Chapter 198 The whole country is shocked! Hot search first! Fast Dragon Medal!!

A moment later, the bald man Cui Jingsheng, led by the staff, came to the hall.

Looking at Gu Yu in front of him, Cui Jingsheng’s eyes flashed a trace of emotion.

Half a year ago, he saw Gu Yu, and Gu Yu still came to the Elf Center to collect the Dream Medal.

Now they have all received the Fast Dragon Medal!

“Gu Yu, follow me!” I’ll take you to the exam! ”

After speaking, Cui Jingsheng turned and left, followed by Gu Yu.

Two men came down to the fourteenth floor.

The fourteenth-floor hall is very empty, except for a geotechnical arena of thousands of square meters, which is surrounded by only a few rows of metal seats.

There were a few somewhat old computers on the side of the field, and a few staff members had already turned on the computers at this time.

Prepare to record Gu Yu’s next rental of Cui Jingsheng’s game.

After coming to the arena, Cui Jingsheng introduced.

“Dragon Medal Assessment, there are no other requirements, as long as you can defeat my Heavenly King-level elves.”

As soon as the words fell, Cui Jingsheng sent out his own elf Pang Yan Monster.

The main body of the elven is made up of a huge and four dark blue rocks, and an orange crystal stone in the chest and in the center of the body.

The head is surrounded by an orange crystal that runs from the top of the head to the center of the eyebrow to the chin.

Its head is also surrounded by an orange crystalline stone on the left and right.

The eyes are yellow outer rings, orange inner and black pupils.

【Pang Rock Monster (Rock)】



[Characteristics: Sturdy (Even if attacked by the opponent’s moves, it will be knocked down by a single blow.) The one-hit kill move also has no effect)]

【Character Talent: Naughty (+ Attack, One Special Defense)】

【Body Value: HP(31), Attack (31), Defense (27), Special Attack (31), Special Defense (31), Speed (31)】

[Skills: Throwing sand, impacting, hardening, power gems, invisible rock, shooting down, iron wall, head hammer, rock critical hit, sandstorm, sharp stone attack, throwing mud, destroying dead light, quake, daybeam, self-explosion, sleeping, rock avalanche, snoring, holding, holding, charming, dreaming, hard bracing, brute force, rock blockade, earth force, ultimate impact, cannon light cannon, iron head, heavy impact, heavy stampede, hell spike, stomping feet, punch, meteor beam, gravity, shooting down, shadow doppelganger, poison, rock grinding, awakening power]

【Carrying: Rock incense】

【Potential: Heavenly King】

Gu Yu then released his own elven wind speed dog!

“Pang Monster!”


As soon as the two elves met, they showed their will to fight.

“Wind speed dog! Quickly! ”

“Pang Yan monster! Shake! ”

“Gu Yu, if you think that you can defeat my Pang Yan monster by relying on speed, you are very wrong!”

Cui Jingsheng’s voice is full of confidence.

The moment the wind speed dog figure disappeared in place.

“Pang Monster!”

Pang Yan screamed, and the two paws in front of him quickly lifted up and stomped down!

At this time, the wind speed dog appeared in front of Pang Yan’s monster.

Noticing Pang Yanwei’s movements, the wind speed dog jumped high.


A loud sound sounded, and the entire rock field began to shake, and with the Pang Rock Monster as the center, huge cracks appeared.

In the next instant, the voices of the two sounded with the same field.

“Wind speed dog! Dragon Waves! ”

“Pang Yan monster! Power Gems! ”

[Power Gems: Attack your opponent with a gem-like glow. 】

Although the wind speed dog relies on speed to dodge the earthquake attack, the wind speed dog cannot fly!

Wind speed dogs in mid-air, can only wait to fall.

This is also the reason why Cui Jingsheng has the confidence that the wind speed dog cannot rely on speed to defeat the Pang Yan monster!

The energy of the rock system gathered in front of Pang Yan’s body, and an earthy yellow gem appeared out of thin air.

A yellow light went straight to the wind speed dog that was trapping on the ground.

At the same time, the purple shock wave in the mouth of the wind speed dog also went straight to the Pang Yan monster!



With the sound of two explosions, the Dragon Wave and the Power Gem both hit each other.

The wind speed dog was blasted by the shock wave, and just landed in mid-air, and Cui Jingsheng’s voice sounded again.

“Pang Yan monster! Shadow Field! Cast a sharp stone attack! ”

[Sharp Stone Attack: Attack by piercing your opponent with a pointed rock. Easy to hit the siege. 】

“Pang Monster!”

The Pang Yan Monster shouted, and then dozens of Pang Yan Monsters appeared in the old rock arena.

Clusters of white light appeared on the surface of the body, and then turned into small palms, sharp rocks like blades.

“Wind speed dog! Hold on! ”

As soon as Gu Yu’s voice fell, a huge white shield appeared in front of the wind speed dog.

The overwhelming rock rain also fell towards the wind speed dog at this time.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Countless sounds of gold and iron sounded, and the sharp stone attack was blocked by a white shield.

“Pang Yan monster! Meteor beam! ”

[Meteor Beam: Gather cosmic power in Turn 1 to improve your special attack, and Turn 2 to attack your opponent.] 】

This is the effect in the game, but really in reality it will certainly be the effect of sleepiness.

Countless dark blue dots of light appeared in front of the Pressure Pangyan Monster.

Immediately absorbed into the body by Pang Yan Monster, in the next instant, a pillar of light mixed with dark blue light of earth yellow went straight to the wind speed dog.

“Dodge away!” Spray flames! ”


The wind dog barked and disappeared into place.

