Chapter 154 Dragon Ridge Five Dangers! Banjara’s Evolution Stone!!

The rarest elves in the Dragon Ridge, the three major quasi-god races of nature.

The Doronbarutto clan.

A family of biting land sharks.

Fast Dragon Clan.

The three major dragon quasi-gods have settled in Longling.

Therefore, every year, hordes of trainers go to the Dragon Ridge Secret Realm to try to harvest the Quasi-God Cubs.

The Dragon Ridge is lush with grass and trees, many birds and spirits, and a strong sense of attack.

Most trainers who go to Dragon Ridge will not choose to fly on the elf.

And if you want to go to the three quasi-god elf races, you must pass through five dangerous places.

These five dangerous places are known as the five dangers of Longling!

Hongbo Lake, Boa Ridge, Yinfeng Mountain, Juryu Ridge and Daxue Peak.

Before the arrival of the Elven Age, Dragon Ridge did not have the place of Hongbo Lake.

After the advent of the Elven Era, because the Qinling Mountains were the birthplace of many rivers, they attracted a large number of water elves to settle.

After being transformed by water elves to cast skills such as asking for rain.

A Jutai Lake with an area of nearly 5,000 square kilometers appeared in Longling, like a heavenly graben, and there were trainers who wanted to explore the secret realm of Longling.

Because of this, many people have specialized in this business.

“The peak of the dojo rides the dragon!” Can carry three people across Hongbo Lake, 50,000 per person! ”

“Leave one person away!” The two elves of the giant swamp monster and the water arrow turtle guard the ship, and the safety is guaranteed! ”

“Tyrannosaurus pulls the boat!” Just 60,000! Cross Hongbo Lake safely and worry-free! ”

Riding on the wind speed dog and looking at the bustling Hongbo Lake, Gu Yu almost thought that he had come to a tourist attraction.

Carrying a hiking bag, wearing a storm jacket and a visor to prevent anyone from recognizing him.

Gu Yu also wore a mask and sunglasses.

Such clothing is too common in the level of secrets.

Many trainers are engaged in the business of licking blood with knives, which will naturally cover up their true identity.

Therefore, there is no absolute Gu Yu how special or different he wears.

At most, it is because I feel the terrible strength of the wind speed dog, just look at it a few times.

Some merchants who are soliciting customers have even taken the initiative to inquire.

“Is this guest going to the Longling Secret Realm?”

“My old Zhang’s dragon ride is safe and reliable, transporting to and from the trainer on Hongbo Lake all year round, as long as 50,000!”

“Threatening Characteristics Tyrannosaurus Pulling Boats!” General water elves do not dare to approach at all, safe and reliable as long as 60,000! Guests think about it! ”

Gu Yu thought of many ways to cross Hongbo Lake.

Menas and Pokékis are good choices.

But the two elves, whichever one of them, are very rare elves.

Nowadays, people have many eyes, and Gu Yu does not want to be too high-profile.

After thinking about it, the final choice was to spend 60,000 yuan and get on the boat pulled by the Tyrannosaurus Rex with the intimidation feature.

The boat is small and can accommodate about ten people.

After Gu Yu sat down, he waited for about ten minutes, and two more passengers came.


With a loud roar from the Tyrannosaurus rex, the voyage officially began.

The owner of the boat is a middle-aged man with dark skin.

After the voyage began, he immediately released his other two elves.

A Gotha duck of level 33.

A level 34 eagle.

The Gotha duck follows the boat in the water.

The eagle hovered in mid-air and began to detect the surrounding situation.

Tyrannosaurus rex was fast, but due to the large size of Hongbo Lake.

The whole journey also takes 3 hours.

The middle-aged man is also a more talkative person, while observing the lake situation, while chatting with the crowd.

“Boatman, did someone in the Longling Secret Realm recently bring out the Juvenile Quasi-God?”

“The last time someone brought out the infant quasi-gods can be traced back to ten years ago, the strength of the quasi-god race is too terrible!”

“After finding out that the clan was lost, they chased and killed the man directly.”

“The five dangers of Longling were directly killed by the quasi-god race, and the most tragic one was Boa Ling.”

“Due to the fierce fighting, a mountain fire was triggered, resulting in a large number of snakes and snake spirits becoming roast snake meat.”

“I’ve not dreamed since that time!” Ordinary trainers really got the quasi-god cubs, and it was impossible to keep them under the pursuit and killing of the quasi-god race! ”

When the middle-aged man spoke, there was still a hint of fear in his voice.

Gu Yu, who was sitting on the boat, was not surprised by this matter.

The IQ of the elves is not weaker than that of humans.

Not to mention the powerful race of the Dragon Quasi-God.

In the face of the siege of a quasi-god race, as strong as the number seven had to hand over the quasi-god cubs in their hands.

Unless there is really a quasi-god in the early stage, he is willing to go with the other party on his own initiative.

Otherwise, he wants to forcibly abduct a juvenile quasi-god.

Without the Heavenly King-level strength, it would be impossible to leave the Dragon Ridge Secret Realm alive!

Thanks to the intimidating nature, Gu Yu and his party did not encounter the situation of the water elves attacking the ship along the way.

After coming to the other side smoothly.

Gu Yu rode on the wind speed dog and plunged headlong into the lofty mountains of the Dragon Ridge Secret Realm.



