Chapter 151 The Change of Life Script! The gift of number one!!

The villa is not big, about 1500 square meters.

But the security forces are terrifying.

At least that’s what I think.

The moment he landed on the ground riding Pokkis, he was directly locked by more than 10 killer eyes.

But these secret security forces seem to know Xia Pengbao.

He did not shoot, but watched Xia Pengyu take Gu Yu into the villa.

Entering the eyes is the golden and brilliant living room.

Huge crystal lamps, expensive soft carpets all illustrate the word luxury.

On the coffee table in the living room, there are three exquisite gift boxes.

On the side of the box, there is an incubator with an elf egg with golden spots in the incubator.

Yikes! Yikes! Yikes!

Just then a burst of footsteps sounded.

Gu Yu smelled the prestige, and a familiar figure stepped down the stairs.

Emaciated figure, gray hair, old face.

Yuan Han Hai!

The first is Yuan Hanhai!

Although there has been speculation about this matter for a long time.

But after the real confirmation, Gu Yu’s eyes still flashed a trace of shock and surprise.

“The Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance doesn’t look like a monolith!”

“Yuan Hanhai, as one of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Dragon Kingdom, also has his own abacus.”

“It is no wonder that the Dragon Shrine only wanders in the gray area, and the original founder is the Dragon Kingdom Heavenly King.”

“If the future Dragon Shrine runs counter to the Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance, is this the enemy at the headquarters?”

Countless thoughts came to Gu Yu’s mind.

Yuan Hanhai also went to the sofa in the living room and sat down.

“Sit down, too!”

After Xia Pengyu and Gu Yu sat down, Yuan Chaohai looked at Gu Yu.

“Isn’t that a surprise?”

Gu Yu didn’t speak, just nodded.

“Regarding the creation of the Dragon Temple, I will find an opportunity to talk to you in detail later.”

“Did you get that thing?”

Yuan Hanhai’s voice fell, and Gu Yu took out the water droplet of his heart from his body and handed it over.

The prompt sound of this system sounded at the same time as Yuan Hanhai took over the water droplets of the heart.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for changing his life script successfully! 】

【Ding! The system rewards the power of the waveguide! 】

【Name】:Gu Yu.

[Graceful]: You are handsome and handsome, which will not only make women like you, but also make elves feel good about you.

【Famous Moving World】: You have won the championship of the National Collegiate Elf League, and you are already a famous trainer in the world. Take the Dragon Key to the Dragon Ridge Secret Realm, pick the Dragon Blood Fruit, and take the first step to become a Heavenly King-level trainer!

[Both]: Not only with the talent of a top breeder, but also with the talent of a top trainer, in the future you will not only be able to become a top breeder but also a top trainer.

[Rich man-in-law]: Because of your excellent personal ability, you got to know Ye Mengyao, the first female champion of the Dragon Kingdom, and eventually fell in love with her, and merged into the Ye family to become Ye Mengyao’s husband, helping her to cultivate several champion elves, and helping her ascend to the position of champion The life script changed from “Emerging Role” to “Famous World”.

Gu Yu looked at the changed life script and the new reward and his heart was full of joy!

The Power of Waveguide is a special ability in anime.

Each person or genie has their own unique waveguide.

Trainers who master the power of waveguides can use their powerful waveguide power to sense and scout the surrounding terrain, see through objects, and perceive the waveguides of others.

You can also sense whether others are malicious or kind to you, telepathize with the elves, and have a dialogue with each other.

After carefully examining the droplets of the heart and making sure that there is no problem with the droplets of the heart.

On the face of the Yuan Han Sea Dragon, a smile appeared.

“Nice! Gu Yu, you have done a very good job on this mission. ”

As he spoke, Yuan Hanhai pointed to the things on the table.

“Open it up and see! These are the task rewards I have prepared for you. ”

Hearing Yuan Hanhai’s voice, Gu Yu came back from the life script.

Then start opening the gift box on the table in turn.

The first gift box opened by Gu Yu was relatively small, only the size of a palm.

After opening, inside the gift box lay a tooth half the size of a palm and as white as jade.

Then Gu Yu’s eyes appeared with the information of this prop.

[Dragon Key: Holding the Dragon Key, taking the Dragon Quasi-God Spirit, and going to the Dragon’s Tomb can get a Dragon Blood Fruit. 】

Seeing the Dragon Key, Gu Yu was not surprised

“It seems that we must make plans for the trip to the Dragon Ridge Secret Realm earlier!”

While thinking, Gu Yu opened the second gift box.

There is a white silk scarf in the gift box.

[Silk scarf: A scarf with a good feel, after carrying, the power of the general attribute move will be improved. 】

General is a secret treasure!

Silk scarf!

This was already the third secret treasure that Gu Yu had obtained from the Dragon God Temple!

“The Dragon Temple is really generous!”

While sighing in his heart, Gu Yu opened the last gift box.

The last box is the largest, as big as a small suitcase.

When opened, it was densely packed with eight types of evolution stones.

Need for Thunder Stone!

Need for the Stone of Fire!

The best water stone!

The Best of the Day Stone!

Need for the Moon Stone!

Need for Leaf Stone!

The Stone of Ultimate Light!

Need for the Dark Stone!

The market price of a Ultimate Evolution Stone is generally more than 10 million.

