Chapter 184 Super Dream?! In the name of God!!

For Yuan Hanhai’s words, Gu Yu had been mentally prepared before.

Before he joined the Dragon God Temple, Xia Pengyu had said it.

The Dragon Temple is not a superior-subordinate relationship.

Although Yuan Hanhai was optimistic about him, Gu Yu himself was also clear about the fact that Yuan Hanhai wanted to be his nanny and that the Dragon Shrine was cooperating with the Divine Organization.

Yuan Hanhai pondered for a moment, then opened his mouth to tell the information he knew.

“The organization of God is divided into two factions, and you know what you want to do.”

“Part of the goal is to continue to capture the mythical beast.”

“On the one hand, we are creating divine beasts that belong to the divine organization.”

“And the people who are in contact with me or the Dragon Temple are the people who want to create the Divine Beast.”

“This group of people used various channels to collect a lot of items related to the Divine Beast.”

“There are some preliminary results so far.”

For these words, Gu Yu was not surprised.

After all, in the world, the divine beasts had once had a great war between them.

He could obtain items related to divine beasts, not to mention the divine organizations that cooperated with countless great forces in the world.

“Anime field, Team Rocket used the dream gene to create a super dream.”

“There is no reason why the human scientists of this world can’t do it, they just don’t know what kind of elves will be created in the end?”

“Is it a super dream, or a new kind of elf…”

While thinking, Gu Yu continued to ask, “Which side of the Thunder Heaven Fang is that person?” ”

“Continue to capture the Divine Beast as the target of the faction.”

“People in this faction can be said to be crazy!”

“The current archbishop of the Order of God, Anubis, is the leader of this faction.”

Yuan Hanhai also spoke with a hint of jealousy.

Anubis is the god of death in ancient Egyptian mythology, a god of mummification and the making of animal heads related to life after death.

Appears in the tomb frescoes of the pharaoh with the head of a jackal, the figure of a human being, one saying that he is the son of the desert god Seth and his wife Nefertis, and the other is the illegitimate son of Osiris, the king of Hades among the Egyptian nine-pillar gods.

Anyway, no matter what the regiment says, Anubis is a legendary deity.

Take the name of the gods as your own name.

Suffice it to say that Archbishop Anubis is crazy, proud and conceited!

“Due to the factional classification, all three bishops except Bishop Akatsuki were deprived of the bishop order by Anubis.”

“The newly elevated three bishops, Chuck, Loki and Ares, may not be strong, but in terms of madness, they are definitely not inferior to Anubis.”

Chuck, or Chuck, is the god of rain and thunder used in Mayan mythology.

He is a lightning axe that cuts clouds and mist, causing thunder and rain.

Loki is the god of lies and trickery in Norse mythology, and the god of fire.

He is the brother of Odin, the main god of the Asa clan.

He was cunning and treacherous, often speaking out, and quarreling with other gods.

Ares is one of the twelve main gods of Olympus, the god of war, mutiny, killing and riots.

He was described as “a bloodthirsty slayer and a conqueror of a defensive castle”.

He is a symbol of strength and power, the embodiment of killing, bloodshed, and human calamity in the name of God, which can fully embody the madness of the Tu Yi faction!

Hearing Yuan Hanhai’s words, Gu Yu’s face also became solemn.

Seeing Gu Yu’s solemn face, Yuan Hanhai was not surprised.

With Gu Yuxian’s strength, if he knew that he was being targeted by such a terrifying and crazy force, there would be no reaction.

Maybe it’s not right!

“You also have to worry too much, you have to trust the security forces of the Dragon Kingdom.”

“Heavenly kings and champion-level trainers, although powerful, are not invincible.”

“In the Dragon Kingdom, as long as you are not a Class A or S level Secret Realm, in this kind of place, it is not so easy for the God Organization to attack you.”

Yuan Hanhai signaled Gu Yu to be at ease.

Whether it’s a king-level elf or a champion-level elf.

Although the strength is strong, a move can destroy the arena, and even break through a hill or even destroy a building.

But in the end it is not a god beast!

A dojo-level elf may not be able to destroy a building.

What about ten?

What about twenty?

What about thirty?

At the headquarters of the elves in a city, there were at least twenty or so elves, and the six elves were all Daoist level trainers.

In a province, there are more than fifty elven headquarters.

Add to the major universities in Japan, as well as the big forces in their respective provinces and cities.

It is not an exaggeration to say that even champion-level trainers will be killed by human sea tactics, not to mention, the Dragon Kingdom City is full of various monitoring equipment.

Once the people of God’s organization reveal their identities.

If there are no super energy elves that can move instantaneously, it is basically impossible to escape with wings.

Even if there are super energy elves, it is too much of a possibility to escape.

After all, the Dragon Kingdom is too big!

No matter how strong the teleportation is, it is impossible to teleport directly out of the Dragon Kingdom.

Listening to Yuan Hanhai’s words, Gu Yu nodded.

But there was still a tremendous pressure in my heart, and a sense of urgency.

“My hurry up and get stronger!”

“What I need most now is time!”

“Just give me time, after the evolution of Terraaura, Kosmogo, even the Divine Organization will be nothing to me!”

