Chapter 147 Terra Aura appears! Sensational world!!


As soon as Bangira appeared, it was a roar!

Yang Saudi Arabia launch!

The soil of the geotechnical site begins to desertify in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, countless yellow sand flew up, completely enveloping the entire venue in yellow sand!

Change the venue as soon as you appear, which is the same power as a natural disaster!

This is the Desert Tyrant!

The terrible power of the quasi-god Bangira!

After the King of Heaven Arena appeared in Bangira, it was once again in a boil!

“So handsome! I was still meeting Bangira for the first time! ”

“It was horrible! As soon as the arena comes out, the desertification begins! ”

“Desert Tyrant! It’s horrible! ”

Yuan Hanhai, who was sitting in the guest seat, saw Kong Xingyu Banjira appear, and there was also a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

“The young man of the Kong family has cultivated Banjira well, and it is not in vain that the Kong family spent a huge price to bring out that elven egg from the secret realm of Taklamakan that year.”

Ye Hongyi opened his mouth at this time, “This Bangila is really well cultivated, old master, do you think Gu Yu can defeat Bangira?” ”

“Of course, I am still optimistic about Gu Yu, after all, he is my successor!”

As he spoke, Yuan Hanhai had a smile on his face and seemed to be very satisfied with Gu Yu’s successor.

“That’s it! Why don’t we make a bet on the old man? ”

Ye Hongyi suddenly spoke.

Yuan Hanhai was also interested and asked, “Ye Xiaozi, what do you want to gamble?” ”

“I heard that your Bangila just gave birth to an elven egg a month ago, and I recently got a scaly elf egg.”

“I lost, you gave me Bangila’s elf egg, and I lost and gave you the elf egg of the heart scale.”

Hearing Ye Hongyi’s words, Ren Manyun’s brow frowned slightly.

Because, the elf of this heart scale treasure was a birthday gift they had prepared for Ye Mengyao!

But she didn’t stop either, because Banjara’s elf egg value was still above the elf egg of the heart scale.

After all, Bangira is the trump card of Yuan Hanhai!

Yuan Hanhai thought for a moment and agreed to come down.

“Yes! Then I will choose Gu Yu to win! ”

“Well, then I’ll choose this young man from the Kong family!”

After a few words of conversation, the two men made a bet between the two quasi-god cubs.

Behind them, Kong Hui and Jia Yuecheng listened to the conversation between the two and glanced at each other.

They all saw the shock in each other’s eyes, and sighed!

For the two unattainable quasi-gods, in the mouths of the two heavenly kings, it was almost like a cabbage!

At the Contestant Passage.

Looking at the terrible power that changed the arena, Yan Siyu sighed: “Quasi-god! It’s terrible! ”

Lin Xuan looked at Bangira on the field, and his brow frowned involuntarily, showing his inner unpeace.

Although he had two quasi-gods, this terrible power that instantly changed the arena still made him secretly frightened.

Jiang Yue, the leading teacher of Jilin University on the sidelines, looked at Bangira, who desertified the rocky site, and a confident smile appeared on his face.

“Gu Yu! In this case, what hole cards do you have to beat Bangira? ”

On the field.

Looking at Bangila, who looked like a walking natural disaster, Gu Yu secretly said, “Sure enough, except for Terra Ola, even the wind speed dog will definitely not be the opponent of this Bangira!” ”

This Banjira was not the strongest elf Gu Yu had ever seen.

But if it’s a real fighting opponent, this Bangira is the strongest!

While thinking, Gu Yu took out the elven ball of Terra Ola.

Then, with a flash of red light, the figure of Terra Ola appeared on the field.

Nearly 100,000 spectators at the scene, after seeing Jela Ola appear, are also varied.

Some of the spectators who recognized the identity of the Terra Aura Divine Beast were directly stunned, their mouths wide open, and their faces full of shock.

Some of the spectators who did not recognize Terra Aura were curious about the first appearance of Gera Aura.

“What kind of elf is this?” I still saw it for the first time, and it was very cute! ”

“It’s a big yellow cat! It was so cute! ”

“Does anyone know what this elf is?” I also want to buy the same elf! ”

“You’re crazy! This is the mythical beast Tera Ola, do you think you can buy it with money?! ”

“Sleeper! You read that right! Gu Yu’s elf is a divine beast?! ”

As a part of the audience recognized the identity of Terraora, the entire King Arena instantly!!!

Divine Beast!!!

Terra Aura!!!

The on-site commentary also tried its best to start roaring!

“Oh my God! Gu Yu’s players actually sent the Divine Beast Terra Ola!!! ”

“Divine Beast vs. Quasi-Divine!!!”

“This is definitely the best showdown ever in the National Collegiate Elf League!!”

At this time, the audience who was watching the final through the network live broadcast really used the bullet screen to paralyze the server!

“Oh my God! Gu Yu actually had a divine beast! This is Gu Yu’s bottom card! ”

“Divine beasts! It turned out to be the Divine Beast Terra Ola! Is this true?! ”

“The Divine Beast duel against the Quasi-God, this is simply a reproduction of the battle between the former champion Fang Jianming and the Yuanhan Sea Heavenly King!”

More than a hundred television stations around the world directly cut off the programs that were being broadcast live and live-streamed the battle between Gu Yu and Kong Xingyu instead.

