Chapter 159 Dragon Blood Fruit in Hand! Sticky Treasure! Evolve!!

When Wang Teng saw this scene, he directly shook his head.

“Where did this come from?” Wouldn’t it be a recent college graduate? ”

“Being able to break through the five dangers of Longling should not be weak, how can it be so unwise?”

Jiang Yan pondered for a moment, then said, “Elder Brother Wang Teng, if the fast dragon attacks this trainer riding a wind speed dog, will we have a chance?” ”

“Nice! This is a good opportunity, the trainer who can break through the five dangers of Longling, the strength is certainly not weak. ”

“In the face of three infant quasi-gods, I don’t believe he is unmoved.”

“Although the fast dragon is a quasi-god with a relatively gentle personality, as long as he dares to move, he will definitely fight back, and when the time comes…”

Before Wang Teng could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Jiang Yan.

“Big Brother Wang Teng is not right!” What do you see about this?! ”

Hearing the surprise in Jiang Yan’s voice.

Wang Teng hurriedly picked up the telescope.

Under his gaze.

The man riding the wind-speed dog took out from his bag a tooth half the size of a palm and as white as jade.

Then under the gaze of the two men.

The man opened ——— elven balls.

With a flash of red light, a purple elf appeared in the eyes of the two men.

The two were stunned at first, and then their eyes were full of shock!

“Oh my God! Big Brother Wang Teng, did you see it?! It’s a sticky treasure! ”

“I saw it! Who the hell is this man?! There are even quasi-gods in infancy! ”

Wang Teng was shocked at the same time, his face was full of curiosity.

Jiang Yan said his guess.

“Sticky Treasure is the dragon quasi-god of Northern Europe, look at this man’s skin color, it should be Asian!”

“Could this be a descendant of a large family in the Dragon Kingdom?!”

“It’s possible! However, Sticky Treasure is not a quasi-god race of Sanlong Mountain. ”

“This man, if he wants to rely on the sticky treasure to enter the Three Dragon Mountain, or to subdue the infant quasi-god, it should be unlikely.”

“Next, we.”

Before Wang Teng could finish speaking, he heard the sound of a fast dragon.


The fast dragon shouted a welcome after that.

He entered the Three Dragon Mountain with two mini dragons and a round land shark, as well as Gu Yu and the Wind Speed Dog.

See this.

Wang Teng and Jiang Yan were directly stunned in place, their mouths wide open, and their faces were incredible!

The two looked at each other and saw the shock in each other’s eyes!

They have a question right now.

What did this man rely on to enter the habitat of the quasi-god race?!!

Riding the wind speed dog, under the leadership of the fast dragon, Gu Yu walked into the Three Dragon Mountain, the habitat of the three quasi-god races.

A huge lake first caught Gu Yu’s eyes.

The azure lake is embedded in the mountains as if it were a blue jade.

The water of the lake is crystal clear, and you can clearly see many elves playing in the lake.


A red carp king swooped out of the water, followed by a horned goldfish.

Finally, a mini-dragon sprang out.

Then the three elves fell into the water again and continued to chase and play.

The lake is a huge sandy beach.

The beach is only faintly visible, and two round land sharks are still playing around a fierce land shark.

Across the beach is an endless forest.

The figures of Doron Baruto and Doron Messia are faintly visible.

The whole Sanlong Mountain looks quiet and peaceful!

The fast dragon took Gu Yu to the beach, and then pointed to the place.


Wait here.

Although Gu Yu couldn’t understand it, he probably guessed it and nodded his head to show that he understood.

Then the fast dragon flapped its wings and flew towards the forest not far away.

A moment later, the fast dragon flew in with another huge fast dragon.

This fast dragon was nearly three meters tall, and dozens of scars were clearly visible above its huge body.

Before it fell, Gu Yu felt a huge sense of oppression.

Subconsciously, I looked at the information of this fast dragon.

【Fast Dragon (Chief) (Dragon) (Flight)】



【Characteristics: Mental strength (by exercising the spirit, will not cringe at the opponent’s attack)]

【Character Talent: Cheerful (+ Speed, – Special Defense)】

[(Individual Qualifications: HP(31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)]

【Skills: Storm, Flame Fist, Lightning Fist, Wing Attack, Blind, Yuqi, Tornado, Tight Beam, Electromagnetic Wave, God Speed, Tarzan Pressure Top, Million Tons Heavy Kick, Dragon Tail, High Speed Movement, Dragon Claw, Wrestling, Water Tail, Dragon Swoop, Reverse Scale, Mysterious Guardian, Rain, Dragon Dance, Dragon Wave, Destruction of Death Light, Flame Fist, Frozen Fist, Lightning Fist, Jet Flame, Frozen Beam, Sandstorm, Hold, Chopped Tile, Dive, Iron Head, Meteor Group, Steel Wing, Hard Support, Surfing, Big Character Explosion, Ultimate Impact, Wide Area Destruction, Wild Dancing Swing, Sharp Stone Attack, Heavy Stampede, Air Slash, Throw, True Air Bomb, Brute Force, Hot Wind, Hail, Asking for Rain, Sunny Day, High Speed Stars]

【Carrying:Dragon’s Tooth】

【Potential: Champion】

Champion of the Pinnacle of the Fast Dragon!


The huge body of the Fast Dragon Leader landed on the ground.

Looking at Gu Yu’s eyes with scrutiny.

Then he shouted and flapped his wings to take off again.


Follow me!

