Chapter 155 Snake Mountain Snake Sea! Rustling Rock and Evolution Stone!!

【Ding! Wind Speed Dog defeats the Abel Snake and gains 1000 experience points! 】

【Ding! Wind Speed Dog defeats the Abel Snake and gains 1200 experience points! 】

【Ding! Wind Speed Dog defeats the Abbot and gains 2800 XP! 】


【Ding! Wind Speed Dog defeats the Abel Snake and gains 1200 experience points! 】

“Did the wind dog stab the snake’s nest?”

Just as Gu Yu was talking to himself, the battle became more and more intense.


Golden pillars of fire spewed out from the ground, and the ground of Monty Python Ridge began to collapse.



Countless painful hisses came from underground.

In the next instant, the ground directly exploded with a large collapse!

For a moment, sand and dust splashed and rubble flew everywhere.

The underground scene was also revealed in Gu Yu’s eyes.

The mighty Wind Speed Dog stood in the midst of golden flames.

Underground around them, a series of dark purple poisonous snakes kept emerging from the ground.

Aber snake!

Arbor monsters!

After staining the golden flames, a painful hiss was emitted.

And there is no place that has been attacked by wind speed dogs.

Countless Abo snakes, Abbo monsters, densely intertwined with each other.

The whole python ridge was impressively dug up by the Abo monster clan!

The mountain has become a paradise for the Aber monsters!

Seeing this scene that made people’s scalps tingle, Gu Yuqiang endured the discomfort in his heart and aimed his eyes at the wind speed dog again.

At this time, the wind speed dog is confronting an Abbo snake that is nearly 6 meters long.

【Abo Monster (Chief) (Poison)】



【Characteristics: Molting (by molting the skin on the body, sometimes it cures abnormal states)]

【Character Talent: Brave (+ Attack, —Speed)】

【Individual Qualifications: HP(31), Attack (31), Defense (27), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)]

[Skills: Tight Beam, Poison Needle, Stare, Great Snake Stare, Bite, Lightning Tooth, Flame Tooth, Poison Strike, Acid Bomb, Hole Drilling, Mud Wave, Venom Shock, Frozen Tooth, Dissolved Liquid, Lightning Tooth, Acid Bomb, Mud Bomb, Bite]

【Carrying: Rustling rock】

【Potential: Heavenly King】

“The talent is good! But no matter how many times you look at it, you can only say that the wild elves are really a waste of talent. ”

When Gu Yu commented on the leader of the Aber monster.


The leader of the Abo Monster shouted and attacked directly at the Wind Speed Dog.

Venom Shock!

Seven or eight fist-sized clusters of purple venom, with a fishy smell, erupted from the mouth of the Aber monster’s leader.

Go straight to the wind speed dog in front of you.

“Wind speed dog! Quickly! Then cast a big blast! ”

As soon as Gu Yu’s voice fell, the wind speed dog had already disappeared into the same place.

In the blink of an eye, the Wind Speed Dog appeared two meters away from the leader of the Abo Monster.

In the mouth of the blood basin, the golden flame began to condense.

A large character shaped flame erupted from the mouth of the wind-speed dog and went straight to the leader of the Arbor.


The leader of the Abo Monster had no time to dodge and was directly hit by the big character explosion.


The leader of the Arbor monsters screamed!

Gu Yu’s cold voice sounded again, directing the wind speed dog to continue attacking.

“Wind speed dog! Spiritual teeth! ”

[Spirit Teeth: Use psychic power to bite your opponent to attack, and you can also destroy the wall of light and the wall of reflection.] 】

Invisible spiritual power, gathered in the mouth of the wind speed dog.

The wind speed dog turned into a phantom and went straight to the leader of the Arbor.

The leader of the Abo Monster who had just been hit by the big character explosion had no time to react.

Directly hit by the Spirit Tooth!

The leader of the Abo Monster was originally twice as weak as the superpower, and now that he was hit by the Spirit Tooth, he naturally would not feel good.


A loud scream sounded, and the leader of the Arbor monster struggled and whipped to the ground.

The surrounding Abo Snake and Abo Monster saw that the leader had been hit hard, and hissed towards the wind speed dog.


A vortex of flames instantly soared into the sky.

The Abo Snake and the Abo Monster that will flock to the Wind Speed Dog will be shrouded.

The temperature around them rose rapidly, and the dense forest was ignited. Monty Python Ridge seemed to have turned into a fiery hell.

The dense sound of prompts in Gu Yu’s ears sounded again.

【Ding! Wind Speed Dog defeats the Arbor and gains 2200 experience points! 】

【Ding! Wind Speed Dog defeats the Abbot and gains 2800 XP! 】


【Ding! Wind Speed Dog defeats the Abbot boss and gains 80,000 experience points! 】

【Ding! Wind Speed Dog upgraded to level 59! 】

【Ding! Wind Speed Dog Comprehension Skill Charge Flame Attack! 】

[Charge Flame Attack: Cover your body with flames and attack your opponent.] Accumulate strength and increase your speed. 】

After annihilating the Abbo Monster Clan and brushing thousands of Abo Snakes and Abbo Monsters, the Wind Speed Dog was upgraded to level 59!

There is only one step left to become a king-level elf!

