Chapter 153 Heroic Treatment! S-Class Secret!!

The body of the ghost is composed of gas gas.

With a gas-like body, Oni can sneak anywhere.

However, the league does not recommend novice trainers to cultivate ghosts.

Because, Ghost is too dangerous!

For example, I want to have a hug with Ghost Si.

This may risk your life!

If you are surrounded by ghost gas, even the Indian elephant will fall in 2 seconds.

In other words, human words…

However, Gu Yu is not a novice trainer either.

“Ghosts! Hello! Please advise me in the future! ”



Ghost nodded and agreed.

Ye Mengyao, who was next to him, also sighed when he saw this scene: “It seems that Ghost Si likes you very much!” ”

“I guess my personal charm is too big!”

Gu Yu naturally did not explain to Ye Mengyao that he was systematically blessed.

So, casually made an excuse.

Ye Mengyao did not continue to struggle in this matter.

“Gu Yu, do you have any plans for the summer vacation?”

The summer vacation of Zhejiang University is in the middle of June.

There is only about a month left until now.

This month, the school will organize the championship celebration and organize the final exam.

In fact, the time to really be able to train is still relatively small.

The two-and-a-half-month holiday of summer vacation is very important.

“My current plan is to go on an expedition to the Secret Realm for a while, and the other plans have not yet been determined.”

Gu Yu was ready to use the summer vacation time to go to the Dragon Ridge Secret Realm to get the Dragon Blood Fruit in his hand.

But a trip to the secret realm does not take more than two and a half months.

“My father arranged a training plan for the summer vacation and asked a king-level trainer to help guide me.”

“If you have time, come along!”

Hearing Ye Mengyao’s words, Gu Yu also had to say that it was really good to have a father who was the king of the day!

“Is this my current situation a soft meal?” However, this soft rice is really fragrant! ”

While thinking, Gu Yu replied, “Well, I’ll train with you when the time comes.” ”

“That’s it! When the time comes, you are not allowed not to come! ”

“I’m not going to break my promise!”


May 12.

Gu Yu and others took the Doronbaruto trophy back to Zhejiang University by special plane.

The plane had just landed, and through the window, Gu Yu saw the dense crowd at the airport.

Even the billboards at the airport were replaced with the words ‘Welcome Champions Home’.

Xia Pengyu is also familiar with this road, waiting for the plane to stop steadily.

Say to the crowd: “Lift the championship trophy!” Let’s go and enjoy the cheers! Enjoy the scream! Enjoy the joy of victory! ”

Then under the recommendation of the crowd.

Gu Yu picked up the Doronbaruto trophy and was the first to walk out of the hatch and enjoy the heroic treatment!


Suddenly, a volcanic eruption of applause followed, followed by overwhelming cheers!

“Gu Yu!!! MVP!!! ”

“Gu Yu!!! MVP!!! ”

“Gu Yu!!! MVP!!! ”

And that’s just the beginning.

On the way back to Zhejiang University, Gu Yu truly experienced for the first time what is called a thousand-person empty alley!

Countless pedestrians dragged their families to the street, cheering and shouting at the bus that Gu Yu and others were riding!

It was only an hour’s drive, but it took five hours.

By the time Gu Yu and the others returned to Zhejiang University, the sunset was already about to set.

Su Ying sighed even more: “Is this the magic of the champion?!” ”

That’s the charm of the National Collegiate Elf League.

The participating schools are regarded as the honor of the city by the local people because the school sites are all in the local area.

Coupled with the elven era, the influence of elven competition has also caused today’s situation!

After returning to the school, Wan Qianfeng, who was excavating the ruins, personally rushed back to greet everyone.

After a speech.

As Gu Yu put the Doron Baruto trophy behind the display case of the Qingshan Stadium.

The National Collegiate Elf League is officially over!

Gu Yu and Ye Mengyao, who had finished the game, also returned to Villa 23 together.

With a creak, the door was opened.

Shen Yuezhu, sitting on the sofa, smelled the prestige.

After seeing Gu Yu, a smile appeared on his face.



The two elves, Sticky Treasure and Cosmogo, shouted with excitement.

Then he pounced directly into Gu Yu’s arms.

Catching the two elves, Gu Yu smiled and said, “Long time no see!” Cosmogo! Sticky Treasure! ”

Then Gu Yu released all his elves.




Elves such as Gera Aura and Wind Speed Dog are also very excited to return to familiar places.

The Kirby Beast and the Monarch Snake returned to the courtyard in front of the villa.

Menus returned to the familiar pool.

Ibrahimovic, Sticky Treasure and Cosmogu mingle together.

Terra Aura reclines on the sofa and sours the coolness of the air conditioning with Pokkis.


As a newcomer, Ghost is obviously not used to such a situation.

After Gu Yu took out the Xiao Duolong trophy from his backpack, he saw this scene and said to Ghost Si, “You have to try to blend in!” Ibrahimovic come here! ”


Hearing Gu Yu’s call, Ibu ran over.

Gu Yu pointed at Ghost Si and said to Ibu, “Ibu, this is Ghost Si, and from today onwards you are also your partner, do you want to take good care of Ghost Si understand?” ”


Ibrahimovic shook his little head up and down to show his understanding, then turned his head and shouted at the ghosts.





