Chapter 150 The Water of the Heart Drops in Hand! Sons of Kings!!

On the second basement floor, the first impression given to Gu Yu was a sense of science and technology.

Huge metal doors, fingerprint recognition systems, and various surveillance cameras.

All illustrate the importance of this place to Mordor University!

Kong Hui put his middle finger on the fingerprint recognition system, and then a mechanical sound ~ sound.

“Fingerprint recognition successful!”

With a click, the huge metal door slowly opened, revealing the true face of the Lu-Shan inside the door.

In the empty house, there are rows of huge shelves, and on the shelves are precious props of different colors and forms.

Kong Hui looked at it with some pain, and then reminded, “Gu Yu, you can only take one piece and leave!” ”

Gu Yu nodded and immediately walked into the metal door.

Start shuttling through the rows of shelves.

Looking at the precious props on the shelves, Gu Yu also had to say that the foundation of the Magic Capital University was indeed very deep!

Need for Fire Stone, Orb of Life, Wet Rock…

Even Gu Yu saw the secret treasure on the shelf.

[Non-melting ice: Ice that can isolate heat, after carrying, the power of ice attribute moves will increase. 】

The appearance of the non-melting ice is a blue ice crystal the size of a fist.

If Gu Yu chooses not to melt the ice, the sale of the hand is at least 50 million to the account.

“I’m for the droplets of the heart!”

Gu Yu told himself in his heart to resist the urge to take the unmelted ice.

Finally, Gu Yu stopped in front of a row of shelves.

In front of him was a jewel the size of a baby’s fist, emitting a dark blue glow that was Gu Yu’s target heart droplet.

[Water Drops of the Heart: A magical bead that will increase the power of super abilities and dragon attributes when carried by Ladios or Latias. 】


This was Gu Yu’s first feeling when he got the water droplets of his heart.

After picking up the water droplets of the heart, Gu Yu walked out of the metal door and came to Kong Hui.

Looking at the water droplets of the heart in Gu Yu’s hand, Kong Hui quietly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Then a look of surprise appeared in his eyes, and he looked at Gu Yu with a look of incredulity.

Put the secret treasure and don’t take it, take an unknown bead?!

Is there any secret about this bead?

Remembering that Gu Yu possessed a divine beast, he might know some secrets.

Kong Hui asked tentatively, “Gu Yu, do you know the purpose of this bead?” ”

“I don’t know, I just look good and take it.”

Gu Yu just knew and couldn’t say, so he answered directly that he didn’t know.


Just because it looks good!

Would you rather put the secret treasure and not take it, take an unknown bead?

The corners of Kong Hui’s mouth twitched slightly, and he looked at Gu Yu wordlessly.

He really couldn’t understand the young people now.

“All right! As long as you don’t regret it, follow me to the breeding garden of Mordor University now! ”

After speaking, Kong Hui took Gu Yu out of here and headed towards the breeding garden.

Moto University Breeding Grounds covers an area of 3,000 square kilometers!

There are many ecological areas such as mountains, dense forests, deserts, rivers and other ecological areas in the nursery, which provide a living environment for a variety of elves.

There are currently 243 types of elves in the Magic University Breeding Garden.

There are more than 10 and social elven races, a total of 34 clans.

Gu Yu naturally couldn’t go to the breeding garden to subdue the elves.

After all, most of the elves in the breeding garden are used by the University of Mordor University.

Qualifications and combat effectiveness are not very good.

Even if there are really powerful elves, they are also elves with the Lord.

Nature would not leave with Gu Yu.

Therefore, the elves sent by Mordor University are also elven eggs.

Go to the area where the elven eggs are placed in the Moto University Breeding Garden.

Kong Hui briefly introduced: “The elf eggs of each attribute are placed separately in the area of their corresponding attributes, and the sprites of what attributes you want can go to which attribute area to choose.” ”

Gu Yu nodded, and then began to look for the right elf egg.

First, Gu Yu came to the area where the Fire Elf Eggs were placed.

Inside the empty house, there are rows of huge shelves on which are elf eggs placed in glass containers.

The eggs are currently unhatched.

On the side of the glass container where the elf eggs are placed, there is an introduction to the elf eggs.

Dokan potential small fire dragon ‘2V’ potential of the six tails, elite potential small fire horse…

In the end, Gu Yu stopped. In front of a glass container with a fiery red pattern elf egg.

【Fire Chicken (Fire)】


【Level: Not hatched】

【Features: Acceleration (speed becomes faster every once in a while)】

【Character Talent: Innocence (+ Speed, – Special Defense)】

【Individual Qualifications: HP(26), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (27), Speed (31)]

【Skills: Grab, double kick, spark, spray flame, flash of electric light, flame vortex, high-speed movement, sunny day]

【Carrying: None】

【Potential: Quasi-Heavenly King】

A turkey with quasi-king potential.

The characteristic is acceleration, and the character is the naivety of acceleration.

If Gu Yu hadn’t subdued the wind dog, he might have considered this turkey chicken.

But now…

Gu Yu then entered the area where the water elf eggs were placed.

