Chapter 160 Great White Jade! Origin Form!!

Sticky Beauty and the evolved Sticky Dragon.

In the eyes of ordinary trainers, it is generally considered to be the most garbage quasi-god.

The speed is incomparable to that of the Fast Dragon.

The offense is unmatched by biting the land shark.

Plus it is a single ~ attribute of the elf.

The weakest quasi-god is basically clasped on the sticky-dragon.

But the sticky merons in the Wash Green area are not the same.

A combination of steel and dragon series.

Let Sticky Merone turn over directly.

And you must know that the steel system plus the elves of the dragon system, counting the sticky dragons of the washing jade, there are only three!

One of them is the god of time, ‘Diya Luca.’

The steel system plus the attributes of the dragon system make the sticky dragon no longer fear, the ice system and the goblin system.

With the top special defense and good physical defense.

The Sticky Meron of the Wash Green area was once known as ‘Little Diya Luca’ in the game.

Look at the sticky beauty in your arms.

Gu Yu was more and more looking forward to the evolution of the sticky dragon.


Just then a voice sounded, attracting Gu Yu’s attention.

Looking at the fast dragon leader with a somewhat serious expression, Gu Yu’s eyes flashed a trace of doubt.


The Fast Dragon Leader shouted again, then flapped his wings, and his body slowly rose Gu Yu instantly understood the meaning of the Fast Dragon Leader, put away the sticky Mei’er, and rode the Wind Speed Dog to keep up.

Crossing the Dragon Blood Fruit Tree, Gu Yu followed the Fast Dragon Leader deep into the Dragon’s Tomb.


Dense corpses!

In addition to the corpses of the three quasi-god races, there were also the corpses of many other elves.

The fire-breathing dragon, Hu Di, Bosco Dora, and even Gu Yu saw the body of Bangila!

The land has long since become a dark red, and even after many years, you can still smell a faint smell of blood.

“What kind of battle has taken place before the Dragon’s Graveyard?”

Looking at the scene like a sea of blood in actual combat, Gu Yu began to guess in his heart.

Then a huge stone tablet appeared in Gu Yu’s eyes.

The stele is pitch black throughout, but it is not carved by elves, but by humans.

Because it depicts the words of the Dragon Kingdom and a picture of a scroll.

The fast dragon stopped in front of the stone stele and pointed to the stone stele, signaling Gu Yu to watch.

Gu Yu nodded, got off the wind speed dog, and began to look at the stone monument.

“My name is Yan Yunsheng, the first generation champion of the Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance, and today I am here to conclude an agreement with the three major races…”

After reading the contents recorded on the stone tablet, Gu Yu probably had an understanding of this matter.

When the elves first came, there were often great wars between the gods and the gods.

Longling is one of the battlefields.

And the two sides of the battle are also very interesting.

Infinite Extinction!


Tibetan Marant!

In the game world of Sword and Shield, Wujina came to the Galar region with the fall of a meteorite.

Trying to sustain life by absorbing Galar’s energy, Infinity caused the appearance of red light.

This led to the phenomenon of the Night Ring, causing the nearby elves to enter a state of hyper-magnification and hyper-magnification, becoming almost crazy, and almost destroying the Garar region.

However, two heroes used the legendary sword and shield to successfully drive away the night and save the Garar region, which became the legend of Galar.

The legendary heroes are the two first-level gods Cangxiang and Tibetan Marant.

According to the pictures on the stone tablets, this battle is not the same as in the game or anime, and it is over after a few hours.

Instead, a protracted war was fought!

After the Infinite Giant, the Spirit with the highest race value was once called the strongest Elf before Gu Yu crossed!

1125 race values!

The first-level god of time’ Diya Luca race value is 680.

The Kigerd race value of the complete body is 708.

The Ringing Race value of the Sword King form is 720.

The race value of MEGA’s evolved Agni Sitting is only 780.

Just by looking at the race value, the Infinite Pole after the Infinite Giant is the strongest elf that deserves it!

In the picture of the stone stele, I don’t know what the reason is.

After the Wuji Giantization, the Wuji Ji was not defeated by Cang Xiang and Zang Marant, but suppressed Cang Xiang and Zang Marant with one enemy and two deaths.

Due to the impact of the Great War, the entire secret realm was affected.

Countless elves actively or passively join the battle.

In the end, in addition to the elves, there were other divine beasts or divine beasts that also joined the battle!

On top of the carved picture, Gu Yu also saw the figure of Regiccas, and the ending naturally ended with the defeat of Wuji Tina.

But as long as he didn’t die, he would definitely come back.

Therefore, the three quasi-god races are willing to ally with humans.

Just wait for the day when Wuji Ti will make a comeback, and join hands to deal with Wuji Tina.

After reading the contents of the stone tablet, Gu Yu began to think.

“I said how the Dragon Kingdom is a concubine, generally need a mini dragon, it turns out that the two sides have long been fighting against the cooperation of Wujijina!”

“According to Yan Yunsheng, if you are willing to ally with the three quasi-god races, you will receive gifts from the three quasi-god races.”

“If I don’t want to ally with the three quasi-god races, they won’t force me.”