This was Gu Yu’s first impression of Longling.

In the mountains and forests, the trees shade the sky, and in some places the weeds grow to the knees.

The only advantage of Longling for the adventure trainers who come here is that.

Because, the altitude is relatively high, the temperature is relatively low.

Otherwise, in the hot summer, wearing a storm suit and walking in the secret realm of Longling, it is really the same as a sauna.


The wind speed dog likes the feeling of running in the secret realm, constantly shouting with excitement, and speeding through the secret realm.

Before nightfall, Gu Yu came to the front of the python ridge.

Monty Python.

A gathering place for snakes.

The reason why there are no elves is because in addition to elves, there are many ordinary snakes.

In addition to the advent of the Elven Age, there are five-step snakes living in Boa Ridge.

After the advent of the Elven Age, it became the habitat of the Abbo Monster and the Rice Spoon Snake Clan.

Serpent spirits are inherently ferocious.

Add to that the dense grass and tall trees.

Let Monty Python Ridge once become synonymous with death.

Although Gu Yu had obtained the power of the waveguide, he was not ready to try the power of snake venom.

Nature is not ready to walk through Boa Ridge in the middle of the night.

Find a suitable place to let the wind speed dog dig a cave with the digging skill.

Gu Yu simply ate a few compressed biscuits.

Just by the speed of the wind, the dog, holding the Cosmogo, sticky treasure, entered the dreamland.

June 14.

In the morning, the golden sun pierces the night sky.

In the Dragon Ridge Secret Realm, countless elves woke up.

Strike! Strike! Strike!

In the sky, bird spirits such as bibi birds and flaming finches hovered and flew.

Hiss! Hiss! Hiss!

In the dense grass, the figure of a snake-like elf can be faintly seen.

After eating breakfast, Gu Yu continued his journey to find the Dragon Blood Fruit.

As soon as he stepped into the python ridge, Gu Yu saw two rotting corpses on the side of the road.

The stench emitted by the corpse made Gu Yu frown.

Cosmogu was taken out of the elven ball by Gu Yu and held in his arms.

Once encountering danger, the wind speed dog does not react in time, and the instantaneous movement of Cosmogu will become the last insurance for Gu Yu’s life.

Sand! Sand! Sand!

Feel the terrible momentum coming from the wind speed dog.

Most of the snakes lurking in the grass began to run out of the grass at a rapid pace.

The snake elves hovering over the trees did not dare to show their heads at this time.

But there are always one or two elves who want to try some.


An Aber monster, nearly 4 meters long, jumped from a tree and went straight to Gu Yu on the back of the wind-speed dog.

The Abo Monster looks like a giant purple cobra with fine black stripes on its body.

The head is small compared to its abdomen and the eyes are triangular.

Highly toxic!

The Aber monster with its mouth wide open with its blood basin was full of purple venom on its poisonous fangs, and it was about to bite down on Gu Yu.


With a muffled sound, the Wind Speed Dog cast its Hold Skill, forming a huge white shield that blocked the attack of the Arbor monster.

“Wind speed dog! Control point power do not cause mountains. Wind speed dog! Don’t let the Arbor run! ”

Gu Yu had only planned to teach Ah Bo a lesson.

But after seeing the information of this Arbor, he directly changed his mouth.

【Arbor (poison)】



【Characteristics: Molting (by molting the skin on the body, sometimes it cures abnormal states)]

【Personality Talent: Calm (+ Special Attack, – Speed)】

[Individual Qualifications: HP (31), Attack (30), Defense (27), Special Attack (29), Special Defense (20), Speed (25)]

[Skills: Tight Beam, Poison Needle, Eye, Bite, Flame Tooth, Poison Strike, Acid Bomb, Digging Hole, Mud Wave, Venom Shock, Frozen Tooth, Harsh Sound]

【Carrying:MEGA Evolution Stone (Bangira)】

【Potential: Dojo】

Banjara’s MEGA Evolution Stone!

You know, Yuan Hanhai’s trump card is Bangila!

Although Gu Yu was unclear, Yuan Hanhai said that he promised that when he became a Heavenly King-level trainer, the quasi-god given to him would not be Young Kiras.

But as long as the MEGA Evolution is announced, this Bangira’s MEGA Evolution Stone will definitely rise as well.

At that time, whether he traded with Yuan Hanhai or with a certain big force, he could get back a huge reward!


Hearing Gu Yu’s order, the wind speed dog barked.

Golden flames gushed out from the mouth of the wind-speed dog, turning into a sea of golden fire and heading straight for the Arbor.


Feeling the terrible power of the jet flames, the Abbot screamed and directly drilled into the ground.

Gu Yu saw that he came down directly from the wind speed dog, and opened his mouth while releasing Pokkis and Menas.

“Wind speed dog! Catch up! Don’t let the Arbor run away! ”


The wind speed of the dog shakes its head up and down, and then casts the digging skill to drill into the ground and start chasing the Arbor.

Gu Yu then rode on Pokkis, and Menas floated in mid-air, ready to start attacking.


After a few moments, the earth of Monty Python Ridge began to shake.

Then the ground began to crack, and with a thud, golden flames came out of the ground obviously, and the wind speed dog encountered a battle on the ground.

And it’s a formidable opponent!

Gu Yu just wanted to call Menas for support, when he heard a dense sound of prompts in his ears.

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