At this time, the trainers who were exploring the python ridge and the nearby mountains and forests noticed the soaring flames and the huge explosion, and they began to talk.

“Where did this strong dragon come from?” The small half of the python ridge has become a sea of fire! ”

“Did you fight someone or did you meet the Abbo monsters?”

“This kind of strength is almost a king-level elf!” Such a role can also be regarded as a big person in the outside world! ”

Monty Python Ridge.

After determining that the wind speed dog basically solved the Abbo monster family, he saw that the fire was getting bigger and bigger.

“Menas! Rain! ”


With Menas’s voice sounded.

Dark clouds began to converge above the python ridge.

A moment later, the downpour fell.


The wind speed dog screamed, bringing back the Abo monster that had first attacked Gu Yu.

With a thud, the Aber monster was put in front of Gu Yu by the wind speed dog.

At this time, the Arbor monster was scorched black, and he could even smell the smell of meat.

Gu Yu searched for a moment and found a stone the size of a baby’s fist that emitted a cyan glow.

[MEGA Evolution Stone (Bangira): One of the key items that make Bangira super evolve. 】

Looking at the MEGA Evolution Stone in his hand, Gu Yu smiled at the corner of his mouth.

“Wind speed dog! Bring me the leader of the Arborgs. ”


The wind dog barked, and in a short while, it brought the leader of the Arbor monster, who was nearly 6 meters in size.

Then Gu Yu found a fist-sized stone from the leader of the Abo Monster that emitted yellow light.

[Sandstone Sand: If the elf carrying it uses a sandstorm, the sandstorm will take longer than usual.] 】

As a carry-on, the limitations of rustling rock are indeed very large.

And the attributes do not look as intuitive as many of the ones that directly enhance damage.

But if it’s in the desert or in a specific environment.

Then it’s different again.

And there are many countries and secret places in the world that come out of the desert area.

Therefore, a piece of rustling rock can also sell for 8 million.

After making sure that the fire was extinguished, Gu Yu took two harvests and rode the wind speed dog towards the Yin Wind Mountain.

Before the arrival of the Elven Age, Longling was more known as Qinling.

The unification of the Dragon Kingdom began in the history of Qinling, where 13 dynasties established their capitals and 73 emperors were crowned and ascended the throne here.

In order to contaminate the dragon qi, most people chose the tomb in this place, so that future generations of dignitaries and dignitaries would therefore have the saying ‘eight hundred miles of Qin Chuan, one hundred thousand ancient tombs’.

It is precisely because of this special environment.

As a result, Qinling became the largest gathering place of ghost elves in the Dragon Kingdom.

And Yinfeng Mountain is the largest gathering place of the ghost system in the Dragon Ridge.

It is known that there are currently five ghost groups in Yinfeng Mountain.

The Geng Ghost Clan, the Dream Demon Clan, the Night Demon Spirit Clan, the Candlelight Spirit Clan, and the Death God Coffin Clan.

From the introduction of these elves in the game, you can see the danger of the Yin Wind Mountain!

Candlelight spiritually illuminates dark places that pretend to lead people, but in fact they are using their candlelight to absorb life energy and lead people to the spiritual world.

The life energy it absorbs burns, forming a flame overhead.

The coffin of the god of death is also known as the coffin of the lost coffin.

The coffin can swallow humans or elves close to it and mummify them from these descriptions of elves, which can also be seen from the horror of these ghostly elves.

Plus the ghost elves like to haunt the night.

Therefore, there is a warning from the outside world that ‘the night is dark but the wind and the mountain are cloudy.

Gu Yu naturally did not want to try to see if this sentence was true or false.

June 15.

At 5 p.m., the sun sets.

At a location still a hill away from the Black Wind Mountain, Gu Yu chose to stop and rest and simply ate a few compressed biscuits, and after feeding the wind speed dog and other elves, Gu Yu began to rest.

However, Gu Yu still underestimated the sensitivity of the ghost elves to humans and elves.

Night falls.

It was as if another world had opened.

In the middle of the Yin Wind Mountain, countless eerie black shadows emerged, and countless wailing sounds sounded!

Some black shadows, sensing the smell of the living people, began to fly towards Gu Yu’s location.


The strongest wind speed dog was the first to detect the abnormality, and a loud scream woke Gu Yu up.

Gu Yu, who had just woken up from his sleep, detected the rapidly approaching enemy through the power of the waveguide.

Directly yelled, “Get ready for battle! ”

Then, under the perception of the waveguide, the black shadow directly began to attack Gu Yu.

Black energy converges.

Then it turned into a black sphere and went straight to Gu Yu.

Shadow Ball!


The wind speed dog that sensed the danger blocked in front of Gu Yu.

A giant white shield appeared out of thin air.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

With a loud explosion, followed by a burst of golden fire.

Golden flames formed an ocean of flames that pounced on the elves who had just attacked.

With the help of the firelight, Gu Yu also saw the face of the attacking elves.

The 2-meter-tall black body drive, with two almond-shaped eye-like marks and a yellow horizontal line on the torso, can open like a mouth, creating the illusion of a face.

There are two yellow straps on the black wrists.

A gray columnar head with another yellow band and a staring eye on top with a yellow iris and red pupils.

Is it the Night Demon or the Night Dark Man!

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