Chapter 140 Three Dragons Appear! Destroyed arena!!

“Lin Xuan!!!”

“Lin Xuan!!!”

“Lin Xuan!!!”

Listen to the audience chanting Lin Xuan’s name.

The expression on Gu Yu’s face did not change in the slightest.

Slowly get up and walk to the arena.

Lin Xuan stood on the arena and looked at Gu Yu who walked onto the field, and there was no change in the expression on his face.

His only thought now is to play a beautiful victory!

After the referee determines that both sides of the match are in place, the game is about to begin.

“Both sides of the game are already in place! Draw the playing field immediately! ”

As the referee’s voice dropped, the draw now began on the big screen.

Green grass field!


After the results came out, the floor of the Heavenly King Arena cracked in an instant.

Then a playing field of about 1,500 square meters, covered with grass, slowly rises.

“The venue is ready! The singles tournament has officially begun! ”

As the referee’s voice fell, Gu Yu and Lin Xuan also sent their own elves.

Monarch snake!

Three evil dragons!

The three dragons had six thin, black wings, each with forked ends.

The three dragons have a purplish-red collar-like structure around their necks.

The head is dark blue and the eyes are black with purplish-red pupils.

The arms are black with a head at each end, and the two blue heads have similar black eyes.

【Three Evil Dragons (Three-Headed Dragons) (Dragons) (Evil)】



[Features: Floating (floating from the ground, so that it will not be attacked by ground attribute moves)]

【Personality Talent: Impatience (+ Speed, – Defense)】

【Individual Qualifications: HP(31), Attack (31), Defense (27), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)]

[Skills: Impact, Bite, Gather Gas, Triple Attack, Dragon’s Breath, Malicious Pursuit, Head Hammer, Self-Motivation, Bite Crush, Dragon’s Wave, Tarzan Pressure Top, Dragon’s Swoop, Reverse Scale, Jet Flame, Water Cannon, Earthquake, Steel Wing, Guard, Iron Tail, Dragon’s Dance, Lightning Tooth, Frozen Tooth, Flame Tooth, Cannon Light Cannon, Mind Hammer, Meteor Group, Destruction of Dead Light, Wild Dance Swing, Wrestling, Electromagnetic Waves, Hold On, Rain, Sunny Day, Tornado]

(Carrying: None)

【Potential: Champion】

Looking at the information of the three evil dragons, Gu Yu also had to say that the quasi-gods were indeed terrible!

“Three evil dragons! Fly! Dragon Dance! ”


Hearing Lin Xuan’s order, the three evil dragons flapped their wings, and the head in the middle roared.

Immediately the bodies of the three evil dragons swung rapidly in mid-air, dancing with great intensity.

In an instant, the unknown runes around the three evil dragons’ bodies lit up.

As the more runes lit up, the momentum on the three dragons began to rise.

At this moment, Gu Yu’s cold voice sounded.

“Monarch snake! Flying Leaf Storm! ”

The Monarch Serpent’s body flew out of its sharp blade-like blades, turning into a tornado that flew into the air for three dragons.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xuan showed a confident smile on his face.

“Three evil dragons! Dragon swoop! ”


Lin Xuan’s voice just fell, and the three evil dragons roared!

Countless dragon energies emerged from the bodies of the three evil dragons.

In the next instant, a shadow of three evil dragons transformed from pure dragon energy wrapped the three evil dragons.

With a wave of its wings, the shadow rushed directly into the tornado formed by the flying leaf storm.


Three evil dragons cast a dragon swoop to crash into a tornado formed by the flying leaf storm.

Then crash straight into the monarch snake on the ground.

“Monarch snake! Shadow Twin! Parry! ”


The monarch snake shouted, and more than ten monarch snakes appeared in place in an instant, and at this time, the attack of the three evil dragons also arrived.


With the sound of a huge explosion, countless smoke and dust rose, and only six of the monarch snake’s doppelgangers were left in an instant.

Three evil dragons flapped their wings and rose from the smoke.

“Monarch snake! Flying Leaf Storm! ”


The monarch snake body, along with the six remaining doppelgangers, flew out of the sharp, blade-like blades.

Transformed into an air knife tornado channel, it flew straight into the air of the three evil dragons and left.

“Three evil dragons! Accelerate to avoid the flying leaf storm while casting a meteor swarm! ”

[Meteor swarm: Meteorites fall from the sky to your opponent, and after using them, your special attack will drop greatly due to the reaction force.] 】

The meteor swarm is also known as the Dragon Star Group.

If not counting the exclusive skills mastered by divine beasts such as God Tooth Luca.

The meteor swarm is arguably the strongest skill of the Dragon Lineage!

The head in the middle of the three evil dragons opened its mouth and blood basin mouth, the dragon energy began to converge and flapped its wings at the same time, through the false flying leaf storm runner passage formed by the shadow double skill, Su Qingjun saw this scene, the original smile on his face was also frozen, and his eyes were full of solemnity!

“The insight of the dragon elves is too sharp! Even if Lin Xuan doesn’t command, he can easily find the flaws of his opponent! ”

Yan Siyu nodded, and immediately began to analyze the situation in the arena.

