Chapter 177 The terrified multitude! Banjara Ethnic Settlement!!

“Wind speed dog! Let’s go! ”

Gu Yu deliberately lowered his voice to make it low.

The trainers who were resting heard Gu Yu’s words and showed a confused look.

“What’s going on?! Is he resting in the Valley of Dreams? ”

“Weird! If you don’t want to rest in the Valley of Dreams, why come here? ”

“Whether this man still met his opponent here and did not dare to stay here.”


Ignoring the surrounding discussion, Gu Yu rode the wind speed dog to continue to advance.

While passing by the leader of the Dream Song Cactus.

The leader of the Mengge Cactus stretched out his arm with dark green spikes and directly stopped Gu Yu and the Wind Speed Dog.

The main body color of the dream song cactus is green and the shape resembles that of a human.

Yellow eyes and holes in the face form a mouth.

Along the limbs of the Dream Song cactus, there are many dark green spikes scattered around the legs and neck.

There is a triangular, upside-down spiny structure on the head.

After the leader of the Mengge Cactus stopped Gu Yu and the Wind Speed Dog, he barked.

“Dream Song!”

Don’t leave!

Although humans understood the language of the elves, Gu Yu and everyone around him.

It can be seen in the warning voice and actions of the leader of the Dream Song Cactus.

The leader of the Dream Song Cactus Pi wants Gu Yu to leave!

The surrounding trainers, seeing this scene, had mixed reactions.

Some trainers furrowed their brows.

Some of the trainers’ faces were looking puzzled.

Some of the trainers were horrified, and their faces were hard to see the pole!

“What’s going on?! Why did the Dream Song Cactus stop this man riding a wind-speed dog?! ”

“This man is a genie hunter, right?!”

“Never mind who this man is, he has a Heavenly King-level wind speed dog!” Two king-level elves clashed, no matter what the result was, we would be miserable if we were affected! ”


As the discussion sounded, some of the timid trainers only felt that their backs were cold and more surrounding the trainers, and they had released their elves, ready to run away at any time!

“Get out of the way!”

Gu Yu’s muffled voice sounded again, but it fell into the ears of the surrounding trainers like thunder!

Everyone in person you see knows what that means!


King-level battles!

The surrounding regimental young trainers were instantly frightened into a cold sweat, and their faces were bloodless!

“Dream Song!”

You can’t leave!

The attitude of the Dream Song Cactus Leader remained unchanged.

“Teleportation! Wind Speed Dog Solves Dream Song Cactus! ”

As soon as Gu Yu’s voice fell, Cosmogu in the storm suit instantly cast an instantaneous movement.

With Gu Yu disappearing from the wind speed dog’s back and leaving the Mengge Valley.

Saw Gu Yu disappear and heard Gu Yu’s voice.

The trainers around them were shocked and only felt that a catastrophe was coming!

I don’t know who is running because of the shouting!

The whole valley of dreams and songs was instantly chaotic.


With the sound of the explosion of the Great Cause, golden flames rose up.

Wind Speed Dog and Dream Song Cactus Leader engage in a fierce battle.

Although the leader of the Dream Song Cactus is stronger than the Wind Speed Dog, his attributes are restrained by the Wind Speed Dog.

But the Dream Song Cactus is twice as weak as the fire.

Moreover, because some of the skills of the Mengge Cactus are grass skills, it can only cause half of the damage to the wind speed dog.

Gu Yu had already arrived outside the Mengge Valley at this time.

As soon as Menus and Pokké were released, they heard the voice of the leader of the Dream Song Cactus ringing out, and the Sandstorm Skill was unleashed.

“Dream Song!”

In an instant, countless yellow sand rolled up, obscuring the sky.

“Menas! Rain! ”


Listening to Gu Yu’s orders, Menas immediately began to ask for rain.

Dark clouds began to gather above the sky.

A moment later, the downpour fell.

Sandstorms, although skilled, also obey the laws of nature.

After the sand is wet by the rain, it is naturally impossible to be controlled by the Dream Song Cactus Leader to form a sandstorm.

“Menas! Cast the tide to trap the dream song cactus! You and Pokékys teamed up with the Wind Speed Dog to defeat him! ”


Menasin shouted.

The rain created by the rain began to spin rapidly around the leader of the Dream Song Cactus.

In the next instant, a vortex formed by the flow of water traps the leader of the Mengge Cactus and the Wind Speed Dog.

Although the leader of the Dream Song Cactus is trapped by the tide whirlwind, he is still fighting with the wind speed dog!

Poison needles!

[Poison Needle: Pierces the poison needle into the opponent to attack. Sometimes it can cause the opponent to fall into a state of poisoning. 】

The purple poisonous needle of the chopsticks shot out from the leader of the Mengge Cactus and went straight to the wind speed dog.


The wind speed dog disappeared from the eyes of the Dream Song Cactus Leader, and in the next instant, it appeared next to the Dream Song Cactus Leader.

Big print explosion!

The golden flames spat out from the mouth of the wind speed dog and went straight to the leader of the dream song cactus.

The speed of the Dream Song Cactus Leader is not fast, and there is no way to avoid the attack of the wind speed dog.

“Dream Song!”

As the voice of the leader of the Dream Song Cactus sounded, a white shield of the Great Cause appeared in front of him.


The large character explosion was blocked by a white shield.

