Chapter 187 The Horror of the First Level God! The fourth King-level elf! Terra Ora!!

After seeing Gu Yu, Xia Pengyu was also very emotional.

The first time he saw Gu Yu, he was still in the secret realm of Qiandao Lake.

From that time on, he noticed Gu Yu.

Later, Gu Yu joined the Dragon God Temple and won the National Collegiate Elf League Championship, and now he is even more evaluated by Shi Gaofei for his strength in participating in the Tianwang Challenge Qualifier!

Too fast!

Although Xia Pengyu was also a generation of masters at that time, he was also sleepy.

Gu Yu’s progress today is really too fast!

“I’d love to meet my new buddy Young-Kiras, too!”

Gu Yu’s face was smiling.

Xia Pengyu nodded, and then came from the cabinet on the table.

Removed a piece of incubator.

Through the glass of the incubator, Gu Yu could clearly see a blue-spotted elf egg.

【Baby Kiras (rock) (ground)】


【Level: Not hatched】

[Stats: Perseverance (if it becomes an abnormal state, perseverance will be taken, and the attack will be increased)]

【Character Talent: Stubbornness (+ Attack, One Special Attack)】

【Body Value: HP(31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)】

[Skills: Impact, Glare, Falling Rock, for Tooth, Bite, Stom, Primitive Force, Dragon Dance, Digging Holes, Earthquakes, Rock Collapses, Dragon Waves, Piercing Sounds, Sharp Stone Attacks, Sleeping]

【Carrying: None】

【Potential: Champion】

Looking at the attributes of Young Kiras, Gu Yu secretly sighed: “Really ashamed to be the descendant of the Yuan Han Sea ace!” From these fifteen genetic skills, you can see the horror of Yuan Hanhai Banjira! ”

Take over the incubator with the baby Kiras elf eggs.

Xia Pengyu’s voice sounded again: “The temperature in the incubator is adjusted to 35.4 ° C, the humidity is adjusted to 58%, and after 60 days, the young Kiras will be able to get out!” ”

Gu Yu nodded, and then Xia Pengyu’s eyes flashed a trace of curiosity and opened his mouth to inquire.

“Gu Yu, in next year’s qualifiers, will you be confident of reaching the top eight?”

“Do you want the teacher to accompany you to special training for a few months?”


Gu Yu’s eyes flashed a hint of helplessness.

He never said he was going to qualify!

How does everyone think he’s going to qualify?

“The owner of the museum just thinks that my strength can go to the qualifiers, but I think my strength is not enough, and I don’t plan to participate.”

Xia Pengyu waved his hand and encouraged, “Young people should have self-confidence!” Even if your strength wins the championship, it is no problem to become a top eight. ”

“And participating in various competitions can also accumulate experience for your future, and the teacher recommends that you participate!”

Hearing Xia Pengyu’s words, Gu Yu nodded thoughtfully.

After a few more small talks, Gu Yu hugged the incubator containing the young Kiras and returned to Villa 23.

At this time, Ye Mengyao and Shen Yuezhu were still in class.

When Gu Yu opened the door, he saw Ibu and the monarch snake lying on the sofa.

Seeing Gu Yu return, the two elves were also very happy.



Then Leo Lu, Ghost Si, also came down from the stairs.

The four elves surrounded Gu Yu and kept shouting excitedly.

“Everyone! Long time no see! ”

Saying that, Gu Yu released all his elves.

The originally spacious living room suddenly became very crowded.




The elves who had been reunited for a long time began to greet each other.

After simply eating something, Gu Yu immediately began to think about his next plan.

He is now being targeted by the Order of God.

The team must improve its strength as soon as possible!

Gu Yu first took stock of the props in his hand.

Czech Roma cracked horn crown.

Fragments of Gurathu.

The tip of the sword of the King of Swords.

Great White Gemstone.

Fragments of the Infinity.

Mysterious water droplets.

A set of Acura Evolution Stones.

Resurrection grass.


Lucario’s MEGA Evolution Stone.

MEGA evolution stone for biting land sharks.

Bangira’s MEGA Evolution Stone.

The MEGA evolution stone of the Water Arrow Turtle.

On the body of the cursed rune, the Miracle Seed was also given to the Monarch Snake.

Some of the remaining props, such as life orbs, leftovers, momentum shawls and the like, can probably buy about 20-30 million.

“The fastest way to quickly improve your strength is naturally to absorb the energy of the props.”

“Sticky Merone and Terra Aura are naturally the best choices.”

“If the Kirby Beast absorbs the energy of the fragments of the Infinite Pole, the movement caused by it will be a little too big!”

Kirby Beasts are elves that can be super-magnificent.

How tall is the elf after the super-giantization?

Wuji Ji that hundred meters.

Seventy-five meters of flaming worms.

Aluminum steel dragon forty-three meters.

Although the height of the Kirby Beast will grow to that height, it is thirty-five meters in the game!

What is the concept of thirty-five meters?

Generally, the height of a six-story building is about 20 meters.

Thirty-five meters, equivalent to ten stories high!

In this case, you can’t hide it.

