Chapter 148 Champion! Lost Heart Scales!!

As soon as Gera Aura flew into the air, Kong Xingyu’s voice sounded again.

“Bangira! Dragon Waves! ”

Kong Xingyu’s voice just dropped.

The purple shock wave went straight to the mid-air Gera Aura.

“Terra Ola! Parry! Cast the electric ball! ”

[Electric ball: Crash into the opponent with an electric ball.] The faster you are than your opponent, the more powerful you are. 】


Gera Aura let out a loud cry and turned into a golden glow, dodging the Dragon’s Waves.

In the next instant, countless golden lightning bolts emerged from Gera Ola’s body.

Terra Aura turned directly into a small golden sun.

Under the gaze of nearly 100,000 spectators at the scene, they went straight to Bangila.

“Bangira! Hold on! ”


Bangira yelled,… A huge white shield appeared in front of him.


A loud crashing sound sounded, and Bangira stood up to the little golden sun.


Under the skill of Terraora, the white shield began to crack.

“Bangira! Stare! ”

Banjira’s eyes narrowed, and Tyraaura, who was in mid-air, was momentarily stunned in mid-air because of fear.

But due to inertia, the electric ball skill was not interrupted.

Terra Aura quickly woke up, but also gave Bangira time.

“Bangira! The ultimate shock! ”

[Ultimate Shock: Use your full strength to attack your opponent.] You won’t be able to move on the next turn. 】

A dazzling white light emerged from the surface of Bangira’s body, and countless general energies enveloped Bangira.

Bangira is like a white meteor, crashing from the bottom up into Terra Ola.


A huge explosion sounded, and an incomparably dazzling light enveloped the entire Heavenly King Arena, and the aftermath of the explosion blew the clothes of countless spectators into a hunting sound.

No one could see clearly, the situation above the field.

The audience who was watching the live broadcast online almost paralyzed the server with a bullet screen at this time!

“Sleeper!!! Is this a competition between two college students? The King of Heaven Challenge is just that, right?! ”

“Divine Beast vs. Quasi-God!” Who is better? ”

“Oh my God! Is it the same ending as before, or a different outcome? ”

Jiang Yue, the leading teacher of Jilin University on the sidelines, originally had a confident smile on his face and had turned into worry.

Although she had confidence in Kong Xingyu’s Bangila.

But she also did not expect that Gu Yu’s bottom card was actually a divine beast!

On the field.

Kong Xingyu blocked the blinding light with his arm, and his face showed a look of concern, and he began to think secretly.

“Bangira’s four times weaker fighting, none of which was solved by a blow from Gera Ola, shows that this juvenile Gera Aura is not as good as Bangira in terms of rank.”

“But Gera Aura is too fast! It’s almost like Banjara can’t hit it at all! ”

“Lin Xuan’s happy speed is not so outrageous, is this a divine beast?”

In terms of type, Bangira is not afraid of flying elves, after all, she has electrical skills and will also hold skills.

There is also no fear of assassin-like elves like Marjanla, because the skill pool is too rich and can be effectively responded to according to different situations.

But Terra Ola is a very fast and flying, and it is still small.

Bangira is really not a good way.

This is also the reason why, even if you know that the ultimate shock has no small side effects, you still choose to exert it.

Kong Xingyu needs to let the skill hit Gera Ola!

Wait until the dazzling light dissipates, revealing the scene in the middle of the arena.

In the middle of the arena appeared a huge pit twenty meters wide and more than ten meters deep.

At the bottom of the deep pit, you can even see a special steel plate that has been twisted and deformed by the collision of two elven skills.

Bangira stands on one side in the middle of the pit and on the other side is Terra Ola.

The live commentary is also the first time to see such a scene in the National Collegiate Elf League!

His eyes were full of shock, he swallowed and spat out, and then he roared loudly!

“It’s unbelievable!!”

“The Divine Beasts Terra Ola and the Quasi-God Bangira struck a blow, and even directly destroyed the arena!”

“I think all the spectators here are lucky! Because in the future, there will be no more fierce battle in the National Collegiate Elf League than today! ”

At this time, it seems that the scene is just waking up from a dream, and the cheers and applause are like a volcanic eruption!

On the field.

Gu Yu’s cold voice sounded again.

“Terra Ola! Enhance Punch! ”

As soon as Gu Yu’s voice fell, Terra Ola turned into a golden light and went straight to Bangila.

The right claw, covered in golden lightning, was once again wrapped in white light.

“Bangira! Cast hold on! ”

[Hold on: Even if attacked, it will leave at least 1HP.] Continuous use is easy to fail! 】

In the game setting, after casting the ultimate shock, the next turn is immovable.

Real-life matches are not turn-based in games.

When Terra Ora boosted his punch and hit Bangila, Bangira also managed to hold out.


Gera Aura punched Banjara directly into the ground in the middle of the pit.

A banjira-shaped pit appeared at an instant on the side of the deep pit.

“Bangira! Stare! Cast the ultimate shock again! ”

Banjira in the pit, hearing Kong Xingyu’s command, stared at it, and the Tyraula in mid-air was momentarily stunned in mid-air because of fear.


