Chapter 176 The Layout of God’s Organization! Dream Song Valley!!

Mentally strong!

Powerful thoughts emanate from the body of the wind balloon.

In mid-air, Gera Ola and Pokkis were the first to be hit.

However, both elves are fast enough.

Use speed to dodge mental strength.

I saw two elves being temporarily forced to retreat.

The leader of the wind ball set his eyes on Gu Yu.

The tentacles of the body day like a sling stretched out.

The ghost energy began to gather.

Shadow Ball!

The human head flew towards Gu Yu due to the small black sphere.


Pokkis’s voice sounded and appeared in the sky in front of Gu Yu’s body.


A huge white shield appeared in front of Pokkis.


The Shadow Ball is blocked by Pokkis, but the ability to hold is also reduced to pieces.

Gu Yu read the information of the leader of the wind ball and began to direct the battle.

【With the Wind (Boss) (Flight) (Ghost)】



[Trait: Detonate (when it becomes dying, it will cause damage to opponents who touch you)]

【Character Talent: Bold (+ Defense, – Attack)】

【Body Value: HP(31), Attack (31), Defense (22), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)]

[Skills: Sneak Attack, Take Off, Smallen, Frightened, Disaster Alone, Shadow Ball, Charge, Same Life, Downwind, Self-Explosion, Mental Strengthening, High Speed Star, Meditation, Destruction of Death Light, Instant Amnesia, Ghost Fire, Acrobatics, Gyro Ball, Weather Ball, Tarzan Topping, Spray Field]

【Carrying: None】

【Potential: Heavenly King】

The Wind Ball Leader is a typical wild elf, even if it is a king-level strength, but the skill pool is too small, and there is no carrying.

“Terra Ola! Plasma Lightning Punch! ”

“Menas! Frozen beams! ”

“Pokkis! Charming! ”

“Wind speed dog! Kirby Beast! Sticky Beauty is ready to attack together! ”

Gu Yu’s voice had just fallen, and the attack of the elves in front of him was ready to attack.

Above Gera Ora’s claws, golden lightning bolts appeared.

The chill in Menas’s mouth began to gather.

The leader of the Windballs also wanted to continue the attack, but Pokékis was one step faster!


Pokékis shouted, and countless pink lights emanated from his body.

With the wind ball leader’s eyes instantly turned pink, his body spontaneously stopped attacking.

Although because of the strength gap, the leader of the wind ball quickly recovered.

But time was enough for Gu Yu’s elf!


Gera Aura cried out and turned into a golden glow.

Come with the wind ball leader in front of the body, plasma lightning fist directly swung out.

A huge roar sounded, and the golden thunder and lightning turned into two tens of meters long lightning beams and went straight to the leader of the wind ball!

The moment the plasma lightning fist hit, Gu Yu’s elf’s attack also arrived.

Frozen beams!

Big print explosion!


Dragon Ball Fluctuations!

In an instant, the leader of the Windball was overwhelmed by the attack!


The explosion of the giant cause sounded, and an incomparably dazzling white light rose!

The air waves generated by the explosion blew Gu Yu’s stormtrooper suit into a hunting sound.

Then Gu Yu heard the system’s prompt sound.

【Ding! Pokékis defeats the Windball Leader and gains 15,000 XP! 】

【Ding! Menas defeats the Windball Leader and gains 20,000 XP! 】

【Ding! Wind Speed Dog defeats the Wind Ball Leader and gains 15,000 XP! 】


【Ding! Gera Aura defeats the Windball Leader and gains 20,000 XP! 】

【Ding! Gera Aura upgraded to level 44! 】

With the wind ball is twice as weak as the ice system and the electric system, coupled with the skills of elves such as the wind speed dog, it is natural to be directly killed by the second.

The leader of the wind ball was killed in a second, and the remaining wind ball was naturally not the opponent of Gu Yu’s elves.

【Ding! Kirby Beast defeats the Windball and gains 4000 XP! 】

【Ding! Pokékis defeats the Windball and gains 5000 XP! 】

【Ding! Menus defeats the Windball and gains 4000 XP! 】


After defeating the Wind Ball Clan, Gu Yu returned to the same place and began to pack up his things and prepare to leave.

The Windballs were defeated by him, not all of them killed by him.

The sun has set.

Fortunately, the tent had just been protected by the Kirby Beast, otherwise Gu Yu wouldn’t even have been around the place where he lived tonight.

Ride the wind-fast dog along the Chelchen River after ten kilometers.

Gu Yu re-set up his tent.

Simply eat a few cookies around and let the wind speed dogs, Kirby beasts and other elves pay attention after the vigil.

Slipped into your sleeping bag and began to rest.

September 27.

Call! Call! Call!

The howling wind woke Gu Yu from his sleep.

It was the first time he had spent the night in the middle of the desert, and in the secret realm, the only time he was woken up before dawn.

After feeding the wind speed dog, the Kirby beast and other elves, Gu Yu ate a few compressed biscuits.

After confirming the orientation with the compass, the departure begins.

Reward at 9 a.m.

Gu Yu came to a sand dune.

The dunes and the nearby area have many potholes.

“Is it the territory of the Panshan King Clan?”

Gu Yu probably knew where he had gone.

