Chapter 158 Future Wars! Destination Arrival!!


Looking at the Sacred Pillar King Stone in his hand, Gu Yu gave an evaluation.

Reggie Lok, Reggie Ace, Reggis Chiru, Reggie Elepch and Reggiedol Lago, but five second-level gods.

Even if you take a step back, it’s just five divine beasts.

With the help of the five divine beasts, Gu Yu alone did not say that he bulldozed a large country, at least the small country in Europe and the small country in Southeast Asia, it was absolutely easy!

“Thank you for the gift!”

After thanking Regichkas, Gu Yu rode the wind speed dog out of the cave.

After Gu Yu left, Regichkas thought to himself.

“Interesting humans! The power of a waveguide! Cosmogu and Terra Ola! ”

“One day in the future, when a great war breaks out again, he may become my important helper!”

After walking out of the cave, Gu Yu withdrew the wind speed dog, rode on the Pokkis to continue to rush the night demon spirit was knocked unconscious by him, but not killed by him.

And now it’s on the Yin Wind Mountain.

He didn’t want to rest surrounded by ghostly elves in the mountains.

Just after directing Pokékys to fly higher, Gu Yu was targeted by another group of elves.

Fork word bat!

The forked bat is nearly 2 meters tall, has two pairs of wings, and has a purple body color.

Red eyes, and two backward horns on the head.


The first forked bat with a height of nearly 3 meters roared, and then led more than twenty forked bats behind him to attack Gu Yu together.

【Forked Bat (Chief) (Poison) (Flight)】



【Characteristics: Mental strength (by exercising the spirit, will not cringe at the opponent’s attack)]

[Character Talent: Stubbornness (+ Attack, – Special Attack)]

[Individual Qualifications: HP (31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (24)]

[Skills: Cross Blade, Ultrasound, Suck, Poison, Harsh, Black Gaze, Frightened, Poisonous Fang, Air Blade, Venom Shock, Blood Sucking, High Speed Star, Steel Wing, Air Chop, Venom Trap]

【Carrying: None】

【Potential: Heavenly King】

Although this forked bat leader was a typical wild elf, Gu Yu also had to deal with it carefully.

After all, he wasn’t an elf himself!

“Cosmogo! Teleport! ”


Kosmogu shouted, instantly moving Gu Yu into the dense forest below.

Then Gu Yu released the Wind Speed Dogs, Menas and Terra Ola.

“Menus and Terraora, with Pokkis, defeat the Fork Bat!”

“Wind speed dog always pay attention to the surroundings!”

As Gu Yu’s voice fell, Menas and Terraora flew into the air and began to help Pokkis fight the Fork Bat Clan.

【Ding! Gera Aura defeats the Forked Bat and gains 3000 XP! 】

【Ding! Menas defeats the Forked Bat and gains 2800 XP! 】

【Ding! Pokékis defeats the Forked Bat and gains 3500 XP! 】


【Ding! Gera Aura defeats the Forked Bat Leader and gains 30,000 XP! 】

【Ding! Gera Aura upgraded to level 43! 】

After all, just a bunch of wild elves who have not been trained.

Gera Ora, Menas and Pokkis, it took 15 minutes, and after solving all the forked bats, Gu Yu continued to ride on Pokékis to hurry.

And then…

Gu Yu once again felt the danger of the level secret realm.

This time he encountered a group of dark crows led by the head of the crows.

Pokkis could not guard the skill, and coupled with the mid-air battle and easy to be affected, Gu Yu once again let Kosmogu cast an instantaneous movement.

Wait for Pokkis, Menas and other elves to solve the problem and then rush again.

Just stop and go.

Finally, wait until the sun rises in the east.

Gu Yu rode Pokkis out of the Yin Wind Mountain.

After finding a place to rest, Gu Yu first asked Menas to cast life droplets to heal all the elves.

Then the wounded elves were smeared with wound medicine.

When everything was over, Gu Yu arranged for the wind speed dog to sentry.

He went into the cave that the wind dog had just dug to rest.

By the time Gu Yu woke up, it was already 12 noon.

After simply eating a few pieces of compressed cake, Gu Xiyu rode on the wind speed dog to continue the road.

June 17.

After a day of hurrying, Gu Yu finally came to the Crane Ridge.

The cuckoo, also known as the cuckoo, is a migratory bird mentioned in ancient books.

Quail Ridge is named after this migratory bird.

After the arrival of the elven age, the mountain of gourds and fruits grew in the mountains, and it became a gathering place for birds and elves.

There are four known bird elven populations in Hawking.

They are the Bi Eagle Clan, the Owl Nighthawk Clan, the Mook Eagle Clan, and the Steel Armor Crow Clan.

Riding the wind speed dog into the Crane Ridge, Gu Yu looked at the various bird spirits on the branches.

“The number of bird elves here is really enough, and there are probably 100,000 bird elves in the whole crane ridge!”

“However, fortunately, the bird personality of the Crane Ridge is still relatively mild, and the time to attack humans is relatively small, otherwise it is only afraid that it is more terrifying than the Yinfeng Mountain.”

While thinking, Gu Yu urged the wind speed dog to speed up.

In the end, Gu Yu only encountered seven or eight elven attacks and successfully escaped from the Eagle’s Ridge.