For a moment, the eyes of the whole world were focused on the Heavenly King Arena!

Guest seat.

Ye Hongyi, who had just made a bet with Yuan Hanhai, saw the moment that Gera Aura appeared, his pupils suddenly shrank and his face was also full of incredulity.

“It turned out to be the Divine Beast Terra Ola…”

When Yuan Hanhai saw this scene, he seemed to have expected it, and the curvature of the corners of his mouth was even greater.

Kong Hui and Jia Yuecheng behind the two of them, their mouths were wide open at this time, and they looked at the Gera Aura in the middle of the arena with a shocked face!

At the Contestant Passage.

Su Qingjun, Yan Siyu and others also looked at the arena with shocked faces at this time.

Among them, Lin Xuan’s eyes were the most complicated, there was shock, surprise and a hint of relief.

“Gu Yu’s hole card is really surprising!”

On the field.

Gera Aura looked at Banjara, who exuded terrible power, and cried out in excitement!


Hearing the voice of Gera Aura and looking at the figure of Gera Aura, Kong Xingyu’s face was full of shock, and then his eyes revealed excitement.

“I didn’t expect that Gu Yu’s bottom card was actually a divine beast!”

“This Terra Aura is obviously still a juvenile Divine Beast, and as a rival of Bangira, it is really too suitable!”

While thinking, Kong Xingyu directly began to command Bangira to attack.

“Bangira! Aim for Terra Ola! The Power of the Earth! Then perform the Dragon Dance! ”

[Earth Force: Unleashes Earth Force at the feet of your opponent.] Sometimes the opponent’s special defense is lowered. 】


Bangira heard Kong Xingyu’s order, raised his right foot, and stomped on the ground!

With a click, the ground of the rocky field cracked straight apart.

A huge crack spread to the feet of Terraora.

The flesh pads of Gera Ola’s hands and feet emit a large amount of electric current, creating a powerful magnetic field.


It turned into a golden light and flew into the air.


A huge force gushed out from the ground, but it could not hurt Tyraaura in mid-air.

Bangira’s body swung rapidly on the ground and danced with great intensity.

Unknown runes lit up all around.

As the more runes lit up, the momentum on Bangila’s body began to rise.

“Terra Ola! Bodybuilding! ”


Terra Ola shouted, his muscles tensed, and his attack and defense began to improve.

“Bangira! Dragon Waves! ”

“Terra Ola! A flash of electricity! Cast an enhanced punch! ”

[Enhanced punch: By repeatedly hitting the opponent,… Make your fist slowly harden. Hitting the opponent will increase the attack. 】

The voices of the two sounded almost at the same time.


Bangira let out a loud roar, and a purple shock wave protruded from his mouth, heading towards Tyraora in mid-air.

Terraora turned into a golden light and headed straight for Bangira from mid-air.

In the blink of an eye, Terra Aura appeared in front of Bangila.

The right paw was covered with white light and hit Bangira directly.

“Bangira! Wide area destruction! ”

[Wide Area Destruction: Slams your opponent with a tough tail to attack, thereby reducing your opponent’s attack.] 】

Banjira with a spiky tail suddenly swept towards the Tyraora in front of him!

But Kong Xingyu still underestimated the speed of Terra Ola.

After Gera Aura turned into a 173 golden rays of light to dodge Bangira’s attack, the Booster Fist went straight to Bangira.


With a loud sound, Bangira’s anguished voice immediately sounded.


Bangira was already four times weaker in fighting, and now that he was hit by Terra Ola’s enhanced punch, it would naturally not be good.

“So fast!”

When Kong Xingyu secretly surprised Aura speed, Bangira began to attack again.

Frozen Fist!

The white one covered Banjara’s right paw, heading towards Gera Ola.

Move at high speed!

Terra Aura once again turned into a golden glow, dodging Bangira’s attack.

Landed fifteen meters in front of Bangira’s body.

“Terra Ola! Plasma Lightning Punch! ”

[Plasma Lightning Fist: Attacks with a fist covered with current, turning a general attribute move into an electrical one. 】


Terraora shouted, and her claws were instantly covered with golden lightning.

The live commentary is also crazy yelling!

“Plasma Lightning Fist! This is an electrical skill that has never appeared before! ”

“Is this the Divine Beast skill exclusive to Terra Ola?!”

On the field.

Kong Xingyu’s face was full of solemnity.

He knew very well that Terra Aura was the type of person who was more restrained in Banjira.

Bangira’s speed was already very fast after being blessed with the Dragon Dance.

This distance was a wide-area destruction, even Lin Xuan’s quasi-god fast dragon, it was impossible to dodge it.

But Terra Ola just ducked away!

“The Divine Beast is indeed terrible! But I won’t just concede! ”

While thinking, Kong Xingyu gave the order.

“Bangira! Earthquake! ”

Bangira heard Kong Xingyu’s order and stomped on her feet!


The rock site instantly cracked into several huge cracks, while causing violent shaking.

Terraaura itself is twice as weak as the ground, and if hit by an earthquake, it will certainly not be good.

“Terra Ola! Dodge! ”

Terraora turned into a golden light and flew into the air, dodging the earthquake attack.

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