Chapter 141 The Great Shock! Dead Silent King Arena!!

With a flash of red light.

Bird-like elves covered in white fur with broad, triangular wings.

Appeared in the eyes of nearly 100,000 spectators in the Heavenly King Arena.

Then countless spectators were momentarily stunned,… His eyes were fixed on the center of the arena, his mouth was wide open, and his face was full of incredulity.


Pokékis shouted with excitement as soon as he appeared.

Then flapping his wings to speed up, he came to the front of the three green light clusters, instantly absorbing the amplification effect brought by the baton receiving skill.

Special Attack greatly improved!

Special Attack greatly improved!

Special Attack greatly improved!

At this time, the audience at the scene seems to have just woken up from a dream!

In an instant, the entire King Arena is directly frying pan!

“Oh my God! It turned out to be Pokékys! ”

“This elf is an evolved type of Pokeby symbolized by good luck and blessings!” Very rare! ”

“It’s Pokékys of the Goblin Clan!” Lin Xuan was going to be in danger! ”


Su Qingjun at the runner’s passage saw the appearance of Pokkis.

Looking at Lin Xuan on the field, the corners of his mouth first showed a smile, and then his brow frowned slightly.

Yan Siyu also thought of something at this time, and his face also changed slightly.

The two looked at each other and understood what each other meant.

Gu Yu didn’t use his full strength to fight with them at all!

Yikes! Yikes! Yikes!

Just at this moment, a series of footsteps sounded, and the second daughter subconsciously looked away.

A young man wearing gold wire glasses and followed by a moon elf stepped out of the contestant passage.

The young man has a strong sense of bookishness, like a scholar and more like a trainer.

The young man’s eyes looked at the arena and said to himself, “I originally thought that I would fight Lin Xuan in the final, but now it seems that Lin Xuan may not have made it to the final.” ”

The young man’s voice was very calm, but Su Qingjun and the others did not refute it.

Because, the young man with a strong sense of books in front of him is the ‘tyrant’ Kong Xingyu!

Kong Hui, the president of Modu University, who was sitting in the guest seat, saw Pokkis appear at the moment.

The smile on his face instantly froze, and his brow wrinkled even more.

Ren Manyun, who was sitting next to Ye Hongyi, saw Pokkis appear, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

“I can’t imagine that Yao Yao, a teammate, has such a rare elf!”

The moment Ye Hongyi saw Pokékis appear, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“Interesting! Left the hole cards until now, hiding from everyone? ”

“This point is indeed very similar to the old guy in Yuan Hanhai, and no one knows how many cards this old guy has until the end!”

“But why does this Pokkis give me a familiar feeling?” Is it an illusion? ”

On the field.

The moment Lin Xuan saw Pokkis appear, he recalled what Ye Mengyao had said’

Gu Yu’s strength is very strong! He doesn’t need your men to be merciful! Words.

His brow furrowed slightly, and for the first time there was a trace of regret in his heart.

Goblins are restraining dragons.

This is something that even a random elementary school student knows.

But reality is not a game, because of the turn-based output in the game, the advantages of dragon elves are not obvious.

The real dragon elves are not wooden stakes.

Most of the goblin elves face the dragon elves, and can only be pressed to the ground to blast most of the dragon elves, because they can learn the dragon dance skills to increase the speed, so the speed is very fast.

If the skill is not hit, it is zero damage.

Coupled with the Dragon Elves, there are many types of skills that can be learned.

Such as Marilu, Wind Goblin, these goblin elves, facing the dragon elves are all hammered.

If you don’t count the Divine Beasts, only a few Goblin Elves can be said to be the elves who truly restrain the Dragon Lineage!

Pokékis is exactly one of them!

But Lin Xuan was not good enough to replace the elves.

The Fast Dragon can’t play now because he played in the team game.

The three dragons were restrained, and he had two remaining quasi-king elves.

They are Hercules and Marmara.

And these two elves can’t fly.

This was also the reason why Lin Xuan would feel regret.

But at this time, Lin Xuan could not be allowed to think much about it, because Gu Yu had already begun to attack.

“Pokkis! Fairy Wind! ”

[Goblin Wind: Blows the Goblin Wind and blows it towards your opponent to attack.] 】


Pokékis shouted with countless pink goblin energies appearing on the surface of his body.

Then the wings suddenly flapped, and the pink goblin wind blew directly towards the three evil dragons.

Three dragons are four times weaker goblins and receive three increases in baton skills.

If the three evil dragons were really hit by the Goblin Wind, even if they were not knocked unconscious, they would be severely damaged.

“Three evil dragons! Hold on! ”


The three dragons roared, and a huge white shield appeared in front of them.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

With the sound of a sword colliding, the goblin wind was blocked by the white shield.

“Pokkis! Wave missiles! Then cast your speed! ”

[Wave missile: Generates a waveguide force from the body and then sends it to the opponent.] The attack is bound to hit. 】


The power of the blue waves converged in front of Pokkis’s body.