Gu Yu rode on the Wind Speed Dog and chased after the Fast Dragon Leader.

The speed of the fast dragon leader was not fast in order to wait for Gu Yu.

Walk through the dense forest and over the Three Dragon Mountains.

The leader of the fast dragon led Gu Yu to a huge basin.

Standing on the edge of the basin, you can faintly see the huge bones of dense denseness.

Gu Yu knew that this was the so-called Dragon’s Graveyard.

Under the leadership of the Dragon Leader, Gu Yu rode the Wind Speed Dog into the Dragon’s Tomb.

What catches your eye is the body of a fierce biting land shark.

A third of the white bone was missing, and some of the bones still had huge cracks.

One look is that there was a big war before he died.

Further ahead, Gu Yu saw another body of a fast dragon.

The dragon’s body was clearly missing a dragon’s head.

“Was it cut off by some elf, or…”

While thinking, Gu Yu continued to move forward with the leader of the fast dragon.

After walking to the center of the Dragon’s Tomb, a towering tree ten meters tall came into Gu Yu’s eyes.

On the verdant strips of paper, followed by many bright red fruit trees.

It was Gu Yu’s goal of this trip, Dragon Blood Fruit!

The leader of the fast dragon also moved quickly, directly picking up a dragon blood fruit and handing it to Gu Yu.

After receiving the Dragon Blood Fruit, Gu Yu’s eyes immediately appeared with the information of the Dragon Blood Fruit.

[Dragon Blood Fruit: After absorption, it permanently increases the dragon energy in the elven’s body. 】

With a flash of red light, Gu Yu released the sticky treasure.


Looking at some unfamiliar environments, Sticky Treasure was obviously a little confused.

Looking at the confused Sticky Treasure, Gu Yu put the Dragon Blood Fruit in front of Sticky Treasure’s body.

“Sticky Treasure This is the Dragon’s Blood Fruit, absorb the power in it and make yourself stronger!”


Feeling the power contained in the Dragon Blood Fruit, Sticky Treasure cried out happily.

Then take a bite of the dragon blood fruit.

In Gu Yu’s ear, the dense system prompt sound sounded crazy!

【Ding! Sticky Treasure swallows the Dragon’s Blood Fruit and gains a lot of experience. 】

【Ding! Sticky Treasure upgraded to level 21! 】

【Ding! Sticky Treasure upgraded to level 22! 】

【Ding! Sticky Treasure upgraded to level 23! 】


【Ding! Sticky Treasure upgraded to level 27! 】

【Ding! Sticky Treasure comprehends the skill Acid Bomb! 】

[Acid Bomb: Attacks by spewing liquid that dissolves your opponent.] Significantly reduce the opponent’s special defense. 】

【Ding! Sticky Treasure comprehends skills to ask for rain! 】

[Asking for Rain: Rains in a little time, thereby increasing the power of the water attribute’s moves.] The fire attribute has reduced the power of the move. 】

【Ding! Sticky Treasure comprehend skill smokescreen! 】

[Smoke screen: Spew smoke or ink at the opponent, etc., thereby reducing the opponent’s hit rate.] 】


【Ding! Sticky Treasure evolves into Sticky Beauty! 】

The system prompts the sound, and the sticky treasure is instantly wrapped in white light.

In the white light, the slimy baby’s body began to lengthen.

When the white light dissipated, a different sticky treasure appeared in the general form of Gu Yu’s eyes, and the sticky beauty was very much like a snail, the tentacles on the head became longer and the eyes turned green.

The green spots on both cheeks turned into two smaller, lighter spots.

However, due to the iron contained in the water in the washi area, it has an effect on the mucus of the skin, making it change into a metal shell.

The viscous treasure in the form of a washed green has a round shell made of metal.

The evolved slimy treasure is very happy.


While shouting, he pounced on Gu Yu.

Nearly twenty kilograms of body, directly crashed into Gu Yu.

Gu Yu stumbled and almost fell to the ground.


Sticky Mei’er obviously didn’t notice this, and kept rubbing Gu Yu’s cheek with her smooth forehead.

While stroking Sticky Mei’er, Gu Yu checked Sticky Mei’er’s information.

【Sticky Beauty (Steel) (Dragon) (Washed Jade Form)】



【Features: Dustproof (no injuries such as sandstorms or ice and snow, no attack by powder moves)]

【Personality Talent: Gentle (+ Special Defense, – Attack)]

[(Individual Qualifications: HP(31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)]

[Skills: Impact, Suck, Water Gun, Dragon’s Breath, Hold, Dragon’s Wave, Tarzan Topping, Retreat, Sleep, Stand-in, Double Bless, Life Water Droplet, Fight, Hold On, Iron Tail, Acid Bomb, Rain, Smoke Screen, Stomp Feet, Crazy, Poison Tail, Suction, Water Cannon, Dissolve, Foam, Sleep, Iron Head]

【Carrying:Dragon’s Tooth】

【Potential: Champion】

Absorbs the Dragon’s Blood Fruit, plus the effect of the evolution of breaking the cocoon.

Make Sticky Treasure a dojo-level elf!

The leader of the fast dragon on the side looked at Sticky Mei’er in Gu Yu’s arms.

A trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.


I remember that Sticky Beauty is not like this?

Then the leader of the fast dragon looked at the wind speed dog on the side.


This wind speed dog is not simple, and there is even a trace of divine beast breath on its body!

While thinking, the leader of the fast dragon seemed to have made up his mind!

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