June 19.

After a day’s rush, Gu Yu finally arrived at the Great Snow Peak.

Daisetsuke Peak is located on a plateau three thousand meters above sea level.

Due to the high altitude, the temperature is low.

After the Elven Age,… A group of Blizzard Kings took the lead in occupying the area.

Transform this place through skills such as Blizzard, and eventually transform into the current Great Snow Peak.

In addition to the Blizzard King, there are now Ice Bears, Ice Ghosts, and Ivory Pigs who have settled on the Great Snow Peak.

Call! Call!

The howling cold wind, with a piercing chill, blew on Gu Yu’s body.


Kosmogu, who was in Gu Yu’s stormtrooper suit, was also frozen and screamed.

Gu Yu was not feeling well at this time, after all, he was not an elf, just a human being, plus the stormtrooper he was wearing now, it was not as thick as when he was in the Secret Realm of Changbai Mountain.

So every once in a while, the wind speed dog must stop and rest.

Use the Spark Skill to help Gu Yu resist the cold!

Due to the frequent stop-and-go, it is impossible to get out of the snowy peak during the day.

Watch the sun set.

Gu Yu had no choice but to take the elf to spend the night on the Great Snow Peak.

“Wind speed dog! Dig a hole in the ice! ”

“Dig a bigger hole in the ground.”


The wind speed dog shook the dog’s head up and down to show understanding.

Then it started drying.

Fifteen minutes later, the wind dog had dug up an underground igloo of about fifty square meters.

After Gu Yu came to the underground igloo, he instantly felt warmer.

With igloos to isolate the cold winds on the ground.

Coupled with the wind speed dog to help warm, Gu Yu’s body that was about to freeze began to gradually warm.

Then Gu Yu released all his elves.

Menas, Terraora, Pokkis, Sticky Treasure, Cosmogu and Wind Speed Dog appear together.

In an instant, the originally spacious underground igloo became a little crowded.

Gu Yu took out the energy cube from the mountaineering bag and began to feed the elves.

Looking at the elves of the cooks, Gu Yu also took out a compressed cookie from his backpack and ate it.

After solving the stomach problem.

Gu Yu was also ready to rest.

Leaning on the body of the wind speed dog and feeling the coolness coming from the ice below him, Gu Yu still couldn’t sleep for a long time.

“Next time you really should bring the Kirby Beast to encounter this situation, and the Kirby Beast’s stomach can still be an emergency.”

Kirby Beast:???

It seemed to be aware of Gu Yu’s discomfort, and the Ella Ola on the side took the initiative to approach Gu Yu.

Then he hugged Gu Yu and used his body to warm Gu Yu.

Touching the forehead of Terra Ola, Gu Yu said, “Thank you!” Terra Ora! ”

“Ora! (* ̄▽ ̄)”

Terra Ola cried out in joy.

Noticing Ella’s move, Pokkis also came to Gu Yu’s side.

Open his wings and directly embrace Gu Yu.

Feeling the temperature coming from his body, Gu Yu smiled at the corner of his mouth.

“Thank you! Pokkis! ”

“Beep! (* ̄▽ ̄)”

Pokkés also had a happy smile on his face.

Relying on the three elves to warm himself, Gu Yu successfully entered the dreamland.

June 18.

In the morning, the golden sunlight illuminates the entire Longling Secret Realm.

Gu Yu also woke up early from sleep.

After simply eating a few compressed biscuits, Gu Yu immediately began to feed the elves After the elves finished eating, Gu Yu put Cosmogu in the storm jacket and rode the wind speed dog to continue to hurry.

At 11 a.m.

Gu Yu finally walked out of the Great Snow Peak smoothly.

After stepping over the snowy peaks, you will be greeted by three peaks that plunge into the sky like swords.

And these three peaks are Gu Yu’s final destination this time.

The three peaks are inhabited by the Dragon Quasi-God Race, so it is also known as the Three Dragon Mountains.

Gu Yu rode the wind speed dog and rushed towards the Three Dragon Mountain.

A meadow at the foot of Sanlong Mountain.

Two mini-dragons, a round land shark, are chasing and fighting together.

There was also a fast dragon guarding the side.

Not far away, on the dirt slope, two figures with binoculars in their hands are looking out.

One of the tall, thin young men spoke first.

“Brother Wang Teng, do we want to do a vote?” As long as you can solve that fast dragon, these are the three infant quasi-gods! ”

“Jiang Yan, do you think I’m not impressed?” But the Fast Dragon is not so easy to kill! ”

“Our strongest elves are only at the Daoguan level, and that fast dragon has at least quasi-heavenly king-level strength, and if you are not careful, once the quasi-god race flies out a stronger quasi-god.”

“We’re only afraid that even our lives will be accounted for here!”

Although Wang Teng longed for the quasi-gods in his infancy, he also cherished his own little life.

Jiang Yan was still not dead hearted, and continued to ask, “Then Brother Wang Teng, is there no other way?” ”

“The solution is not completely without…”

Just then a rumbling running sound came, which instantly attracted the attention of the two people.

In the eyes of the two.

A man riding a wind-speed dog, carrying a hiking bag, wearing a mask and sunglasses, stopped in front of the fast dragon and the three juvenile quasi-gods.

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