Pangolins and pangolins are common elves in the desert.

Introducing pangolins in the game “Green” field.

He hates moisture, so he digs deep holes in dry places to reproduce and curl his body in an instant.

These caves are the masterpiece of pangolins.

It can also be seen from the number of potholes that there are many Pangolin kings living here.

The Pangolin race’s value is low.

The strength was relatively inferior to that of some elves in the Imperial Family.

As a result, the Pangolin race mostly moves in groups.

When the Pangolin leader unleashes a sandstorm, the remaining Pangolin and Pangolin will launch a frenzied attack on the invading enemy.

However, this time, Gu Yu did not encounter an attack from the Panshan King.

Passing through the territory of the Chuanshan King Clan, Gu Yu continued to hurry.

At 3 p.m.

Gu Yu was trapped in the yellow sand of the sky, and finally saw a hint of greenery.

It is a valley covered in various green vegetation.

Faintly, the sight of elves such as walking grass, thorn ball cacti playing in the valley is in stark contrast to the yellow sand around it.

However, Gu Yu knew what a mirage it was.

This place is called Mengge Valley.

The Valley of Dream Songs was built by a Heavenly King-level Dream Song cactus.

The Dream Song Cactus, also known as Dream Song Naia, is an elf who inhabits the desert before the Eighty Obstacles.

Shi Xuefeng, one of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Dragon Kingdom, captures a thorny ball cactus (desert Naia) in the secret realm of Taklamakan

After Shi Xuefeng’s cultivation, the Tu only thorn ball cactus became one of his strongest elves…

But the human lifespan is still short compared to the elves.

After Shi Xuefeng’s death, the dream song cactus returned to the Taklamakan Secret Realm.

The Valley of Dream Song was established and became the habitat of the ethnic group.

Because, the dream song cactus is the reason why it was cultivated by humans.

So Dream Song Valley, rejecting human rest.

Over time, the Valley of Dreams has become a must-visit place for trainers to travel to and from the secret land of Taklamakan and the trainers!

In order to prevent someone from recognizing him and causing the necessary trouble, Gu Yu put on sunglasses and a mask.

Ride the wind speed dog to the entrance of Mengge Valley.

Feeling the terrible momentum coming from the wind speed dog, some of the trainers who were resting in the valley also talked about it.

“What a terrible momentum! This is probably already a Heavenly King-level elf, right? ”

“It’s a pity to see the group! I don’t know which well-known trainer this is! ”

“I heard that the successor of the Heavenly King recently came to the Taklamakan Secret Realm, can’t it be him?”

“Don’t tease me! A 19-year-old student who can cultivate a king-level elf? The joke doesn’t make that either! ”


Gu Yu although exposed the wind speed dog in public.

But if it is not a relatively close audience, it will not feel the momentum of the wind speed dog at all.

What about the audience in front of the TV?

Therefore, most people are well aware that the Wind Speed Dog has the strength of the Heavenly King.

Ignoring the chatter around him, Gu Yu’s eyes were focused on the two-meter-tall Mengge Cactus in the middle of the valley.

【Dream Song Cactus (Dream Song Naiya) (Chief) (Grass) (Evil)】



[Features: Sand Cain (during sandstorms, the dodge rate will increase)]

【Character Talent: Stubbornness (+ Attack, One Special Attack)】

【Individual Qualifications: HP(26), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)]

[Skills: Spike Defense, Poison Needle, Glare, Suck, Long, Same Life, Revenge, Suck, Grow, Parasitic Seed, Sand Throwing, Spike Arm, Surprise Blow, Root, for Tat Back, Scattering, Raid, Flying Bullet Needle, Energy Ball, Cotton Spore, Sandstorm, Sword Dance, Destruction of Death Light, Poison, Guarding, Sandstorm, Sleep, Dreaming, Awakening Power, Snoring, Face Force, Evil Waves, Chopping Tiles, Energy Balls, Grass Knots, Venom Shock, Magic Leaf, Trouble Seed, Seed Bombs, Grass Flute, Deadly Needle, Photosynthesis, Ultimate Sucking, Kick Down, Thunder Punch]

【Carrying: Miracle farming】

【Potential: Heavenly King】

[Note: The historian has already reached a cooperation with the God Organization, the Dream Song Cactus is a pawn of the God Organization Taklamakan Secret Realm, and the God Organization has set its sights on your Terra Ola and wants to use the Tala Aura to blackmail the Divine Beast Gela Ola. 】

[Note: Although your identity is not exposed, the Mengge Cactus has begun to doubt your identity because of the wind speed dog, if the trapped can get out as soon as possible, after the arrival of the pursuing soldiers of the God Organization, you will be in danger! 】

God Organization!

Looking at the last two pieces of information in the garden, Gu Yu’s brow frowned slightly.

“Is the God Organization still eyeing me?”

“No! To be precise, it is the eyes of the Terra Ola! ”

“My news is not easy to get, after all, I came to Northwestern University, including buying equipment such as storm jackets, as long as I carefully checked, I can find it.”

“As soon as you enter the secret realm, the God Organization should send out pursuing troops.” No, God’s pursuers should be stopped. ”

“So be it! I have to get out of here now, too! ”

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