Lin Xuan also decisively chose to attack: “Three evil dragons! Cannon Light Cannon! ”

The three evil dragons opened their blood basin mouths, and with the metallic brilliance flashing, the steel energy began to gather.

Pockies did indeed restrain the dragon system, but Pokkis was twice as weak as the steel, rock, electricity, ice and poison systems at the same time.

And the three dragons also have these skills, so they still have the strength to fight with Pokkis.

With the launch of the Pokkispo missile, the cannon was unleashed by three dragons almost simultaneously.


The two attacks collided in mid-air, and a huge explosion sounded.

In the next instant, Pokékis instantly disappeared in mid-air.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xuan’s pupils suddenly shrank and he yelled, “Three evil dragons!” Cast steel wings! ”

But it’s still a step too late!

Pokékis appears above the three dragons.

Magic shines!

[Magic Shine: Shoots a strong light at the opponent and deals damage. 】

Countless goblin energies emerged from Pokkis’s body.

In the blink of an eye, Pokékis turned into a small pink sun.

Then crash directly into the three dragons.


Attacked by the Goblin Lineage skill, the three dragons are directly in pain with Wai Hao.

With a thud, the three dragons were directly hit to the ground.

The battlefield that was originally devastated once again had a big pit, and countless smoke and dust splashes at the same time.

Kong Xingyu, the ‘tyrant’ at the passage of the contestants, heard the painful wailing of the three evil dragons and directly shook his head.

“It seems that the end is already predestined! Although the three dragons after the acceleration of the Dragon Dance were fast, they still could not keep up with the fast Pokkis. ”

“Pokékis is indeed restrained by many of the skills, but if you can’t hit Pokkis, then these skills are useless.”

“There is a gap between the quasi-gods and the general elves, but under the three increases of the contrarian skill, the gap has been smoothed out, and even the current Pokkis should be the stronger elf…”

“There is no suspense in the game! It’s time for me to get ready to play against Gu Yu and Zhejiang University! ”

After speaking, Kong Xingyu directly turned and left.

Su Qingjun, Yan Siyu and the others looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other’s eyes!

You know, before the game starts, both the audience, the media, and even they are actually more optimistic about Lin Xuan.

After all, Lin Xuan had two quasi-gods!

But unexpectedly, Lin Xuan’s team sent out a fast dragon in battle.

Although it looks very powerful to wear six, but now it has been forced into a desperate situation!

On the field.

Gu Yu continued to order Pokkis to take advantage of the victory to pursue.

“Pokkis! Cast the Wind of the Goblins! ”


Pokékis shouted, and countless pink goblin energies instantly appeared on the surface of his body.

Then the wings suddenly flapped, and the pink goblin wind blew directly towards the three dragons that were still in the deep pit.

“Three evil dragons! Hurry up and hold on! ”

Lin Xuan’s reaction was quick, but the three evil dragons had just been hit hard, and their reaction was obviously slow.


The pink goblin wind directly hit the three dragons, directly blowing the three dragons away.

With a thud, the three evil dragons smashed heavily on the devastated arena, directly unconscious.

【Ding! Pokékis defeats three dragons and gains 80,000 experience points! 】

【Ding! Pokékis upgraded to level 46! 】

“Three dragons fell to the ground! Winner! Gu Yu! ”

As the referee announced the result of the match, the entire Heavenly King Arena fell into a dead silence in an instant.

Countless spectators, with their mouths wide open and their faces filled with disbelief, stared blankly at the center of the arena.

The quasi-gods were defeated!!!

You know, above this competition, quasi-gods are invincible beings.

Fast Dragon and Bangira various one-to-three.

In the team competition that started earlier, Lin Xuan even used the fast dragon to complete the feat of one through six!

This further convinced the audience that in the National Collegiate Elf League, the ultimate evolved quasi-god is invincible!

And all this was now shattered by Gu Yu’s own hands!

The impact this gives to the live audience is huge!

After a few moments, the discussion sounded like a tidal wave.

“Oh my God! I read that right! Gu Yu defeated the quasi-god! ”

“It’s over! The fast dragon can’t play, the three dragons are defeated, and the magic university loses! ”

“Gu Yu is hiding too deeply!” Mordor University is in danger! ”

Some of the audience’s eyes are already full of despair at this time!

Some timid viewers have closed their eyes and dare not continue to watch.

What kind of spirit Lin Xuan had, Gu Yu and others knew it, and the audience was equally clear.

Neither of the two quasi-gods can play now.

In the next game, what did Lin Xuan rely on to win?

It can be said that Lin Xuan is now the general trend has gone!

At the passage of the players, Su Qingjun, Yan Siyu and others looked at the three dragons that fell to the ground on the field, and their eyes flashed with surprise!

Although when Kong Xingyu left, everyone was already ready to be defeated by the three evil dragons.

But when this scene really happened, everyone still couldn’t help but be surprised!

After all, this is a quasi-god!!

On the field.

Lin Xuan solemnly withdrew the three evil dragons.

He glanced at Gu Yu and Pokkis on the field, took a deep breath, and sent out his second elf.

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