Chapter 197 The Gifted Horror Young Kiras! Hackron Medal!!

Before the incubator containing the young Kiras.

Gu Yu sat in a chair and waited for the baby Kiras to be born.

Beside him are the awakened Wind Speed Dogs, the Fairy Elves and the Gera Ola.

The three elves were staring at the incubator with Gu Yu.

As for Cosmogo, Ghost and Leo Lu.

The three little ones, perhaps because they have not yet left their infancy.

After waking up, it didn’t take long to continue to start whirring and sleeping.


Under the gaze of Gu Yu and the three elves, the first crack appeared in the elf egg of the young Kiras!

The rift widened rapidly, and almost a moment later it covered the entire elf egg.

The young Kiras, who had not yet hatched, showed the terrible power of the Yuan Han Sea Ace Spirit!


The eggshell began to break and some fragments began to fall.

Through the falling eggshell, a gray-green figure appeared in Gu Yu’s eyes.


A slightly anxious voice sounded along with the look at the young Kiras.

Just listen to the click, the eggshell completely shattered!

A young Kiras covered in mucus appeared in front of Gu Yu’s eyes!

Seeing this, Gu Yu quickly opened the glass cover of the incubator and carried the young Kiras out.

So heavy!

This was Gu Yu’s first feeling.

Baby Kiras, who is about to evolve, has a body mass of about 75 kg.

Gu Yu’s young Kiras was just born, but his weight also reached 50KG.

The equivalent is 100 pounds.

Although Gu Yu could still lift this weight, it would definitely work after a long time.

Place the young Kiras on the bed and wipe the mucus off the young Kiras’s body with the prepared dry towel.

Young Kiras is grey-green all over the body and has red scales on the abdomen.

Red eyes and a long horn on the top of the head.

Both arms are short and have one toe on each foot.

“Yuki! (ノ ̄▽ ̄)”

After the slime was wiped clean, Young Kiras looked at Gu Yu happily and shouted Gu Yu also smiled and responded, “Welcome to Tu a world!” Young Kiras! ”

Saying, Gu Yu touched the little head of the young Kiras with his hand.

The elves also gathered around at this time to welcome the young Kiras into this world!






Young Kiras heard the elf’s voice and responded happily.


Gu Yu checked the information of Young Kiras.

【Baby Kiras (Yukira) (Rock) (Ground)】



[Stats: Perseverance (if it becomes an abnormal state, perseverance will be taken, and the attack will be increased)]

【Character Talent: Stubbornness (+ Attack, One Special Attack)】

【Body Value: HP(31), Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)】

[Skills: Impact, Glare, Falling Rock, for, Bite, Stampede, Primal Force, Dragon Dance, Digging Holes, Earthquakes, Rock Collapses, Dragon Waves, Piercing Sounds, Sharp Stone Attacks, Sleeping]

【Carrying: None】

【Potential: Champion】

Level 11!

Born with level 11, it is one level higher than the sticky treasure that was made!

“Although the potential is a champion, in terms of talent, the young Kiras is probably better than the sticky dragon.”

“But this is also normal, as the trump card of the Yuan Han Sea, that Bangila is afraid that he has obtained too few props or items related to the Divine Beast.”

“Even if that Bangira didn’t become a divine beast because of this, whether it was strength or potential, it was comparable to that of ordinary quasi-gods!”

At this moment, a voice sounded, interrupting Gu Yu’s thinking.


Following the prestige, it was found that it was the young Kiras who made the voice of the field.

Gu Yu instantly understood the situation in front of him.

“Young Kiras, wait a minute, I’ll go and prepare food for you!”


Young Kiras shook his little head under the sun.

Under normal circumstances, Gu Yu will prepare food only when the elves begin to hatch and the first crack appears on the elf eggs.

But this time the young Kiras was born too soon.

Before Gu Yu had time to prepare, the young Kiras had already gone out of the field to take out the fresh milk of the young elves from the refrigerator, Gu Yu began to heat the fire for 3 minutes, and when the fresh milk was heated, Gu Yu put the fresh milk into the bottle and took it to the young Kiras.

“Young Kiras! Try it and see what Kikoku likes! ”

Young Kiras sniffed lightly and then began to drink heavily.


While drinking, the little eyes of young Kiras had narrowed.

It can be seen that the young Kiras likes the taste of the special baby elf milk.

The young Kiras, who had eaten and drunk enough, did not directly enter the rest mode like a normal elf.

Instead, he quickly mingled with the fairy elves, Leolu, Kosmogu and other elves.




Looking at the little guy jumping up and down, Gu Yu smiled at the corner of his mouth.

“Can I only say that it is really worthy of being a first-class god?” Even if you don’t train, Cosmogo’s getting stronger smoke is so fast! ”

“Look at this, there’s not much time left before it turns into Cosmos!”

Aside from increasing his level to 36, Cosmogu can be said to have changed from when he was born.

And the same is true of evolving into Cosmosm.

In the game “Ultimate Moon”, this is how Cosmosm is introduced.