“I am now being stared at by the God Organization, netizens and many media have been staring at me, and the extreme is still the first to count.”

“But Gera Aura can improve his strength first!”

Thinking of the smoke, Gu Yu picked up the broken horn crown of Czech Rom.

“Terra Ola come with me!”


Although Della Aura was a little confused, she still came with Gu Yu to the pool at the back of the villa.

“Terra Ola! Absorb the energy inside the crown of the horns and make yourself stronger! ”


Gera Aura nodded, and then took the gray horned crown from Gu Yu’s hand.


In an instant, blue thunder emerged from the crown of horns.

Then it kept pouring into the body of Terra Ola.

The dense system prompt sound sounded madly in Gu Yu’s ear!

【Ding! Terra Ola absorbs the broken horn crown of Czech Roma and gains a lot of experience! 】

【Ding! Gera Aura upgraded to level 46! 】

【Ding! Upgrade to level 47 with Gera Aura! 】

【Ding! Gera Aura upgraded to level 48! 】


【Ding! Gera Aura upgraded just level 60! 】

【Ding! Gera Aura upgraded to level 61! 】

Absorbing the energy of Czech Roma, Gera Ola has directly reached the level of the Heavenly King!

But that’s the end!


With a loud roar from Terraora, a pillar of light composed of golden lightning burst into the sky!

【Ding! Gera Aura upgraded to Vice Level 62! 】

【Ding! Gera Aura upgraded to level 63! 】


【Ding! Gera Aura upgraded to Vice Level 67! 】

【Ding! Gera Aura understands the skill melee combat! 】

[Melee: Give up your defense and attack your opponent’s arms.] Own defense and special defense encirclement decreased. 】

【Ding! Gera Aura comprehends the skills of the Electric Field! 】

[Electrical site: Becomes an electrical site within a certain period of time. Elves on the ground will not be able to sleep. The power of electric attributes is also increased. 】

【Ding! Gera Aura comprehends the skill Crazy Volt! 】

[Crazy Volts: Let the current cover the whole body and crash into the opponent to attack. You will also be hurt a little. 】


Wait until the golden lightning reclaims into Terraora’s body.


Feel the strength of the upside down, Terra Ola shouted with excitement!

Zhejiang University.

This has been discontinued.

Ye Mengyao and Shen Yuezhu were returning to the villa area together.

“Gu Yu, he said he was coming back today, and he doesn’t know where he is now?”

“I’m not going to the villa now, and I should have arrived at night.”

When the two girls are chatting.

Among the villa areas.

A pillar of light composed of golden thunder and lightning rushed into the sky!

In an instant, there was a lot of discussion around the mathematical circle.

“Sleeper! What’s going on?! ”

“It looks like some powerful electric elf unleashing skill!”

“A pillar of thunder light rushed up at least thirty meters!” In our school, there is only one person with such a strong electrical genie, right?! ”

“That’s right! I guess it should be Gu Yu’s Gera Ola! ”


Listening to the chatter around them, the two women looked at each other and saw the joy in each other’s eyes.

Then the second daughter accelerated and walked towards the villa area.

At this time, Gu Yu was looking at the information of Terra Ola.

【Terra Aura (Electric)】



[Features: Charge up (when attacked by the electric attribute’s move, it will take damage, but will restore)]

【Character Talent: Cheerful (+ Speed, – Special Attack)】

【Body Value: HP(31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)】

[Skills: Grasp, lightning flash, electric light, high-five, loud roar, enhance punch, random grab, volt replacement, charging, lightning fist, high-speed movement, 100,000 volts, electromagnetic waves, thunder, equal lightning punch, bodybuilding, iron tail, resurrection, sleep, snoring, dreaming, hold on, retaliation, split, grinding claws, electric balls, power grid, melee combat, electrical field, crazy volts, power rise, volt replacement. 】


【Potential: God】

“Tuan Wei is the horned crown left by the first-level god, even if it is only the residual power is so terrible!”

While sighing, Gu Yu recalled the rainbow feather of the Phoenix King.

A feather transforms the qualifications of the four elves of the Duck-billed Flame Dragon, the Wind Speed Dog, the Pokkis, and the Blazing Roaring Tiger.

At the same time, the level of the four elves has increased considerably.

“Part of the body is already strong!”

“How strong should a true first-level god be?”

Thinking of this, Gu Yu looked at Kosmogu.

Whether the Cosmogu Tuantuan evolved into the ‘sun god’ Solgareo or the ‘moon god’ Lunayala.

They are all first-level gods comparable to Czech Rom, the Phoenix King.


Cosmogu noticed just Gu Yu’s gaze and shouted in response.

At this time Cosmogu was already level 28.

Grow by absorbing the light that bathes.

Fairy Elves evolve in waiting.

Cosmogu is only level 24.

Now it’s level 28.

Can be a garden, just in terms of growth rate.

Cosmogu is still on top of Terra Ola.

However, this is also normal.

After all, from the race value to the garden, although the two elves are god beasts.

But Kosmogu is a first-class god, and Terraora is just an esper.

Just then, with a creak, the door was opened.

Then Gu Yu listened to the sound of footsteps coming from the right moment!

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