

On the field.

Gu Yu and Ye Mengyao listened to the cheers of the live spectators.

The two looked at each other, smiled at each other, and then clapped their hands to celebrate the victory.

After collecting the elf into the elf ball, the two immediately walked off the field.

At this time, Gu Yu also noticed Yan Siyu coming over and stopped.

Yan Siyu walked over to Gu Yu’s body, with a hint of reluctance in his eyes.

“Congratulations! Gu Yu! Beat me again! ”

“It’s a pity that the gift called failure has returned to my hands again.”

“This bitterness, I will remember it, next time, next time I will definitely beat you!”

Speaking of this, Yan Siyu barely squeezed out a smile

“Lin Xuan is very strong, don’t lose to him, so I can still comfort myself that I lost to the champion.”

“I won’t lose! My goal is to be a champion! ”

“Lin Xuan would love to win, but I also have a reason not to lose!”

Hearing Gu Yu’s words, Ye Mengyao’s face turned red as soon as he brushed it.

“Then defeat Lin Xuan, defeat Kong Xingyu, and keep winning!” Gu Yu! ”

After speaking, Yan Siyu directly turned and left.

After the competition between Zhejiang University and Yenching University.

Then came the Modu University vs. Harbin University.

Gu Yu stood at the entrance of the contestants with the school team and watched the game the whole time.

The strength of Harbin University was stronger than Gu Yu imagined.

The ace elf of Harbin University, Qiu Xuefeng, is Alluredo.

Although Alluredo is not a goblin elf, he can learn goblin skills.

Instantaneous movement with goblin skills to make the fast dragon fall into a bitter battle.

It’s just a hard fight.

Although the fast dragon suffered some damage, it finally defeated a level 44 fire-breathing dragon after defeating Alluredo.

Help Mordor University to establish a victory in one fell swoop.

And this is not Lin Xuan’s full strength!

None of the three dragons had appeared until now.

Defeating Lin Xuan of Harbin University with just one quasi-god is worthy of being one of the champion favorites!

After the morning race.

Gu Yu and the Zhejiang people returned to the Cloud Hotel together.

At this time, the outside world is also enthusiastically discussing this final four.

Gu Yu vs. Lin Xuan!

The successor of the king duels the messenger of the dragon!

It can be said that the topic is directly full.

National Collegiate Elf League Final Four Prediction!

It directly became the top three hot searches on the whole network that day.

Countless netizens also began to discuss this game.

“Gu Yu was able to play in the Final Four is already remarkable! But that’s what his limits are! ”

“Judging from the performance of the National Collegiate Elf League this time, Gu Yu is worthy of the title of ‘Heavenly King’s successor’, but he is really too young!”

“Junior year, no, wait another year, I think Gu Yu is the favorite to win the championship, but for now, Gu Yu is still too young!”

“I have directly bet on Lin Xuan to win, and Gu Yu will definitely lose tomorrow!”

In the Sky Hotel.

Ye Mengyao, who had just taken a shower, was on the phone.

“Yaoyao, my mother wants to tell you good news!”

“The 11th is your birthday, and your dad has just finished his mission and has free time.”

“Tomorrow I’m going to go on a plane with your dad and give you fuel while I have a birthday with you!”

“Was there any surprise?! Isn’t that a surprise?! ”

“By the way, Yaoyao, do you have any birthday gifts you want?”

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