The Jenny Turtle of Dokan Potential, the Jewel Starfish of Elite Potential, the King Carp of ‘3V’…

Looking at the elf eggs on the shelf, Gu Yu also began to think about the elves he needed.

His current lineup is actually not short of elves.

Kirby beasts can be used as meat shields and can also be output.

The monarch snake can play auxiliary, or a mobile turret.

Wind Speed Dog Assassin Warrior and Mage Trinity.

Fast, fierce firepower, and able to fight with elves like Kirby.

Menas can heal and can also make output.

Both Tera Ora and Pokkés are a type.

Flying and fast, and fierce elves.

Just wait for Sticky Treasure, Ibrahimovic and Kosmogu to evolve.

As far as the lineup matching is concerned, Gu Yu really does not lack any type of elves.

“Although Modu University has a deep heritage, it is impossible to have a quasi-god.”

“Since that’s the case, I’ll pick one with better qualifications!”

While thinking, Gu Yu began to look for suitable elves in various areas.

‘4V’ Frog Seed.

A flying mantis of quasi-king potential.

The potential of the king of Arubso.

‘4V’ geometric snowflakes.

In the end, Gu Yu stayed in the area where the Fighting Spirit Eggs were placed.

On the shelf in front of him, an elf egg with blue spots is quietly placed in a glass container.

【Leo Lu (Fighting)】


【Level: Not hatched】

【Characteristics: Mental strength (by exercising the spirit, will not cringe at the opponent’s attack)]

【Character Talent: Cheerful (+ Speed, – Special Attack)】

[Individual Qualifications: HP(31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)]

[Skills: Lightning Flash, Hold Up, Pretend Attack, Metal Claw, Double Bong Return, Broken Rock, Trickery, Sword Dance, Hair Strength, Thunder Fist, Frozen Fist, Flame Fist]

【Carrying: None】

【Potential: Champion】

[Note: The son of the leader of the Lucario clan from the Himalayan secret realm, he is the natural king of the Lucario clan!] 】

Seeing Li Oulu’s information, Gu Yu’s eyes flashed a trace of surprise.

“It turned out to be an elf from the secret land of the Himalayas!”

“This Leolu attribute is really perfect!”

Leo Road has three characteristics.

Indomitable heart, mental strength and mischievous heart.

[Indomitable Heart: Every time you cower, the indomitable heart will ignite and the speed will increase. 】

[Prank Heart: Can be the first to use the change moves.] 】

In contrast, the characteristic of spiritual power seems somewhat unremarkable.

But reality is not a game.

Mizuse, a silly thing in the anime, appears, afraid to fight because he wants to fight his own evolutionary type.

The indomitable character is indeed good, but Leolu, who does not mean that this characteristic does not flinch.

The literal explanation for cowering is fear of withdrawal.

Staining at the eyes and ghost-facing skills can make Leo Lu feel afraid and afraid of these negative emotions.

When the real battle is fought, a single blow may already be able to distinguish between victory and defeat, and Leolu can use his indomitable heart to complete the acceleration are two different things.

Spiritual power characteristics of Leolu can be immune to this skill, such as the Eye, the Ghost Face.

The characteristic of indomitable heart was inferior to the spiritual power characteristic in Gu Yu’s eyes.

“I also have the MEGA Evolution Stone, and this Leolu may be the best for me!”

After making his decision, Gu Yu removed the glass container containing Li Oulu.

Entrance to the Feeding Zoo.

When Kong Hui saw Gu Yu walking out with Li Oulu’s elf egg, his face instantly darkened.

“That’s it! This Leolu’s elf egg, although very precious! ”

“But Lin Xuan himself is not angry, and he can’t blame me!”

Gu Yu left the breeding garden with Leolu’s elf egg and the water drop of the heart.

Everyone in the Zhejiang University varsity team also chose good rewards.

Then, everyone boarded a bus back to the Sky Hotel.

Yunxiao Hotel has long been prepared, the celebration banquet of Zhejiang people.

In addition to several large table dishes, Xia Pengyu also opened a bottle of champagne.

In English, the words Champagne and champion are pronounced very similarly.

So no matter what type of competition, the winner will be associated with Champagne.

Opening a bottle of champagne to celebrate after winning the championship is also a small way to celebrate.

Everyone drank a glass of champagne and shared the joy of victory!

After the celebration feast, Xia Pengyu pulled Gu Yu to a corner next to him.

“Did you get it?”

“I got it.”

Gu Yu replied.

“Good! Gu Yu, you get ready, I’ll take you to a place and meet someone. ”

Seeing Xia Pengyu with a dignified face, Gu Yu probably had a guess about the person he was going to see next.

“Who are we going to meet?”

“Number One!”

“You have done a good job on this mission, and No. 1 will meet you in person and will also reward you for your mission.”

Hearing Xia Pengyu’s words, Gu Yu nodded, and a glimmer of anticipation flashed in his eyes.

The identity of Number One is finally revealed!

Back in the room, Gu Yu simply cleaned up.

Then ride up to Pokkis and follow Xia Pengbao to a villa zero on the outskirts of the magic capital.

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