While absorbing light, it grows while breaking off.

The golden shell was surprisingly hard.

It is no exaggeration to say that Cosmogu is really a typical elf who will succeed in his hard work.

Just wait and wait, wait for Cosmogu to absorb enough power, and then evolve.

Only this time has passed, and it is indeed a bit long.

“However, I have the crystal of Deokisith in my hand, as long as I absorb the cosmic power contained in it.”

“The time between the evolution of Cosmom should be skipped and directly evolved into the ‘sun god’ Solgareo or the ‘moon god’ Lunayala.”

“At that time, even if I am trapped to level 100, the horror of the first-level god will be enough for me to resist the strength of the god organization!”

Recalling the god beasts such as Regiccas, Gulado, and Reggie Lock, Gu Yu looked forward to the evolution of Kosmogu more and more.

Then Gu Yu remembered Candice.

“This woman is really powerful, and I know that I can’t not give face to the top management of Zhejiang University.”

“After the regiment, I don’t believe she dares to do it!”

Gu Yu was very confident in his and Xia Pengyu’s strength, which was why he agreed to Candice.

And the Christmas dinner scene, and trapped this two of them.

Candice alone couldn’t make any waves.

As for the students of Melbourne Inn…

During this time, Xia Pengyu had already checked and determined that there was no problem.

“If she wants to do it, the biggest problem, the sleepiness must be how to solve me, but how to get out.” 」

“Leaving the Dragon Kingdom by plane and returning to Turkey and Macao is definitely a difficult way.”

“The closest neighboring country to Zhejiang Province is the Neon Country or the Stick Country.”

“But this distance, even for elves flying at the speed of sound, takes hours.”

“Coupled with the presence of Xia Pengyu, I believe that Candice’s strength is so strong!”

“This woman, because she is still ready to play the beauty plan, do the set of sugar-coated shells?”

Thinking of it, the corners of Gu Yu’s mouth smiled.

Sugar-coated shells!

The Dragon Kingdom Ancestor already knew how to deal with it!

Icing to eat.

The shell hit straight back.

Gu Yu was worried now, the icing prepared by Candice was big enough!

Wait until the young Kiras is tired and rests on the side.

Gu Yu then took eight badges and prepared to go out.

Since today is Saturday, there is no training.

During this time, he had been busy training, and he did not go to the headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance in Zhejiang Province to get the Haklong Medals and the Fast Dragon Medals.

Half an hour later, Gu Yu rode the wind speed dog to the headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance.

Looking at the eighteen-story building in front of him, Gu Yu’s eyes flashed a trace of memory.

The first time, when he came here he was still there for the Mini Dragon Medal.

Now he was about to become a Heavenly King-level trainer!

When Gu Yu walked into the Alliance Headquarters Yin Hall, the originally noisy hall instantly fell into a dead silence!

Ran Garden, instant fryer!

At the same time as countless discussions sounded, everyone pulled out their mobile phones and pointed them at Gu Yu.

“Oh my God! It’s Gu Yu! He was 407 to receive the Hakron Medal! ”

“He’s already got eight badges!” Today should be here to collect the Hackron Medal! ”

“Gu Yu’s strength is already invincible among college students, and he knows if he can win the Fast Dragon Medal?!”

“No college student in the history of the Dragon Kingdom has ever won a fast dragon medal, and Gu Yu should be the most promising one!”


The staff saw that the situation was under control and had no choice but to resort to unconventional means.

When the elves of strong strength were released, the scene returned to calm.

At this time, a female staff member also found Gu Yu and asked Gu Yu about his intentions.

“Mr. Gu Yu, did you come to the Alliance Headquarters today to collect the Hakron Medal?”

Gu Yu nodded.

Seeing Gu Yu nodding, the female staff member continued to reply: “Mr. Gu Yu, if you are collecting the Hakron Medal, you can go to the second floor to collect it if you carry eight Daoist badges. ”

“In addition to the Hackron Medal Team, I also want to get a Fast Dragon Medal, how to evaluate?”

As Gu Yu’s voice fell, the originally quiet Injuk fryer again!

“Sleeper! Gu Yu really came to get the Fast Dragon Medal! ”

“If Gu Yu takes the Fast Dragon Medal!” That’s really a record-breaker! ”

“Awesome! Forgive me for reading less! At this time, in addition to the, the really regiment knows what to say! ”


When the female staff heard Gu Yu’s words, they were stunned at first, their faces were full of disbelief, and they looked at Gu Yu’s eyes with shock!

Although she and everyone in the audience already knew that Gu Yu’s strength was very strong.

Shi Goofy believes that he has the strength to participate in the Tianwang Challenge Qualifiers.

Full circumference strength to get the Fast Dragon Medal.

But guessing is always guessing!

19-year-old to get the Fast Dragon Medal!

When this scene really happened, the impact on people was huge!

At this point, female workers also seem to wake up like a dream.

“Mr. Gu Yu, the Fast Dragon Medal needs to be personally certified by the minister!”

“Wait a minute, I’ll ask the minister to come out!”

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