Chapter 185: The Clash of Two Champions! Mistaken for a poacher!!

Gu Yu sent the Kirby Beast to play.


The Kirby Beast looked at the Tutai Turtle and shouted.

“Kirby Beast! Tarzan Top! ”

Tutai Gui was originally an elf who was good at defending and counterattacking, and Gu Yu directly chose to take the first shot.

Hearing Gu Yu’s command, the Kirby Beast sent out his legs and jumped high.

Then smash it down on the circle of earth turtles.

“Tsuchidai turtle! Hold on! ”


With a cry, a huge white shield appeared.


With a dull crashing sound, the Tutai Turtle blocked the Kirby Beast’s Tarzan Pressure.

“Tsuchidai turtle! Family Planning and Farming! ”

“Kirby Beast! Frozen Fist! ”

Their voices sounded almost at the same time.

White chills trapped the hands of the Kirby Beast.


With the cry of the Kirby Beast, a punch was directly punched in the white shield.


A crack appeared above the white shield, and then the crack widened rapidly.

The Tutai turtle itself is slow and four times weaker than ice.

If hit by the Frozen Fist of the Kirby Beast.

Even if you don’t get killed directly, you will be seriously injured.

Just trapped the moment the white shield shattered.

A thumb-sized seed flew out from behind the turtle and came straight to the Kirby beast.

The parasitic seed trapped the moment it came into contact with the Kirby beast.

Immediately began to take root and sprout, and the roots grew wildly on the Kirby beast.

“Tsuchidai turtle! Mallet! ”

[Hammer: Attacks an opponent with a hard body.] Self-interest will be hurt a lot. 】


With the sound of collision, the two elves screamed at the same time.



The two elves were attacked by each other and fought each other back.

“Tsuchidai turtle! Photosynthesis! ”

Shi Miaomiao ordered.

[Photosynthesis: Restore your own HP.] Depending on the weather, the amount of replies varies from one side to the next. 】

In the next instant, a green glow appeared on the body of the Tutai turtle.

HP begins to recover continuously.

“Kirby Beast! Because of the word explosion! ”


The Kirby beast let out a loud cry, and red flames appeared in its mouth.

In the next instant, a large flame of a country spewed out from the mouth of the Kirby beast and went straight to the Tutai turtle.

“Tsuchidai turtle! Hold on! ”

As soon as Miao Miao’s voice fell, a huge white shield reappeared in front of the Tutai turtle.


With the sound of the explosion of the garden, the red flames spread out!

“Kirby Beast! Belly drum! Then cast an earthquake! ”

[Belly Drum: Reduces your HP to half of your maximum HP to maximize your attack.] 】


The Kirby Beast let out a loud roar and the attack began to increase.

Then jump straight up and step on it!


The playing field cracked and shook violently at the same time.

After the Tutai turtle was hit, the color of pain appeared on its face.

One leg stood unsteadily, slammed and fell to the ground.

Although the ground system skill, it can only deal half the damage to the Todai Turtle.

But the rack is stuck if the Kirby Beast is in the abdominal drum state.

Moreover, the Tutai turtle was injured.

Photosynthesis and parasitic seeds are able to restore the HP of the Todai turtle though.

The Tutai turtle, which was four times weaker than the ice, and with the reaction force of the mallet, it was only half a step away from being knocked down.

Even if HP recovers, it is in an injured state.

After being hit by an earthquake, it will naturally feel better.

Seeing the Tutai turtle fall, Gu Yu’s cold voice sounded again.

“Kirby Beast! Snowstorm! ”

[Blizzard: Blows a fierce cold wind towards your opponent to attack. It can freeze your opponent. 】

Endless cold air gathered in the mouth of the Kirby beast.

Seeing the scene of smoke, Shi Miaomiao’s face instantly became solemn, and he hurriedly shouted: “Tutai turtle! Hurry up and cast to hold on! ”

The Tutai Turtle had just risen from the ground, and the attack of the Kirby Beast had arrived.

A snowstorm with snow chips mixed with ice crystals completely drowns the Tutai turtle!

Seriously injured, coupled with four times the weak ice, the Tutai turtle naturally had no possibility of continuing to fight.

【Ding! The Kirby Beast defeats the Todai Turtle and gains 50,000 experience points! 】

“The Tutai turtle fell to the ground and got trapped! Winner! Gu Yu! ”

Hearing the referee announce the result of the game, the crowd also began to talk.

“Gu Yu is so strong!” The Tutai turtle is already the main force of Miao Miao’s sister! ”

“The regiment knows! Will Sister Miao send out an ace next! ”

“If Sister Miao Miao is on the trump card!” Then Gu Yu should be on the Divine Beast! ”


Listening to the discussion of the people around him, Shi Miaomiao retracted the Tutai turtle and opened his mouth again.

“Gu Yu! Next I’ll send out, my strongest elf! ”

With a flash of red light, a desert dragonfly appeared above the arena.