Plus the silk scarf and the key of the dragon.

The total value of the benefits given to Gu Yu by the Dragon God Temple or Yuan Hanhai had exceeded 200 million!

Then Gu Yu set his sights on the elf eggs in the incubator.

【Heart Scale Treasure (Dragon)】


【Level: Not hatched】

【Features: Bulletproof (can defend against opponents’ balls and bullet moves)】

【Character Talent: Naughty (+ Defense, – Special Attack)】

[Individual Qualifications: HP(31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (26), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)]

[Skills: Strike, Glare, Hold, Dragon Tail, Ghost Face, Head Hammer, Self-Motivation, Piercing, Dragon Claw, Dragon Dance]

【Carrying: None】

【Potential: Champion】

Quasi-god elf eggs!

Although Gu Yu already had a sticky treasure, who would dislike such an elf as the quasi-god?

At this time, Yuan Hanhai’s voice sounded again.

“This is an elf egg with a heart scale, and I made a bet with Ye Hongyi to win it!”

“This time, it is also one of your mission rewards, but I suggest you give this elf egg to Ye Mengyao.”

“Tomorrow is Ye Mengyao’s birthday gift, this heart scale treasure was originally a birthday gift that Ye Hongyi prepared for his daughter, but I bet I won.”

“I heard Pengyu say that you have a very good relationship with Ye Mengyao, and you gave the Heart Scale Treasure to Ye Mengyao as a birthday gift.”

“Not only can you harvest Ye Mengyao’s good feelings, but also let Ye Hongyi owe you a favor.”

“Ye Hongyi is a daughter, if you can become the son-in-law of the Ye family, with the support of the Ye family, plus my help, don’t say that the king of heaven is the champion and there is hope!”

Hearing Yuan Hanhai’s words, Gu Yu also had to say that Yuan Hanhai was really scheming!

“I didn’t expect that this elf egg of the Heart Scale Treasure was actually won from his future father-in-law.”

“The fact that I gave it to Mengyao is indeed able to make the future father-in-law owe humanity, but the future father-in-law must know that this elf egg is in the hands of Yuan Hanhai.”

“If I can get this elven egg, it must be at the behest of Yuan Hanhai.”

“I just need to give the elf egg to Mengyao.”

“My future father-in-law will definitely owe me a favor, but he will also owe Yuan Hanhai a favor.”

“An elven egg for the love of the Heavenly King, Yuan Hanhai is indeed a scheming!”

Thinking of this, Gu Yu nodded, and agreed to come down.

Seeing Gu Yu nodding, the smile on Yuan Hanhai’s face became even stronger.

“This is the choice you should have to do big things!”

“There is a sacrifice to get it!” You don’t have to worry too much, when you become a Heavenly King-level trainer, I will give you a quasi-god elf egg. ”

Sighing at Yuan Hanhai’s generosity in his heart, Gu Yu replied quietly, “Thank you for the cultivation of the Heavenly King!” ”

Yuan Hanhai then explained some things to Gu Yu.

The point is to get stronger!

After the explanation, Xia Pengyu left with Gu Yu.

After returning to the Cloud Sky Hotel, Gu Yu just put things in the house, picked up the mobile phone to prepare to return the message and saw Ye Mengyao’s message.

Since he entered the National Collegiate Elf League, all kinds of calls have almost blown up his mobile phone.

Former classmates, friends, relatives, and many others came to the company hoping to treat him, as well as the media who wanted to interview him.

So he just set his phone to mute.

“Gu Yu, why aren’t you in the room?”

“I’m back, just now Teacher Xia took me to meet someone and I’m only back now.”

Gu Yu just sent it out, and Ye Mengyao then replied with a message.

“Just come back, you wait to come to my room, I have something to tell you”


After replying to Ye Mengyao, Gu Yu looked at the time.


There are less than 10 minutes left before 12 o’clock.

At 12:00 p.m., Gu Yu picked up the incubator containing the 2.4 Heart Scale Treasure Elf Egg.

There was a knock on the door of the room next door 24017.

Boom! Boom!

As there was a knock at the door, Gu Yu could hear a burst of footsteps.

With a creak, the door was opened.

Ye Mengyao’s beautiful face was revealed.

The moment he saw Gu Yu, Ye Mengyao had a smile on his face.

Seeing Gu Yu holding an incubator in his arms, Ye Mengyao flashed a trace of surprise in his eyes.

“Gu Yu, what are you doing with the elf egg?”

“Of course it’s for you!” Happy birthday! ”

While speaking, Gu Yu handed the incubator to Ye Mengyao.

Ye Mengyao happily took over the incubator.

“I thought you didn’t know that today was my saint!”

“How could I not know?”

While speaking, Gu Yu and Ye Mengyao walked into the room.

Putting the incubator on the table, Ye Mengyao’s eyes flashed a trace of curiosity.

“Gu Yu, which elf egg in the incubator belonged to?”

“Heart Scales.”

Gu Yu replied.


Ye Mengyao’s face appeared surprised, and shock flashed in his eyes, and he confirmed with Gu Yu again.

“Did I hear you correctly?! Gu Yu, you said this is the elf egg of the quasi-god heart scale? ”

“You heard it right, this is the elf egg of the Heart Scale.”

Gu Yu confirmed.

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