Chapter 186 Three people become tigers! Climb the hot search! Baby Kiras!!

When Goofy arrived at the Dojo, he saw the scene on the arena and was directly stunned.

Above the original arena, a huge semicircular pit appeared.

In the middle of the pit, surrounded by a desert dragonfly has passed out as a desert dragonfly.

“The desert dragonfly fell to the ground! Winner! Gu Yu! ”

As the referee’s voice sounded, the scene instantly fryed!

“The desert dragonfly actually lost!” How strong is Gu Yu’s strength? ”

“Sister Miao Miao is 4 years older than Gu Yu!” None of them were Gu Yu’s opponents! Is this the successor of the Heavenly King?! ”

“Pokkis is also Gu Yu’s trump card, how strong would it be if it was replaced by the Divine Beast Terra Ola?”


At this time, Shi Gaofei seemed to be waking up like a dream.

His face was full of disbelief, and he looked at Gu Yu with surprise and a hint of shock.

“This Pokkith definitely has the strength of a Heavenly King, and it is impossible to defeat the Desert Dragonfly!”

“Do you have that kind of strength at 19?!”

“No wonder the Yuan Heavenly King is optimistic about Gu Yu, and the strength of the pattern is even more than the champion of the same year!”

On the field.

Looking at the fallen desert dragonflies, Miao’s eyes were full of bitterness.

Then he sighed helplessly, and the corners of his mouth revealed a bitter smile.

“Is this the gap between me and a real genius?”

Although she had defeated Ji Da led by Kong Xingyu in the National Collegiate Elf League.

But no one thought that it was Kong Xingyu who lost that time.

After all, Shi Miaomiao’s victory was only because of the rules of the National Collegiate Elf League.

Not that she is really stronger than Kong Xingyu.

This is also the reason why she will show her war intention after seeing Gu Yu.

She also wants to have a real contest with the genius in the eyes of the world!


A voice sounded.

“It should be a great game! Too bad I wasn’t able to see it! ”

The person who opened his mouth was Shi Gaofei.


“The owner is back!”

“Hello owner!”

Hearing the voices of the people around him, Gu Yu instantly understood the identity of the middle-aged man in front of him.

Shi Gaofei looked at Gu Yu in front of him, his eyes were full of emotion, and there was a hint of regret in his voice.

“Unfortunately, I didn’t come back early today, otherwise fighting with the future successor of the Heavenly King would definitely be a battle that I would remember for a long time!”

After saying that, Goofy shook his head helplessly.

“Dojo Battle, after all, is Dojo War, and under this kind of battle, it is impossible to use full strength!”

The game is to be played under certain rules.

In a way, these rules are a restriction on the trainer.

“With your strength, you can already participate in the qualifiers!”

“How’s it going? Want to consider participating in next year’s qualifiers? So maybe we’ll fight? ”

When Goofy’s voice just fell, the scene instantly fell into a dead silence!

The people around them were instantly stunned, and their faces were frozen towards Gu Yu.

Even Shi Miaomiao showed a look of surprise.

A moment later, the sound of discussion sounded instantaneously.

“Am I right?! The owner said Gu Yu can participate in the qualifying round? ”

“You heard it right! I also heard that the owner said that Gu Yu could participate in the qualifying round! ”

“Is Gu Yu’s strength so strong?” You can even participate in the qualifying round! ”



To be precise, it is just a title between trainers.

The full name is the King of Heaven Challenge Qualifier!

The registration requirement for the Tenno Challenge is to receive eight Dokan badges to participate.

But such trainers, Tulong Kingdom is too much.

Considering the population of the Dragon Kingdom more than a billion people.

At the very least, there are millions of trainers who can earn eight dojo badges.

Even because some trainers know that they used to be cannon fodder, they don’t go to the competition.

But it can’t stand it, there are always some people who have the mentality of trying it out.

Even if it is only a small part, this is a huge test for the organizers of the competition!

Consider the pressure of the competition staff.

Dragon Kingdom Elves officials also have 128 contestants selected from multiple tournaments and systems.

In addition to the normal knockout round promotion, the recommendation of the Four Kings or champions is the King of Heaven Challenge Qualifier!

A total of 128 players were selected.

The King of Heaven Challenge is quadrennial.

The qualifiers are held once a year.

Players who enter the quarterfinals can directly qualify for the King of Heaven Challenge.

No need to register again and then participate in the knockout rounds.

As a result, each obstacle attracts countless top trainers to attend.

“I haven’t considered participating in the qualifying tournament yet.”

Gu Yu really hadn’t thought about qualifying.

After all, his current strength belongs to a relatively embarrassing level.

According to the standards of the Heavenly King-level trainer.

He only had three elves to reach the Heavenly King level.

And they are all new to the Heavenly King level.

Considering the degree of inversion of the elven race, plus the rules of the game for the six elves.

Gu Yu didn’t think his current strength could go far in the qualifying round.

“Don’t be too modest!”

“Your strength is not weak, your Pokkis is very strong!”

“Presumably, the strength of Terra Ola is even stronger!”

“I’m looking forward to playing you in the qualifiers next year!”

Listening to Gao Fei’s words, Gu Yu actually wanted to say something.

Terra Ola is not as good as Pokkis………

But in the end, it was not said.

This, Shi Miaomiao also came over.