“Gu Yu knew very well that if his elves wanted to defeat Lin Xuan’s three evil dragons, they would have to use the Monarch Snake’s baton receiving skills.”

“But according to the rules of the game, he had to last three minutes to exchange elves.”

“Lin Xuan’s opening is a fierce attack, and not giving the monarch snake a chance to breathe is to strangle Gu Yu’s hope!”

“It can be said that the next 1 minute or so time has largely determined the outcome of this game!”

Yan Siyu’s voice had just fallen, and the meteor swarm of the three evil dragons on the arena had been fully completed!

A huge blob of light emitting dazzling golden light spat out from the mouths of the three evil dragons.

Under the gaze of nearly 100,000 people in the Heavenly King Arena.

Huge light clusters flew into the air.


With a loud cracking sound, the huge light cluster suddenly exploded, turning into more than ten small light clusters and heading straight for the grass!




With more than a dozen huge explosions, the entire grass field was instantly covered with smoke and dust splashed by meteor explosions.

Lin Xuan looked at the youth field covered with smoke and dust, and he was still a little uneasy.

“Tornado! Blow away the soot! ”


The three evil dragons shouted, and in the next instant a tornado formed a rumbling!

Countless soots were directly swept into the tornado.

The appearance of the grass field today is also clearly displayed in front of the eyes of the live audience.

Dense potholes, vertical and horizontal ravines, charred black land…

The entire grass field was destroyed by three evil dragons!


Seeing this scene, countless spectators in the Heavenly King Arena directly inhaled a cool breath!

There was fear in his eyes!

And in a big pit in the middle of the arena.

The sovereign snake full of injuries curled up around the snake and barely blocked the meteor swarm.

Hold on!

Curl up!

[Coiled: Coiled to concentrate.] Improve your attack, defense and hit rate. 】

Seeing that the monarch snake had not been solved, Lin Xuan’s eyes flashed a trace of eagerness.

“Three evil dragons! Spray flames! Then cast the Flame Tooth! ”

The Monarch Snake was already twice as weak as the fire, plus he had just been injured by the attack of the meteor swarm.

As long as these two fire skills have a hit monarch snake.

The monarch snake will inevitably be knocked down!


The three evil dragons roared, and the fire energy in their mouths began to gather.

In the next instant, the red flames turned into a sea of flames and came straight at the monarch snake.

“Monarch snake! Hold on! ”

As soon as Gu Yu’s voice fell, a huge white shield appeared in front of the monarch snake.

Blocked the attack of the flame-jetting.


The huge bodies of the three evil dragons flew straight down and crashed directly into the white shield.

With a click, a crack appeared above the white shield.

At the same time, the cracks are also increasing, and the white shield is like a candle left in the wind, which is at risk of extinguishing at any time!

Kong Hui, president of Modu University, who was sitting in the guest seat, saw this scene and the corners of his mouth showed a smile.

“Gu Yu’s idea is good, but he underestimates the strength of the quasi-god.”

“Under the attack of the three evil dragons, the monarch snake could not hold out for more than three minutes!”

Jia Yuecheng echoed at the side, “Yes, although Gu Yu has cultivated the monarch snake well, in the end there is a big gap between him and the quasi-god.” ”

“As long as the monarch snake is knocked down, the remaining elves will not pose any threat to the three dragons.”

Lin Xuan said that he couldn’t do one through three! I think I can congratulate Mordor University in advance for advancing to the finals! ”

When Kong Hui heard Jia Yuecheng’s words, his face was full of smiles.

“For Mordor University, the final is not our goal, our goal is to be the champion! It’s still too early to congratulate! ”

On the field.

The three dragons continued to attack, and one move of the iron tail directly hit the huge white shield formed by the guard.


The sound of swords colliding sounded, and the white giant shield was directly shattered by the three evil dragons!

The fire energy in the mouths of the three evil dragons gathered, and they were about to bite down on the monarch snake.

“Monarch snake! Charming! ”

Hearing Gu Yu’s order, the monarch snake body emitted countless pink lights.

The eyes of the three evil dragons instantly turned pink, and their bodies involuntarily stopped attacking, while dangling slowly to get close to the monarch snake.

When Lin Xuan saw this scene, his face changed instantly, and his original indifferent expression was tinged with a hint of anxiety.

“Three evil dragons! Break free from your captivating skills! ”

“Monarch snake! Flying Leaf Storm! ”

The voices of the two sounded almost at the same time.

But the monarch snake is one step faster.

Countless blades that flew out of the sharp tip like blades flew out of the monarch snake’s body, turning into a tornado that would envelop the three evil dragons that were still controlled by the charming skill.


The three dragons were directly swept away by the tornado formed by the Flying Leaf Storm.

The three dragons in the Flying Leaf Storm also woke up.

Countless dragon energies emerged from the bodies of the three evil dragons, directly casting the dragon’s swoop and attacking towards the monarch snake.

But by this time it was too late!

“Monarch snake! Pick up the baton! ”


The monarch snake shouted.

The baton skill was displayed by the Monarch Snake, leaving three clusters of cyan light in place in an instant.

The red light instantly enveloped the monarch snake.

Then Gu Yu took out Pokkis’s elven ball begging.

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