A dazzling white light reappeared, and Bangira flew out of the crater like a meteor and headed straight for the mid-air Gera Ora.

By the time Terra Aura was freed from the Glare skill, Bangira had already rushed to Gera Ora.

“Terra Ola! Plasma Lightning Punch Attack! ”


Gera Aura shouted, and the plasma lightning fist suddenly swung out.

A huge roar sounded, and the golden lightning turned into two ten-meter-long beams of lightning and went straight to Bangila, who was performing the ultimate impact.


A loud explosion sounded again, and the incomparably dazzling white light once again enveloped the arena.

“The two sides have once again launched a fierce confrontation! Who can laugh to the end this time?!! ”

Live commentary roars of excitement.

The audience at the scene, the audience who was watching the live broadcast, and even the two kings in the guest seat showed curiosity!

Wait until the white light clears.

All the viewers saw the scene inside.

Terra Aura floated in mid-air, and Bangira fell directly to the bottom of the pit.

Victory and defeat have been divided!

Although there is a level gap between Bangira and Gera Ola, it is itself in a state of serious injury.

After the enhanced punch hits continuously, the attack power of Tera Ola is increased twice, plus the bodybuilding skill increases the attack.

The Plasma Lightning Fist took Banjara straight away.

【Ding! Gera Aura defeats Bangira and gains 100,000 experience points! 】

【Ding! Gera Aura upgraded to level 42! 】

“Bangira fell to the ground! Winner! Gu Yu! ”

As the referee’s voice fell, the mountain roar and tsunami-like cheers on the scene instantly sounded!

“Bangira actually lost! The Divine Beast is indeed terrifying! ”

“Zhejiang University is going to win the championship!”

“The ending is indeed the same as in the past, the quasi-gods can’t defeat the divine beasts at all!”

Jiang Yue, the leading teacher of Jilin University on the sidelines, saw this scene and his face was full of helplessness.

Lose to the Divine Beast!

This kind of thing is indeed not shameful.

But when he thought of the failure of a year’s efforts, Jiang Yue’s heart was still full of bitterness.

Ye Hongyi, who was sitting in the guest seat, shook his head when he saw this scene.

“Worthy of being a god beast!” Even if it is only a juvenile divine beast. ”

“It seems that I lost, and after the egg of the heart scale, I will send the old man to Yuan Hanhai without speaking, but just staring at the Gela Aura in the arena.”

Above the old man’s face, it is also full of seriousness, showing his inner unpeace.

On the field.

After Kong Xingyu took back Bangira, he shook his head helplessly.

He knew the game was over.

“Referee, I concede!”

The referee was first stunned, and then looked at Kong Xingyu with a surprised face.

“Player Kong Xingyu, are you sure you want to concede?”

Kong Xingyu nodded, “There is no point in fighting any longer, I can’t win, and I don’t want my elves to be hurt.” ”

After the referee determined that Kong Xingyu had conceded defeat, he immediately announced the result of the match.

“Bangira fell to the ground! Winner! Gu Yu! ”

“Congratulations! Zhejiang University won two victories in the team competition and the singles competition! Won the National Collegiate Elf League Championship!!! ”

As the referee’s voice fell, countless streamers drifted above the sky.

The entire Heavenly King Arena boiled in an instant, and countless spectators began to chant Gu Yu’s name!!!

“Gu Yu!!! MVP!!! ”

“Gu Yu!!! MVP!!! ”

“Gu Yu!!! MVP!!! ”

Spectators who are watching the game live on the webcast once again paralyze the server with a bullet screen!

“Gu Yu has won! Zhejiang University really won the championship! ”

“Divine beasts are invincible! The Yuan Heavenly King’s vision is really good! ”

“Awesome! Gu Yu is awesome! Fight the messenger of the dragon first, then the tyrant! ”

At the Contestant Passage.

When Lin Xuan saw this scene, he sighed and began to applaud.

“Divine beasts! It’s horrible! Kong Xingyu lost unjustly! ”

Hearing Lin Xuan’s words, Su Qingjun, Yan Siyu and others also nodded their heads and applauded Gu Yu on the field.

On the field.

At the end of the game, the Zhejiang University Colonel Team, while cheering and celebrating, went straight to Gu Yu on the field.

Su Chen was the fastest, rushing to the arena and hugging Gu Yu.

Shouting at the excited madness, “Gu Yu! We are champions!!! ”

The loud sound almost shattered Gu Yu’s eardrums!

Gu Yu had not yet gotten rid of Su Chen, and Su Ying and the others also surrounded Gu Yu and roared with constant excitement!

“Champions! We won the championship!! ”

“Gu Yu! Awesome! You are our MVP purchase! ”

“Champions! Before the April Madness began, I never dreamed that we would be able to win the championship! ”

Excitement and excitement filled the hearts of all the members of the suburban team of Zhejiang University!

Even Ye Mengyao, who has always given people the goddess of icebergs, also showed a smile at this time, and her eyes were full of excitement!

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