【Desert Dragonfly (Ground) (Dragon)】

【Gender: Early】


[Characteristics: Floating (floating from the ground, so that the Congress is attacked by the ground attribute move)]

【Personality Talent: Impatience (+ Speed, – Defense)】

【Body Value: HP(31), Attack (31), Defense (27), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)】

【Skills: Dragon Claw, Splash Sand, Bite, Super Sonic Wave, Earth Rift, Brute Force, Lightning Fist, Flame Fist, Digging Hole, Dragon’s Breath, Bite, Dragon Dance, Sandstorm, Piercing Sound, Dragon Tail, Earthquake, Dragon Wave, Steel Wing, Quicksand Hell, Iron Tail, Insect Sound, Jet Flame, Destruction of Death Light, Flame Vortex, Big Character Explosion, Hold, Earth Force, Sharp Stone Attack, Ultimate Impact, Hell Burst, Due to Sunny Days, Million Tons of Heavy Punches, Meteor Swarms, Scales, Wings, Boom Waves, Dragon Swoop]

【Carrying: None】

【Potential: Heavenly King】

Heavenly King-level desert dragonfly!

Gu Yu was not surprised by Shi Miaomiao’s elves with Heavenly King-level strength.

After all, Shi Miaomiao was evaluated as being able to take over the Dojo.

A trainer of this level, if there is no Heavenly King-level elf, it is not right.

Gu Yu then withdrew the Kirby Beast.

Although the turtle was defeated by the Kirby Beast, the Kirby Beast was not in a good state.

Now trapped in the body is also entangled in parasitic seeds.

Nature cannot be the opponent of the desert dragonfly.

With a flash of red light, Pokkis was sent by Gu Yu.

After meeting Pokkis, the crowd on the sidelines frys again!

“It’s Pokkis! Symbolizes good luck and blessings symbolizes the ultimate form of Pokeby! ”

“This is the first time I’ve seen such a rare elf as Pokékis in reality!”

“Pokékys is immune to the Dragon and Ground systems!” Miao Miao sister this game is not easy to play! ”


Looking at Pokékys on the day of the game, I felt the powerful momentum coming from Pokékys.

Shi Miaomiao’s face appeared shocked, and his gaze at Gu Yu was full of disbelief!

“It’s a king-level elf!”

“How is this possible?! How old is Gu Yu? He cultivated a king-level elf?! ”

After making sure you didn’t feel the wrong thing again.

Shi Miao’s heart sank, and his face was full of seriousness.

She knows!

This game is hard to play!

“Desert Dragonfly! Boom Wave! ”

[Boom Wave: Attacks all the elves around you with the destructive power of the deafening explosion sound. 】

“Pokkis! Fairy Wind! ”

Gu Yu and Miao Miao’s voices sounded almost at the same time.


A deafening sound came from the mouth of the desert dragonfly!

The people watching the battle around them were also affected by the sub-effects.

They all looked pained and covered their ears with their hands.

The moment the desert dragonfly unleashes its boom wave.

Countless pink goblin energies appeared on the surface of Pokkis’s body.

Suddenly, the wings flared, and the pink goblin wind blew directly towards the desert dragonfly that cast the booming soundwave.

As soon as it comes out, it is to exchange injuries for injuries!



Both elves screamed, trapping the desert dragonfly of the double weak goblin lineage, obviously the more seriously injured.

“Desert Dragonfly! The ultimate shock! ”

“Pokkis! Divine Bird Slam! ”


The desert dragonfly let out a cry, and a dazzling white light emerged from within its body.

Flicking its wings like a shooting star, it went straight to Pokkis in mid-air.

Countless flying system energies, from the instant that Pokkis surged into the field, Pokkis transformed into a giant bird with a length of nearly three meters, composed of countless flying system energies.

Fight the desert dragonfly that unleashes the ultimate shock!


A huge explosion sounded, and the incomparably dazzling white light shook everyone’s eyes and exploded the air waves, blowing Gu Yu’s clothes into a hunting sound!

Outside the door of the Great Tunnel Museum.

A black sedan pulled up in front of the door and from above came down a middle-aged man in sportswear.

The man’s sideburns were already white and his skin was dark, but his eyes were shining.

The guard saw the man get out of the car and opened his mouth respectfully.

“Welcome to the inn!”

The man is the owner of the Great Tunnel Museum.

When the time flies.

Shi Gaofei listened to the guards, nodded, and stepped into the Taoist Hall.

At this moment, the voice of the guard sounded again.

“Owner, here comes an interesting challenger today.”

Shi Gaofei stopped, and a trace of curiosity appeared on his face, and he immediately inquired.

“What kind of challenge?”

“It’s a big celebrity, called Gu Yu!”

The guard replied.

Gu Yu?!

Shi Gaofei confirmed again, “Is it Gu Yu, the successor of the Heavenly King, who subdued the Divine Beast?” ”

“That’s right, it’s him.”

Hearing the guard’s answer, Shi Gaofei’s eyes flashed with an essence, and his face appeared excited.

While talking to himself, he quickened his pace.

“Divine Beast Terra Ola! Although it is only a juvenile god beast, it is also a thing to be excited about being able to fight! ”

“Which elf should I send?” Gu Yu’s strongest elf now was also estimated to be a quasi-Heavenly King level. ”

“Among my quasi-king-level elves…”


A loud explosion interrupted Goofy’s self-talk!

Suddenly, Goofy’s pupils shrank and his face changed instantly.

“The power of such an explosion has already surpassed the quasi-Heavenly King level!”

“Gu Yu is only 19 years old, and his strength may be so strong. Could it be that poachers have attacked?! ”

After running to the dojo, Shi Gaofei began to think.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that the poachers have come over!

Shi Gaofei’s tone was extremely cold, and his voice was full of killing chances!

“Oh well! Dare to kill my turf! ”

“I’m going to make sure you guys are going to be crushed to the ground today!”

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