Chapter 161 Infinite Elimination of That! Mega! Super Mega!!

When Gu Yu turned this prop hill to the bottom.

He saw a dark purple shard.

The moment he picked up the dark purple shard, Gu Yu’s first reaction was heavy!

The palm-sized fragment was close to ten pounds.

Affected by the cold touch of the palm of his hand, Gu Yu also saw the information of this fragment.

[The Fragment of Wuji Tina: The fragment of the body that was shattered by the Great War contains the energy that makes the Wuji Tina, and after absorption, it can make the elves extremely giant, and specific individuals will super-giantize. 】


Mega Boom!

In the game and anime settings.

A phenomenon that occurs only in specific places in the Garar region ——— polarization.

All elves can be Mega, but there is another one called “Mega Mega.”

Phenomena, even among the same kind of elves, occur only to specific individuals.

After the “super giant”, the elf will not only become larger, but also look more personal… At the same time, in addition to improving some of their abilities like ordinary Extreme Giant Elves, these elves can also use a special Extreme Giant Move called “Ultra Giant Move” that ordinary Extreme Giant Elves cannot use.

And the source of the power of “extreme giantization” and “ultra-giant transformation” is Wuji Tina.

After being defeated by Cang Xiang and Zang Marante in the game, the energy leakage became the source of the phenomenon of polarization.

The powerful body fragments of Wuji poured down in the form of wishing stars, wishing stars and wishing star fragments.

When Wuji Ji Na wakes up, it causes a phenomenon known as “Noble Night”, in which the vast amount of Extreme Mega Energy released by Wu Ji Na will cause the elves to attack and rampage uncontrollably.

In the game setting, only the Wishing Star is found, and the Wishing Star is used to create a giant wristband.

The Mega Wristband allows the Elves to be polarized in specific locations.

And in order for the elves to achieve “super giantization”, they must drink the extremely giant soup (except for Miru Meta).

There are only twenty-seven elves in the game and anime settings that can be “super-giant”.

“It seems that because the world is different, the fragments of Wuji’s body have not become wishing stars, and even the effect is somewhat different.”

“But as long as the Kirby Beast absorbs the energy in the fragments and can super-giantize, I can really say that I am making blood this time!”

“After all, super-giantization is comparable to MEGA evolution!”

While thinking, the corners of Gu Yu’s mouth showed a smile.

This time it can be said to be a full harvest!

Looking at the three props Gu Yu had chosen, a trace of doubt flashed in the eyes of the fire-breathing dragon leader.


At this time, Gu Yu’s voice sounded again.

“Thank you for the gift! If I want to fight Wuji Ji Na in the future, I will come to the battle! ”

“If nothing else, I’m ready to leave!”

After choosing the props, Gu Yu was ready to leave.

You know, today is June 18th.

It will take a long time to get out of the secret place, and it will take a while to fly back to Suzhou.

On July 1, Leolu’s elf eggs will hatch.

With a slight delay, it is estimated that you may miss the hatching of Leolu.

Therefore, Gu Yu had to hurry back quickly.


The Fast Dragon Chief nodded.

Then he flapped his wings and prepared to send Gu Yu away.

At the foot of Sanlong Mountain, not far from the slopes of the soil.

Wang Teng and Jiang Yan were beginning to think about the next countermeasures.

“Brother Wang Teng, we don’t have much food, just now that man can go in for a few hours, let’s break in and try it!”

“As long as we can catch a juvenile quasi-god, we don’t have to worry about it in this life!”

Wang Teng’s brow furrowed, and he was also thinking at this moment.

After a moment, Wang Teng gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

“The so-called wealth and wealth are in danger, as long as we finish…”

Before Wang Teng could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Jiang Yan’s voice.

Hearing Jiang Yan’s words, Wang Teng picked up the telescope and looked at it.

Gu Yu, who rode a wind speed dog and looked down on his appearance, was sent out by the leader of the fast dragon.

After waving goodbye to the leader of the fast dragon, Gu Yu rode on the wind speed dog and left directly.

“Elder Brother Wang Teng, just now that person came out of the Three Dragon Mountain unscathed.”

“It shows that Sanlong Mountain is not as terrible as the outside world says, so we sneaked in, grabbed two juvenile quasi-gods and left.”

“The Qinling Secret Realm is so big, these elves can’t find it…”

Before Jiang Yan could finish speaking, he suddenly felt a terrible momentum coming.

The momentum carried a majestic killing intent, causing Jiang Yan’s body to begin to tremble involuntarily.

With a brush, Jiang Yan’s face turned pale.

Wang Teng on the side was not much better.

Bean-sized beads of sweat had slipped from his forehead, and his face was full of panic.


With a slightly warning sound, the fire-breathing dragon leader flew back into the Three Dragon Mountain.

The terrible momentum instantly disappeared into invisibility!

Call! Call! Call!

The two who escaped from death gasped for breath.

Look at each other, and see the fear in each other’s eyes!

Jiang Yan suppressed the fear in his heart and said, “Big Brother Wang Teng! Let’s hurry up and leave! It’s so dangerous here! ”

Wang Teng nodded.

“It’s not a problem for us to be careful to get out alive, but if we enter Sanlong Mountain, we really can’t go back!”