The leader of the Dream Song Cactus had just unleashed the Evil Wave to fight back, and another white figure appeared in front of him.

It was Pokkis!


Pokékis directly cast his charming skills, emitting countless pink lights under his body.

The eyes of the Dream Song Cactus Leader instantly turned pink, and his body involuntarily stopped attacking.

Menas also rushed over.

The endless cold in his mouth gathered, and a blue light went straight to the Dream Song Cactus.

In addition to twice the weak fire, the Dream Song Cactus is also twice as weak as the ice system and the goblin system.

Hit by the frozen beam, the Dream Song Cactus was directly frozen in an instant.

Fairy Wind!

Countless pink goblin energies appeared on the surface of Pokkis’s body.

Then the wings suddenly flapped, and the pink goblin wind blew directly towards the frozen Dream Song Cactus.

Big print explosion!

The wind speed dog was in the same room, spitting out a large golden flame from its mouth, and headed towards the dream song cactus.


Dream song cactus tries to get rid of the ice, and countless cracks are appearing on the ice surface of the body, but it has already arrived!


A huge explosion sounded, and the resulting air waves scattered the vortex formed by the tide whirlpool!

Since they all do double damage, the Dream Song Cactus is equivalent to being hit by six skills.

It’s weird to be able to hold on!

【Ding! Menus defeats Dream Song Cactus and gains 60,000 XP! 】

【Ding! Wind Speed Dog defeats Dream Song Cactus and gains 70,000 experience points! 】

【Ding! Pokékis defeats the Dream Song Cactus to gain 60,000 experience points! 】

【Ding! Pokékis upgraded to level 58! 】

In the distance, the trainer who had just escaped the disaster.

Hearing a huge explosion in the distance, it was immediately discussed.

“This battle is really fierce! Don’t know who can win in the end? ”

“Dream song cactus! After all, the Dream Song Cactus is the spirit of the former Heavenly King! ”

“Tuanzi, although the Wind Speed Dog and the unknown trainer are very strong, they are not Heavenly Kings, and there is a high probability that they will not be able to beat the Dream Song Cactus!”


At this time, Gu Yu had already come to the side of the dream song cactus that had fallen to the ground.

Take a green seed from the dream song cactus.

It is the Grass Secret Treasure Miracle Seed!

After getting the secret treasure, Gu Yu then rode away on the speeding dog.

After Gu Yu left, the trainers in the distance noticed that the tide was swirling away and the dark clouds in the sky dissipated.

Know that the battle is over.

Due to the distance too far, coupled with the influence of the tide spin skill, the crowd could not see the situation of the battlefield at all, and they dared to enter the battlefield.

Vertical and horizontal ravines, scorched black deserts, huge pits several meters deep………

When they saw the bottom of the crater, the trainers were instantly stunned!

The crowd looked at each other in disbelief!

Because, at the bottom of the crater, there is a dark dream song cactus!

“Oh my God! Is that true?! Dream song cactus lost?! ”

“How is this?! This is the spirit of the old king! ”

“Who the hell is that guy?!” He was able to defeat the Dream Song Cactus! ”


After the Mengge Cactus was knocked down and many trainers were shocked, they left the Mengge Valley.

Wait until night falls.

Two figures wearing black hoods came to the Valley of Dream Songs.

Look at the dream song cactus that fell in the deep pit.

“It should be Gu Yu’s doing!” The desert surface was damp and there were traces of flames. ”

“He should have done it.”

“I really underestimated Gu Yu’s strength!” Be able to beat Dream Song Cactus! ”

“Even if this strength is placed outside the secret realm, it is enough to serve as the Dao Qiao Lord!”

“Although such a strength is weak, it is impossible to defeat the Bishop.”

“Lord Bishop personally intervened, Gu Yu naturally inserted his wings and could not escape!”


Gu Yu was preparing to rest at this time.

After setting up the tent, Gu Yu entered the sleeping bag to rest.

September 28.

In the morning, golden sunlight illuminates the secret place of Taklamakan.

Gu Yu, who got up, continued to rush after feeding the wind speed dog and other elves.

September 30, 9 a.m.

Cross the central area of the Taklamakan Secret Realm, the central area of Gu Yulai’s Secret Realm.

In an instant, Gu Yu seemed to have come to another world.

In front of you is a gentle mountainous area, covered with green vegetation.

According to the map given to him by Yuan Hanhai, Gu Yu rode on the wind speed dog and began to hurry.

“Although I know exactly what kind of trainers the God Organization has sent to deal with me.”

“But as long as I can find Reggie Locke, the Divine Organization can’t be my opponent without all of them!”

While thinking, Gu Yu urged the wind speed dog to start speeding up.


With a loud roar, a green behemoth appeared in Gu Yu’s eyes.


This is it!

The moment he saw Bangila, Gu Yu knew that he had arrived at the sleeping place of Reggie Locke according to the information given by Yuan Hanhai, and the sleeping place of Reggie Rock was next to the residence of the Bangira Clan!

Gu Yu looked around, and then he saw a cave entrance.

“Wind speed dog! That’s the place, let’s hurry in. ”


The wind dog roared and went straight to the cave.

Gu Yu had just entered the cave, and a figure riding on a Qixi Blue Bird descended from the sky.

“Wind speed dog, it should be Gu Yu, you can’t run!”

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