As the two elves exchanged words, then Ibu, Sticky Treasure and Cosmogu had one more playmate by their side.

At this time, Gu Yu had already come to the table where the trophies were placed.

Place the Little Doroun Trophy and the winning photo on the table.

The originally spacious table is also slightly crowded at this time.

Three championship-winning photos, the Little Dodo Dragon Trophy, the Little Lokia Trophy, the Hippopotamus King Trophy, and the Mini Dragon Medal, the symbol of the official trainer, the Dream Medal of the Discovery of the New Elf, and the Badge of the Sea.

This is all the honors that Gu Yu achieved in his freshman year!

After returning to Zhejiang University, the school organized a grand championship celebration.

The school fired a salute and organized a grand celebration that lasted all day.

As the greatest hero of winning the championship, Gu Yu naturally could not be absent.

Except for Terra Ola, all the elves who had appeared in the National Collegiate Elf League had a simple performance confrontation with Ye Mengyao, Su Chen and others.

After the championship celebrations.

Considering that the level of elves such as Gera Ola and Menas is too high.

Gu Yu took Ibu and Sticky Treasure and began to level up in the Secret Realm of Qiandao Lake.

【Ding! Ibrahimovic defeats Walking Grass and gains 150 XP! 】

【Ding! Ibrahimovic defeats the Big Needle Bee and gains 400 experience points! 】


【Ding! Ibu upgraded to level 17! 】

【Ding! Sticky Treasure defeats Rumble Stone and gains 800 experience points! 】

【Ding! Sticky Treasure defeats the Bibi Bird and gains 600 experience points! 】


【Ding! Sticky Treasure upgraded to level 20! 】

At the beginning of June, Ibu was upgraded to level 17 and Sticky Treasure was upgraded to level 20.

And Gu Yu also ushered in the final exam of the first half semester.

It’s the same as the exams in the first half of freshman year.

The focus is still on the cultivation of elves by students this semester.

According to the evaluation of each student at the end of the last semester, different elves.

Nowadays, a comprehensive evaluation is carried out according to the level of the elves, skills, and the quality of cultivation.

Examining the cultivation level of the elves, Gu Yu naturally could not be unqualified.

After easily passing the school exam.

Gu Yu was also preparing to go to the Longling Secret Realm.

Before going to the Longling Secret Realm, Gu Yu also had to sell another batch of props.

Because he has too many elves now, the cost is extremely high.

Wind Speed Dog, Menas, Kirby Beast, Monarch Snake, Terraora, Ibu, Sticky Treasure, Cosmogo, Pokkis, just joined the Ghost S.

Ten elves can easily eat millions of dollars every month for food.

And that’s not counting Leolu, who is about to be born.

Li Oulu was incubated by Gu Yu in the incubator in early June.

Not surprisingly, July 1 is the day Leo Lu hatches.

And Gu Yu was ready to use this time to go to the Dragon Ridge Secret Realm to obtain the Dragon Blood Fruit.

Consider the dangers of the secret place and the amount of food that can be carried.

Gu Yu didn’t bring all the elves.

In addition to the sticky treasure, he brought five elves, Wind Speed Dog, Menas, Pokkis, Terra Ola and Cosmogo.

Cosmogu is able to perform teleportation, and can escape with Gu Yu in dangerous moments.

Wind Speed Dog, Pokkémon and other elves are very strong.

Four elves strike together, even the king-level elves will be defeated.

After selling the Ultimate Thunder Stone and the Ultimate Water Stone that Xia Pengyu had given him before.

After 21 million in exchange: Gu Yu transferred 2 million to Shen Yuezhu, and let Shen Yuezhu help prepare the food for the Kirby Beast and other elves during this time, Gu Yu was also ready to leave for the Longling Secret Realm.

June 12.

In the morning, the golden sun shines on the entire campus of Zhejiang University.

Villa area, Villa 23.

Gu Yu was still sleeping.

To the left of the pillow is a shrunken Ibrahimovic.

To the right of the pillow is a sticky treasure that snorts and sleeps.

Elves composed of two gases of Cosmogu and Ghost S.

It is floating on the table in the bedroom to rest.

Terra Ola slept on Gu Yu’s side.

Not sure if it was the reason for the recent heat, the wind speed dog and Pokkés used to sleep together under the air conditioning on the first floor.

The courtyard in front of the villa is where the Kirby Beast and the Monarch Serpent rest.

The pool behind the villa is sleeping.

Jingle Bells!

As the alarm of the mobile phone sounded, Gu Yu also woke up from sleep.

Today is the day of the summer vacation of Zhejiang University, and it is also the day when he set off for the secret place of Longling.

After handing over the elves such as the Kirby Beast and the Monarch Snake to Shen Yuezhu’s care.

Gu Yu sat on the bottom of the plane to Shaanxi Province.

The Longling Secret Realm is one of the three major secret realms of the Dragon Kingdom.

The total area is about 230,000 square kilometers.

The interior of the Secret Realm is layered with mountains, and the highest peak is nearly 4,000 meters above sea level.

There are mountains, rivers, lakes and other environments.

A large variety and number of elves inhabit the secret realm of Dragon Ridge.

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