In the blink of an eye, it appeared among the many doppelgangers of Pang Yan Monster.

In the blood basin, golden flames converged.

An ocean of flames went straight to the surrounding doppelganger.

Several doppelgangers were directly transformed into nothingness by the jet flames.

Seeing that Pang Yanwei’s identity was gradually eliminated, Cui Jingsheng continued to give orders.

“Pang Yan monster! The Power of the Earth! ”

[Earth Force: Unleashes Earth Force at the feet of your opponent.] will reduce the opponent’s special defense. 】

“Pang Monster!”

With the sound of the Pang Yan monster.

With a click, the ground under the dog’s feet cracked instantly.

“Wind speed dog! Move at high speed! Dodge! ”

The wind speed dog turned into an illusion, dodging the power of Pang Yan Monster.

In the next instant, with a bang, a huge force gushed out from the ground.

At this time, the wind speed dog had already arrived at a distance of less than three meters in front of Pang Yan’s monster.

This distance, for a dog with extremely fast wind speeds, is a matter of sexual blink of an eye!

“Pang Yan monster! Heavy shock! ”

“Wind speed dog! Stare! Then perform melee combat! ”

[Melee: Give up your guard and assault into your opponent’s arms.] Your own defense and special defense are lowered. 】

The wind speed dog’s gaze narrowed, and in an instant, Pang Yan Monster stopped exerting a heavy impact because of fear, and was directly stunned and trapped in place.


The wind speed dog screamed and rushed towards Pang Yanwei’s Tongtian.

The claws are like two sharp blades constantly waving.

“Pang Monster!”

Pang Yanwei’s scream sounded, and Pang Yanwei was directly shot away.

With a thud, Pang Yan fell heavily to the ground, smashing the rock field into a large pit.

The Pang Yan monster in the center of the pit was unconscious and awake.

Pang Yan Monster’s defense was the only one less than ’31’, plus Pang Yan Monster was twice as weak as the fight, and the regiment ate a wave of dragon waves.

Naturally, there is no possibility of continuing the fight.

【Ding! Wind Speed Dog defeats Pang Yan Monster and gains 150,000 experience points! 】

The staff on the side, although they already knew that Gu Yu might win.

But when he really saw Pang Yanwei fall to the ground, he was still directly stunned in place, his mouth was wide open, and his eyes on the arena were full of shock!

Seeing Pang Yanwei fall to the ground, the expression on Cui Jingsheng’s face was not lost, but appreciated.

Looking at Gu Yu’s eyes, Tian Tian was also full of appreciation.

“Pang Yan monster lost! Congratulations! Gu Yu! ”

Listening to Cui Jingsheng’s voice, the staff on the side seemed to wake up like a dream at this time.

“Oh my God! The minister actually lost! ”

“19 years old! Gu Yu won the Fast Dragon Medal at the age of 19! The picture is a new record! ”

“Think about my 19 years old, and then look at Gu Yu, I feel like I’m really a scumbag!”


Cui Jingsheng signaled the staff to bring the medal, while walking toward Gu Yu and waiting for Cui Jingsheng to come to Gu Yu’s body, the staff also took the medal that had been prepared earlier to Gu Yu’s body.

After receiving two medals from the staff member, Cui Jingsheng then handed them to Gu Yu.

A silver disc the size of a palm.

The front and back of the plaque are each engraved with the motif of a quasi-god Hakron.

This plaque represents the award of eight dojo badges.

It is a symbol of the strength of the field trainers.

Hackron Medal!

The other disc is also the size of a palm, only trapped is the golden disc with a quasi-god dragon carved on the front and back of the golden card.

It is the Fast Dragon Medal!

If the Hackron medal, it represents a strong trainer.

The Fast Dragon Medal represents the true top trainer of the Dragon Kingdom!

“Gu Yu, look at you, I really feel old!”

“The future is yours! Come on! ”

Cui Jingsheng’s voice was full of optimism for Gu Yu.

Gu Yu also responded politely: “Minister Cui, I am strong now, but I am not old at all!” ”

After a few more small conversations with Cui Jingsheng, Gu Yu left the headquarters of the Dragon Kingdom Elf Alliance in Zhejiang Province with the Haklong Medal and the Fast Dragon Medal.

Although Gu Yu left, the storm caused by it continued to spread.

When the official account of the Zhejiang Dragon Kingdom Alliance released congratulations to Gu Yu for winning the fast dragon medal.

Without pouring ten minutes of time, Gu Yu directly rushed to the first hot search!

Break the record! Gu Yu won the Fast Dragon Medal at the age of 19!

The comment area of the hot search has triggered heated discussions among countless netizens.

“Awesome! Except for the awesome! I’m sleepy and know what to describe! ”

“19 years old! Only 19 years old! If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I would have dreamed of having such a genius trainer! ”

“This strength improvement is also too fast, the Yuan Heavenly King really found a successor to the Hanging Explosion Heaven!”


And some famous trainers and celebrities who knew Gu Yu also commented on the village one after another.

The owner of the Canghai Taoist Museum, Shi Gulan: Won the Fast Dragon Medal at the age of 19! Unimaginable!

Shi Gaofei, the owner of the Grand Underground Pavilion: I am now looking forward to playing Gu Yu in the qualifying round!

Wan Qianfeng, President of Zhejiang University: I am proud of such an excellent student as Gu Yu of Zhejiang University!

Zhejiang Yin campus.

Candice looked at Gu Yu, who was on the hot search, and a proud smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

“Tuan is a trainer I look up to!”

“It’s Christmas soon!” Gu Yu! You can’t escape! ”

“I must bring you down!”

As she talked to herself, Candice’s eyes grew hotter!

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