“However, it is obvious that cooperation is still appropriate, Yan Yunsheng has long passed away, and this monument was left at least seventy or eighty years ago.”

“Seventy or eighty years or even maybe even a hundred years has not appeared.”

“Can’t I just ally with the three quasi-god races, and then return to Wuji?”

“Being able to prostitute gifts, this kind of good thing is the problem!”

Gu Yu quickly made a decision.

Speaking to the leader of the Fast Dragon, he said, “I am willing to ally with the three major races, and if one day the Infinite Elimination makes a comeback, I am willing to contribute my strength to the three major races and the guardian world!” ”


From today on, you are friends of the three major ethnic groups!

The leader of the fast dragon shouted, expressing his approval of Gu Yu.

Then he flapped his wings again and flew away, signaling Gu Yu to keep up.

Gu Yu rode on the Wind Speed Dog and chased after the Fast Dragon Leader.

Walk through the Dragon’s Tomb and return to Sanlong Mountain again.

In the end, the leader of the fast dragon stopped in front of a huge cave with Gu Yu.

Riding a wind-speed dog into the cave, you will be greeted by a huge straw pile.

There were some fragments of elven eggs on the straw pile, and it was clear that this was where the Fast Dragons placed the elven eggs.

It’s just that there are no elf eggs on it now.

Then the fast dragon pointed to the corner on the other side.

In the corner are props as high as a hill.

Gu Yu swept slightly, and saw many familiar props Fire Stone, Life Orb, Leaf Stone…

The leader of the fast dragon pointed to the empty straw pile, then shook his head.


There are no unhatched elves in the clan that can’t give you an elf egg.

Then he pointed to the props piled up as high as a hill, and then extended his claws to Gu Yu.


Since there are no elf eggs, I can give you three props.

Although Gu Yu couldn’t understand the words of the Fast Dragon Leader, he probably had a guess.

“Fast Dragon, you mean to let me choose three props as a gift?”


The Fast Dragon Leader nodded, sure of what Gu Yu said.


Although it is a pity that I was not able to get a quasi-god elf egg, it is also a big gain to have three props.

Coming down from the wind speed dog, Gu Yu walked to the props piled up as high as a hill and began to pick them up.

While choosing the right props, Gu Yu sighed.

“Is it true that a creature like a dragon is a symbol of wealth in any world?”

Just by Gu Yu’s kung fu of picking this small meeting, Gu Yu saw two secret treasures.

One is the Fire Secret Treasure Charcoal, and the other is the Grass Secret Treasure Miracle Seed.

As for the Fire Stone, the Leaf Stone is as if it were garbage.

Looking at the prop hill in front of him, Gu Yu really wanted to move all the way home.

But considering the strength of the fast dragon behind him, Gu Yu had to give up this idea.

After all, this is a prop that the three quasi-god races have found in more than a hundred years after the advent of the elven age.

If Gu Yu was really allowed to pack up and take it away alone, Gu Yu’s three ethnic groups could collectively hunt down and kill Gu Yu!

Just at this moment, Gu Yu saw a broken golden sword tip.

Then the information of the golden sword tip appeared in Gu Yu’s eyes.

[The Sword Tip of the King of Swords: The Cang Xiang in the form of the King of Swords, the tip of the sword shattered in the fierce battle with the Wuji Ji, contains the energy of the Goblin System and the Steel System, and can be absorbed by the elves of the two attributes. 】

Without any hesitation, Gu Yu picked up the golden sword tip.

“That battle was really fierce enough, and even the sword that sounded was shattered!”

“The tip of this sword is definitely a treasure that is not weaker than the Rainbow Feather, and one of my three treasures is this.”

“It is worthy of the three quasi-god races, the accumulation of more than a hundred years, I have to continue to see if there are any other props related to the divine beasts.”

After selecting the first treasure, Gu Yu continued to rummage through the second treasure.

After pulling open half of the prop hill, Gu Yu’s eyes appeared a bead the size of a human head with a purple glow on its exterior.

Looking at this bead, Gu Yu was first stunned, and then secretly said, “I didn’t expect that this thing actually existed!” ”

[Great White Jewel: A large pearl of brilliance.] When used on Paluchia, it can make it more powerful and change its form. 】

The god of space, ‘Paluchia, is a first-level god with the name of the god of time’ Diya Luka, riding on the same name as Latina!

In the game Arzeus, the god of space, ‘Paluchia, the god of time’ Diya Luka, and the riding Ladina have all gained new forms.

Origin form!

The strength of the three first-level gods in the origin form will be greatly improved.

And the Great White Jade is the key prop of Paluchia, which has changed from a general form to an origin form!

It is no exaggeration to say that this prop is also unknown to anyone.

But there was an organization similar to the Dragon Temple, wanting to track down Paluchia Gu Yu to sell this great white treasure jade.

Sell billions or even tens of billions of dollars at will!

Even considering that Yuan Hanhai sent out 200 million props, his eyes did not blink an eye.

Tens of billions are entirely possible.

Of course, Gu Yu would definitely not be able to shoot the Great White Treasure Jade.

“I wonder if there are any other treasures?”

After putting down the Great White Treasure Jade, Gu Yu continued to look for props.

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