Taking out a thumb-sized and all-brown badge from his pocket and handing it to Gu Yu as if it were a miniature version of a mountain.

It is the proof of the success of the challenge to the Grand Tunnel Museum.

Badge of the Earth!

After receiving the Inland Badge, Gu Yu’s system task was already half completed.

After saying goodbye to the father and daughter of the Shi family, Gu Yu took a plane back to Zhejiang Province.

However, the storm caused by Gu Yu has not yet dissipated, but has intensified!

I don’t know who posted the photos of the game to the net.

Can Gu Yu’s strength participate in the Tianwang Challenge qualifiers?

The heat once came to the third hot search on the whole network!

Countless netizens began to have a heated discussion, and even some celebrities left comments one after another.

“Sleeper! Isn’t that true? Shi Gaofei said that Gu Yu had the strength to participate in the Heavenly King Challenge? ”

“At first glance I thought hoarding was fake! It turned out to be true! ”

“Gu Yu is only 19 years old!” Can you participate in the King of Heaven Challenge Qualifier at this age?! ”

“I now feel that the successor of the Heavenly King simply looks down on Gu Yu, and this is simply the next champion!”


And some of the comments of famous trainers @celebrities who know Gu Yu have pushed the heat to the peak this time!

Shi Gulan, owner of the Canghai Dojo Pavilion: Looking forward to playing Gu Yu in the Tianwang Challenge Qualifiers!

Archpriest of the Temple of Lokia: Shame is a trainer blessed by the god of the sea! Looking forward to Gu Yu’s performance in the qualifying round!

The owner of the Jinhui Dojo is cold as frost: Come on! Optimistic about Gu Yu entering the Heavenly King Challenge!

Gu Yu, who had just got off the plane, looked at the various tips in his mobile phone with a speechless face…

“What did I say I was going to qualify?”

“This is the real-life version of the three-person tiger?”

Expedition squad group chat.

“Ning Qiyun: @Gu Yu, is the hot search really fake?”

“Lin Xuan: @Gu Yu, Sleeper! Will the future uncles participate in the qualifiers? ”

“Yan Siyu: Crying.jpg.”

“Yan Siyu: Being pulled farther and farther away by Gu Yu’s guy!” I have to work hard! ”

“Su Qingjun: Don’t work hard! I can’t see the back of the chase, I just choose to lie flat! ”

“Kong Xingyu: Is Gu Yu’s strength improvement map fast?!” Can you all participate in the qualifying round? ”


Looking at a group of Tianzhi Pride incarnated as sand sculpture netizens, Gu Yu also replied.

“I didn’t say I was going to qualify! It’s all rumors! ”

“Lin Xuan: I am relieved to say this, I thought you really wanted to participate in the qualifying round!”

“Yan Siyu: Shock me! The original speed is fake! ”

“Su Qingjun: No! When I look at the Internet, the owner of the Goofy Pavilion says that you have the strength to participate in the qualifying tournament, which is not false! Gu Yu. ”

“Gu Yu: The owner of the Shi Gaofei Pavilion did indeed say something about Tufan.”

“Lin Xuan:???”

“Yan Siyu:???”

“Ning Qiyun:???”

“Kong Xingyu:???”


“Yan Siyu: The clown turned out to be my own.jpg.”

“Lin Xuan: Don’t say it! It is less than half a year before the end of the game, why is Gu Yu’s strength improving so fast?! ”

“Ning Qiyun: Gu Yu is really a pervert! The strength increases the speed, it is almost like riding a rocket! ”

“Kong Xingyu: Tuan Xing, I also have to work hard! Can’t be pulled too far by Gu Yu! ”

“Su Qingjun: Forget it, I’ll still lie flat!” With Gu Yu’s perverted diagram, my efforts have not yielded results! I choose to go to the end! ”

“Yan Siyu: I want to lie flat now!”


Looking at the group of friends who doubted life, Gu Yu was indeed sleepy and knew what to comfort.

Gu Yu, who got off the plane, got up and got into the taxi of Zhejiang University.

Looking at the familiar scene, recalling the fairy Ibu and other elves, Gu Yu couldn’t help but speed up his pace.

However, Gu Yu did not go home, but went to another place first.

Zhejiang University.

Trainer Professional, Director’s Office.

Xia Pengyu was sitting in a chair looking through the documents.

In the absence of Wan Qianfeng, many documents need Xia Pengyu to approve.

“The University of Melbourne wants to do an exchange student program with Zhejiang University.”

“Strange, in general, this kind of thing, sleepy should be with Yanda, Mizuki these universities?”

“Is it because of Gu Yu?”

Xia Pengyu could only think of one reason for the sleepiness when he thought about it.

“The Divine Beast is really eye-catching!” However, Gu Yu even spent very little time in school. ”

“I really thought that I could get the information of the Divine Beast by exchanging a group, it was really whimsical.”

While talking to himself, Xia Pengyu signed his name on the document to express his agreement!

Hearing a knock at the door, Xia Pengyu subconsciously opened his mouth.

“Please come in!”

With a creak, the door was opened, and a handsome-looking young man with a backpack on his back walked in.

It was Gu Yu!

Seeing Gu Yu come in, Xia Pengyu was first stunned, and then put down the work in his hand, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“Gu Yu, you’re finally back!”

“Yuan Tianwang, the gift you have prepared has been here for a long time!”

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