“I don’t know, what kind of man riding the wind speed dog just now was able to enter the Three Dragon Mountain!”

“Now let’s leave!” In case we wait, this quasi-god comes out and directly moves, and we can’t go if we want to! ”

While saying that, Wang Teng prepared to get up and leave.

Then I felt a softness under my feet, a bang, and fell on the slope again.

Looking at his still trembling body, Wang Teng shook his head.

“Alas! It is really in response to the words of netizens, one of the illusions of life, others can do it, I can do it! ”

“When people enter the Three Dragon Mountain, they are escorted out by the quasi-gods, and when others go in, they are directly frightened by the quasi-gods and can’t even walk!”

Jiang Yan looked at the fallen Wang Teng, and there was no joke about Wang Teng.

Because now he doesn’t even have the strength to get up!

February 24.

Hongbo Lakeside.

Seeing that the sun was about to set, the boatmen who had not yet returned to the lakeshore shouted harder.

“The peak of the dojo rides the dragon!” There is still 1 person left, just 50,000! Let’s go! ”

“The two elves of the giant swamp monster and the water arrow turtle are guarding the ship, and they want to hurry up on the ship!”

“Tyrannosaurus pulls the boat!” Just 60,000! Cross Hongbo Lake safely and worry-free! ”

At this time, a “booming” footstep came.

Then a figure carrying a hiking bag and riding a wind speed dog came to the shore of Hongbo Lake.

Seeing the familiar figure, the middle-aged man who pulled the boat with the intimidating characteristic tyrannosaurus took the initiative to speak.

“I haven’t seen this guest for a long time! If you want to cross the lake, you come up and we will go! ”

Gu Yu didn’t give a crap, and after retrieving the wind speed dog, he got on the boat…

At this time, there were only six people on the ship, including Gu Yu.

You must know this boat, but it can sit with ten people.

As for the remaining empty space, considering the danger of the Longling Secret Realm.

Some are destined to never come back!

After sitting down, Gu Yu first charged his mobile phone.


With a loud roar, the Tyrannosaurus officially began to cross the lake.

By the time Gu Yu’s mobile phone was fully charged, Hongbo Lake was already halfway crossed.

At this time, the mobile phone can also receive the signal, after Gu Yu paid the boat money.

I began to look through the messages of this time.

Parents’, Ye Mengyao’s, Shen Yuezhu’s…

He reported to his parents that he was safe and said that he would soon be back.

Gu Yu inquired again about the situation of his own elves during this time.

Finally, start replying to Ye Mengyao.

“After the end of the secret adventure, after Li Oulu hatches, I will go to you to train Gu Yu just sent it out, Ye Mengyao replied to the message.”

“Just finish! I’m training in Guangdong Province now! ”

After speaking, Ye Mengyao also sent a photo.

In the photo, located on a beach in Guangdong Province, facing the blue sea and sky, elves such as fanged land sharks and fiery roaring tigers are training hard.

“I’ll go to you when the time comes.”

Ding dong!

Just after replying to Ye Mengyao, Gu Yu heard the mobile phone prompt sound.

Then Gu Yu found a familiar group chat and became active again.

Dragon Temple chat group.

“Number One: This time number four, number five and number seven, the mission was completed successfully!”

“Number One: We have preliminarily determined the location of Lehiram and Czech Roma, and as soon as possible, we can find two mythical beasts by the end of this year.”

“Number One: This time numbers four, five, seven and eight are all indispensable!”

“Number Seven: Number One, don’t you say this verbally, when will you help me get a juvenile quasi-god?”

“Number Seven: I don’t know if the new Eighth has a quasi-god, it seems that I don’t have a quasi-god with the sixth!” However, the sixth is a breeder, and it doesn’t make much difference whether there is a quasi-god or not. ”

“Number Seven: @Number Eight, do you have a quasi-god?”

“Number Eight: I have.”

After all, Xia Pengyu and Yuan Hanhai also knew Gu Yu’s bottom line, and Gu Yu was not good enough to say that he did not.

“Number Seven: Sure enough, I am the worst one in the Dragon Temple!”

“Number One: Okay, don’t sell miserable! In the juvenile quasi-god countries, it is too difficult to go to the secret realm to catch it, but I recently heard the news of a single-headed dragon, and I will help you pay attention! ”

“Number Seven: Can’t you just come to a quasi-god with a better personality?” The temper of the three evil dragons can be said to be the worst among the quasi-gods. ”

“Number Six: It’s nice to have it! I’ll have no one to help me yet!” ”

“Number Five: Is the trip to the Dragon Ridge Secret Realm of @ No. 8 going well?”

“Number Eight: It’s still going well, and the Dragon’s Blood Fruit has arrived, but it’s a little accidental.”

After hesitating, Gu Yu still decided to talk about the Night Demon Spirit.

After all, he had robbed others of the curse charm.

A secret treasure is not cheap, in case someone comes to you in the future.

He can’t always be confused when the time comes, right?

Therefore, he also wanted to use the power of the Dragon Temple to see if he could find the master of the Night Demon.

“Number Eight: I met a king-level night demon cultivated by humans in the secret realm, but this night demon lives with wild elves.”

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