After talking with Yuan Hanhai, Gu Yu went back to the deputy room to rest.

October 8.

Yuan Hanhai and Yan Nianyan got on a plane and left Korla City.

After Gu Yu said goodbye to Chen Hong, he also rode on Pokékys and left.

Although the new province is located close to the border, there are also dojos.

In Urumqi City, there is a large tunnel hall of the ground department.

To get stronger!

Gu Yu is now trapped to quickly complete the tasks of the system!


This was the first impression that the Great Tunnel Hall gave Gu Yu.

From the outside, the Great Tunnel Hall is more like a steel fortress.

Tall walls, electrified barbed wire, huge iron gates, tight guards…

After Gu Yu explained his intentions, the guards took Gu Yu inside the Dao Hall.

The people who were training in the Daoist Hall obviously recognized Gu Yu as well, and then they began to discuss.

“Sleeper! I read that right! The person who challenged the main entrance today is Gu Yu! ”

“It’s really Gu Yu! I didn’t expect to see me! ”

“Oh my God! Gu Yu actually came to challenge the Dojo! You said I went up and asked for an autograph, Gu Yuwei gave it to me? ”


Just then, a woman with a beautiful face in a long blue dress came over.

“To introduce myself, my name is Miao Miao, and I am currently the acting owner of the Dadi Underground Museum.”

“Father, currently helping the Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance deal with an elven smuggling case.”

“If Gu Yu is still in a hurry, you can wait for your father to return.”

“Of course, you can also choose to have a fight with me, and I’m looking forward to a fight with you!”

Shi Miaomiao looked at Gu Yu’s gaze at Tian Tian with a hint of war.

The new province is located on the border of the Dragon Kingdom.

Plus close to the S-class secret realm, as well as other secret realms.

The number of elves is crowded.

Every year there are countless poachers, poaching elves who risk money for money.

Fighting breaks out as a common occurrence.

Therefore, the Great Tunnel Hall looks like a steel fortress.

“You are the one who defeated Kong Xingyu?”

Gu Yu asked.

Kong Xingyu won the National Collegiate Elf League singles tournament before Gu Yu turned out.

But because it was two wins in three games.

Kong Xingyu’s Ji Da eventually lost the game.

In the team competition, the biggest hero who defeated Kong Xingyu to win the championship was Shi Miaomiao!

A trace of memory flashed in Shi Miao’s eyes, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“It’s all a false name, and now I’ve been graduating almost two years ago!”

“How about Gu Yu, are you interested in fighting with me?”

“Happy to accompany!”

Gu Yu was also interested.

He also wanted to have a fight with the trainer who had defeated Kong Xingyu!

Hearing that the two were going to fight, the people in the dojo instantly looked forward to it.

“Sister Miao Miao wants to fight Gu Yu!” This is a clash of two generations of champions, I am really looking forward to it! ”

“I don’t know what elves Gu Yu will send?” I’d love to see the fairy elves! ”

“According to what the owner of the museum said, Sister Miao Miao can already take over the Daoist Hall, and Gu Yu’s strength is also very strong, I don’t know who will win and who will lose this time?”


Shi Miaomiao brought Gu Yu to the training ground behind the Great Tunnel Hall.

The training ground is about five hundred square meters, and there is no extra embellishment.

It is in the open space, drawing a few white lines, very simple.

Before the start of the game, the referee announces the rules of the game.

“In this dojo battle, the two sides took a two-on-two approach, and the two elves on either side fell to the ground first, even if it was a failure.”

“Elves on both sides are allowed to carry props.”

“After the elves appear, within 3 minutes, unless they fall to the ground, they cannot exchange elves.”

As soon as the referee’s voice fell, Miao’s voice full of warlike spirit sounded.

“Gu Yu! This time I will give it my all! ”

As he spoke, Shi Miaomiao sent out his own elves.

A turtle nearly three meters tall!

The Tutai turtle is the final evolution of the Yusanjia group and the grass seedling turtle.

The upper part of the body and jaw of the Tutai turtle are green, and it also has two large nails similar to the back, which protrude from both sides of the head, making the Tutai turtle look a bit like an ankylosaurus.

Red pupils, jagged mouth.

On the shell of the body grows an oak-like tree and three gray square-shaped stone objects.

【Tsuchidai turtle (grass) (ground)】



[Features: Lush (When HP decreases, the power of grass attributes will increase)]

【Character Talent: Brave (+ Attack, One Speed)】

【Body Value: HP(31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (25)]

[Skills: Impact, Suck, Flying Leaf Quick Knife, Earthquake, Retract into Shell, Hammer, Bite, Super Suction, Parasitic Farming, Photosynthesis, Ultimate Sucking, Flying Leaf Storm, Sword Dance, Roar, Destruction of Dead Light, Daylight Beam, Poison, Shadow Split, Light Wall, Reflection Wall, Reflection Wall, Guard, Sleep, Light Wall, Reflection Wall, Mysterious Guardian, Reward Grace, Face Force, Ultimate Impact, Sharp Stone Attack, Grass Tie, Self-Motivation, Heavy Footing, Dream Words, Hard Support]

【Carrying: None】

【Potential: Heavenly King】

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